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Topic: Gardasil (innoculation for teens against cervical cancer)
daniel48706's photo
Wed 11/19/08 08:16 PM
Who thinks this is a good idea for teens and young adults to receive? Do you think it is better to risk the very serious (including deatha nd paralyzation from the neck down) side affects of this series of shots, or do you think it is better to do without it?

Winx's photo
Wed 11/19/08 08:19 PM
Edited by Winx on Wed 11/19/08 08:22 PM
I think that the shots are fantastic. It's the first time they have found anything like it to try to help fight cancer.

They start the shots around 11-12 yrs. old. I know kids that have had no problems with the shots.

I wish all women could get them.

rikkit101's photo
Wed 11/19/08 08:20 PM
As a female who has had the vaccine i think it is great that we can protect ourselves against something that we could get and not even know we had until its to late!

daniel48706's photo
Wed 11/19/08 08:26 PM
I agree that in those cases where it has not backfired so to speak, that it is a grea thing. But I guess what I am trying to ask, is do you feel it is worth the risk for our daughters and young ladies to get thie seies of shots, now that all this information has come out about the dangers involved with it, such as paralyzation and death.

I was just watching a story on the news about it, which is what prompted this thread, and did not catch the percentage of youg girls who it harmed, but it was fairly high. I think, if it was me faing this issue, I wuld have to seriously sit down nd talk about it with several medical professionals first, and then pray aboutit for a long time before I tried it.

Winx's photo
Wed 11/19/08 08:32 PM

I have no qualms about the shot. All vaccines have risks.

But..if there is new information, I would be interested in seeing it.

daniel48706's photo
Wed 11/19/08 08:35 PM
I justknow what I have been hearing on the evening news, I havent googled it or anything. It just seems that more and more they are coming out and claiming it isnt as great as it sounds, when you compare the statistics of those who suffer seriosu side affects with those that dont.

I remember when it first came out and some places (if not all) it was mandatory; I am glad that it is now a choice for each individual girl; and that unlike other vaccinatins, thier parents cant require them to get it (so to speak).

warmachine's photo
Thu 11/20/08 09:49 AM
I've read a little about this. In the strains of HPV that Gardasil is designed for, it can be a excellent preemptive move to save a womens reproductive health and a step to avoiding cervical cancer.

However, they don't put in their advertisements that it's likely that if you already have HPV, then when you take that shot you are upping your chances of getting cancer. There have been alot of reports, as the original poster was pointing out, that it has caused seizures, paralysis and even death.

It just seems to me like they are pushing these things out more and more without figuring on the long term effects or caring about individuals dying.

warmachine's photo
Fri 11/21/08 08:46 AM
Rat Poison Chemical Found in Ingredient List For HPV Vaccine

Joanne Waldron
Friday, Nov 21, 2008

What do rat poison and the HPV vaccine have in common? The answer is a hazardous chemical known as sodium borate. Savvy readers may wonder what a toxin that is commonly used to kill rats is doing in the ingredient list for the HPV vaccine that is currently being pushed on girls as young as nine and is even being considered for men and boys. Unfortunately, the answer isn’t very comforting, especially for new U.S. residents for whom the HPV injection containing sodium borate is now mandated.

What is Sodium Borate?

Sodium borate, a boric acid salt also known as borax, has many common uses. In addition to its use as a rat poison, it is also used in laundry detergents, cosmetics, enamel glazes, flame retardants, and buffer solutions in chemistry. However, sodium borate also has antifungal properties, which means that its probable reason for being in the vaccine is to act as a preservative.

Sodium Borate Banned as Food Additive

Sodium borate is used as a food additive in some countries, but it is now outlawed in many places. For example, one Australian government recall site notes: “Product is Borax (sodium borate) which is a non permitted food additive and is harmful to health.” So, if it’s “harmful to health,” why is it being added to the HPV vaccine?

No Longer Used in Medical Preparations

The U.S. National Library of Medicine states in an article that boric acid is “no longer commonly used in medical preparations.” It’s a good thing, too, considering that the U.S. National Library of Medicine also reports that this substance used to be used to disinfect and treat wounds and that individuals “who received such treatment over and over again got sick, and some died.” In fact, the U.S. National Library of Medicine provides the number for Poison Control for people exposed to this chemical and notes that treatment for those exposed to it may include gastric lavage (stomach pumping), dialysis, and liquids by mouth or IV.

