Topic: Not sure who you're voting for next week?
ImNotNormal's photo
Mon 10/27/08 04:59 PM
This is very important, because its about the good of your country, "not voting" is very irresponsible.

Dont vote republican simply because your republican, and same goes with Dems. Look at their "on the issues" on their website, and see for yourself their views.

I worked for the John McCain campaign as a campaign director for a little over a year, and the obvious choice for the Presidency is simple.....Barack Obama. This is why Obama should win...

-McCain is barely winning in his OWN HOME STATE of Arizona.

-McCain supporters...I am so tired of people saying Obama is a terrorist and has ties to terrorists, and hating him for his color. If Obama was a terrorist, he wouldnt be a senator, he'd never pass their background investigations! If Bill Ayers was a terrorist, why isnt he in jail?! Why is he now a professor at a college??? Obama isnt even fully black, his mother and grandparents are white. Im sorry but many McCain supporters are so ignorant and racist.

-The amount of newly registered democrats is well over 2 million. Newly registered Republicans is around 200,000. States which Bush barely won, are now blue states. States which Bush barely won, he won because the majority of democrats didnt even vote! You think theyre gonna vote now? You bet!

-Obama wont raise taxes, nor will he invade Pakistan, he has stated that hundreds of times, and McCain continuously says he will raise taxes and invade Pakistan. Joe the Plumber isnt even a licensed plumber, and he owes money to the IRS. And McCain is using this guy to help himself??? Ouch.

-The GOP strategy on gas prices is pissing me off. Suddenly gas prices are going down, even though OPEC cut production. Some say OPEC wants to help McCain, well thats hilarious because McCain wants to drill HERE, and Obama wants to drill THERE. Drilling overseas is better, because most Arabs whoa re rich, are rich because of OIL. In 20 years when they run out of oil, they wont be rich anymore and we will be paying 2 dollars a gallon, and WE will be the rich ones since everyone will come to us for it. So uhh, why are gas prices going down then? Our country has enough control over the gas prices, and its a strategy by the GOP to help McCain.

-Just recently, the largest Alaskan newspaper endorsed.....OBAMA. Thats a slap in the face to Palin!

-Ron Paul will be on the ballot in almost 30 states. Ron Paul won a few primaries by the way. Bob Barr is an ultra conservative, and him and Paul WILL take many votes from McCain. McKinney and Nader wont take many votes from Obama, since nobody likes McKinney and people gave up on Nader.

-There is no Bradley Effect. Bradley ran for governor of California and lost in 1980. Who won the Presidency in 1980? Ronald Reagan. Where was Reagan from? California. Plus, Bradley wasnt winning in ALL the polls, just SOME. Thirdly, Bradley won the vote on election day, but it wasnt until all the absentee ballots came in, when he lost. So there is no "bradley effect". Research it!

-McCain bashes Obama's foreign policy experience, even though as a senator, Obama is on the foreign policy committee, AND Joe Biden (his VP) is the HEAD of the foreign policy committee.

-Sarah Palin has so much controversy everyday. First the troopergate, then her pregnant teenage daughter, NOW she has the money spending, about how she spent so much campaign money on flying her family around, and on her wardrobe. We dont need anymore controversy.

-The GOP and RNC have bailed on McCain, and are not giving him anymore money. Im sure they know hes gonna lose. Plus, McCain is old, and if you saw him during the debates, he sounded like an angry old man. He can barely lift his arms, and he wants to LEAD?

-McCain tries to bash Obama for Iraq. Obama said Iraq was a mistake, and SOME soldiers argue, and SOME agree. Yet a British general said we will never win in Iraq, and so did some of our commanders. Obama wants to move soldiers from Iraq, to Afghanistan, and THAT, is a good choice.

-McCain said something really stupid. He said "we are down in the polls and we are the underdogs, thats exactly what we want. I always do better when Im losing"......hmmm, and when was the last time McCain was losing??? He was the underdog in 2000 and LOST. Besides that, hes NEVER been the underdog....

-Choosing Sarah Palin was his biggest mistake and he knows it. He chose her simply for her image, and to attract Hillary supporters, which he has failed to do. He kept her out of interviews until late, and she never answers questions, dodges them. She makes false accusations constantly, AND she got whooped by Biden in the debate. If you notice when McCain and Palin are together, he blinks a lot...

-McCain voted with Bush 90% of the time. Enough said.

-McCain wants to give oil companies a tax break. He wants to give 4 billion in tax breaks to Exxon, whos been making double digit profits!

