Topic: To all my sisterchicks
franshade's photo
Mon 01/05/09 09:02 AM

Reservoir of strength

Many of your greatest blessings can stay buried for years under layers of comfort and complacency. Often, you realize the full value of those blessings only when difficulties come along.

Life's most serious challenges do not arrive so as to punish you. Rather, they serve to shine a light on what is truly meaningful and valuable.

You have strengths and skills that you may never know about until a crisis compels you to uncover them and put them to use. In times of great difficulty, you are forced to call upon a reservoir of strength you may have never before known you had.

When life throws great challenges at you, that's not the time to give up on the values and dreams that mean the most to you. In fact, that's the ideal time to reconnect with the very best that is within you.

Within your most treasured values you will find your greatest motivation, inspiration, creativity, effectiveness and strength. With each challenge, you have a new opportunity to discover new dimensions of your skills and strengths.

When the difficulties arise, be true to the authentic dreams and values you hold dear. Tap into your reservoir of strength, and rise above each challenge to a higher level of true fulfillment.

franshade's photo
Mon 01/05/09 09:02 AM
Edited by franshade on Mon 01/05/09 09:03 AM

Feel the joy

Can you feel the joy in life today? It is wherever you choose to let it be.

Do you see the joy in each new person you meet? Look for the joy that others may be hiding, and make it your job to bring it out in the open.

There is joy to be found in every direction and in each new situation. For no matter how life may unfold, it is always a privilege to experience and explore.

Expect to find joy, and you will indeed find it. Choose to feel the joy, and you will know it.

There's no need to spend time searching for joy in one place or another. Joy exists anywhere and everywhere you allow it to be.

Make life rich and make life wonderful. Feel the joy, spread the joy and live the joy that is always yours to choose.

franshade's photo
Mon 01/05/09 09:03 AM

Don't worry

Don't worry about how long it will take, or what others will think of you, or how difficult it will be. Just get busy and do it.

Instead of wasting your time and energy on worry, use that time and energy for action. Instead of visualizing what you don't want, create what you do want.

Of course there will be challenges, painful mistakes, embarrassing moments and difficult efforts. But instead of worrying about them and making them worse, just go ahead, work your way through them and get them over with.

Worry fills you with doubt, and doubt eats away at your dreams. Choose instead to take action, with so much relentless determination and intensity that there's no room for worry.

Even though there will always be problems, you are truly capable of greatness. Imagine yourself fulfilling that greatness, starting right now from where you are with what you have.

Then jump enthusiastically into the journey. Forget the worries, and bring your best possibilities to life.

franshade's photo
Tue 01/06/09 05:50 AM
Take an interest

Take an interest in life and you'll find it to be an infinite source of richness and value. Become fascinated with certain aspects of this world and you'll find an endless source of treasure and possibility.

There is nothing in life that's boring. There are only people who choose to see things as boring.

In fact, wherever you are and whatever you're doing can be truly fascinating when you decide to make it so. Life in any moment is as interesting as you wish to make it.

When you're truly interested in what you're doing, you'll do it much more effectively. When you choose to take an interest, you'll discover whole new worlds of opportunity.

You are immersed in a truly amazing and fascinating universe. With just the slightest spark of interest, you can begin to travel a path of discovery that will lead to beautiful places you cannot now imagine.

Instead of complaining about how dull life is, truly take an interest, and follow that interest with passion. There is no limit to how far it will take you.

Fade2Black's photo
Tue 01/06/09 08:43 AM

Don't worry

Don't worry about how long it will take, or what others will think of you, or how difficult it will be. Just get busy and do it.

Instead of wasting your time and energy on worry, use that time and energy for action. Instead of visualizing what you don't want, create what you do want.

Of course there will be challenges, painful mistakes, embarrassing moments and difficult efforts. But instead of worrying about them and making them worse, just go ahead, work your way through them and get them over with.

Worry fills you with doubt, and doubt eats away at your dreams. Choose instead to take action, with so much relentless determination and intensity that there's no room for worry.

Even though there will always be problems, you are truly capable of greatness. Imagine yourself fulfilling that greatness, starting right now from where you are with what you have.

Then jump enthusiastically into the journey. Forget the worries, and bring your best possibilities to life.

Preach it sistaaaahhhhhhhhhh

franshade's photo
Wed 01/07/09 05:12 AM
Opportunity is everywhere

There's no need to spend a lot of time looking for opportunity. It is everywhere, and every day more opportunities are being created.
There is always work to be done. There is always value to be created.

Instead of waiting for a new opportunity or searching for the perfect opportunity, go ahead and get to work. Make the most of some of the opportunities that are already here and now.

There is great value that can be created on this very day. There are problems that can be solved, processes that can be improved upon, and endless ways to be purposefully creative.

Opportunities are worthless unless they are acted upon. Choose to take the actions that will turn the best opportunities into real and lasting achievements.

Opportunity is everywhere, already, right now. Step forward and put it to work.

Ruth34611's photo
Wed 01/07/09 06:43 AM
Great words for today, Fran! flowerforyou

franshade's photo
Wed 01/07/09 06:43 AM
flowers Ruth flowers

franshade's photo
Wed 01/07/09 01:55 PM

franshade's photo
Thu 01/08/09 05:11 AM
Edited by franshade on Thu 01/08/09 05:11 AM

Something wonderful

Something wonderful will come from this.

Something of great value is already taking shape.
In every disappointment, there are fertile seeds of accomplishment. In times of pain, there are opportunities arising for magnificent joy.

When you are making your way through the dark and lonely valley, keep going. Keep going and you'll soon reach the place where you begin to climb out and up toward the mountaintop.

Allow your difficulties the opportunity to give you strength. Let the tough times make the good times much more rewarding than they otherwise would have been.

Be truly thankful for each opportunity to more fully appreciate life's goodness. And be confident that the goodness is always there.

Know that something wonderful will come from this. And it will.

no photo
Thu 01/08/09 06:06 AM

Something wonderful

Something wonderful will come from this.

Something of great value is already taking shape.
In every disappointment, there are fertile seeds of accomplishment. In times of pain, there are opportunities arising for magnificent joy.

When you are making your way through the dark and lonely valley, keep going. Keep going and you'll soon reach the place where you begin to climb out and up toward the mountaintop.

Allow your difficulties the opportunity to give you strength. Let the tough times make the good times much more rewarding than they otherwise would have been.

Be truly thankful for each opportunity to more fully appreciate life's goodness. And be confident that the goodness is always there.

Know that something wonderful will come from this. And it will.

Sittin here injecting myself with the POSITIVE! Don't tell you enough g/f what good this thread does!!! So THANK YOU AGAIN!! flowers flowers flowers

franshade's photo
Thu 01/08/09 06:08 AM

Something wonderful

Something wonderful will come from this.

Something of great value is already taking shape.
In every disappointment, there are fertile seeds of accomplishment. In times of pain, there are opportunities arising for magnificent joy.

When you are making your way through the dark and lonely valley, keep going. Keep going and you'll soon reach the place where you begin to climb out and up toward the mountaintop.

Allow your difficulties the opportunity to give you strength. Let the tough times make the good times much more rewarding than they otherwise would have been.

Be truly thankful for each opportunity to more fully appreciate life's goodness. And be confident that the goodness is always there.

Know that something wonderful will come from this. And it will.

Sittin here injecting myself with the POSITIVE! Don't tell you enough g/f what good this thread does!!! So THANK YOU AGAIN!! flowers flowers flowers


thought no one read it anymore, but it is therapeutic for me :banana:

no photo
Thu 01/08/09 07:20 AM

Something wonderful

Something wonderful will come from this.

Something of great value is already taking shape.
In every disappointment, there are fertile seeds of accomplishment. In times of pain, there are opportunities arising for magnificent joy.

When you are making your way through the dark and lonely valley, keep going. Keep going and you'll soon reach the place where you begin to climb out and up toward the mountaintop.

Allow your difficulties the opportunity to give you strength. Let the tough times make the good times much more rewarding than they otherwise would have been.

Be truly thankful for each opportunity to more fully appreciate life's goodness. And be confident that the goodness is always there.

