Topic: Online Dating Ettiquette and Warning Signs
no photo
Sat 10/04/08 01:09 PM
I have another for the scammers...they normally will not appear in the threads

tanyaann's photo
Sat 10/04/08 01:09 PM

Oh one more....

If you are shy, don't continue to keep looking at someone's profile and never send them a message. Suck it up and send a message Or quit looking at their profile!
Yea I finally did that. You ladies seem to have the answers to everything. How do you do a spell check in here? Thanks again.flowerforyou love blushing

No spell check in here. type it into a word document and cut and paste it into mingle

no photo
Sat 10/04/08 01:17 PM
wow! you are up, what's hot.rofl

tanyaann's photo
Sat 10/04/08 01:21 PM

wow! you are up, what's hot.rofl

whoa :laughing:

Etrain's photo
Sat 10/04/08 01:24 PM
Wait a minute...your saying...this is a dating site???frustrated frustrated frustrated

tanyaann's photo
Sat 10/04/08 01:26 PM

Wait a minute...your saying...this is a dating site???frustrated frustrated frustrated


michiganman3's photo
Sat 10/04/08 02:16 PM
And be sure to discuss sex, in crude terms, keep it simple.


tanyaann's photo
Sat 10/04/08 02:17 PM

And be sure to discuss sex, in crude terms, keep it simple.




suntannedmale's photo
Sun 10/05/08 12:20 PM
all very good points i must say as to respect and being honest and up front, we all wish this were the rule, good luck to all in their matches. my best suntannedmale

tanyaann's photo
Sun 10/05/08 12:22 PM

all very good points i must say as to respect and being honest and up front, we all wish this were the rule, good luck to all in their matches. my best suntannedmale

Thanks for posting a comment!

Goofball73's photo
Sun 10/05/08 01:26 PM
You know another thing to avoid? If they tell you they have tons of money and they want to wisk you away to some "Fantasy Island" on their yacht. What they don't tell you is that they clean the yacht, so it isn't theirs, but they have pics of you should definitely believe them.laugh

no photo
Sun 10/05/08 02:02 PM

Oh one more....

If you are shy, don't continue to keep looking at someone's profile and never send them a message. Suck it up and send a message Or quit looking at their profile!
Yea I finally did that. You ladies seem to have the answers to everything. How do you do a spell check in here? Thanks again.flowerforyou love blushing

Try using firefox. Spell check is built right in.

snarkytwain's photo
Sun 10/05/08 05:56 PM

No text speak either.

I mean, do you want to respond to "How r u? I am fine 2 day."noway noway

wtf u mean i have to type every letter? rofl

:laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

I think I have fallen in love. love laugh

no photo
Mon 10/06/08 02:29 PM

When you look at someone's profile and decided to send them a message, how can you have a better chance of getting a response?

~First read the entire profile
~Be sure to let them know that you read their profile and make a comment or question about something on their profile
~Be friendly and let them know you will be looking forward to hearing back from them.
~Don't send messages that only contain phrases like 'you are hot' or 'what's up?'
~If you are horrible at spelling or grammar, it might help to type a message into MS Word and doing spell check and pasting it into email

Tanya, this is very good advice, and I would definitely recommend it to anyone who is thinking about sending an introductory e-mail to anyone on the site. Know as much as possible about the person you're writing, and have something to say!

However, in all honesty, it doesn't work when writing to girls from this site who live in Illinois.

If you receive a message from someone and you aren't interested?

~Send a response and let them know that you are either not interested or are not looking for a relationship at the time.
~If you continue to get messages after you have made it clear that you don't want to correspond with them, block them
~If you get an inappropriate message, don't respond and block them

This happens occasionally, but I can generally refer them to Paragraph 1184 of my profile and that usually solves the problem.

What happens if you are in the forums and you find someone that you are interested in?

~Take a look at their profile
~Send them a message commenting on something posted in the forum or on their profile

Unfortunately, looking at their profile usually kills any interest I might have had!

Warning Signs:

-they want to know everything about you but don't give any information about themselves

-they overly call you pet names before even getting to know you

-once you have gotten to know someone,they don't directly answer serious questions; they dance around the answer

-they ask very personal questions that you don't feel comfortable answering

-they dont email, call, or im when they said they would and dont have an appropriate answer for why

-they are overly jealous or controlling of your time and energy

I'm wondering if you were by any chance on another site I was on before -- because I was on one where practically EVERYBODY fit your description above. Three months and I was out of there....

Most of us are on here in the hopes of finding the 'one'. Be careful to not confused negative attention as someone being interested. Have respect for yourself and your personal space. And lastly, trust your intuition and don't ignore it!

:heart: Tanya

Yup, the red flags are there for a reason....!!

Moondark's photo
Mon 10/06/08 03:04 PM

No text speak either.

I mean, do you want to respond to "How r u? I am fine 2 day."noway noway

I'm noticing a lot of text speak from people from other countries. It could be a good clue that it might be a scammer who speaks poor or limited English.

tanyaann's photo
Mon 10/06/08 03:47 PM
rofl lex rofl

no photo
Mon 10/06/08 03:56 PM

rofl lex rofl

The thing I love about you is that you so totally get it....

And the curlers, too, yeah, the curlers....!

flowers flowers flowers

vitali_seringetti's photo
Mon 10/06/08 03:56 PM

No text speak either.

I mean, do you want to respond to "How r u? I am fine 2 day."noway noway

I'm noticing a lot of text speak from people from other countries. It could be a good clue that it might be a scammer who speaks poor or limited English.

grrr. why no txt speak?

I speak english very well, I was born in the fuked up country and I jst prefer to type in your "text" language.

I think that shouldn't really matter at all.

so stfu to you ppls that hate bc of txt speak. wtf man. lol

tanyaann's photo
Mon 10/06/08 04:00 PM

rofl lex rofl

The thing I love about you is that you so totally get it....

And the curlers, too, yeah, the curlers....!

flowers flowers flowers


Unique2468's photo
Mon 10/06/08 06:20 PM

If anyone has something to add to ettiquette or warning signs, please feel free to post it.
Okay...let's add the signs of a scammer in here:
They are usually very handsome?pretty
Their pics look as though they come from a magazine
They immediately tell you how wonderful you are and ask for your personal IM...DON"T DO IT
They never can put up a different pic...some how not available
They are normally "very rich"
From another country but now live in the states
Work for a large corporation
In love within a week and want to travel to see you
And want you to be the mother of their children

* and they type in very broken English...just from my experiences

chick version.

-very hot
-from a differnt country
-always want to email
-wants you to fly her out to see you
-lives in the states but is out doing humanitarian work
-is very christian
-responds in general letters that dont really answer specific questions
-Always in africa

had 2, first one i cought on to after a few days, 2nd i caught right away, and made sure to waste her time!