Topic: FOX NEWS reports full extent of Palin's stupidity.
Winx's photo
Wed 11/05/08 10:36 PM

Wow...Americans criticizing other Americans....

Go figure....

Didn't Obama ask for ALL AMERICANS to unite?

Wow...we DO have a long way to go....

It's a serious thing if they don't know what countries are in North America and they're running for a position in the White House!!

Whatever. The criticism is there. Maybe she mispoke, kind of like Obama mispoke about the 57 states...

The point is....stop (i'm NOT saying you Winx, just people in general) stop criticizing other Americans...

hahaha...You got out of that one, didn't you?laugh flowerforyou

msdestinbooty's photo
Wed 11/05/08 10:41 PM
I didnt like what he had to say.

Drew07_2's photo
Wed 11/05/08 10:50 PM
Edited by Drew07_2 on Wed 11/05/08 10:52 PM
Why any attention is being paid to Gov. Palin at this point is just beyond me. I did not support her or John McCain in their campaign but that is almost beside the point. The election is over--your candidate won. But since you can't seem to help yourself regarding Gov. Palin, let's take a look at some of the brilliant examples of intellectual prowess the man who did win has provided us over the years.

When speaking with Katie Couric about the role of the White House in our current financial crisis, VP Elect Joe Biden said the following:

"When the stock market crashed, Franklin Roosevelt got on the television and didn't just talk about the princes of greed," Biden told Couric. "He said, 'Look, here's what happened.'"

You've almost got it Joe, but Hoover was President when the stock market crashed and no one was watching anything on TV in 1929.


On the day of his announcement, Biden observed this about Obama:

“I mean, you got the first mainstream African American who is articulate and bright and clean and a nice-looking guy.”

(To be fair, it was in the context of a Presidential run but wow, imagine if a white guy with an "R" after his name had said something even remotely similar. I assure you, context would not have been a factor as he endured his getting the hell kicked out of him for being so mind-numbingly stupid.)

Finally, and in reference to Delaware, Biden said to a man last summer:

“You cannot go to a 7-Eleven or a Dunkin’ Donuts unless you have a slight Indian accent.”

Gasp!! Again, imagine if McCain or Palin had said something even close to that. Joe does not make it clear why a customer would need the accent in order to purchase 7-11 products but what the hell, he'd dug himself a nice little hole and needed no further assistance.

So, to the original poster--you are right, it is a good thing that Sarah Palin was not a heartbeat away from the "Oval" considering her complete lack of basic geographical knowledge. It is an unforgivable mistake in that they obviously did not do their job during the vetting process. That stated, while you are busy worrying about the woman who won't be Vice President, I'm a little concerned about the man who will.


dicimus01's photo
Wed 11/05/08 10:54 PM
First let me say I didn't vote for McCain.
All of you loyal Americans that are talking trash about MS Palin need to step back. She was ask to put herself out in front, and she thought she could do good for our country. Maybe she wasn't ready. She at least tried. We don't have to agree with each others politics, we just have to decide who will be best for us, and hopefully it works out. Trashing someone that at least tried is pretty low. Is this what we are going to see, Prez Elect Obama is calling for unity and you, his people are talking trash. Reminds me of little bush when he was talking about THEM.

Winx's photo
Wed 11/05/08 10:54 PM
I think that Biden is intelligent but makes gaffes. JMO.

Spaceman2008's photo
Wed 11/05/08 10:56 PM

Wow...Americans criticizing other Americans....

Go figure....

Didn't Obama ask for ALL AMERICANS to unite?

Wow...we DO have a long way to go....

...since when was it wrong for americans to criticize other americans... i thought freedom of speech was encouraged... am i missing something here...? are you guys no longer allowed criticize those in or seeking governing positions? if so i didnt get the memo laugh


Stop criticizing other Americans.



Seriously, though...the Bush days are gone...we do need to try to push forward instead of looking back, agree??


End of Memo/Message, Winx, LOL.....

Spaceman2008's photo
Wed 11/05/08 10:57 PM
Edited by Spaceman2008 on Wed 11/05/08 10:58 PM

Wow...Americans criticizing other Americans....

Go figure....

Didn't Obama ask for ALL AMERICANS to unite?

Wow...we DO have a long way to go....