-McCain always talks about Obama being a socialist and raising taxes...well lets look at this, European countries are quite socialist, yet European countries are the happiest, most laid back. Plus they enjoy FREE healthcare and cheap education...and no u dont need to wait in lines for hours there. People who make over 250K can afford to pay more, rather than spend it on another car that they dont need!

-Obama is leading in Ohio, Missouri, hes gaining a lot in Georgia, winning in Florida, Ohio, even North Dakota and Montana. You can check for yourself on a very good site, its: the guy who makes that site has been correct for the past dozens of years, hes very accurate and provides lots of detail. So check daily for yourself.

-No matter who wins this election, it really doesnt matter who the president has MORE to do with who the senators and congressmen are. The Dems are poised to take a controlling lead in both the house and senate BY FAR. As of now, theres 49 Dems and 40 Republicans, and 2 independents in the house. The past 4 years have sucked, because nobody can get anything done. Its not the Dems fault, the man who SIGNS and VETO'S these bills is a REPUBLICAN. After November 4th, the Dems are poised to add 10-15 Senators and MUCH MORE representatives, meaning McCain will get ZERO done.

-Colin Powell (General, and worked under Bush) just endorsed Obama. Scott McLellan (former White House spokesman under Bush) just endorsed Obama, and so did Billy Joel and Maria Shriver, lol.

Your welcome to copy and paste this on other forums

lnghntr's photo
Mon 10/27/08 05:01 PM
well if Billy Joel says so......

no photo
Mon 10/27/08 05:02 PM
I have voted in every election since 1972 and will continue to keep that trend going!

FearandLoathing's photo
Mon 10/27/08 05:03 PM
Vote Ron Paul!drinker

ambuh_massacre's photo
Mon 10/27/08 05:11 PM
This does not change how I'm voting. =]]

Goofball73's photo
Mon 10/27/08 05:12 PM

Mr_Music's photo
Mon 10/27/08 05:16 PM
I could care less. I just want it to be OVER, so I can stop seeing these sickening commercials on my TV.

moonlight_ride62's photo
Mon 10/27/08 05:21 PM


I hear yea...I am coughing the same way...

ambuh_massacre's photo
Mon 10/27/08 05:23 PM


I hear yea...I am coughing the same way...

Me too! hahaha.

codyisanut's photo
Mon 10/27/08 05:26 PM
i already voted for McCain, even though i don't like either candidate. i just thought he was the lesser of two evils.

joshyfox's photo
Mon 10/27/08 05:30 PM
I do like McCain Preaching the Merits of building more Nuclear Reactors for energy. I have long sought a Nuclear Nation and switching all to Electtic cars. Oil companies can become energy companies and everyone can be happy...

...Well, except the countries we buy oil from.

Winx's photo
Mon 10/27/08 05:34 PM
Obama.drinker drinker drinker drinker

Goofball73's photo
Mon 10/27/08 05:35 PM

Obama.drinker drinker drinker drinker

How much to sway your vote?laugh laugh laugh

Winx's photo
Mon 10/27/08 05:37 PM
Edited by Winx on Mon 10/27/08 06:28 PM

Obama.drinker drinker drinker drinker

How much to sway your vote?laugh laugh laugh

One thread!laugh

What he said is true.:wink:

joshyfox's photo
Mon 10/27/08 05:38 PM

Obama.drinker drinker drinker drinker

How much to sway your vote?laugh laugh laugh

One thread!laugh

What he said his true.:wink:

Did you know Barack Obama eats babies?

...It's true, just let me get my clearly doctored Photos.

IndnPrncs's photo
Mon 10/27/08 06:02 PM

Obama.drinker drinker drinker drinker

How much to sway your vote?laugh laugh laugh

One thread!laugh

What he said his true.:wink:

Did you know Barack Obama eats babies?

...It's true, just let me get my clearly doctored Photos.

laugh laugh laugh

Winx's photo
Mon 10/27/08 06:03 PM

Obama.drinker drinker drinker drinker

How much to sway your vote?laugh laugh laugh

One thread!laugh

What he said his true.:wink:

Did you know Barack Obama eats babies?

...It's true, just let me get my clearly doctored Photos.

Oh, that makes it a fact. I won't vote for him now.laugh

moonlight_ride62's photo
Mon 10/27/08 06:05 PM

i already voted for McCain, even though i don't like either candidate. i just thought he was the lesser of two evils.

I totally agree

Giocamo's photo
Mon 10/27/08 07:00 PM


I hear yea...I am coughing the same way...

I've got your cough too...:wink: