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Sat 09/23/06 11:30 AM
Okay...My rant for the day...(drum roll)

Electronic world..

Sorry if I am telling my age...But I remember when you could pump your
gas before you paid.. Now, even this is becoming a dying practice... My
town is small..I mean small, and until just recently you could pump your
gas without paying first..Alas the world finally encroaches even
here..Today for the first time in my town I had to pay before
pumping...Thanks, modern age...Lets just go ahead and pay our phone
bills at book store our light bills at hardware stores and while we are
at it lets make life so convenient that we never have to talk to a
nother real person face to face ever again.. Lets reduce everything
about ourselves to meaningless numbers and never talk to the same person
twice about our accounts...Forever reapeating the last four digits of
our social( for security purposes) to an undercaring underpaid voice in
new dehli ...
Lets continue to be surcharged for actually wanting to talk to a human
and be punished for being one..No one knows your name...No one knows
your face>> But the certainly know your credit card expiration
date....People are like gold...the more of us there are the less each
individual feels worth.. They are banking on that low self esteem,



It also occurs to me that the more electronic ways there are to get to
there were reasons you weren't in touch...Mail didn't come....river
flooded....Phone line broke...And so on...Today there is no excuse..But
i still hear an endless supply of them as if cellphones and email didn't
knock out most of them...Excuses excuses excuses..I am not the worlds
most responsible guy.. So when I see a problem with sticktuitiveness
and integrity, it is time to get scared..
Or at least take another look.. I am not sure if this post maesures up
to my last... In fact I am sure it doesn 't... I will endeavor to do
better in future.... Your personal Pariah WILL.. : )

SalvationJane's photo
Sat 09/23/06 11:44 AM
you forgot something Will, what about having to push one for English two
for Spanish before you enter the last four digits of your phone number?
WTF??!! this is America - you want to live here learn the language!!!
It used to piss me off so bad to turn on Seaseme Street when my
daughter was little and the whole freaking episode would be in Espanol.
Nothing wrong with learning another language if you want to. That's
great but it shouldn't be an alternate language to English if you are an

which reminds me of a hysterical video I seen on the net. A family of
foriegners, two kids and their parents, come to the U.S. get in a car,
turn on the radio and there's a song playing with the words "I wanna
fuck you in the ass" and they all start smiling and bebopping along
with the tune.

Get my drift? This is America...we all come from somewhere, but English
is what is spoken here! Learn it! You don't go France or Germany and
expect them to speak English NO!! You learn their language.

Part three (trace) of the rant will...sorry, got off on a tangent
myself...I'll leave quatro up to you...


no photo
Sat 09/23/06 11:48 AM

chismah's photo
Sat 09/23/06 11:59 AM
Well what do you expect guy...

BUSH is getting rid of our national soverignty and has ALREADY signed us
onto the North American Union which means...

Canada...Mexico & The U.S. will be MERGED as ONE WHOLE north american
Union like the more more more bill
of rights or constitution and everyone in the world that can get here
CAN and will...

Go to

And with the North American Union you will have Transponders in ALL the
cars that will have alittle tracking chip in your State Inspection
Stickers TAXING YOU by the MILE...all merged also with our new National
I.D. Biometric card that will generate into A Gradual Sales Tax as
well..and down the road in the future if you don't have this card you
won't be able to:

1) Have a job

2) Buy or Purchase Goods

3) Get into the shopping malls or Seaworld without it!!

and lots of other horrible goodies for you and me...hitler's nazi
germany could never of dreamed of something like this...

In other words...with those taxes we will be forced to pay taxes for our
OWN DESTRUCTION...the death of america...DO YOU UNDERSTAND...

Go to GOOGLE and type in NORTH AMERICAN COMMUNITY and read the loving
CFR (Council on Foreign Relations)

(Google Search) -

Building a North American Community - PDF File of the actual Document
online for ALL to see -

And Will my friend if you think it's bad just've
seen NOTHING yet my friend and it's going to get very very very very
VERY bad here...but I know I know...people will now attack the messenger
for telling the truth and showing you as those switches in
the brain turn off and watch people deny it and it's right there...I'm
sorry if the truth hurts...but it's the facts and the truth...just
denying it or wishing it away WON'T HELP...

Bush has just committed TREASON under the consitution and without the
approval of congress...research it more yourselves...I've said my
factual part and don't hate me for showing you because remember...I'm
not the one that just handed the only free country left in the world
over to the world banks, IMF, CFR on the alter of globalism & world
government in which this is all about and for the people to return to a
life of serftum or slavery this is what it's all about a HIGH TECH

no photo
Sat 09/23/06 12:05 PM
Don't think I am naive..... JUst hopefull WILL

SalvationJane's photo
Sat 09/23/06 12:09 PM
We have to have somebody to pick all the rotten fruit in California!!