It's a serious thing if they don't know what countries are in North America and they're running for a position in the White House!!

Whatever. The criticism is there. Maybe she mispoke, kind of like Obama mispoke about the 57 states...

The point is....stop (i'm NOT saying you Winx, just people in general) stop criticizing other Americans...

hahaha...You got out of that one, didn't you?laugh flowerforyou

Yes, Winx, I sure did, because I know better!!!

:laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

Winx's photo
Wed 11/05/08 11:02 PM

Wow...Americans criticizing other Americans....

Go figure....

Didn't Obama ask for ALL AMERICANS to unite?

Wow...we DO have a long way to go....

...since when was it wrong for americans to criticize other americans... i thought freedom of speech was encouraged... am i missing something here...? are you guys no longer allowed criticize those in or seeking governing positions? if so i didnt get the memo laugh


Stop criticizing other Americans.



Seriously, though...the Bush days are gone...we do need to try to push forward instead of looking back, agree??


End of Memo/Message, Winx, LOL.....


Winx's photo
Wed 11/05/08 11:03 PM

Wow...Americans criticizing other Americans....

Go figure....

Didn't Obama ask for ALL AMERICANS to unite?

Wow...we DO have a long way to go....

It's a serious thing if they don't know what countries are in North America and they're running for a position in the White House!!

Whatever. The criticism is there. Maybe she mispoke, kind of like Obama mispoke about the 57 states...

The point is....stop (i'm NOT saying you Winx, just people in general) stop criticizing other Americans...

hahaha...You got out of that one, didn't you?laugh flowerforyou

Yes, Winx, I sure did, because I know better!!!

:laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

laugh flowerforyou

JasmineInglewood's photo
Wed 11/05/08 11:04 PM

Why any attention is being paid to Gov. Palin at this point is just beyond me. I did not support her or John McCain in their campaign but that is almost beside the point. The election is over--your candidate won. But since you can't seem to help yourself regarding Gov. Palin, let's take a look at some of the brilliant examples of intellectual prowess the man who did win has provided us over the years.

When speaking with Katie Couric about the role of the White House in our current financial crisis, VP Elect Joe Biden said the following:

"When the stock market crashed, Franklin Roosevelt got on the television and didn't just talk about the princes of greed," Biden told Couric. "He said, 'Look, here's what happened.'"

You've almost got it Joe, but Hoover was President when the stock market crashed and no one was watching anything on TV in 1929.


On the day of his announcement, Biden observed this about Obama:

“I mean, you got the first mainstream African American who is articulate and bright and clean and a nice-looking guy.”

(To be fair, it was in the context of a Presidential run but wow, imagine if a white guy with an "R" after his name had said something even remotely similar. I assure you, context would not have been a factor as he endured his getting the hell kicked out of him for being so mind-numbingly stupid.)

Finally, and in reference to Delaware, Biden said to a man last summer:

“You cannot go to a 7-Eleven or a Dunkin’ Donuts unless you have a slight Indian accent.”

Gasp!! Again, imagine if McCain or Palin had said something even close to that. Joe does not make it clear why a customer would need the accent in order to purchase 7-11 products but what the hell, he'd dug himself a nice little hole and needed no further assistance.

So, to the original poster--you are right, it is a good thing that Sarah Palin was not a heartbeat away from the "Oval" considering her complete lack of basic geographical knowledge. It is an unforgivable mistake in that they obviously did not do their job during the vetting process. That stated, while you are busy worrying about the woman who won't be Vice President, I'm a little concerned about the man who will.

laugh I find you examples of Biden's verbal gaffes funny as well sir, but what distinguishes them from sarah palin is that they are just that, verbal gaffes. I make verbal gaffes many times, as does everybody else i know who are reasonably intelligent people. Sarah Palin does not make verbal gaffes, being an otherwise intelligent and knowledgeable woman, she is just downright unintelligent and not very knowledgeable. My interest in her as like most people in america and across the globe is purely of a sadistic pleasure in watching a trainwreck. The trianwreck appeal of someone like sarah palin outweighs that of someone like Joe Biden... for me anyway.

