Topic: Do you judge? | |
nothing came of it...the police weren't even involved.
it was something she said to me in one of her "fits". I'm angry that women can use this accusation to make trouble for a man, and society is QUICK to believe her! |
nothing came of it...the police weren't even involved. it was something she said to me in one of her "fits". I'm angry that women can use this accusation to make trouble for a man, and society is QUICK to believe her! You don't see how you had a part in that? |
would I date someone who had previous non-violent felony charges... I'd debate it, but probably NO. I've made mistakes in my life, but they have never effected anyone else.... I expect the same in a mate. Like, for instance, driving without a license? One more conviction, and it WOULD have been a felony...but who does it hurt? |
nothing came of it...the police weren't even involved. it was something she said to me in one of her "fits". I'm angry that women can use this accusation to make trouble for a man, and society is QUICK to believe her! You don't see how you had a part in that? No. She was sick...there's no one to blame. |
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would I date someone who had previous non-violent felony charges... I'd debate it, but probably NO. I've made mistakes in my life, but they have never effected anyone else.... I expect the same in a mate. Like, for instance, driving without a license? One more conviction, and it WOULD have been a felony...but who does it hurt? But it wasn't a felony... so no I wouldn't judge someone on that. Again, we all make mistakes. If they did it habitually and it became a felony then NO, they don't take the law seriously, and I don't let people like that around my child. |
nothing came of it...the police weren't even involved. it was something she said to me in one of her "fits". I'm angry that women can use this accusation to make trouble for a man, and society is QUICK to believe her! You don't see how you had a part in that? No. She was sick...there's no one to blame. Did you know she was sick? |
is it so hard to go through life without a record? ive done dumb ****, but none of it was ever worse than a ride in a cop car on a school day,lol. i skipped os what, i joined the army and now have a job. if youre in a position where a cop is shooting at you, do you stop and wonder in a span of a few seconds which way it could go? do you wonder where you F*cked up that it got to that point? or dealing drugs? or any other number of felonies? for goodness sake is it so hard nowadays to lead a good clean life? i ask you ALL this.
I knew she was sick...but I didn't know the extent of it.
Once I realized it, I filed for divorce, which the judge didn't grant, because she didn't show up at the hearing! |
I think everyone passes judgement on people and your lying if you say dont. However just consider before passing judgement on someone else take a long hard look at the things you have done in your life. Nobody's perfect.
I have a felony..used to be a meth head...but that was then, and this is now..
If I had the money..I could probably get it off my record... but im dirt poor..a starving musician...ya know??? So its there!!! I should have another one though for "Lude Behaviour on Mingle"...for sure!!!!! But they only put me in jail here for 3-10 days at a time... right now im out on bail!!!lol. |
I have a felony..used to be a meth head...but that was then, and this is now.. If I had the money..I could probably get it off my record... but im dirt poor..a starving musician...ya know??? So its there!!! I should have another one though for "Lude Behaviour on Mingle"...for sure!!!!! But they only put me in jail here for 3-10 days at a time... right now im out on bail!!!lol. ![]() |
lmao. oh rare. i missed you so. oooh! time for lunch! yummy! bbs all!
![]() yeah i judge. depends on my mood, the day, and first meeting. |
This refers to people who have had a felony conviction on their records... I wouldn't have an issue with what she did. If there was enough about her to interest me, yes, I would. I'd also date women with a disability or physical deformity. I don't merely judge a book by its cover, I get to know a person and don't judge them solely on ONE aspect of their personality! If the conviction is over five years old, how do you know that person has not made a change in their life? Yes I do. I happen to be wearing the sinister robes, fruity wig and little gabble right now. |
It is almost human nature to judge anymore...sad I know, but some things are of heavier burden then others. Felony convictions I would say would be one of those heavier burdens, especially when a child is involved...because now you have to be sure they won't do it again, and hope that they don't do it when you are with them. Would I judge someone off a previous conviction? Depends on the conviction, murder, probably...anything involving a child, definatly (though, for the record, I don't want children).