Topic: Toaster Girl
Tuck4x4's photo
Fri 11/28/08 09:55 AM
Edited by Tuck4x4 on Fri 11/28/08 09:56 AM
Folks, I realize Im putting three different threads up here in just a few minutes. This is stuff I've written in the last week and have been looking for a place to post. Quite frankly I'm trying to get more people to check out the blog. The base idea for the blog is to write about internet dating and how strange relationships are nowadays.

This is a true story btw.

I met her on about a year and a half ago. Her name was Stacy and we got along wonderfully. Its very seldom that I meet anyone attractive to me that lives nearby... and she lived only 45 minutes away. We talked for a couple of nights online and she made the suggestion that we meet and see if the chemistry continued in person. So I said yes.

The next day she drove the 40 miles from her town to mine, and we met at my apartment. Yes, I know, big mistake, but I'm a big strong guy right? What do i have to worry about?

First impressions were good. She was very pretty and and had an innate sensuality that I look for and am very attracted too. She came across as very shy and a bit quiet, but she was obviously intelligent and was able to converse. Game on! Maybe this would be a success!

We had a wonderful date. We visited the Dallas Museum of Fine Arts, had a very early dinner, and returned to my apartment. We agreed to meet again, and Stacey left for home.

I picked my son up from my ex-wife's and we settled in to watch some TV.

Roughly an hour later, there was a knock at my door. I opened it and there was Stacey!

"Hi," she said, "Look, I want to tell you something."

"Oh hell," I thought, "Here it comes..."

"I think your my soul mate, I know that's fast, but I knew it when I first saw you and I want to ask you a favor."

I asked her what that might be and she said, "Please don't hurt me. I may be in love with you already and If your not going to be in love with me, please let me down now before I get hurt."

I explained to her that, althought I had a wonderful time on our date, I was not in love with her and I did not feel that we were soulmates. Im a bit old fashioned, and while I believe love at first sight is possible, It hasnt happened for me. I told her that I needed to put my son to bed, and I asked her to leave.

She called me 5 or 6 times on her way home, but I did not take the calls.

Over the next week she called several times a day, but I ignored them all.

One week after our date, I was sitting in my living room when I heard a knock. I opened the door and there she was, standing outside my apartment holding a box with a toaster in it.

"Hello," she said. "you haven't been answering my calls. Look, I noticed when I was here last that you did not have a toaster, so I bought you one. Would you please call me?"

I reasserted my feelings about her and stated plainly that she was creeping me out and I would not be staying in touch.

She put the toaster down at her feet, told me thank you, keep the toaster, and left.

My son suddenly appeared and yelled excitedly, "WOW Daddy! Is that a toaster?"

I said yes, and he said, "YAY we can make waffles! Who gave it to you?"

I told him Toaster Girl had been here and he has called it the Toaster Girl Waffle Cooker ever since!

The last time I heard from Toaster Girl was roughly a month later. While sitting at my computer I recceived a text from her;

"Hey, this is Stacey, can I move in with you?"

My answer was; "Sure, but I'll need a stainless steel Fridge to match the toaster you got me."

I haven't heard from her since....

no photo
Fri 11/28/08 12:10 PM
Can we say desperate or maybe emotionally needy and might I add- very dependent. Great story.bigsmile

ArtGurl's photo
Fri 11/28/08 12:13 PM
Thank goodness you didn't have a rabbit ... scared