Sodium Borate Poisoning Symptoms Mimic Reactions to HPV Vaccine

Sadly, the information about sodium borate gets even scarier. Another government website article states that exposure to sodium borate can cause convulsions and other ill health effects. Interestingly enough, young girls who receive the HPV vaccine have reported similar symptoms to those that appear in cases of sodium borate poisoning. This particular government site provides the following warning regarding this chemical: “WARNING! HARMFUL IF SWALLOWED, INHALED OR ABSORBED THROUGH SKIN. CAUSES IRRITATION TO SKIN, EYES AND RESPIRATORY TRACT.” Given this information, is sodium borate really something that should be injected into humans? This is something the reader should carefully consider, along with the previously reported information, before choosing to receive the controversial HPV vaccine.

Since I don't believe in Coincidence, what would you call getting this info sent to my email overnight?

no photo
Fri 11/21/08 09:01 AM
Ok, here's my thoughts. (A) despite the risks I would do it in a heartbeat if it was an option for me. I had a girlfriend who lost most of her cervix due to hpv, she's lucky they caught it in time. (B) You have to realize that the drug companies have to report every side effect, regardless of how many people it affects or whether it's even related to the drug or not. If you read the side effects from aspirin, you'd run screaming in terror. There are millions of women worldwide who've had this vaccine and perhaps a couple of hundred/thousand problems. Yes, if it was my daughter I'd be upset BUT statistically, your chances of having some sort of severe reaction is relatively low. Your chances of HPV or worse, relatively high. (C) No matter how much testing a drug company does on how many people, you are NEVER going to know everything about a drug until it's been on the market, used consistently, for years. Unfortunately, that's just the way it is. You can do tests, trials, extrapolate all the data all you want, but you don't know for certain until it gets out there. Drug companies spend 10's of millions of dollars developing drugs and trust me, they don't want to lose any more by being sued so they take the maximum precautions possible. Plus, if they make a product that kills people, believe it or not, they do care about human lives, as well as their bottom lines.

Now, all that being said, you as a parent can only do the best you can in making the decision, in conjunction with your doctors. There is a risk and only you can decide whether the risk outweighs any possible benefits.

lilith401's photo
Fri 11/21/08 09:06 AM
My family doctor wants to administer this to my son, as many boys are carriers and don't know it.

Whoot whoot! I love my doctor.....

warmachine's photo
Fri 11/21/08 09:10 AM

Ok, here's my thoughts. (A) despite the risks I would do it in a heartbeat if it was an option for me. I had a girlfriend who lost most of her cervix due to hpv, she's lucky they caught it in time. (B) You have to realize that the drug companies have to report every side effect, regardless of how many people it affects or whether it's even related to the drug or not. If you read the side effects from aspirin, you'd run screaming in terror. There are millions of women worldwide who've had this vaccine and perhaps a couple of hundred/thousand problems. Yes, if it was my daughter I'd be upset BUT statistically, your chances of having some sort of severe reaction is relatively low. Your chances of HPV or worse, relatively high. (C) No matter how much testing a drug company does on how many people, you are NEVER going to know everything about a drug until it's been on the market, used consistently, for years. Unfortunately, that's just the way it is. You can do tests, trials, extrapolate all the data all you want, but you don't know for certain until it gets out there. Drug companies spend 10's of millions of dollars developing drugs and trust me, they don't want to lose any more by being sued so they take the maximum precautions possible. Plus, if they make a product that kills people, believe it or not, they do care about human lives, as well as their bottom lines.

Now, all that being said, you as a parent can only do the best you can in making the decision, in conjunction with your doctors. There is a risk and only you can decide whether the risk outweighs any possible benefits.

The only thing I'm going to say here is, the company that made Vioxx knew full well that it was going to damage peoples hearts, but that didn't stop them from doing what they had to in order to get there product on the shelves. I would say, if you want your children to avoid HPV teach them abstinence is great, Protection is pretty friggin good too.

no photo
Fri 11/21/08 09:12 AM
when I was married a million years ago, my step daughter contracted the virus and the cancer resulting from.

she had a hysterectomy at the age of 19 and was crushed. Now she'll never get to have children

I think if this vaccination will spare some kids from that misery I'm all for it

lilith401's photo
Fri 11/21/08 09:13 AM
There are risks to everything. You just have to weigh them within priorities.

