Topic: The "Church" and Abortion!!!!!!!!
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Wed 11/19/08 07:36 PM
Edited by Unknow on Wed 11/19/08 07:40 PM

I see it like this.

either a fetus is a human or it is not.

The big problem I have is the law has 2 totally different opinions on the matter.

A mother has the right to abort a fetus.

Yet if someone causes her to abort the fetus then it is manslaughter or 2nd degree murder.

ie.. a drunk hits a car and the woman miscarraiges.

The driver can be guilty of a crime as above.

But if at the same time she was going to get an abortion.

Same result. It is her right.

Can someone explain to me how this is equality in the law. everyone treated the same.
Please stay on topic.

Can you please explain to me how this is not on topic. what is it you want
Well abortion is another issue. I will gladly debate it if you want to start a thread. Promice to leave your religon out of it.?

My religion says the law is equal to all people. No discrimination at all.

That is a religious belief. It is also what our laws claims to be.

You seem to want your cake and eat it 2.

make some sence
Whats you own "view" on abortion? Someone whos had a abortion? Someone planning on getting one?

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Wed 11/19/08 07:39 PM


the abortion conflict will always be vs illegal...right vs wrong...there's the camp that says..." I think abortion is wrong , but should be legal "...then there's the camp that says " I think abortion is wrong, and it should be illegal "...I agree with the second the same main objective when my feet hit the floor NOT to fight the fight and make abortion illegal...I just kind of wonder why something that we know is wrong should be I wanted to drag religion into this...then I would simply ask..." do you think God thinks abortion is right ? "...this is when the screaming I try to avoid asking that
Why should religon be involved when you own religon says its a sin to judge some else.

Giocamo's photo
Wed 11/19/08 07:47 PM


the abortion conflict will always be vs illegal...right vs wrong...there's the camp that says..." I think abortion is wrong , but should be legal "...then there's the camp that says " I think abortion is wrong, and it should be illegal "...I agree with the second the same main objective when my feet hit the floor NOT to fight the fight and make abortion illegal...I just kind of wonder why something that we know is wrong should be I wanted to drag religion into this...then I would simply ask..." do you think God thinks abortion is right ? "...this is when the screaming I try to avoid asking that
Why should religon be involved when you own religon says its a sin to judge some else.

I don't think I'm passing judgement on any person...It's about the's about the government and a Liberal supreme court...taking " a right to privacy " the constitution...and..making it legal...I'm quite sure that our fore fathers interpretation of that clause..does not mirror the supreme courts ruling...

Giocamo's photo
Wed 11/19/08 07:50 PM


the abortion conflict will always be vs illegal...right vs wrong...there's the camp that says..." I think abortion is wrong , but should be legal "...then there's the camp that says " I think abortion is wrong, and it should be illegal "...I agree with the second the same main objective when my feet hit the floor NOT to fight the fight and make abortion illegal...I just kind of wonder why something that we know is wrong should be I wanted to drag religion into this...then I would simply ask..." do you think God thinks abortion is right ? "...this is when the screaming I try to avoid asking that
Why should religon be involved when you own religon says its a sin to judge some else.

I think there's lots of people that look to God for guidance on a daily basis...thats how religion gets involved in this issue...lots of people look to the skies when tough decisions are know..." what would God think "...or..." what would God do "...thats just the way they were brought up...

Giocamo's photo
Wed 11/19/08 07:52 PM
so I guess for some people it is about God and tough decisions...wrong decisions...and...for others it isn't...

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Wed 11/19/08 07:56 PM
Edited by Unknow on Wed 11/19/08 08:06 PM


the abortion conflict will always be vs illegal...right vs wrong...there's the camp that says..." I think abortion is wrong , but should be legal "...then there's the camp that says " I think abortion is wrong, and it should be illegal "...I agree with the second the same main objective when my feet hit the floor NOT to fight the fight and make abortion illegal...I just kind of wonder why something that we know is wrong should be I wanted to drag religion into this...then I would simply ask..." do you think God thinks abortion is right ? "...this is when the screaming I try to avoid asking that
Why should religon be involved when you own religon says its a sin to judge some else.

I don't think I'm passing judgement on any person...It's about the's about the government and a Liberal supreme court...taking " a right to privacy " the constitution...and..making it legal...I'm quite sure that our fore fathers interpretation of that clause..does not mirror the supreme courts ruling...
"It's about the act" of.....To me that sounds like committing a sin and by "My Beliefs" I can not judge that sin. When I do it is a sin. And it opens up many questions about other issueslaugh What do you consider the "act of".

