Topic: Hurt
no photo
Sat 11/01/08 01:50 AM
Life is so filled with people who like to hurt.

Some can seen so sincere, then find their just a flirt.

Others just want a roll in the sack.

Then pat their hand on their on back.

We have all left behind some pain.

Then came here to help ease our strain.

I am a real simple man, I have nothing but who I am.

Trying just to live and give,

My thoughts, my mind, and make some grins.

Through doing this I have found some great friends.

From my first words here over two years ago.

I have stayed me. Real, true, and trying to grow.

Read me back to when I first started.

Same Ole'me same fool hearted.

Yes, I have called out many for their truth.

Its just me, sometimes I feel like Dr. Ruth.

Fake personalities seem to attract the same.

Then they feel normal playing their game.

Overly inflating each others ego.

Knowing they can't ever really let-go.

Try not to allow yourselves to get abused.

Stay away from the ones who only want to use.

Don't give any money to your honey.

I don't care how much you feel them nice, and funny.

Don't truly believe in who they are.

Until you have them close and not far.

Make sure they have more than just one real picture.

Not a mess of cartoons and a one pic mixture.

If you talk by phone, but they set the hours to call.

Surprise them once in awhile, and see where the cards fall.

If this all seems a bit much, and it shows you lack trust.

I feel if they tell ya they love you, some our a must.

I've known about six couples here who were in love for a year

But felt that their other truly loved them dear.

All of them learned their other had lied.

They all felt shattered, broken and then cried.

I gave you this poem so you would know to.

Its alot better to be, truly just you.:heart:

no photo
Sat 11/01/08 02:10 AM
flowers flowers flowers flowers flowers flowers flowers flowers flowers flowers flowers flowers

no photo
Sat 11/01/08 03:23 AM

SO much TRUTH in that!

BonnyMiss's photo
Sat 11/01/08 05:34 AM
T, you've hit the nail right on the head. The internet dating scene has become the "players" community. The majority of men and women on dating sites seem to be hiding behind a wall of lies,lies and more lies Never caring about others they drag into their little web of deceit.

If I had £1 for every time I hear a tale of "boy meets girl " on the internet only for it to slide down the pan, then I would be a wealthy woman in the time I have been a member here.

flowers flowers flowers flowers

no photo
Sat 11/01/08 08:21 AM
I know what you write is true. I have avoided it by not dating anyone here yet, but I have seen the aftermath of it spilled across these forums. flowerforyou flowerforyou :smile: bigsmile

ArtGurl's photo
Sat 11/01/08 08:30 AM

frankfk's photo
Sat 11/01/08 08:36 AM
That's the way the life is, nice caption:wink: flowerforyou
Life is so filled with people who like to hurt.

Some can seen so sincere, then find their just a flirt.

Others just want a roll in the sack.

Then pat their hand on their on back.

We have all left behind some pain.

Then came here to help ease our strain.

I am a real simple man, I have nothing but who I am.

Trying just to live and give,

My thoughts, my mind, and make some grins.

Through doing this I have found some great friends.

From my first words here over two years ago.

I have stayed me. Real, true, and trying to grow.

Read me back to when I first started.

Same Ole'me same fool hearted.

Yes, I have called out many for their truth.

Its just me, sometimes I feel like Dr. Ruth.

Fake personalities seem to attract the same.

Then they feel normal playing their game.

Overly inflating each others ego.

Knowing they can't ever really let-go.

Try not to allow yourselves to get abused.

Stay away from the ones who only want to use.

Don't give any money to your honey.

I don't care how much you feel them nice, and funny.

Don't truly believe in who they are.

Until you have them close and not far.

Make sure they have more than just one real picture.

Not a mess of cartoons and a one pic mixture.

If you talk by phone, but they set the hours to call.

Surprise them once in awhile, and see where the cards fall.

If this all seems a bit much, and it shows you lack trust.

I feel if they tell ya they love you, some our a must.

I've known about six couples here who were in love for a year

But felt that their other truly loved them dear.

All of them learned their other had lied.

They all felt shattered, broken and then cried.

I gave you this poem so you would know to.

Its alot better to be, truly just you.:heart:

kc0003's photo
Sat 11/01/08 08:56 AM
nice write iam...much truth in this


no photo
Sat 11/01/08 10:05 PM
:heart: drinker flowerforyou
You guys all rock....Thank you for such kind words. And I do truly hope this might save at least one heart from some pain.:smile: drinker

lurchs_sister's photo
Tue 11/04/08 08:55 AM
I love you for your truth T even when I don't want to hear it.

(((Brother Man)))flowerforyou flowerforyou

AngelLight's photo
Tue 11/04/08 09:03 AM
Ty for sharing this write :heart:

no photo
Thu 11/06/08 10:31 AM

i love your poem and every word is true
this is your friend NANCYM_1957
from the old justsayhi

so all my friends stop by and see me
look for

d4tc's photo
Thu 11/06/08 10:37 AM

Spoken from the :heart: bigsmile

Loved these lines:

I am a real simple man, I have nothing but who I am.

Trying just to live and give,

My thoughts, my mind, and make some grins.