Know that something wonderful will come from this. And it will.

Sittin here injecting myself with the POSITIVE! Don't tell you enough g/f what good this thread does!!! So THANK YOU AGAIN!! flowers flowers flowers


thought no one read it anymore, but it is therapeutic for me :banana:

No, I read it, it's just that I'm use to goofing off with you in threads and feel that this thread needs to stay as you've made it! JMO!

franshade's photo
Thu 01/22/09 12:40 PM

Standard of living

Your standard of living has very little to do with how much money you make or how many possessions you have. It depends primarily on the way you choose to live your life in each moment.
Your standard of living is not decided by where you came from. It is determined by where you choose to go.

You don't need anyone's permission or assistance to raise your standard of living. You simply must decide to make the very best of who you are and what you have.

Do you wish to live a magnificent life that's overflowing with joy and fulfillment? You can most certainly do that, right here and now, by choosing your attitude, your perceptions, your thoughts and your actions.

Raise your standard of living in every moment by doing something to make your world a more beautiful place. Achieve the very highest standard of living by faithfully following the purpose that lives at your core.

There is always something you can do to improve the quality of your life. Continually seize those opportunities for improvement, and enjoy a rich, rewarding standard of living all the time.

franshade's photo
Thu 01/22/09 12:46 PM


Base your decisions on thought and perception rather than assumptions. Don't get trapped by assuming what is no longer true.

Be careful not to use your assumptions as excuses for avoiding action. Question and challenge those assumptions, and focus on what you wish to accomplish.

The world changes with every moment. What you once assumed to be true may no longer be true, and may never have actually been true in the first place.

Look at the world in front of you with eyes free of judgment. Consider all the possibilities, especially those that seem particularly outrageous.

Instead of assuming that you can't, feel the confidence that comes from knowing you can. Hiding behind every assumption there are new opportunities ready to be explored.

Let go of the assumptions that may be holding you back. And discover how very much you can do.

franshade's photo
Thu 01/22/09 12:49 PM

Root out the problems

Beware of quick-fix solutions that end up being worse than the problems they are intended to solve. There's nothing to be gained from a cure that is worse than the disease.

And there's certainly nothing to be gained from a solution that merely masks or delays the problem without addressing the underlying cause. When there's a problem in your life, get to work rooting out the core of that problem.

Facing a challenge requires effort, and yet that effort is necessary only for a relatively short time. Running from the challenge requires ever-increasing effort that has no end.

The sooner you start working through a problem, the more quickly you'll have that problem behind you. The earlier you deal with the root cause of the problem, the more effective your efforts will be.

Truly eliminating the cause of the problem does indeed take more work than quickly fixing the symptoms. Yet once the difficult work is done to remove the problem, it's gone for good.

Do the work to root out each problem at its core. And your efforts will bring lasting rewards.

franshade's photo
Fri 01/23/09 06:52 AM

From the inside out

When you feel the urge to be critical of someone else, look first within yourself. The weaknesses and shortcomings you perceive in another may very well be pointing to improvements you can make in your own life.

Instead of depending on others to change, or attempting to force them to do so, look for positive changes that you can make. You'll always have much more success controlling your own life than you will have controlling others.

If you wish to live in a positive world, be a positive person. If you desire peace, then be completely at peace with yourself.

Life is a mirror that reflects your most authentic self back to you. It flows from the inside out.

The values and priorities that you live by will greatly influence the world that you live in. The thoughts and feelings you hold most consistently on the inside will determine how life unfolds for you on the outside.

Allow peace, love, joy and fulfillment to flow from the inside out. Make your world the best it can be.

Fade2Black's photo
Fri 01/23/09 07:38 AM
I don't get in here often Fran, but when I do I'm always thankful for the wisdom you are quoting.

Good job flowerforyou

franshade's photo
Fri 01/23/09 07:54 AM
thanks Fade, this is just a slice of my litle piece of heaven here.

glad you enjoy! flowerforyou

Fade2Black's photo
Fri 01/23/09 08:00 AM

thanks Fade, this is just a slice of my litle piece of heaven here.

glad you enjoy! flowerforyou

absolutely! (((( TGIF ))))