Topic: Admonishment vs. Critism or Judgmental
Quikstepper's photo
Tue 11/18/08 03:44 PM
It seems as though many here don't want to give any thought to the consequences of their actions or how it affects the world around them. They seem to hate Christians for pointing out the obvious...that sin corrupts.

Admonish 1 a: to indicate duties or obligations to b: to express warning or disapproval to especially in a gentle, earnest, or solicitous manner
2: to give friendly earnest advice or encouragement to

Criticize 1 : to consider the merits and demerits of and judge accordingly : evaluate
2 : to find fault with : point out the faults of

synonyms - criticize , reprehend , censure , reprobate , condemn , denounce mean to find fault with openly.

Judgement 1 a: a formal utterance of an authoritative opinion b: an opinion so pronounced
2 a: a formal decision given by a court b (1): an obligation (as a debt) created by the decree of a court (2): a certificate evidencing such a decree
3 acapitalized : the final judging of humankind by God b: a divine sentence or decision ; specifically : a calamity held to be sent by God
4 a: the process of forming an opinion or evaluation by discerning and comparing b: an opinion or estimate so formed
5 a: the capacity for judging : discernment b: the exercise of this capacity
6: a proposition stating something believed or asserted

Here's the question... isn't admonishment better than destruction? Then why be critical of people for pointing that out? No one can say they didn't know.

Those who point fingers as a cop out to avoid reality are the ones who have no credibility. They still want people to think they know better when they really don't & they enter into deliberate deception too.

My point is God's admonishments are not like humananity's. He does it to keep us sensitized to evil & destructive forces in the world. Instead of people denying God they should have a fear of Him that will save their souls.

cutelildevilsmom's photo
Tue 11/18/08 03:46 PM
Edited by cutelildevilsmom on Tue 11/18/08 03:49 PM
We all know sin corrupts.I am a Christian so i don't get the point your trying to make.
Whoops I didn't see the end.

Quikstepper's photo
Tue 11/18/08 03:46 PM
Oh geez...with all the Christian bashing posts here I thought I was in the religion board.


No matter... Christians have a voice too.

cutelildevilsmom's photo
Tue 11/18/08 03:50 PM

Oh geez...with all the Christian bashing posts here I thought I was in the religion board.


No matter... Christians have a voice too.

I thought I was lost too laugh

snarkytwain's photo
Tue 11/18/08 03:53 PM
Edited by snarkytwain on Tue 11/18/08 03:55 PM
EVERYONE has a choice, but nobody should be forced to accept someone else's personal opinions of other people's beliefs.

The key words in your post are "friendly" and "gentle, earnest, or solicitous"... You are none.

Again, I don't bash Christians. I am one. (Which Winx and I have both said often enough but you never reply to.) But I do get angry when someone assumes they know everything about me and says things about me that are both untrue and malicious... such as:

"LIBS hate Christians"
"LIBS don't know how to be open-minded"


I could go around the board and find all the hatred-filled slanders you post about "LIBS", but I think everyone already knows about them.

What did Liberals do to you that you hate us so much anyway?

Now, if you were to come up with a post that says something more along the lines of "I don't agree with you. I see it this way [insert your opinion here]. But that said, I respect that you disagree", then there would be no problems.

It's not LIB hatred toward Christians, Quickstepper, it's anger towards YOU personally for being hateful, lying and rude.

But if it makes ya feel better, believe whatcha want.

no photo
Tue 11/18/08 04:03 PM
Edited by Unknow on Tue 11/18/08 04:06 PM
My only problem is when people bring religion into political forums. Where we are usually debating a issue dear to us all. I feel to fully understand you true feelings on these issues I must fully understand your Religion, your Beliefs in that religion and how that religion affects your life. If you ask my beliefs I will share mine. You have the right to refuse, I have the right to refuse. Religion's and Church splinter into pockets with their own beliefs

Quikstepper's photo
Wed 11/19/08 06:00 AM
Edited by Quikstepper on Wed 11/19/08 06:05 AM
Well with so many wanting social & economic justice what is wrong about righteous justice that not only protects but is good for the SOUL!!!???