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Wed 11/19/08 08:02 PM


the abortion conflict will always be vs illegal...right vs wrong...there's the camp that says..." I think abortion is wrong , but should be legal "...then there's the camp that says " I think abortion is wrong, and it should be illegal "...I agree with the second the same main objective when my feet hit the floor NOT to fight the fight and make abortion illegal...I just kind of wonder why something that we know is wrong should be I wanted to drag religion into this...then I would simply ask..." do you think God thinks abortion is right ? "...this is when the screaming I try to avoid asking that
Why should religon be involved when you own religon says its a sin to judge some else.

I think there's lots of people that look to God for guidance on a daily basis...thats how religion gets involved in this issue...lots of people look to the skies when tough decisions are know..." what would God think "...or..." what would God do "...thats just the way they were brought up...
But this country is made up of many religions and not just those religions but many splinters of them. Im know many people who consider themselves Catholic but have separated from the church.

Giocamo's photo
Wed 11/19/08 08:06 PM
separation from the church ?...he's still watching...gulp !!

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Wed 11/19/08 08:10 PM
Edited by Unknow on Wed 11/19/08 08:10 PM
Its infinite unless have a complete separation..noway YEA YEA I know those laws or interpretation of themgrumble frustrated

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Wed 11/19/08 08:22 PM
Edited by Unknow on Wed 11/19/08 08:24 PM
We could discuss the "acts of gayness" and your beliefs and interpretation of those.:smile:

Giocamo's photo
Wed 11/19/08 08:27 PM

We could discuss the acts of gayness and your beliefs and interpretation of those.:smile:

my argument against that my eyes...the behavior is being said...why would i want to sanction a behavior that i believe is wrong...not natural or're going to say...but they're not bothering you...right ?

no photo
Wed 11/19/08 08:32 PM
Edited by Unknow on Wed 11/19/08 08:39 PM

We could discuss the acts of gayness and your beliefs and interpretation of those.:smile:

my argument against that my eyes...the behavior is being said...why would i want to sanction a behavior that i believe is wrong...not natural or're going to say...but they're not bothering you...right ?
Have you seen such "acts" with your own eyes? What acts would push you over? Hugging? Kissing? what kind of sex would? Would masturbation?:smile:

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Wed 11/19/08 09:30 PM
Im going to give this a "free lunch bump" just because of "those" words in the last postlaugh

Winx's photo
Wed 11/19/08 09:35 PM

We could discuss the acts of gayness and your beliefs and interpretation of those.:smile:

my argument against that my eyes...the behavior is being said...why would i want to sanction a behavior that i believe is wrong...not natural or're going to say...but they're not bothering you...right ?

I'm going to say that they were born that way.

no photo
Wed 11/19/08 09:55 PM

We could discuss the acts of gayness and your beliefs and interpretation of those.:smile:

my argument against that my eyes...the behavior is being said...why would i want to sanction a behavior that i believe is wrong...not natural or're going to say...but they're not bothering you...right ?

I'm going to say that they were born that way.
I agree with you thereflowerforyou flowerforyou flowerforyou Cant be taught it, you wont grow out of or grow into it:smile:

no photo
Wed 11/19/08 09:56 PM

We could discuss the acts of gayness and your beliefs and interpretation of those.:smile:

my argument against that my eyes...the behavior is being said...why would i want to sanction a behavior that i believe is wrong...not natural or're going to say...but they're not bothering you...right ?

I'm going to say that they were born that way.
Did you read from post 1?

no photo
Wed 11/19/08 10:33 PM
Well, I'm not sure on this one.
If you want to understand, it is the most simple way to ask about religion and the connection to the issue on hand.
But this being a strictly political forum, I don't know about the rules.
so it might be a catch 22.

They mods might tell you off for it, or it might get moved to the religion forum

no photo
Wed 11/19/08 10:36 PM
Edited by Unknow on Wed 11/19/08 10:38 PM

Well, I'm not sure on this one.
If you want to understand, it is the most simple way to ask about religion and the connection to the issue on hand.
But this being a strictly political forum, I don't know about the rules.
so it might be a catch 22.

They mods might tell you off for it, or it might get moved to the religion forum
Plz follow site rulesflowerforyou I have not mentioned this site once unless it was brought in. Then I condone it! We are having a civil discussion.:smile:

no photo
Wed 11/19/08 10:46 PM
Edited by Unknow on Wed 11/19/08 10:47 PM

i dont beleve the man is dealing with a full deck of cards so to speak. Maybe mix matched cards.
Im only playing with 20, just the face cardslaugh Wanna play war?

no photo
Wed 11/19/08 10:50 PM

Well, I'm not sure on this one.
If you want to understand, it is the most simple way to ask about religion and the connection to the issue on hand.
But this being a strictly political forum, I don't know about the rules.
so it might be a catch 22.

They mods might tell you off for it, or it might get moved to the religion forum
Plz follow site rulesflowerforyou I have not mentioned this site once unless it was brought in. Then I condone it! We are having a civil discussion.:smile:

I'm sorry, I simply tried to answer your questionohwell