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Topic: Laid Back
lilith401's photo
Mon 11/24/08 06:15 AM
This is a term used often, too often, in profiles. It's not a positive thing for me....:tongue:

It's a term that means varied things to people...

I'm curious as to what you think when you read this word, or what you meant when you wrote it, if it's in your profile.

AllenAqua's photo
Mon 11/24/08 06:23 AM
I didn't put it in my profile but to me it means non reactive, or slow to react, which can be good or bad depending...
I have friends who I'd consider laid back and I just see them as hard to rattle, which is good, but I can also see how being "laid back" would be bad if one doesn't react to their responsibilities... I definetly don't want the pilot of the airplane I'm flying on to be too laid back, but at the same time it might be good if more Euro soccer fans were a tad bit more laid back.
I do agree though that it implies a lackadasial attitude.

newarkjw's photo
Mon 11/24/08 06:23 AM
One who likes to be covered in chocolate syrup? happy

no photo
Mon 11/24/08 06:25 AM
I've been making fun of "laid back and easy-going" for ages. It's one of the lamest cliches in profiles, and probably 87% of all the profiles I've read have it in there, in one form or another.

The other 13% consist of "I don't know what to write here."

When I see "I'm laid back and easy-going," this tells me that the person is simply too lazy to tell me anything that might be potentially useful. You never see a profile with "I'm frantic and easily driven to violent outbursts," which might be a little scary, but, hey, they would get some points for originality.

Most profiles read like they've been taken straight from a boilerplate form in the "Dating Site Profiles for Dummies" book. "I love my friends and family." Really? You must be the only one in the whole world. "I like going out or staying in." And your other options?

I don't know if these travesties masquerading as "profiles" are an indictment on the intellect, or on the writing skills, of the people behind them -- maybe both. In the long run, it doesn't really matter, because if they are THAT soporific in a mere paragraph or two, imagine the snoozefest that awaits if/when you meet them in person.

Mr_Music's photo
Mon 11/24/08 06:26 AM
Edited by Mr_Music on Mon 11/24/08 06:30 AM
In a positive light, I find it to mean lighthearted and nonchalant, perhaps even easy-going.

In the same breath, in a negative light, I can also find it to mean too passive or uncaring.

But what do I know? I'm still trying to find the definition of "alot".

franshade's photo
Mon 11/24/08 06:29 AM
laid back = position :banana:

no photo
Mon 11/24/08 06:35 AM
I am laid back, until I get fired up.

lilith401's photo
Mon 11/24/08 06:36 AM
I read it and I think, Oh, okay, you're lazy, or don't care about anything, or are passionless about life in general. I pass by the "laid back" guys that just want to have fun. I can't resist telling posters in the Rate Me threads that it's a no go....

Why can't people say easy going, unflappable, calm during times of stress, possessing sound judgment, considerate, polite, etc?

Why oh why?

I suppose that is a bit like asking people to stop using "nice" and be specific.... laugh

beachbum069's photo
Mon 11/24/08 06:37 AM

laid back = position :banana:


no photo
Mon 11/24/08 06:38 AM
I think people use laid back when they just can't bother to figure out what else to say.

no photo
Mon 11/24/08 06:48 AM
Not high strung, casual outlook on life.

no photo
Mon 11/24/08 06:50 AM

I read it and I think, Oh, okay, you're lazy, or don't care about anything, or are passionless about life in general. I pass by the "laid back" guys that just want to have fun. I can't resist telling posters in the Rate Me threads that it's a no go....

Why can't people say easy going, unflappable, calm during times of stress, possessing sound judgment, considerate, polite, etc?

Why oh why?

I suppose that is a bit like asking people to stop using "nice" and be specific.... laugh

Whatever involves the least amount of thinking or effort -- that seems to be the general rule -- Is it worth writing a few real sentences to try to meet someone, or is it better to present oneself as a cardboard cutout?

lilith401's photo
Mon 11/24/08 06:54 AM
Do people not see that vague begets vague?

Why be vague in a profile? frustrated

no photo
Mon 11/24/08 06:54 AM
Those people who are vague in profiles are often vague in emails as well. At least from what I've seen.

MyrtleBeachDude's photo
Mon 11/24/08 06:56 AM
I have a friend that works in a funeral home and that's how he describes most of his customers "Laid Back"

Filmfreek's photo
Mon 11/24/08 06:57 AM
I noticed a lot of women wrote down that they are looking for a "laid back" type of guy in their profile. That is why I put it in mine.

Haha. Seriously though. It's just me being honest. I am very mellow, and calm.

lilith401's photo
Mon 11/24/08 06:59 AM

I noticed a lot of women wrote down that they are looking for a "laid back" type of guy in their profile. That is why I put it in mine.

Haha. Seriously though. It's just me being honest. I am very mellow, and calm.

You might be, but the majority of folks who describe themselves as 'laid back'... well they have no idea what it means. And then if I am daring enough to meet them, I learn it means boring and lacking in conversational skills and functioning brain cells. The synapses aren't firing, or are misfiring....

Haloheldbyhorns's photo
Mon 11/24/08 07:05 AM
To me laid back means that you do not stress out about things, but I can see your point about reading between the lines and that they are lazy or content to lounge about the house. I need to be doing things or I get crazy bored, yet I am a relaxed person, not letting myself get stressed about the small things that do not add up to a hill of beans .

no photo
Mon 11/24/08 07:07 AM

Do people not see that vague begets vague?

Why be vague in a profile? frustrated

That's a good question.

Why not learn the difference between "your" and "you're," between "loose" and "lose," between "there" and "they're" and "their"?

In a written medium, it is incumbent on the writer to see that his/her message is expressed clearly and with enough substance and content to be interesting --

But no one wants to bother with that. It is apparently easier to just throw a bunch of incomprehensible gibberish into their profiles, if there's anything in them at all, and then to wonder why no one responds.

franshade's photo
Mon 11/24/08 07:13 AM
Edited by franshade on Mon 11/24/08 07:19 AM

Do people not see that vague begets vague?

Why be vague in a profile? frustrated

I see things differently (no wonder there waving)

Profiles are a mere glimpse into the person, they are not a member's autobiography. I tend to keep it short and sweet. Intrigue someone to get to know you better. Say something witty.

I am a private person, so I am not comfortable with putting out too much information on the net for all to see. Not implying I won't share the information, but won't post it (but that's just me).

A laid back person - a person who is an easy going person - one that goes with the flow jmo

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