I know I get sarcastic but it wasn't alwasy so until I started seeing people gang up on those with an opposing view. Calling people hateful etc etc. Well there is enough prooff here to know that door swings BOTH ways.

I'm not this evil person you all insignuate I am, but I at least admit to my sarcasms...not so with the libs here. You also point fingers, complain, twist & distort what others are saying. You never take responsiblity for your own actions. That's why i say it's the lib way. You all do the same thing.

BTW... I also added those other definitions to explain that people can measure success & failures of actions taken. The proof is what is seen...outcomes etc. That can't be denied by calling people politically correct names.

Sound critical judgment does that...looks to see what works. That also takes on a "critical" eye. I'd rather that than take on a partisan POV...IE LIBERAL view that moves the mark of what it takes to be fair & balanced.

Quikstepper's photo
Wed 11/19/08 06:56 AM

My only problem is when people bring religion into political forums. Where we are usually debating a issue dear to us all. I feel to fully understand you true feelings on these issues I must fully understand your Religion, your Beliefs in that religion and how that religion affects your life. If you ask my beliefs I will share mine. You have the right to refuse, I have the right to refuse. Religion's and Church splinter into pockets with their own beliefs

No! You don't have the right to refuse when it affects our society & our taxation...IE...govt. interferances.

snarkytwain's photo
Wed 11/19/08 09:09 AM

Well with so many wanting social & economic justice what is wrong about righteous justice that not only protects but is good for the SOUL!!!???

That assumes that everyone believes that it is, in fact, good for the soul. I used to believe that "truth is truth weather one believes it or not", but in the end who the heck knows what that truth is? If what I believe makes me hate, judge, discriminate, ignorant, or stubbornly closed to humanity, then I'm done. IMHO, it's horribly elitist and egotistical to think that one knows all the answers, and even moreso when those "answers" are not only forced upon others, but used to judge them as human beings worthy to know and learn from. Worthy of respect.

I'm human. I have my beliefs but I don't KNOW anything except for this: I have hope and love for humanity because God made us ALL and loves us ALL. I can't see, therefore, why He would only give us ALL one way to know Him. Did HE not make us all different, unique? Did He not say "love is the most important thing"?

Above love, no agenda, no belief system, no convictions, no nothing can stand. This reminds me of a verse:

1 Corinthians 13
1If I speak in the tongues[a] of men and of angels, but have not love, I am only a resounding gong or a clanging cymbal. 2If I have the gift of prophecy and can fathom all mysteries and all knowledge, and if I have a faith that can move mountains, but have not love, I am nothing. 3If I give all I possess to the poor and surrender my body to the flames, but have not love, I gain nothing.
4Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. 5It is not rude, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs. 6Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth. 7It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres.

8Love never fails. But where there are prophecies, they will cease; where there are tongues, they will be stilled; where there is knowledge, it will pass away. 9For we know in part and we prophesy in part, 10but when perfection comes, the imperfect disappears. 11When I was a child, I talked like a child, I thought like a child, I reasoned like a child. When I became a man, I put childish ways behind me. 12Now we see but a poor reflection as in a mirror; then we shall see face to face. Now I know in part; then I shall know fully, even as I am fully known.

13And now these three remain: faith, hope and love. But the greatest of these is love.

So... that is it and all. The Bible -- the book Christians call the Holy Word of God Himself, says this... and it says this many times. Jesus HIMSELF said this later. It is the GREATEST and MOST IMPORTANT thing. To love. So why is this entire chapter forgotten so easily?

I know I get sarcastic but it wasn't alwasy so until I started seeing people gang up on those with an opposing view. Calling people hateful etc etc. Well there is enough prooff here to know that door swings BOTH ways.

I'll give you that, that the door swings both ways because we are all human. I will also give you that you, in particular, push my buttons because of my past and something you had nothing to do with. For that I apologize. Yet when I read your posts, I hear an echo of the pain, rejection, and utter blackness that filled my heart when the women of the church told me I was destined for Hell because I dared to think, to dream, to wonder, to question... love.

I'm not this evil person you all insignuate I am, but I at least admit to my sarcasms...not so with the libs here. You also point fingers, complain, twist & distort what others are saying. You never take responsiblity for your own actions. That's why i say it's the lib way. You all do the same thing.

I have yet to see your admittance. Where have you said "I'm sorry. Maybe I shouldn't have put that so harshly. Maybe I shouldn't have judged you so fast"? I haven't seen it.

BTW... I also added those other definitions to explain that people can measure success & failures of actions taken. The proof is what is seen...outcomes etc. That can't be denied by calling people politically correct names.

Sound critical judgment does that...looks to see what works. That also takes on a "critical" eye. I'd rather that than take on a partisan POV...IE LIBERAL view that moves the mark of what it takes to be fair & balanced.

Critical judgment? Have you read any underground media? You know, the ones not bought and paid for my big business and the politica? All I ask is a little openmindedness to try and see that alot (admittedly not all... by far but a lot), of what we say is not scare tactics or liberal agenda or conspiracy theories, but the truth. As hard as it may be to believe, the fact is that humans are greedy and selfish, and the more power they have the more greedy and slefish they can be. And those with power tend not only to be more greedy and selfish, but also to be some of the smartest people in the world. Greedy, selfish, smart people with power and money will do one thing -- think of more ways to get more money and power. It's not politics. It's not religion. It's simple human fact.

You don't have to teach a kid to be bad. You do have to teach them to be good.

splendidlife's photo
Wed 11/19/08 09:12 AM

It seems as though many here don't want to give any thought to the consequences of their actions or how it affects the world around them. They seem to hate Christians for pointing out the obvious...that sin corrupts.

Admonish 1 a: to indicate duties or obligations to b: to express warning or disapproval to especially in a gentle, earnest, or solicitous manner
2: to give friendly earnest advice or encouragement to

Criticize 1 : to consider the merits and demerits of and judge accordingly : evaluate
2 : to find fault with : point out the faults of

synonyms - criticize , reprehend , censure , reprobate , condemn , denounce mean to find fault with openly.

Judgement 1 a: a formal utterance of an authoritative opinion b: an opinion so pronounced
2 a: a formal decision given by a court b (1): an obligation (as a debt) created by the decree of a court (2): a certificate evidencing such a decree
3 acapitalized : the final judging of humankind by God b: a divine sentence or decision ; specifically : a calamity held to be sent by God
4 a: the process of forming an opinion or evaluation by discerning and comparing b: an opinion or estimate so formed
5 a: the capacity for judging : discernment b: the exercise of this capacity
6: a proposition stating something believed or asserted

Here's the question... isn't admonishment better than destruction? Then why be critical of people for pointing that out? No one can say they didn't know.

Those who point fingers as a cop out to avoid reality are the ones who have no credibility. They still want people to think they know better when they really don't & they enter into deliberate deception too.

My point is God's admonishments are not like humananity's. He does it to keep us sensitized to evil & destructive forces in the world. Instead of people denying God they should have a fear of Him that will save their souls.

Fear of God is MAN-MADE.

no photo
Wed 11/19/08 10:08 AM

My only problem is when people bring religion into political forums. Where we are usually debating a issue dear to us all. I feel to fully understand you true feelings on these issues I must fully understand your Religion, your Beliefs in that religion and how that religion affects your life. If you ask my beliefs I will share mine. You have the right to refuse, I have the right to refuse. Religion's and Church splinter into pockets with their own beliefs
I said I WOOD SHARE MINE! I think you should do the same....

No! You don't have the right to refuse when it affects our society & our taxation...IE...govt. interferances.

no photo
Wed 11/19/08 10:11 AM
Edited by Unknow on Wed 11/19/08 10:16 AM

It seems as though many here don't want to give any thought to the consequences of their actions or how it affects the world around them. They seem to hate Christians for pointing out the obvious...that sin corrupts.

