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Topic: novice exploration, , , ,
armydoc4u's photo
Wed 04/11/07 06:02 PM
so to start with what will i say
given this charge to mark the day
maybe how the fog rolled in with the dew?
nah, to cliche' even for you.
to aspire, and set fire
to the whole of the soul
be bold when perceived
contemptable and low
will not supplicate myself to anyone
no matter the stage
you can not dictate my actions
and your reactions a fake.
political garbge that im sure
has stayed like the air
has never cared
or i found it rare
the simplist of task
forms quite a mass
efficient for the legitimor
who's compensations a slap
now we evolve and we solve
but the pundants stay the same
visions what once had been
properly restored new name
intriguing to me how common the answers
and as a fact sir-
now that i can hear the laughter
dust equals us all and
you truely dont matter!

armydoc4u's photo
Wed 04/11/07 06:03 PM
gone away another day myself I find still absent
i study and teach to console the searchers need
but in the end Im cautious to think

and there we are its not been far
the day when the airs been deflated

and i say 'oh come to me in the darkness to sleep
ive traversed thru the dark what else can i see'
do me no justice where its not due to me
grant me no pardon from the hung jury's plea
set me off in my direction the sun on my back
so my shadow can guide me on eternities path
go i will, to a place ive never seen
among the pillars of time
and what shall i find
but a peace with in my mind
that the day is not done to me

armydoc4u's photo
Wed 04/11/07 06:05 PM
live, live like you can feel
the touch of anothers heart you need to heal
dont cry, you have nothing to fear
peace is the action that leads to dispare
involved in a cause that has no destination
take quiet your leave from the congregation
stand and speak with a voice for the land
empower yourself, be bold or be damned
conforming can not be an option
and is rarely good for the soul
give no rest to the,,wicked man you

armydoc4u's photo
Wed 04/11/07 06:32 PM
i seen in you a little thing
this child who dreams of levity
i see future and hope and magnificant things
oh child who dreams of levity
and though my time has already past
Im not the last- of a dying breed
disciples all- who propel to a higher seat
disturbed i suppose as the critics
amplifying themselves
battling their own demons
while they cast you to hell
its all imagination
your dedication be true
those things ive seen in me
i can not see in you
ive been dull and bored
weathered like a stone
lifeless too im told
could chill you to the bone
theres a temper in me
for whatever reason may be
that thrives confontation
sets to my foundation
feel the course
of life through your veins
no knowledge of tommorrows
tortures and pains
mentor me this
in only two phases
the begining and end
of my unwritten pages.


hells_angel07's photo
Wed 04/11/07 06:35 PM
that is long, and i like it

armydoc4u's photo
Wed 04/11/07 06:37 PM
one if by damnation
two a soul beseiged
but so many are the obstacles
set in front of me
impailed are many visions
of the evolutionary's plight
which soared above my own
cast down by their size
into a heated river
where even the righteous swarm
content inside themselves to be
what they had been warned
confussion beget insain
and insain did consume my mind
all was surreal
but for me there was no time
seconds were as days
and days turned into years
afflicted by niavety
that brought them to dispair.


armydoc4u's photo
Wed 04/11/07 06:51 PM
standing confused and naked?
thoughts are not your own
can a fire appear complacent
or a scream sound like a moan
the answers to life
are out there to own
but the knowledge you attain
you seek it alone
theres no golden stamp
you can raise to make a mark
being true to yourself
its the only real art
take your bits and pieces
from all that may be
in there lies the truth
that only you can see
be tenascious to-
learn on a whim
be audacsious when
you do it to them
take confidence and courage
along for the fight
and pray like hell
its a long peaceful night


EmotionalTurbulance's photo
Wed 04/11/07 06:56 PM

wonderful to see you pouring out...

armydoc4u's photo
Wed 04/11/07 07:05 PM
writing is like creation
this sad poet once said
but in his tales of toughtlessness
arrogant was his head
when he spoke of life
and all his grandjoure
trivally encased in
his supossed stature
brought meaning to the sorrow
of a neglected space and time
transcending all emotions
to express every kind
he evaded his discipline
in his word too discript
while writing to me, i guess after all
is what you take from it.


