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Topic: Are you for or against seatbelts in school buses
CampLight's photo
Thu 04/12/07 08:28 PM
Being a kid I loved roaming the bus wile we drove around. I ****ed the
seats so they made a loud noise when people sat on them, I’d throw
supper balls out the window and watch it bounce around the intersection,
I would exit out the back emergency door, I even shoved a seat out the
window one time.
Somebody get a seat belt for that kid before the driver throws him out
the side emergency door again!!

MsTeddyBear2u's photo
Thu 04/12/07 08:29 PM
yes they should have seat belts.Its hard to believe they dont.
Pity money is more important than our chidrens safety.:cry:

Native_Grl39's photo
Thu 04/12/07 08:34 PM
I really never understood why they don't have seatbelts!!!! If they save
lives in cars...doesn't it only make sense that they would save lives on
buses too...Just think in any bus accident you are looking at kids or
people flying through the air like projectiles and they are also most
likely to be involved in roll-overs...ejecting kids!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Seatbelts only make sense!!!!!!!!!


CampLight's photo
Thu 04/12/07 08:52 PM
What about trains & subways & trolley cars?

Native_Grl39's photo
Thu 04/12/07 08:55 PM
Well anyplace that will make people safer....I don't see why not!!!!!!

Just think what happens to people when any of them are involved in an
accident and you have your answer!!!!!!!!

drinker flowerforyou

Meeshep's photo
Thu 04/12/07 08:59 PM
Actually my son does wear a seatbelt. He's on the short bus as you would
say. He's very hyper, has ODD with learning disabilities (did I put
enough I's in there? lol) He's had to wear a horness for the past couple
yrs but has now graduated to just a seatbelt. Even in a reg carseat I
HAD to have a fivepoint harness system. He could get out of anything if
not, wiggle out.

lily38's photo
Thu 04/12/07 10:31 PM
I also drove a school bus for years. I wish all school district would
make seatbelts mandatory. It should be criminal NOT to have them.
Especially if you could see how some of those drivers operate those

Greyhound's photo
Fri 04/13/07 01:10 AM
As a school bus driver myself I have mixed feeling about seatbelts in
the 72 passengers. What if (God forbids) you have to do an emergency
evacuation due to a fire in the bus. How on earth can one person (the
driver) get all those kids out of their seatbelts and get them out
safely. I think it's a damned if you do and damned if you don't
situation here.

transientmind's photo
Fri 04/13/07 01:29 AM
So true, Greyhound. As someone who's dangled upside down over broken
glass when my truck flipped end over end, I'd say yes...but equip
drivers with the same seatbelt knives that rescue professionals have.
It's not a magic bullet but it might help.

LAMom's photo
Fri 04/13/07 01:35 AM
Seats belts should be manditory,,, 12 Years ago my sons school bus
crashed and several kids including my son were injured due to be thrown
across the bus,,, If seats belts were in place
these children would not have been injured,,, yet 13 years later and
children dying everyday and still nothing is done
about it,,, this disgusts me,,,,

Barbiesbigsister's photo
Fri 04/13/07 02:04 AM
I have a big issue with the treatment the school bus drivers EVERYWHERE
receive. I just betcha they try to blame that accident on the driver for
sure.frown Here in hillbilly hell federal funds have been spent by the
city counsel. cute hey?mad classrooms are packed beyond capacity and
the schools are NASTY with roaches, rats and mold. OF COURSE we need
seat belts for the most precious cargo out there. OUR WEE
ONES.flowerforyou My lil britches rode the school bus for several
years. Now i am fortunate enough to live 1/2 mile from his
school.smokin so mom is his daily chauffeur. To all school bus drivers
out there I SALUTE YOU!!!drinker drinker

Greyhound's photo
Fri 04/13/07 02:26 AM
Thank you Barbiesbigsister. I needed that.:heart:

RainbowTrout's photo
Fri 04/13/07 06:09 AM
I drove a school bud for two years and would have loved to have seat
belts for the kids. In other states they have bus monitors who ride with
the kids. I had 70 kids on the bus who I had to be responsible for and
drive the bus, too. I wasn't allowed to touch the kids in any way; Could
not let them off at any place other than where was approved and if they
misbehaved I was supposed to stop the bus even if it meant being late to
be at school when it started. Luckily, we did get the extra mirrors. A
driver has to be alert continuously and when that stop sign comes out it
just as legal as any other stop sign. I hope someday Arkansas makes it
mandatory to have bus monitors.

Barbiesbigsister's photo
Fri 04/13/07 06:50 AM
You betcha Greyhound...heres some flowers to show my appreciation to
youflowerforyou flowerforyou flowerforyou flowerforyou
flowerforyou flowerforyou flowerforyou

and for every bus driver out there heres to you!flowerforyou
flowerforyou flowerforyou flowerforyou flowerforyou
flowerforyou flowerforyou flowerforyou

jeanc200358's photo
Fri 04/13/07 07:01 AM
Hmmm..here's something that just came to mind....how about automatic
padded lapbars -- like that have on the rides at amusement parks -- that
can be quickly electronically (or in case of electronic malfunction)
manually unlocked in the event of an emergency evacuation?

Have them installed, have training class in school and on the bus to
teach each child how to unlock the bar. That way, it would be one bar
for ...what? Three across? I don't recall how many kids can sit in one
row....but anyway, would restrain them and would also keep from having
to help each individual child manage a seatbelt.

Plus, seatbelts get twisted, and some kids would have difficulty
fastening them; you'd have to make sure each and every kid was fastened
in, etc.

But with the lapbar..I mean, "every" kid knows how those work from
riding on the amusement rides!

I guess the only design problem would be space considerations. But that
could be worked out, I'm sure.

One consideration is expense and I read somewhere that on average 11
kids per year get killed in school bus accidents, versus the hundreds of
thousands in car accidents. So they say that doesn't justify the cost. I
think saving one life justifies the cost...some things you just can't
put a monetary limit on.

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