Just learn English Please!! For the love of God!!

no photo
Sat 09/23/06 12:10 PM
No habla englis!>>>> LOL

SalvationJane's photo
Sat 09/23/06 12:13 PM
Laughing my ass off!!


chica42ny's photo
Sat 09/23/06 12:56 PM
Hey J not every body do not speak English!

no photo
Sat 09/23/06 01:11 PM
at least them last four digits are your phone # and not your serial #,
not yet anyway lol

you always had to pay for gas first inmy neighborhoods but that's
because the cops wouldn't come if you got shot when they robbed you. i
remember the first time they put up those bulletproof windows with the
drawer in it and that was someting like 20 years ago.

no photo
Sat 09/23/06 01:13 PM
time marches on on on for whom the bell tolls..WILL

no photo
Sat 09/23/06 01:20 PM
that's right , keep on truckin and never stop fuckin, ain't no reason
for them stupid asses to get me down because when they drive their life
into the ground i'm not gonna say i told you so but i may not be there
any longer to give them a hand either. i'm goin back to the hills where
i belong and have some deep intellectual and down right funny
conversations with my rifle. life is what you make of it, don't let them
make it for you

SalvationJane's photo
Sat 09/23/06 01:28 PM
No Chica, not everyone does, but if you reside in the US that is the
native language and what should be spoken primarily...not Spanish,
sorry. If I went to live in Mexico I wouldn't expect them to learn
English I would expect to have to learn Spanish comprenda?

No disrespect intended.


no photo
Sat 09/23/06 01:32 PM
NO capish??? : )

MynDLash's photo
Sat 09/23/06 01:43 PM
right on my sisters and brothers, we as a people needs to stand up and
put our foot, eneough is a fukin damn enough, it's true we all are going
to hell in a hand bag! i noticed the change serveral times before hand.
it really started freaking me out when i saw the grocery stores
installing electronic registers(self check outs) i mean what kind of a
jetson's hell are we moving into! they have the technology for flying
cars but, not yet marketed them, whats next they already are working on
high death weapons, etc. and that thing about the language fukin pisses
me off too, but get of the moment i have been recieveing
foodstamps and every month from the time my 1st son was born i had to do
a review for elligability(?) now, they want mine and my kids proof of
identiy, after we have been going there 4 yrs. they know who i am and my
kids and that we were born and raised a legall american citizen! they
want proof of idenity but, a birth certificate no, they want a fukin
school record of all things! it would make much more since to me if they
took the damn birth certificate! anyone can go to school and be who ever
they say they are! and all this fukin boils down to all the damn
illegall imagrants! same goes for our over populated country, i believe
thats why they changed our phone #'s cuz we all down here have to use
the area code plus the # now to make a local fukin call! or thats just
another way to tap our phones. i understand the safty issue, but if they
figured they need to do this then how come their secret agents didn't
tap the damn terrorists shit long time ago. i mean they should have i
record on every single imagrant thta comes into this country no matter
who they are. now, don't get me wrong cuz i know that we have our own
bad asses out there. but, they pretty much take care of them selves and
shoot one another off. lol, but come on! this shit is just crazy before
we know we'd invite the real alliens from some far off galaxy and say
welcome to the land of the free. lol get for real!

no photo
Sat 09/23/06 01:47 PM
what she said...LOL

chica42ny's photo
Sat 09/23/06 01:56 PM
There are lot of people, who reside in the United State so many years
and haven't learn the English language. Which is sad. My kids speak
English as their primary language, because i always speak to them and
sometime in spanish.

tu habla espanol J

SalvationJane's photo
Sat 09/23/06 02:10 PM
I have a lot of respect for you doing that Chica,

But often times it is the other way around. The US has made it an
alernate language so if Spanish speaking immigrants do not want to use
English - they don't have to. I don't agree with that. I think
everyone should now a second language, however should speak the language
that is native to the country they are living in. I tried to learn
French as that is my heritage. I've always planned a to take a trip to
Europe one day...and I'm almost certain when I use the phone it will not
tell me press #1 for English


Jimi366's photo
Sat 09/23/06 02:32 PM
I agree with Jaime, LEARN ENGLISH!!!!
Is it that fucking hard?
Keep your native language if you want
but learn English. Alot of my ancestors
are from Ireland. We didn't get to come
over the border. We hadda sail on a fuckin'
dirty ass ship and they made you stay at
Ellis Island until they were sure you were
healthy and had no diseases to pass on.
They put you out into a world where
alot of the places you could get
jobs had signs saying "no Irish wanted"
My ancestors HAD to learn English
pretty damn quick! They also took on
the shittiest jobs cos no one else would
hire them. They had to become part of America.
That really is all we ask of anyone else
is that if you come here, become part of here.
If you live here, make this place a home.
Don't just not learn the language,
get all the benefits, send all your money home,
and not become a part of this place.
Nothing is being asked of the current wave
of immigrants that wasn't asked of
any other wave of immigrants.
As far as Bush goes...
I voted for him twice and used to have
respect for this man but I see him
giving our country away on a silver platter.
Outsourcing jobs to India should be illegal!
This is the problem with our country,
we are too busy solving everybody else's problems
and not taking care of our own asses.

SalvationJane's photo
Sat 09/23/06 04:41 PM
Amazing Jimi and so True!! My mom is Irish.

My grandparents on my father's side were our first decendents here.
They spoke fluent French but had no choice but to learn the language and
as you put it damn quick if they wanted to eat - there were no handouts
in those days. They were dirt poor, my grandpa made jewlery out of
silverware, but once he learned English got a job in the coal mine.
Point being, they never forgot their heritage or where they came from
but they came to America to be Americans...

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