Admonish 1 a: to indicate duties or obligations to b: to express warning or disapproval to especially in a gentle, earnest, or solicitous manner
2: to give friendly earnest advice or encouragement to

Criticize 1 : to consider the merits and demerits of and judge accordingly : evaluate
2 : to find fault with : point out the faults of

synonyms - criticize , reprehend , censure , reprobate , condemn , denounce mean to find fault with openly.

Judgement 1 a: a formal utterance of an authoritative opinion b: an opinion so pronounced
2 a: a formal decision given by a court b (1): an obligation (as a debt) created by the decree of a court (2): a certificate evidencing such a decree
3 acapitalized : the final judging of humankind by God b: a divine sentence or decision ; specifically : a calamity held to be sent by God
4 a: the process of forming an opinion or evaluation by discerning and comparing b: an opinion or estimate so formed
5 a: the capacity for judging : discernment b: the exercise of this capacity
6: a proposition stating something believed or asserted

Here's the question... isn't admonishment better than destruction? Then why be critical of people for pointing that out? No one can say they didn't know.

Those who point fingers as a cop out to avoid reality are the ones who have no credibility. They still want people to think they know better when they really don't & they enter into deliberate deception too.

My point is God's admonishments are not like humananity's. He does it to keep us sensitized to evil & destructive forces in the world. Instead of people denying God they should have a fear of Him that will save their souls.

Fear of God is MAN-MADE.
I dont fear mine and I dont fear how I will be judged in the end....Isnt that what religon is all about. MINE

Abracadabra's photo
Wed 11/19/08 10:31 AM
It seems as though many here don't want to give any thought to the consequences of their actions or how it affects the world around them. They seem to hate Christians for pointing out the obvious...that sin corrupts.

This is the biggest crock of bull I ever heard in my life.

The Bible is an extremely judgmental doctrine. Jesus preached not to judge others. Yet this is all the Christians ever friggin do!

The Bible is full of crap. It has nothing to do with either God or 'sin'.

According to the Bible you are sinner every time you publicly post an opinion on religion. According to the Bible it's against the will of God for women to do that.

Clearly you either don't believe in the Bible, or you don't give a damn what the biblical God expects from you.

Either case seems to be silly.

Why don't you find a belief system that isn't so judgmental?

You'll be much happier for it, I guarantee it.

The biggest sin ever committed by mankind was to have written these godforsaken hateful mythologies in the first place.

snarkytwain's photo
Wed 11/19/08 12:02 PM

It seems as though many here don't want to give any thought to the consequences of their actions or how it affects the world around them. They seem to hate Christians for pointing out the obvious...that sin corrupts.

This is the biggest crock of bull I ever heard in my life.

The Bible is an extremely judgmental doctrine. Jesus preached not to judge others. Yet this is all the Christians ever friggin do!

The Bible is full of crap. It has nothing to do with either God or 'sin'.

According to the Bible you are sinner every time you publicly post an opinion on religion. According to the Bible it's against the will of God for women to do that.

Clearly you either don't believe in the Bible, or you don't give a damn what the biblical God expects from you.

Either case seems to be silly.

Why don't you find a belief system that isn't so judgmental?

You'll be much happier for it, I guarantee it.

The biggest sin ever committed by mankind was to have written these godforsaken hateful mythologies in the first place.

Actually, sin does corrupt, and it doesn't take the Bible to say so. Sin, evil... whatever you call it... is bad. It's what makes people do harm to one-another. It's what makes us greedy, selfish, liars, and all sorts of other things that aren't so nice. It's what makes murderers murder, rapists rape, and politicians swindle.

It is, in other word, our yang.

Not an excuse. It's inside us and we have the choice to let it out or not (though all of us let it out a little every day at least a few times in small ways), but it IS what makes us corrupt. Give it a name, don't give it a name. Whatever. In the end, it's the dark side of humanity and nobody can deny.