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Topic: Betwixt And Between
RainbowTrout's photo
Sat 04/07/07 10:11 PM
Living in the world of betwixt and between.
Its the strangest place that I have ever seen.
I'm not really here and I'm not really there.
Its like I am in this place not really anywhere.

Its this world that seems like my own making.
I feel my presence there and here creating.
How I got in this place I am not really sure.
I try to remember the first time but its a blur.

Somehow I got in this place so long ago.
First a finger, then a hand and an elbow.
I had to take a look inside so then my head.
I was amazed but at the same time a dread.

I figure what the heck so climbed totally in.
I saw others there, too; Some I called friend.
Part of me feels like I haven't really left.
Part of me feels this odd sense of bereft.

I have tried to find the opening to go back.
It must be hidden or I might be just offtrack.
One thing is for certain; I feel so changed.
Reality has tilted; Fantasy, its been rearranged.

Boomhower25's photo
Sat 04/07/07 10:37 PM
God Bless Rainbow Trout And Happy Easter.

RainbowTrout's photo
Sat 04/07/07 10:39 PM
Thank you. Happy Easter and may God bless you as well.

Jess642's photo
Sun 04/08/07 02:53 AM
Once again it is so refreshing to hear your peotry Allen....

A comfort, and familiar.

Thankyou flowerforyou

Jess642's photo
Sun 04/08/07 04:19 AM
Oh Roy I am sorry, was so excited to see a friendly face I called you
the wrong name....ooops!!!

RainbowTrout's photo
Sun 04/08/07 08:48 AM
Its ok, Jess. All my dogs say is just arf arf or bark bark. They really
did like the 50 pound of dog food, though. When I came home the empty 20
pound bag was definately different. It kind of reminds me of the plant
from the movie Little Shop Of Horrors that kept saying, "Feed Me", lol.

EmotionalTurbulance's photo
Sun 04/08/07 10:40 AM
heya royhappy

Moving mountains mightier
stumbling thorned passages
sweat, blood, and wretchedness
rivers of tears cut with time
valleys and rivers
filled to brimming
the soul's cry...
swimming against wakes
earth turns to mudstone
baked like a kilned vessel
quaking and vehemant
staid the mountian
fall at its foot
lend among the rivers wept
open rushes of wind
say OKAY! OKAY!...
and purged be poison
and time still walks
Now, touch and See
the mountain standing
and changed, clearer
One step, climb...
nine steps, views changed
the journey travels with you
struggle stopped
resistance against nature
be futile
Go with it
And, it goes with you...


RainbowTrout's photo
Sun 04/08/07 10:43 AM
Awesome, Nene. Good to see you writing, again. :)

EmotionalTurbulance's photo
Sun 04/08/07 11:08 AM

Hell, I never stop, lol. Can't!laugh

First I've added here, and wonderful to see you doing so as well.:smile:

RainbowTrout's photo
Mon 04/09/07 06:43 PM
After The First Step

Don't ever feel that you are unloved because you have friends.
Don't ever feel that life has passed you by just make amends.
Don't ever feel that you are so unique because someone cares.
Don't ever feel that life is not worth it; Make sure you share.
Don't ever give up on love; Someone out there just for you.
Don't ever give up on life; Someone is depending on you, too.
Don't ever give up on you; Someone knows what you are.
Don't ever give up on us; After the first step its not so far.

EmotionalTurbulance's photo
Mon 04/09/07 07:03 PM
hey you:smile:

between here and there
some call void, be but an opening
a place to gather energy
a place to rest...
in the between land
we touch others
and pass upon shadows
in the between land
we are shed of skin
in the between land
steps are silent
yet, leaps be made
in the between land
stories unwind
and betwixt the tales
the strings play
become music, song
of the symphony
between all things...

RainbowTrout's photo
Mon 04/09/07 08:02 PM
Thank you.:smile:

Blue Cruiser Dreams

Swimming in a sea of space
Used to be such a lonely place.
But as long as I can see the sun
I feel I can touch everyone.

The nights were so very lonely
Thinking of being with you only.
Space is like this big ocean
That you can barely feel motion.

Blue cruiser dreams take me away
Where the tides and waves play.
Blue cruiser dreams help me see
The beauty of nature so free.

Passing by the Milky Way
I hear what the dolphins say.
The whales sing me to sleep
And I feel space so very deep.

Blue cruiser dreams guide me on
So I can still look at awe upon
The life so infinite in display
As we take a calm rest today.

EmotionalTurbulance's photo
Tue 04/10/07 05:36 AM
Traffic muted by morning air
sleepy faces behind windshields
glinting bright morning sun in their eyes
steam curls from coffee mugs
and, birds waken the day
yellow buses, crawl full
as kids are carried to the learned places
sleepy heads waking up
another day begins...


EmotionalTurbulance's photo
Tue 04/10/07 12:38 PM
watching winter
sneaking in the back door
rearing its head
throwing coldness, more, more!

this year so stubborn
scarves wound still
icicle spears grow
light be spring, and will


lol, we have another snow watch. oh YUCKY!

EmotionalTurbulance's photo
Tue 04/10/07 12:53 PM
Time ago met minds of likewise
Seems long and long
but a season or more only

bringing love, sight
and wisdom to fore
a bond of solid truth

Your smile lit up
your tears held with mine
these things will last forever

it is said somewhere
kindreds know of each other
through passages of time

Awakened, or in slumber
souls met well
again this will be so

distance is measured
yet, a word, merely
and mine remembers mind...


EmotionalTurbulance's photo
Tue 04/10/07 01:04 PM
Raising Cain
and cane spared by the rod-bearer
held back
intake of sharp breath
as she speaks truth
pause a moment...

true! can it be so?
the weapons wilt
to pools of mirrors
reflecting actions past
and, then look closer

we see each other
as the deeds are ours to share
monster to monster
eye to eye
spirit to love
to heart rending swords...


EmotionalTurbulance's photo
Tue 04/10/07 01:13 PM
Back to back
swords held at chest height
two aquarians ready for the quests
from all sides oppositonal
and, rear defend covered
by our own asses

realization of intended woo
she turns a four season cycle
eventually catching up
to his devout inner manner
yet, being God, and peering up
at the one held on pedestal

how to stand back to back?
with God, and be held higher
than his proclamations?
the fall is hard from himself
self appointed deity
and harder for her, held too high

hope he has a catchers mitt!
and a pillow for his ass
for I have turned face to face
and met the seesaw
God is scared, and hiding
from himself....


EmotionalTurbulance's photo
Tue 04/10/07 06:27 PM

exploded mind pours
outward toward yours
inside seething twists
try to weave such evil myths
related feeling gushes here
yet, for all of that, accept no fear
face to face with demons dance
tango faster take the chance
eye to eye, mind to mind
life goes with you
never behind


EmotionalTurbulance's photo
Tue 04/10/07 06:31 PM
remember, roy?

Touch upon many
names, with letters plenty
Flowers halted
not for long
petals open embrace
the united, and afar
stems to hold
strong, friendships, love
roots spirit
reach far and far
connecting all...
beautiful US!


RainbowTrout's photo
Tue 04/10/07 07:02 PM
Yes, remembering, Nene.


Oh, great Janus, keeper of gates and doorways
Seeing from two sides or is it really fourways?
With you there is so many varied beginnings
And are some of these beginnings endings?
You see all the past and all the future
But do you deal with time as you nuture?
Will you take me to your loving place
Oh, great Janitor, to see all your face?
How does one see from two faces the all
Yet, be only just a myth and so small?
How is it that your bust is at the Vatican
And you appear like just any normal man?

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