Topic: Would you go to a Gay Wedding?
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Sat 11/08/08 04:22 PM
I hate weddings they always make me cry. If it was a close friend or family member then yes I would force my weepy emotional self to attend.

TelephoneMan's photo
Sun 11/09/08 01:35 PM
Edited by TelephoneMan on Sun 11/09/08 01:37 PM
No, I don't believe I would go. I wouldn't make a scene about it, and I don't think we need to rush to Congress and make a huge political lobby group about it, I just wouldn't honestly have any interest in attending.

I think it is fairly politically correct to just follow the bah-bah sheep and say "oh, yes, I would go." I'm not a right-wing wack-o, I merely have a brain and I can think for myself. I would not find much joy in attending such an affair. I am also not wrong, nor are they the wedding party "wrong" if that is what floats their boat, but you asked, and I haven't seen many people with a pair big enough to just say "no"... so there you have it. I would not go.

Now... please no assuming why I would not go, or jumping to conclusions, I feel I am allowed my opinion. And I won't be arguing it with any of you, or trying to force my views down your throat. My answer is just simply "no."

krupa's photo
Sun 11/09/08 01:39 PM
I have hit a gay birthday party....everyone there but the birthday boy and his partner were was odd, memorable and FABULOUSSSSSS!

no photo
Sun 11/09/08 01:39 PM

No, I don't believe I would go. I wouldn't make a scene about it, and I don't think we need to rush to Congress and make a huge political lobby group about it, I just wouldn't honestly have any interest in attending.

I think it is fairly politically correct to just follow the bah-bah sheep and say "oh, yes, I would go." I'm not a right-wing wack-o, I merely have a brain and I can think for myself. I would not find much joy in attending such an affair. I am also not wrong, nor are they the wedding party "wrong" if that is what floats their boat, but you asked, and I haven't seen many people with a pair big enough to just say "no"... so there you have it. I would not go.

Now... please no assuming why I would not go, or jumping to conclusions, I feel I am allowed my opinion. And I won't be arguing it with any of you, or trying to force my views down your throat. My answer is just simply "no."

Don't assume that those of us would go are saying so just because others are saying the same thing. Some of us do think for ourselves. Some of us do have gay friends that we'd happily go see get married.

no photo
Sun 11/09/08 01:42 PM
I am definitely not homophobic, so I would probably go. But first, I need some information about how their "reception" works.

ScottyBravo's photo
Sun 11/09/08 01:42 PM
If it was someone I knew and cared about, sure thing. I have a close family friend who is gay and would gladly go, to show him my support and love.

krupa's photo
Sun 11/09/08 01:45 PM
Personally, I think it is cool that so many of us are receptive to those among us who have an alternative life style.

I noticed that pretty much everyone is just focused on thier friends and family just being happy. I can't help but respect you kids for that mindset...

Glad times are changing....

no photo
Sun 11/09/08 01:49 PM
Edited by elanher on Sun 11/09/08 01:51 PM
If it were a friends wedding and I was invited. I wouldn't just show up at a random one.

beachbum069's photo
Sun 11/09/08 01:49 PM
I was the elected wedding photographer for my friends wedding. It was rather fun being surrounded by about 30 women.devil

TelephoneMan's photo
Sun 11/09/08 01:59 PM
Edited by TelephoneMan on Sun 11/09/08 02:08 PM

Yet....there are always those who will not accept those among of us who do not conform to thier personal ideas.

I suppose the fellow in the cowboy hat thinks he is doing God a favor... typically my opinion is... NOT.

The Jesus that I know would not be hiding inside of a multi-million dollar brick building complaining about the world and the society, nor would he bother lobbying Congress for anything. This person, as remembered in the Bible would be equally interested in the welfare of every human being. In the Christian philosphy, he volunteered to lay down his life on a cross and allow Roman guards to drive nails in his hands and feet. He did this for all people, every where. Not just for a lost generation of luke warm ninnies who think they need to revive Old Testamnet customs on tithing to pay for their multi-million dollar social establishments. You just can't keep God in a brick building.

Folks like the man in this photo wearing the cowboy hat are so lost in prejudiced hate that they are of no effect. In fact, I am thinking they are having the opposite effect of what they intend. "God is love"... not a hater. The Jesus I know has compassion on all... enough that he laid down his life, he didn't parade around town with a big sign saying "screw the Romans, my kingdom is here"... I am so sorry that people can hate so vehemently.