Kids are going to have sex. They just are.

warmachine's photo
Fri 11/21/08 09:17 AM
"Kids are going to have sex"

Thats why education is key, abstinence only programs have been a collosal failure.

I don't know about some of the ingredients they are chosing to stick in these vaccines. They're doing a study right now to find out if vaccines are leading to Alzheimers. Some of the stuff that goes in those things are just disgusting, like Chicken proteins, Live viruses, Thimerasol and other nasties. A key Rat Poison ingredient in Gardisil disturbs the crap out of me, personally.

no photo
Fri 11/21/08 09:18 AM
Edited by Unknow on Fri 11/21/08 09:20 AM
Not me!! Im a 47 yr old virgin...laugh or should it begrumble

lilith401's photo
Fri 11/21/08 09:21 AM
War.... there are horrendous things in lots of stuff..... it's just a fact.

Kids ARE going to have sex. I went to a liberal school with kick ass sex education and my parents talked to me about it all the time starting at age 10. I still did it, right before high school started.

The fact is, if this can prevent the spread of HPV, especially from boys, then I'm all for it. When I heard they were aiming at boys, well, that is great. Boys are carriers of a whole load of things.... asymptomatic. I will let my son get it as soon as the doctor recommends he is of age. No qualms. I have had ALL my immunizations, including Hep B, which kids get nowadays automatically.

warmachine's photo
Fri 11/21/08 09:27 AM
I got all my shots too! Got housetrained soon after! LOL!

I'm in total agreement about the kids and sex thing, condoms, condoms, condoms, condoms. There's a reason why War doesn't have any kids, yet!

I'm pretty weird about what I'll let someone put into my body, I've not had a flu shot or antibiotics since I was a kid and I never get sick.

As far as the horrendous things, thats the deal ,there really doesn't need to be, there are other ways, other preservatives, so why use the ones that are flat poisons? What's the motivation for that, if it's not money...

Eugenics perhaps?

no photo
Fri 11/21/08 09:30 AM

"Kids are going to have sex"

Thats why education is key, abstinence only programs have been a collosal failure.

I don't know about some of the ingredients they are chosing to stick in these vaccines. They're doing a study right now to find out if vaccines are leading to Alzheimers. Some of the stuff that goes in those things are just disgusting, like Chicken proteins, Live viruses, Thimerasol and other nasties. A key Rat Poison ingredient in Gardisil disturbs the crap out of me, personally.

I agree that education is key and protection, of course. The problem is, with HPV, you can be in a completely monogamous relationship, using a form of birth control but perhaps not condoms, be tested and do everything you should do but males are the carriers and THEY DON'T KNOW IT and as far as I know, I don't believe there's a way to test if a male is a carrier (I could be way wrong on this too).

I'd hazard a guess that unless you are eating a completely and totally chemical, preservative, artificial coloring/flavoring free and organic diet 100% of the time, you are ingesting many of the same chemicals. Read your food labels, all that stuff, it's in there, just called by different names most often. People are at greater risk by food that is on a grocery store shelves than they can ever be by a drug.

lilith401's photo
Fri 11/21/08 09:32 AM
I saw an episode of House the other night that mentioned that arsenic used to be used to treat lukemia... it slowed its progression. Lame example, but who knows, it might be true!

I'm no scientist, but I would think the ingredients had a purpose or a balance in them. After all, I smoke, I know it's poison.... I still do it. The treatments for things are riotous.... there was cocaine in Coca Cola.... the cure for "hysteria" was orgasm...

All I know is the orgasm should be a cure for more things. laugh offtopic oops

catwoman96's photo
Fri 11/21/08 09:37 AM
the vaccine is given in a series of three different vaccinations.

my daughter is 12...shes had the first two shots already.

no prob. and it protects her. Im all for protecting her as much as i can.

of course I also tell her if she thinks about having sex...she better think is this guy worth marrying.

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