Topic: Southern Habits
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Tue 11/04/08 07:05 AM
I think a lot of it depends on tone of voice. I'm offended by it when it's clear that the person (no offense intended but it's usually men) are talking down to you. Other than that, I never thought about it one way or another. And since I've moved to the south, it's much more prevalent and I hardly notice it anymore. And, I find myself doing it much more than I used to.

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Tue 11/04/08 07:06 AM

I think a lot of it depends on tone of voice. I'm offended by it when it's clear that the person (no offense intended but it's usually men) are talking down to you. Other than that, I never thought about it one way or another. And since I've moved to the south, it's much more prevalent and I hardly notice it anymore. And, I find myself doing it much more than I used to.

Reston is the south?? :tongue:

thumper95's photo
Tue 11/04/08 07:07 AM
yes it is. its part of virginia,, and va is a southern state, still known for alot of farming and other things that the south is known for

no photo
Tue 11/04/08 07:08 AM

yes it is. its part of virginia,, and va is a southern state, still known for alot of farming and other things that the south is known for

Ah, but it's Northern VA. Much different than the rest of VA.

no photo
Tue 11/04/08 07:08 AM

I think a lot of it depends on tone of voice. I'm offended by it when it's clear that the person (no offense intended but it's usually men) are talking down to you. Other than that, I never thought about it one way or another. And since I've moved to the south, it's much more prevalent and I hardly notice it anymore. And, I find myself doing it much more than I used to.

Reston is the south?? :tongue:

Hmmm, point taken laugh But it IS far more southern than Detroit where I grew up. And I did live in Charleston SC for a few years. Can't really get much more southern than that bigsmile

BonnyMiss's photo
Tue 11/04/08 07:09 AM

sometimes i think that people in this day and age or too quick to annoyance tho...
in an era of getting things exactly how u want, exactly when u want and in some cases in the comfort of your own home where you dont have to interact with people as much during the course of the day, society's collective tolerance level for minor things and quirks people have, that really are harmless, go down. Society becomes either people who are perpetually anal and people who are constantly trying to check what they say or do so as not to offend.

Too many bills passed as law, too many groups protesting on behalf of some banal topic/cause! It's getting to the point of treading on egg shells some days.

thumper95's photo
Tue 11/04/08 07:09 AM
yeah a bunch of rich snobby people who think their shyte dont stink,, but i got news fer em,,, it does. but there are nice rural areas around here. winchester is part of nva and its got more farming around and in it than most other places, manassas,,, places like that still have the southern charm to it.

thumper95's photo
Tue 11/04/08 07:10 AM

I think a lot of it depends on tone of voice. I'm offended by it when it's clear that the person (no offense intended but it's usually men) are talking down to you. Other than that, I never thought about it one way or another. And since I've moved to the south, it's much more prevalent and I hardly notice it anymore. And, I find myself doing it much more than I used to.

Reston is the south?? :tongue:

Hmmm, point taken laugh But it IS far more southern than Detroit where I grew up. And I did live in Charleston SC for a few years. Can't really get much more southern than that bigsmile


no photo
Tue 11/04/08 07:11 AM


You know what I mean :tongue:

thumper95's photo
Tue 11/04/08 07:11 AM
nah,, i dont know,, instruct me oh wise one on the ways of the south,,,,,,,,,

no photo
Tue 11/04/08 07:11 AM

yeah a bunch of rich snobby people who think their shyte dont stink,, but i got news fer em,,, it does. but there are nice rural areas around here. winchester is part of nva and its got more farming around and in it than most other places, manassas,,, places like that still have the southern charm to it.

So now, it's rich snobby people in northern VA? Alrighty. Anyway, I consider Northern VA completely different than the rest of VA. I've never considered myself as living in the south.

no photo
Tue 11/04/08 07:12 AM
it's still words. There will always be people who will take offense, even if offense is not meant. I can take the words "how nice" and make them rather offensive if I so choose! It's all with the intent and the perspective!

franshade's photo
Tue 11/04/08 07:12 AM
actually never understood how SC and NC can be the south yet I live in Florida, near the tip of Miami - cant get much more south than that, yet it's not considered the south slaphead whoa


thumper95's photo
Tue 11/04/08 07:14 AM

yeah a bunch of rich snobby people who think their shyte dont stink,, but i got news fer em,,, it does. but there are nice rural areas around here. winchester is part of nva and its got more farming around and in it than most other places, manassas,,, places like that still have the southern charm to it.

So now, it's rich snobby people in northern VA? Alrighty. Anyway, I consider Northern VA completely different than the rest of VA. I've never considered myself as living in the south.

if you really wanna find out,, go to mass,, then you will find out just how southern you are,, whether you want to admit it or not lady. i have been all over the country,, and have lost a great deal of my accent,, half my family you wouldnt be able to understand, but we all act alike for the most part. but up there,, no matter if you have a slight southern or a true drawl,, your a redneck.

no photo
Tue 11/04/08 07:15 AM

yeah a bunch of rich snobby people who think their shyte dont stink,, but i got news fer em,,, it does. but there are nice rural areas around here. winchester is part of nva and its got more farming around and in it than most other places, manassas,,, places like that still have the southern charm to it.

So now, it's rich snobby people in northern VA? Alrighty. Anyway, I consider Northern VA completely different than the rest of VA. I've never considered myself as living in the south.

if you really wanna find out,, go to mass,, then you will find out just how southern you are,, whether you want to admit it or not lady. i have been all over the country,, and have lost a great deal of my accent,, half my family you wouldnt be able to understand, but we all act alike for the most part. but up there,, no matter if you have a slight southern or a true drawl,, your a redneck.

I have no southern accent. I'm nowhere near a redneck. I'm not a southerner, no matter what you say. bigsmile

thumper95's photo
Tue 11/04/08 07:16 AM
aight answer this then,, do you live below the mason dixon line????

JasmineInglewood's photo
Tue 11/04/08 07:16 AM
why are you people here?!?!

papersmile's photo
Tue 11/04/08 07:17 AM
i live in southern ontario. what does that make me?

burgundybry's photo
Tue 11/04/08 07:17 AM

I'm about as far north as you can go, without entering Canada,and in my employment when I assist customers of the fairer sex, I have a tendency to use "hon" often (just me, I guess)...never gave it much thought....but I do get a lot of smiles...must be my overwhelming personality..laugh :wink:

You can call me "Hon" anytime!!!:wink:

Hi hon!!love :wink: laugh laugh

no photo
Tue 11/04/08 07:17 AM
please don't make this a personal affront on anyone. It's all just words!