armydoc4u's photo
Wed 04/11/07 07:11 PM
thanks gurl, their all different ones, not one long one shees i couldnt
write one that long if i tried to.

nene, ive had them, but never really let anyone see them before. theres
some good people here, and everyone seems o be sharing so i thought,
what the f**k heres a poem for them, then it turned into another and
another and....well you know. thanks for taking the time to read them,
im honored, truely.


armydoc4u's photo
Wed 04/11/07 07:26 PM
im not this
im not that
im not your stories matter of fact
im not quiet
im not loud
im not the color of the crowd
im not smart
im not dumb
im not the equal of their sum
im not bold
im not ashamed
im not a person with a common name
im not enlighten (yet)
im not purplexed
im not unsure whats to happen next
im not, im not , im

and me is doc

armydoc4u's photo
Wed 04/11/07 07:29 PM
ive never been in peril for me
but then again peril for you isnt peril for me
ive never been in peril for me
cause peril itself will perish by me
ive never been in peril for me
ive never been, in peril


armydoc4u's photo
Wed 04/11/07 07:40 PM
all i want is to be left alone
with my thoughts on the way it ought to be.

quote not a poem.


armydoc4u's photo
Thu 04/12/07 07:02 PM
i see you walking pale before a setting sun
and for what, all lost? you wonder
into yourself you are the only one
i see a break downs coming
and i dont know why
i see the clocks winding down
its just a matter of time
you have lost all respect from me
when i speak you pretend to listen
you have lost all espect from me
did you think that i would listen
ive walked the streets that people share
witnessed all of their dispair
and you have pulled us under
in all the places people roam
lost in thought, stand alone
youve pull me under
what i need
what i believe
is the truth
where im not left to wonder
what i see
is what i believe from you
you can pull me under
all i need
is best left to me its true
its true

armydoc4u's photo
Fri 04/13/07 05:10 PM
the place that i dwell
the religion of me
the god who believes
trusts in me
no pain of this hell
excused misunderstood
the true nature of good
if tolerance should
arise all who fell
all about love
think its from above
not a harmful gentle shove
think i know me well
sensicle compassion
logical sums
free spirit runs



armydoc4u's photo
Sun 04/15/07 06:17 PM
lost in the quandry of electronical minds
pressing to the ground swells
alone under the glow of
irredescent cresent moon
tide carry me outward
spreading my self on the sea
to nature i spend
and my lover be good to soon

prussia's photo
Sun 04/15/07 06:28 PM
wow ... Doc what can i say WOW

So much going on in your brain and in a heart

Bravo :^)

EmotionalTurbulance's photo
Sun 04/15/07 06:59 PM

I am happy you still feel comfortable enough to share,and keep going!

Light to you!

armydoc4u's photo
Sun 04/15/07 09:46 PM
theres always more words
more stories ive heard
rewinding my mind
to complex but simple times
its not me, its what i do
all alone i think of you
no glory enough,
now ive said to much
whats my shame?
the world dont know my name
and why should that matter
to a mixed up mad hatter
so much good to give away
logical knowledge of tumoltuos days
ive taken it on myself
to speak the truth, that no one sells
dillused with grandoure
dont think i'm so sure
of the confidence of right
you faced to see the light
moral compose that spins
because you feel you have to win
all in the name of you
so tell me what your supposed to
try to make me walk your crooked line
no thanks to you, im fine
fluid in my journeys end
to reach the place with friends
alone for now i'll walk my walk
until the day when righteousness talks
and there you'll be
for all to see
the brighter, the sun, the heart of me.


armydoc4u's photo
Sun 04/15/07 09:59 PM
just a quick note to say thanks ladies.

i really do appreciate your kind words.

hopefully we can keep this up for a while (no pun meant)

thanks again for taking the time to read me.


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