Topic: Favorite Symphony
DeathsTreaty's photo
Tue 11/04/08 09:21 PM
Whats your Favorite Symphony?

sara89's photo
Tue 11/04/08 09:22 PM
i couldnt nameone, though i have heard many

DeathsTreaty's photo
Tue 11/04/08 09:27 PM
I like a few Ive heard

just dont remeber them to well...

MalenaC's photo
Tue 11/04/08 09:30 PM
No.8 . Beethoven

rara777's photo
Wed 11/05/08 02:49 AM
Pictures At An Exibition by Mussogorsky
Excellently done by Emerson,Lake,& Palmer in 1973.

Beethovens 5th

Trichalskis 1812 Overture