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Topic: Question
Classyjeff's photo
Tue 04/03/07 06:59 PM
I'm not a parent but i have a question.. i'm the 2nd youngest of 8 and
the last to still be at home and be able to support myself. sometimes it
feels like my mother just puts up with me and doesn't love me as much as
my siblings.. i'm not a total **** up or anything but it still feels
like im not as valuable as the rest. my question is do parents have a
hard time loving each kid as much as the other... or is it different

LAMom's photo
Tue 04/03/07 07:12 PM
Jeff,,, I have ((4))) Children who have 4 different personalities and 4
different needs, the Love I have for them is Beyond Incredible thier is
no favoritism from one to the other,, I can say with only having One at
home now,, he is pretty spoiled and the time we share together is
Incredible and I have more patience with him than I did with the older
ones,, Yet the Love I have does not differ from one to the other... The
Bond between a Parent and a child is OMG!!! Amazing,,, I love them all
for who they are Equally. :heart:

Staynalone's photo
Tue 04/03/07 07:27 PM
Jeff, my opinion is that you are the only one that can answer that. Do
you pay what you should and not the minimum? Do you help her as much as
you can and not the basics? Maybe she has plans for herself when all of
her children are on thier own. Maybe it's just pure frustration on her
part. Have you tried to sit down and talk about how you feel and what
you can do to make things different even if it means going on your own.
Just food for thought and I hope it helps. :smile: :smile:

Classyjeff's photo
Tue 04/03/07 07:31 PM
she just wants to make sure we are all on our own feet before she
dies..i help as much as i can around the house but it just seams like
her attention sometimes is more to my siblings. maybe its just cause im
around so i talk to her all the time and everything. but things have
never been easy for me. i got some minor disabilities and such (nothing
i cant work around) but its hard to get a foot in a door somewhere

lulu24's photo
Tue 04/03/07 07:42 PM
maybe her attention is on your siblings because they NEED her attention

i have four children, and i love them all differently...yet
overpoweringly so. it's impossible to even describe...two of my
children have special give each child what they personally

daniel48706's photo
Tue 04/03/07 07:55 PM
Thats so true lulu.
I have tow children, one six and one four with adhd. Needless to say
the younger one tends to get more one on one attention from me than the
older simply because he NEEDS it. BUT they both know I love them dearly
and therewill never be a difference betweent hem where that comes in.

wanttachat's photo
Tue 04/03/07 08:41 PM
I live next door to my mother I see her and talk to her every day, when
one of my brothers come or call I get ignored in a way they become the
center of attention not because my mother loves me any less but because
she sees me all the time. She wants her boys to be there and and tends
to place them (it seems) on a higher ground then myself when they do
come around. My mom also tells me more personal things then her sons
cause I am always there. I know how your feeling its ok she loves ya she
just don't miss ya happy

Classyjeff's photo
Wed 04/04/07 08:26 AM
well i hate feeling like a disappointment

LAMom's photo
Wed 04/04/07 08:33 AM
Jeff,,, Your not a dissapointment,, Dont let yourself think this in
anyway,,,. We as parents get older and forget some times that are Adult
Children need us from time to time,, just to reassure them of the
Love,,, Smile Sweetie,,, You are a good person and your Mom knows

no photo
Wed 04/04/07 02:37 PM
I have three grown children and i love them all with all my heart and
soul but each child is different to me because they are different from
each other ,where i could cuddle and kiss one and it would be fine would
irritate the hell out of the other ,just because your mother treats you
different does not mean a thing it just means her love for you is just
as deep just different than the other's

Classyjeff's photo
Wed 04/04/07 03:22 PM
i know i guess i just wish i felt more needed or what not

no photo
Wed 04/04/07 03:51 PM
Hon sometimes you are needed for no other reason than just to be there
,you are loved or the fact is if you werent you wouldnt be here talking
about it ,so please try not to stress over it your mother loves you and
needs you in her own way flowerforyou

Classyjeff's photo
Thu 04/05/07 05:07 AM

no photo
Thu 04/05/07 10:14 AM
jeff i think we've all felt like you but in time i think we all found
out that our parent loved us in a away, and once you find that out no
one can take that from you. ok im not sure what the hell is said:smile:

tantalizingtulip's photo
Sun 04/08/07 09:20 AM
I only have 2 children and they are 10 years apart..

I love them both the same but differently, as far as i have to treat
each one as an individual.

And they are both different....

btw love isn't the word I'm looking for far as treating them

it is more about how I interact with both differently..:heart:

Classyjeff's photo
Sat 05/19/07 08:44 PM
i wrote my mom a car don mothers day and i dont know if she knows how
much she means for me for putting up with me.. i just hope she can see
me thur this stressful time and i can maybe help her for a while

Pucks's photo
Sat 05/19/07 09:01 PM
there are no favorites with my two daughters.
Maybe you need some confidence man. Take some self help courses. Based
on some of your threads you seem down and need some support.

no photo
Sat 05/19/07 10:44 PM
hmm.. i can't really relate.. i'm the favorite out of the 5 lol... but
what i would say is that your mother loves you you are her child and
that if you want things to change how about incorporating yourself into
her life more don't expect her to do it to you, make a mother son day
when you guys can go out and catach a baseball game, go see a movie, a
musical, ballet, heck whatever your mom is interested in .. museums art
shows.. theres all kinds of stuff or merely sit down and talk to her
about stuff i have a close relationship with both of my parents yet each
in a different way.. ! and if you have self esteem issues like puck
suggested then try to volunteer help others out that wil lmake you feel
better inside read a few self help novels it starts with little things
that become huge things!

Blueyes6ft5's photo
Sat 05/19/07 11:22 PM
May the road rise to meet you, May the wind always be at your back, May
the sun shine warm upon your face.

Look and ask brother you will find ur way.
Life is aj ourney not a destination. Find mentors,coaches build network
of associates, friends, etc

Blueyes6ft5's photo
Sat 05/19/07 11:23 PM
email me if u have Q

my name is TODD

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