But what you are saying makes sense, i guess i should be more interested in who actually is the VP at the moment... and i will, oh trust me i will...but come on dude... can u tell me you dont still chuckle at McCain's choice of running mate laugh . I like to laugh at the simple pleasures of life dear, dont kill me for that bigsmile

wiley's photo
Wed 11/05/08 11:06 PM
It's sad to see the Republicans acting like the Democrats did in 2000 and 2004. Kind of makes their constant criticism back then hypocritical, doesn't it?

Drew07_2's photo
Thu 11/06/08 07:44 AM

Why any attention is being paid to Gov. Palin at this point is just beyond me. I did not support her or John McCain in their campaign but that is almost beside the point. The election is over--your candidate won. But since you can't seem to help yourself regarding Gov. Palin, let's take a look at some of the brilliant examples of intellectual prowess the man who did win has provided us over the years.

When speaking with Katie Couric about the role of the White House in our current financial crisis, VP Elect Joe Biden said the following:

"When the stock market crashed, Franklin Roosevelt got on the television and didn't just talk about the princes of greed," Biden told Couric. "He said, 'Look, here's what happened.'"

You've almost got it Joe, but Hoover was President when the stock market crashed and no one was watching anything on TV in 1929.


On the day of his announcement, Biden observed this about Obama:

“I mean, you got the first mainstream African American who is articulate and bright and clean and a nice-looking guy.”

(To be fair, it was in the context of a Presidential run but wow, imagine if a white guy with an "R" after his name had said something even remotely similar. I assure you, context would not have been a factor as he endured his getting the hell kicked out of him for being so mind-numbingly stupid.)

Finally, and in reference to Delaware, Biden said to a man last summer:

“You cannot go to a 7-Eleven or a Dunkin’ Donuts unless you have a slight Indian accent.”

Gasp!! Again, imagine if McCain or Palin had said something even close to that. Joe does not make it clear why a customer would need the accent in order to purchase 7-11 products but what the hell, he'd dug himself a nice little hole and needed no further assistance.

So, to the original poster--you are right, it is a good thing that Sarah Palin was not a heartbeat away from the "Oval" considering her complete lack of basic geographical knowledge. It is an unforgivable mistake in that they obviously did not do their job during the vetting process. That stated, while you are busy worrying about the woman who won't be Vice President, I'm a little concerned about the man who will.

laugh I find you examples of Biden's verbal gaffes funny as well sir, but what distinguishes them from sarah palin is that they are just that, verbal gaffes. I make verbal gaffes many times, as does everybody else i know who are reasonably intelligent people. Sarah Palin does not make verbal gaffes, being an otherwise intelligent and knowledgeable woman, she is just downright unintelligent and not very knowledgeable. My interest in her as like most people in america and across the globe is purely of a sadistic pleasure in watching a trainwreck. The trianwreck appeal of someone like sarah palin outweighs that of someone like Joe Biden... for me anyway.

But what you are saying makes sense, i guess i should be more interested in who actually is the VP at the moment... and i will, oh trust me i will...but come on dude... can u tell me you dont still chuckle at McCain's choice of running mate laugh . I like to laugh at the simple pleasures of life dear, dont kill me for that bigsmile

Oh, I do chuckle over McCain's choice. It was a good move for all of five minutes but now it appears that Gov. Palin was responsible in no small way for his defeat. I don't think the Republican Party could have fielded anyone that would have beaten President Elect Obama but that is not something that can really be argued now.

I don't know that I completely agree with your line of reasoning that Palin's lack of knowledge equates to high level stupidity while Biden's is simply a sign that he is prone to gaffes. I am having trouble believing that Biden gaffed twice regarding the President at the time of the stock market crash of 1929 but what's the difference?

What bothered me a bit more was the free pass he got when it came to the 7-11 comment. That was a terribly stupid and insensitive thing to say not to mention the fact that it did not make much sense.

Still, I cannot and will not disagree with you regarding Sarah Palin's dearth of knowledge. I remember being in the 6th grade and having to memorize every country in ever continent. I actually enjoyed that part of geography and am thankful today (much like I am that I took typing classes back in Jr. High) that I applied myself to geography. She should have known better and had McCain/Palin won, her thinking Africa was a nation as opposed to a continent would have been fodder for the press for a good few weeks.

Still, congratulations on your candidate winning and thanks for the civil reply.

-Drew :)

Quikstepper's photo
Thu 11/06/08 07:49 AM
Edited by Quikstepper on Thu 11/06/08 07:51 AM
SARAH PALIN Was not the cause of McCain's defeat. She energized the entire party. She is the real reason he did so well. McCain's handlers are a bunch of sore losers. The fact is they lost the election for him.

People will find out soon enough the difference between the lib loonie social engineering schemes vs moral values' place in having a self sustaining blessed society.

Giocamo's photo
Thu 11/06/08 07:52 AM

I like McCain he should of won. And nothing wrong with Palin either. I like them both. Obama is gonna make it HE** on Earth for us!!

I'm not sure about hell on Earth...but...I agree with you about McCain / Palin...flowerforyou

Giocamo's photo
Thu 11/06/08 07:54 AM

I like McCain he should of won. And nothing wrong with Palin either. I like them both. Obama is gonna make it HE** on Earth for us!!

Sadly I have to agree. I do pray he proves me wrong though. It's not him that I dislike but the things he stands for which are not a change for the better. I voted with my head.. not through my eyes.

where have you been all my life !! agree with you

Goofball73's photo
Thu 11/06/08 07:56 AM
Since when did you have to be "smart" to be in politics?

Benzy940's photo
Thu 11/06/08 07:56 AM

I like McCain he should of won. And nothing wrong with Palin either. I like them both. Obama is gonna make it HE** on Earth for us!!

Uuuuuuummmmmmmmmmm, I think Bush already got a jump on the Hell on earth thingy...jmo.

no photo
Thu 11/06/08 07:57 AM

Seriously, though...the Bush days are gone...we do need to try to push forward instead of looking back, agree??

Don't kid yourself....the Bush days aren't gone YET!!! He STILL has the opportunity to screw up PLENTY before he leaves office!!!

TheLonelyWalker's photo
Thu 11/06/08 07:58 AM

... noway

seriously people, you have no idea how much you dodged a bullet by electing Obama laugh
She didn't know Africa was a continent and not a country rofl . McCain campaign staff, now that the election is over, are now admitting to some pretty embarrassing details about their camp, namely, Sarah Palin.

I thought America was a continent not a country. Meaning the mass of land from Alaska to Argentina.
I thought the country's name was the the United States of America.
Meaning a Union of States within the American continent.

Drew07_2's photo
Thu 11/06/08 08:01 AM

SARAH PALIN Was not the cause of McCain's defeat. She energized the entire party. She is the real reason he did so well. McCain's handlers are a bunch of sore losers. The fact is they lost the election for him.

People will find out soon enough the difference between the lib loonie social engineering schemes vs moral values' place in having a self sustaining blessed society.

McCain's handlers? I don't know about you but John McCain does not strike me as the type of man who is loathe to speak out or provide direction. The man (as you know) spent more than a few nights in one of the most inhospitable places on earth. I don't know him personally but my suspicion is that having endured that much most likely changed his outlook and his practices.

I do believe that the selection of Gov. Palin played a huge part in his defeat. Like it or not, John McCain is 72 years old. While there was no indication that he was in poor or declining health it is safe to say that the thought of his having a catastrophic health event was on the minds of the people being asked to elect him. That the person he choose to step up was a woman is not at all the issue. That she was a mom and had a special needs child was not the issue. I didn't even think (as some did) that her daughter becoming pregnant was an issue. Kids often do what parents warn them against and so in that way, Sarah Palin was not unlike many parents who wish their kids had made better choices.

Still, her relative inexperience with national politics did have an effect on how people viewed her. There was not a great deal of confidence in her ability to lead should something befall Senator McCain and now, with news that she blew it as it relates to some pretty basic geography, well, that is not at all confidence inspiring.

Not everyone has an I.Q. of 140 and no one expects that a candidate will have a firm grasp on all of the complexities of our Republic. Still, she worried people enough to make them wonder not only about her ability to lead but about Senator McCain's decision making ability in that he went with someone so very unknown on the national scene.

I don't dislike Sarah Palin. I've never met the woman, sat down and had a conversation with her, so I cannot say whether or not I like or dislike her. That stated, her political honeymoon was over VERY quickly and while I believe that the press did go after her in ways they did not go after Senator Biden, her star fell, and fell hard.