People tend to worship the U.S. Constitution, too. But there were Chrisitians on this planet a long time before there was a U.S.A. And... there will be Christians a long time after this country disappears off the map. Being a Christian has NOTHING to do with being an American. All governments fail because they were created by an imperfect man. The Constitution is not a holy book, it is not a new creed of Chrsitianity. And I feel saddened when hateful people with seemingly good intentions use God as a sledge hammer to try to enforce some political view point. James Dobson, Pat Roberson, Jerry Falweel, to name a few have ruined the simple Gospel message by refusing to allow a healthy separattion of chruch and state in their teachings. They fell prey to power and the lure of worshipping the Constitution... and in their wake are many damaged souls.

I am not going to argue my religious views with anyone who will post later. I am just stating my view points. I can say this, too... I have many friends of all types of sexual persuasions, and I treat them all equally and with respect.

I would not go to a gay wedding, no. But my friends would respect me for that, not "tisk-tisk" me for my beliefs. I will live my life, and I will stand as un-compromising as possible in my faith, and if someone were to watch my life long enough, they would at least view some of the reasons I choose to believe what I believe. I do not by any means think it should be crammed down the throats of people when they least expect it. I also do not believe in this hate-mongering type of (supposed) Christianity that goes on as right-wong political groups take donations from little ol' grammas to turn around and take the money to finance their fixation and obsession with worship of the U.S. Constitution. It's called "politcal lobbying" not "spreading the Gospel." And James Dobson is probably the worst.

I rarely speak of my faith on here, but seeing this man in the cowboy hat really stirs something inside of me, and as a Christian man, as a very strong Christian... I know what this man was doing was WRONG. That's my opinion, anyways. It doesn't represent the faith I have cherished for some 20 years.

My 2 cents.

Ruth34611's photo
Sun 11/09/08 02:00 PM

smile2Would you go to a Gay Wedding?smile2Have you gone to one?smile2

I went to a gay handfasting.

scoundrel's photo
Sun 11/09/08 02:01 PM
Yup. Yup.
Chicks at gay weddings are some hot stuff.:wink:

TelephoneMan's photo
Sun 11/09/08 02:02 PM
Edited by TelephoneMan on Sun 11/09/08 02:11 PM

Don't assume that those of us would go are saying so just because others are saying the same thing. Some of us do think for ourselves. Some of us do have gay friends that we'd happily go see get married.

Don't assume that I don't have gay and/or lesbian friends. If they did make the marriages legal here, I would not go. Personal preference, nor prejudice. I'm not a "bad guy" for simply making a choice. Actually, thinking that way would be reverse discrimination.

Mr_Music's photo
Sun 11/09/08 02:03 PM
Honest answer? Not a chance in hell, and it has NOTHING to do with homophobia. Gay rights activists always like to play that card as their best weapon.

Yes, I have the stones to say it. I could care less what anyone thinks.

TelephoneMan's photo
Sun 11/09/08 02:04 PM
Edited by TelephoneMan on Sun 11/09/08 02:09 PM

Honest answer? Not a chance in hell, and it has NOTHING to do with homophobia. Gay rights activists always like to play that card as their best weapon.

Yes, I have the stones to say it. I could care less what anyone thinks.

Thank you.


papersmile's photo
Sun 11/09/08 02:08 PM

i only have one gay friend close enough to me that would invite me to his wedding, and he's too much of a loner, so i doubt it would ever happen.

i've gone with him to gay bars so i doubt it would bother me in the least to attend a wedding.

no photo
Sun 11/09/08 02:10 PM

Don't assume that those of us would go are saying so just because others are saying the same thing. Some of us do think for ourselves. Some of us do have gay friends that we'd happily go see get married.

Don't assume that I don't have gay and/or lesbian friends. But if they did make the marriages legal here, I would not go. Personal preference, nor prejudice.

I didn't say you didn't have gay friends. I said some of us have gay friends we'd happily go see get married. There's a difference.

no photo
Sun 11/09/08 02:12 PM
Yeah, I'd go. I don't get caught up in the political correctness. I view it as an honor to participte in the celebration of love between two people I care about, nothin' better than that.:thumbsup:

TelephoneMan's photo
Sun 11/09/08 02:13 PM

Don't assume that those of us would go are saying so just because others are saying the same thing. Some of us do think for ourselves. Some of us do have gay friends that we'd happily go see get married.

Don't assume that I don't have gay and/or lesbian friends. But if they did make the marriages legal here, I would not go. Personal preference, nor prejudice.

I didn't say you didn't have gay friends. I said some of us have gay friends we'd happily go see get married. There's a difference.

WHAT-EVER.... some people simply love to argue... which is a total turn-off.

I'm out of here... argue away...

no photo
Sun 11/09/08 02:13 PM

Yeah, I'd go. I don't get caught up in the political correctness. I view it as an honor to participte in the celebration of love between two people I care about, nothin' better than that.:thumbsup:
