Topic: If Gen. Colin Powell Endorses Obama...
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Sun 10/19/08 09:50 AM

I've read on these boards support for Gen. Powell, often from posters trying to prove they aren't racist. "I'd vote for Colin Powell if he were running" is the typical refrain. It's sad that people think they have to prove they're not racists, but I digress...

See how do you know whats in peoples heart..There are white people who said they would vote for Powel but not for Obama..So whats your point?
My point and his point is Obama's running and not Powell. If Powell were running would they vote for him

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Sun 10/19/08 09:53 AM
I might vote for him because he was a General in the Army, BUT not if he's on the democrate ticket..

Thomas27's photo
Sun 10/19/08 10:02 AM

I might vote for him because he was a General in the Army, BUT not if he's on the democrate ticket..

My Lord!!! He's 71 years old, he could die tomorrow!

Isn't that what they say about McCain?

If Obama is elected, will blacks stop asking for 40 acres and a mule? Will the NAACP go away? I mean once a black man has achieved the highest position in the Country, will all this talk about unfairness to blacks go away?

Or will some blacks still continue to use their color as a crutch?

Lynann's photo
Sun 10/19/08 10:28 AM
Edited by Lynann on Sun 10/19/08 11:05 AM
Here's the thing about being a social conservative I don't get.

If abortion is legal are you suddenly going to go out and have one?

If gay marriage or civil unions are legal are you going to go out and marry or form a union with someone of the same sex?

I'd say it is fairly unlikely.

Is your commitment to your own standards so tenuous that you are threatened by others?

Let's be honest, the republicans don't really (most of them) give a rats ass about abortion or's a hook to get the vote.

Making one issue, say abortion, the test for your vote is just making you easier to own. Your vote is signed sealed and delivered no matter what else the candidate might do. I'd say that's a sad state of affairs.

No smart politician wants to solve or resolve issues like abortion, gay marriage or gun ownership. Not as long as they can use these issues to incite the voters.

The republicans had a majority for six years and what did they do for those of you who describe yourself as social conservatives? Aside from making Teri Shivo (spelling) an issue (one that was none of their damned business) they did almost nothing for you.

Wake up!

Editing to add this.

You are aware that Palin/McCain does not want to allow abortion even in the case of rape. That is monstrous!!

no photo
Sun 10/19/08 10:44 AM
Thomas, don't forget he's only half black. It was the WHITE HALF that won.

madisonman's photo
Sun 10/19/08 11:27 AM

Thomas, don't forget he's only half black. It was the WHITE HALF that won.
I bet it realy ticks you off a self made black man has beaten the crap out of a well connected admirals son. laugh

BrandonJItaliano's photo
Sun 10/19/08 11:37 AM
GAG ME, another divisional subjsect. Who really cares about this junk, Skin color is as insignificant as the color of a mans eyes. What we need is unity, if that happens under a man of color, Awesome. If it happens under a man without color, wonderfull. We are all human beings, thats all that truly matters!!

As far as Gen Powell, no one even knows where he stands, hes never really said as far as i know, So how can he endorse anyone if we dont even know where he stands?

enderra's photo
Sun 10/19/08 11:41 AM
He is a self-proclaimed republican and unfortunately he stood behind his parties choice of president only to be sold on the auction block.

Lynann's photo
Sun 10/19/08 12:02 PM
We do know how Powell feels.

He has been a solid republican in past. this morning he sat down on Meet the Press and explained why he will vote for Obama.

Powell endorses Obama for president
Republican ex-secretary of state calls Democrat ‘transformational figure’

updated 10:42 a.m. ET, Sun., Oct. 19, 2008

WASHINGTON - Former Secretary of State Colin Powell endorsed Sen. Barack Obama, D-Ill., for president on Sunday, criticizing his own Republican Party for what he called its narrow focus on irrelevant personal attacks over a serious approach to challenges he called unprecedented.

Powell, who for many years was considered the most likely candidate to become the first African-American president, said in an interview on NBC’s “Meet the Press” that he was not supporting Obama because of his race. He said he had watched both Obama and his Republican opponent, Sen. John McCain of Arizona, for many months and thought “either one of them would be a good president.”

But he said McCain’s choices in the last few weeks — especially his selection of Gov. Sarah Palin of Alaska as his vice presidential running mate — had raised questions in his mind about McCain’s judgment.

“I don’t believe [Palin] is ready to be president of the United States,” Powell said flatly. By contrast, Obama’s running mate, Sen. Joe Biden of Delaware, “is ready to be president on day one.”

Powell also said he was “troubled” by Republican personal attacks on Obama, especially false intimations that Obama was Muslim and Republicans’ recent focus on Obama’s alleged connections to William Ayers, the founder of the radical ’60 Weather Underground.

Stressing that Obama was a lifelong Christian, Powell denounced Republican tactics that he said were insulting not only to to Obama but also to Muslims.

“The really right answer is what if he is?” Powell said, praising the contributions of millions of Muslim citizens to American society.

“I look at these kind of approaches to the campaign, and they trouble me,” Powell said. “Over the last seven weeks, the approach of the Republican Party has become narrower and narrower.”

In an interview Sunday on Fox News, McCain said he was not surprised by the announcement.

“I’ve always admired and respected General Powell,” said McCain, who cited the endorsements he had received from former Secretaries of State Henry Kissinger, Alexander Haig, James Baker and Lawrence Eagleburger. “We have a respectful disagreement.”

Bolstering Obama’s international credentials
Powell, a retired Army general who was chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff under the first President Bush before becoming secretary of state in the current administration, is one of the most highly decorated military officers of modern times and an admired figure in both parties. The Obama campaign is likely to cite the endorsement as an answer to critics and undecided voters who have questioned the foreign policy credential of Obama, a first-term senator whose national experience amounts to four years in the Senate.

Powell said a major part of his decision to turn his back on his own party was his conclusion that Obama was the better option to repair frayed U.S. relations with allies overseas.

“This is the time for outreach,” Powell said, saying the next president would have to “reach out and show the world there is a new administration that is willing to reach out.”

In particular, he said, he welcomed Obama’s president to “talk to people we haven’t talked to,” a reference to Obama’s controversial statement that he would be open to direct diplomacy with Iranian leaders.

“I think that [Obama] has a definite way of doing business that will serve us well,” Powell said.

me2g's photo
Sun 10/19/08 12:55 PM

Thomas, don't forget he's only half black. It was the WHITE HALF that won.
I bet it realy ticks you off a self made black man has beaten the crap out of a well connected admirals son. laugh

laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh :banana:

Thomas27's photo
Sun 10/19/08 01:50 PM

I bet it realy ticks you off a self made black man has beaten the crap out of a well connected admirals son. laugh

I wouldn't go quite that far. Obama has his fair share of connections as well.

Nothing wrong with following in your Father's footstep's and your grandfather's and serving in the Navy. It's respectable.

Just think, if Obama had followed in his father's footsteps, he would be in Africa right now.

MirrorMirror's photo
Sun 10/19/08 02:06 PM
:banana:This is great.:banana:Im listening to it right now and he gave Senator Obama a shining endorsement.:banana:This will go far with a lot of military families.:banana:Gen Powell is right when he says that Obama is reaching out to all segments of our society and representing ALL values,not just a segment of our population like the republicans.bigsmileThis is why Senator Obama would make a better president for ALL of America.drinks

MirrorMirror's photo
Sun 10/19/08 02:07 PM

He is a self-proclaimed republican and unfortunately he stood behind his parties choice of president only to be sold on the auction block.
:smile: Your right.:smile:Powell got burned by the neocons in the build up to the Iraq war.:smile:

MirrorMirror's photo
Sun 10/19/08 02:12 PM
:laughing:I bet Quickstepper is so mad right now she probably smashed her television set.:laughing:

no photo
Sun 10/19/08 02:12 PM my my will always be an issue...I was born and raised a Catholic...I NEVER miss church...I'm 53 years old and cannot change what I feel about this...I'm sorry...but...I just can't far as changing Roe vs Wade...that's my intention at all...I just can't vote for someone who agrees with that decision...thats all...

You're divorced, correct? I thought Catholics were against divorce?

MirrorMirror's photo
Sun 10/19/08 02:14 PM my my will always be an issue...I was born and raised a Catholic...I NEVER miss church...I'm 53 years old and cannot change what I feel about this...I'm sorry...but...I just can't far as changing Roe vs Wade...that's my intention at all...I just can't vote for someone who agrees with that decision...thats all...

You're divorced, correct? I thought Catholics were against divorce?
rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl

MirrorMirror's photo
Sun 10/19/08 02:24 PM

you can't give that as your reson because people on here will call you a racest.
:smile:Because a lot of republicans are saying rascist stuff.:smile:

MirrorMirror's photo
Sun 10/19/08 02:24 PM

Yes I know, I've already been labeled that.

So, templter, are you saying that you 100% prejudice free on any and everything?
:smile: You got labeled that because of what you said.:smile:

no photo
Sun 10/19/08 02:25 PM

:banana:This is great.:banana:Im listening to it right now and he gave Senator Obama a shining endorsement.:banana:This will go far with a lot of military families.:banana:Gen Powell is right when he says that Obama is reaching out to all segments of our society and representing ALL values,not just a segment of our population like the republicans.bigsmileThis is why Senator Obama would make a better president for ALL of America.drinks


MirrorMirror's photo
Sun 10/19/08 02:31 PM
Edited by MirrorMirror on Sun 10/19/08 02:51 PM

I might vote for him because he was a General in the Army, BUT not if he's on the democrate ticket..

My Lord!!! He's 71 years old, he could die tomorrow!

Isn't that what they say about McCain?

If Obama is elected, will blacks stop asking for 40 acres and a mule? Will the NAACP go away? I mean once a black man has achieved the highest position in the Country, will all this talk about unfairness to blacks go away?

Or will some blacks still continue to use their color as a crutch?
surprisedThere are sooooooooooooooooo many things wrong with what you just said historically and factually.slapheadWhy dont you stop using your race as a crutch?spockYou white republicans are the ones who keep talking about race.slapheadIts all you.shadesIf you dont wanna be called a rascist then stop saying rascist things.shadesIts just that simple.shadesI dont know why you people cant understand that.spock Its all about race with you people but Obamas supporters represent the diversity of America.biggrinYou folks are the ones being racial.:laughing: Nobody is labeling you right wingers as rascist except your own words.bigsmile Your labeling yourselves.laugh