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Topic: Just ask JustAGuy - part 2
JustAGuy2112's photo
Sat 11/15/08 05:58 PM

why do i feel safer walking down the middle of a busy street than on the sidewak?

Refer to previous answer.

It's not like they teach people to actually DRIVE in driver's education these days.

galendgirl's photo
Sat 11/15/08 05:58 PM
What color should I paint my toenails tonight?

JustAGuy2112's photo
Sat 11/15/08 06:00 PM

What color should I paint my toenails tonight?

Fluorescent Orange. That way...when you walk around in the dark...you won't bang your toes on the furniture.:thumbsup:

KymmieSue's photo
Sat 11/15/08 06:00 PM

why does it seem so hard for people to see the one way sign on my street?

Because PEOPLE are idiots. Hence the need for idiot lawmakers.

does that mean the idiot people are related to the idiot lawmakers?

JustAGuy2112's photo
Sat 11/15/08 06:03 PM

why does it seem so hard for people to see the one way sign on my street?

Because PEOPLE are idiots. Hence the need for idiot lawmakers.

does that mean the idiot people are related to the idiot lawmakers?

Ummmm....most likely...lol

galendgirl's photo
Sat 11/15/08 06:03 PM
What IS the point?

KymmieSue's photo
Sat 11/15/08 06:03 PM
thank you oh great one........i went and got that pedicure, my feet feel much better.......i even dozed off in the chair

galendgirl's photo
Sat 11/15/08 06:04 PM

thank you oh great one........i went and got that pedicure, my feet feel much better.......i even dozed off in the chair

Why don't nail salons just rent time in the chairs???

JustAGuy2112's photo
Sat 11/15/08 06:06 PM

What IS the point?

There is no point. That's the whole point. :-)

KymmieSue's photo
Sat 11/15/08 06:07 PM
why are there so many people who are so cruel to animals? think i need to quit watching animal planet?

galendgirl's photo
Sat 11/15/08 06:08 PM

why are there so many people who are so cruel to animals? think i need to quit watching animal planet?

I can't even watch those "adopt an animal" commercials where the "Eyes of an Angel" song is playing...

Why do you WATCH that station??? tears

KymmieSue's photo
Sat 11/15/08 06:08 PM

What color should I paint my toenails tonight?

Fluorescent Orange. That way...when you walk around in the dark...you won't bang your toes on the furniture.:thumbsup:

wouldnt that make it easier for idiot drivers to see her too?

KymmieSue's photo
Sat 11/15/08 06:11 PM
will we turn this before i have to go to bed?

JustAGuy2112's photo
Sat 11/15/08 06:11 PM

thank you oh great one........i went and got that pedicure, my feet feel much better.......i even dozed off in the chair

JAG is good. JAG is wise.

JustAGuy2112's photo
Sat 11/15/08 06:12 PM

why are there so many people who are so cruel to animals? think i need to quit watching animal planet?

People are idiots. Plain and simple.

galendgirl's photo
Sat 11/15/08 06:12 PM

thank you oh great one........i went and got that pedicure, my feet feel much better.......i even dozed off in the chair

JAG is good. JAG is wise.

Wait! A JAG is an attorney...wouldn't that make you unpopular?

JustAGuy2112's photo
Sat 11/15/08 06:13 PM

will we turn this before i have to go to bed?

Probably not. Still 8+ pages to go...lol

JustAGuy2112's photo
Sat 11/15/08 06:14 PM

What color should I paint my toenails tonight?

Fluorescent Orange. That way...when you walk around in the dark...you won't bang your toes on the furniture.:thumbsup:

wouldnt that make it easier for idiot drivers to see her too?

Nope. The idiots in question are too busy texting while driving to see anything.

KymmieSue's photo
Sat 11/15/08 06:27 PM

thank you oh great one........i went and got that pedicure, my feet feel much better.......i even dozed off in the chair

JAG is good. JAG is wise.

yes you are

JustAGuy2112's photo
Sat 11/15/08 06:27 PM

thank you oh great one........i went and got that pedicure, my feet feel much better.......i even dozed off in the chair

JAG is good. JAG is wise.

yes you are


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