Topic: Confederates for Obama
Winx's photo
Sat 10/11/08 01:07 PM

Hi Redshirt, I hope you and Winx don't mind me butting in. I am also from a border state, Maryland. My family is from Virgina. I belive in less federal government & think states can better serve the needs of thier residents. If you strongly disgree with the state you are in you could move & still be a US citizen.

Hen, I would never consider you as butting in.flowerforyou

I see what you are saying about the states. I live close to IL and taxes, car inspections, and Family Services (State) are very different from MO.

A problem that I can see with state is sometimes there is a terrible Governor. MO has recently had that problem. The recent Governor has been an uncaring, nightmare for our people.

Also, it is not so easy to move.

Winx's photo
Sat 10/11/08 01:09 PM


You live in live a former "boarder state". So are you a confederate on a federalist?



Original federalist?noway

Bush's Federalist Plan?laugh

laugh flowerforyou

laugh :wink: flowerforyou

Redshirt's photo
Sat 10/11/08 01:13 PM
Don't forget Palin's husband was member of a political party that wanted to seceed from the U.S. frustrated

MirrorMirror's photo
Sat 10/11/08 01:14 PM
flowerforyou I agree with Abraham Lincoln that the proper place for a Confederate is a mass grave.flowerforyou

Redshirt's photo
Sat 10/11/08 01:18 PM

flowerforyou I agree with Abraham Lincoln that the proper place for a Confederate is a mass grave.flowerforyou

Mirror, read Lincoln's second inaugural address. "Justice for all and malice toward none."

MirrorMirror's photo
Sat 10/11/08 01:21 PM

flowerforyou I agree with Abraham Lincoln that the proper place for a Confederate is a mass grave.flowerforyou

Mirror, read Lincoln's second inaugural address. "Justice for all and malice toward none."
laugh And he had Confederate soldiers remains buried in mass graves toolaugh Where they belongflowerforyou

Winx's photo
Sat 10/11/08 01:21 PM


You live in live a former "boarder state". So are you a confederate on a federalist?



Original federalist?noway

Bush's Federalist Plan?laugh

laugh flowerforyou

laugh :wink: flowerforyou

laugh flowerforyou

Now I'll put type it the way I really am:

Confederate? noway Original Federalist?noway
Bush's Federalist Plan?noway

Winx's photo
Sat 10/11/08 01:22 PM

Don't forget Palin's husband was member of a political party that wanted to seceed from the U.S. frustrated

How Un-American can one get?! grumble

Redshirt's photo
Sat 10/11/08 03:20 PM

flowerforyou I agree with Abraham Lincoln that the proper place for a Confederate is a mass grave.flowerforyou

Mirror, read Lincoln's second inaugural address. "Justice for all and malice toward none."
laugh And he had Confederate soldiers remains buried in mass graves toolaugh Where they belongflowerforyou

At that time mass burial was rather common on both sides - friend and foe.

MirrorMirror's photo
Sat 10/11/08 04:55 PM
Edited by MirrorMirror on Sat 10/11/08 05:06 PM

flowerforyou I agree with Abraham Lincoln that the proper place for a Confederate is a mass grave.flowerforyou

Mirror, read Lincoln's second inaugural address. "Justice for all and malice toward none."
laugh And he had Confederate soldiers remains buried in mass graves toolaugh Where they belongflowerforyou

At that time mass burial was rather common on both sides - friend and foe.
laughWrong againlaughLincoln had them buried in mass graves because they werent American.laugh

Redshirt's photo
Sat 10/11/08 05:18 PM
A primary source document please. :smile:

Moondark's photo
Sat 10/11/08 05:50 PM

I am A Confederate, but I vote Republican.....:banana:

If Obama wanted my vote, then of course he should have been A Republican.....bigsmile
so why do people just vote for a party?? Why vote for someone just because they're a repulican or democrat? Why not vote for the person you feel that is best for the job? Is it ALWAYS the republican? Just curious...

IF Obama would have picked someone other than Biden for his running-mate, I might have considered voting Democratic.slaphead
well if you feel that way then that's a whole different story. At least you aren't just voting for one or the other solely based on their parties. However, since you brought it up... Palin scares me a whole lot more than Biden flowerforyou

I'm with her. Palin is very very scary. People were very polarized already, the vp selections on BOTH sides made it worse. I'm almost thinking this will be the first election decided by people's opinions of VP's more than the already volatile opinions of the runners themselves.

Drivinmenutz's photo
Sat 10/11/08 11:24 PM

flowerforyou I agree with Abraham Lincoln that the proper place for a Confederate is a mass grave.flowerforyou

Mirror, read Lincoln's second inaugural address. "Justice for all and malice toward none."
laugh And he had Confederate soldiers remains buried in mass graves toolaugh Where they belongflowerforyou

Wow, that's a message of hate if i ever heard it. Hadn't heard that kinda talking since the war...

enderra's photo
Sun 10/12/08 03:49 PM
So I guess not one confederate is voting for Obama, I wonder if my other thread "Take your flag and stove it" has anythig to do with the count of zero?

grizz11952001's photo
Sun 10/12/08 05:50 PM

grizz11952001's photo
Sun 10/12/08 06:03 PM
you know there are different opinions about why it was started other than slavery did you know that there were no taxes in the south then . money money hey something to think about .. talk about a loss of heart for people to hold a grudge for 200 years for something as children we had nothing to do with. just trying to make a descent living working my but off 5 to 6 days a week an no light at the end of any tunnel is on for me yet . boy i guess i have it good hey. i think no matter what race you are if you dont work for it dont expect the world to hand it to you . it aint gonna happen .or at least it hasnt happened for me. the only thing that works for me is going to work bitting my tounge everyday an paying what bills i can pay. freedom is not part of the picture for me just work an bills an the hope that someday ill get just far enough ahead to buy a place cash an relax before i get to old to enjoy it. take care all no matter what race you are god bless you. even if you dont like me.

adj4u's photo
Sun 10/12/08 06:08 PM

Well the CSA no longer exists. Do you mean people from the Southern US?

I will not vote for either major party.

i would say the opening post was a prejudicial question

especially after the stars and bars condemnation thread started by the same poster

it appears to be a baiting argumentative posting

just a thought

but hey

what do i know

enderra's photo
Sun 10/12/08 06:51 PM

Well the CSA no longer exists. Do you mean people from the Southern US?

I will not vote for either major party.

i would say the opening post was a prejudicial question

especially after the stars and bars condemnation thread started by the same poster

it appears to be a baiting argumentative posting

just a thought

but hey

what do i know

I was actually trying to prove myself wrong.

Milesoftheusa's photo
Sun 10/12/08 07:00 PM
Well i live on the borderline and was not thier so i am niether i never chose. The smartest thing Obama has done was choose Biden for VP and the dumbest thing McCain has done has been choose Palin. I agree she is a scary thought to ever be President.

Drivinmenutz's photo
Mon 10/13/08 02:49 AM

Well the CSA no longer exists. Do you mean people from the Southern US?

I will not vote for either major party.

i would say the opening post was a prejudicial question

especially after the stars and bars condemnation thread started by the same poster

it appears to be a baiting argumentative posting

just a thought

but hey

what do i know

I was actually trying to prove myself wrong.

Umm...prove what wrong?