Community > Posts By > lezsnuggle

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Tue 09/26/06 03:41 AM
i agree you can never see what's about to happen, all you can do is deal
with it when it does happen, i believe in karma but i dont think it ever
has ill-intentions. karma is there so we can make sure we learn from
our mistakes

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Mon 09/25/06 04:36 AM
i get nervous at first but then i just get into the groove of things,
b/c you nervous isnt really you...

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Mon 09/25/06 04:28 AM
i think they should have to see it over and over, pics of
molested/abused children- burn the memory into their minds so they can
never forget the evils they have committed, no one should touch a child-
their innocence and beauty is everything missing from this world

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Mon 09/25/06 04:26 AM
i wouldnt change anything b/c i cant continue and learn from my mistakes
if i didnt have any to begin with

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Mon 09/25/06 04:23 AM
really, let me know if you find out

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Mon 09/25/06 04:21 AM
good morning- new here and getting familiar with things a little, i am
helping my sister take care of her 10 month old girl cuz she broke her
foot, whoo talk about a handfull!!

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Mon 09/25/06 04:07 AM
for my side- i dont put a pic b/c i dont find myself attractive- low
self esteem issues, my friends disagree but when i have an ill
perception of myself then how can i choose a pic for everyone to see and
judge me by- no way, in the words of tweek from south park, "it's too
much pressure!"