kerbear73's photo
Tue 09/23/08 09:35 AM
Biden Calls Obama Attack Ad “Terrible”
by Aaron Bruns

WASHINGTON, DC — Another case of Joe being Joe.

The Delaware Senator took issue with an attack ad from his own side in an interview with CBS, telling Katie Couric that the Obama hit on McCain’s ignorance of computers and technology was “terrible.” The ad paints McCain as out of touch — and all but calls him ancient — but doesn’t mention that the Arizona Senator’s war injuries actually prevent him from using computers for an extended period.

Asked whether he’s disappointed with the tone of the campaign, including the ad that Couric characterized as “making fun of John McCain’s inability to use a computer,” Biden said “I thought that was terrible by the way.

“I didn’t know we did it and if I had anything to do with it, we would have never done it”

But Biden said he didn’t think there was anything intentionally personal in the ad — and argued that it doesn’t sink to the level the McCain ad accusing Obama of voting to teach kindergarteners about sex. The Obama campaign says the bill would help children avoid predators. “Very different in degree,” Biden said.

Still, the McCain campaign pounced on the VP nominee’s comments.

“While the New York Times and other media outlets were silent in the face of Barack Obama’s shameless and dishonorable attack on John Mccain, even Obama’s own running mate has now condemned the ad as terrible,” said spokesman Brian Rogers in a statement. “Barack Obama has brought the sleazy gutter politics of Chicago to our national stage, exposing his call for a ‘new politics’ as a lie and embarrassing even his own running mate with the low road campaign he’s running.”

But as the moment went viral, hitting the internet traffic engine the Drudge Report, Biden revised and extended his remarks in a statement — saying he hadn’t even seen it when he condemned it.

“Having now reviewed the ad, it is even more clear to me that given the disgraceful tenor of Sen McCain’s ads and their persistent falsehoods, his campaign is in no position to criticize,” he said, “especially when they continue to distort Barack’s votes on an issue as personal as keeping kids safe from sexual predators.”

no photo
Tue 09/23/08 09:36 AM
Edited by ddn122 on Tue 09/23/08 09:53 AM
it seems biden wants to retire...not win

AdventureBegins's photo
Tue 09/23/08 09:53 AM

Since they won't be winning anyway.

I must admire his initial honesty.

Its a shame he did not have the strength of character to stick to it. Chosing to cave to party instead of standing tall and speaking truth.

wouldee's photo
Tue 09/23/08 09:59 AM
now that's a GAFFE.

the left hand doesn't know what the leftist hand is doing.

kerbear73's photo
Tue 09/23/08 03:06 PM
I thought Joe Biden was a fighter, I thought he was going to come out swinging....... Oh Well....

wouldee's photo
Tue 09/23/08 03:11 PM
when was the last time that a VP ever made it to President on merit by being elected in recent memory?

Bush Sr. as I recall is about it. out from under Reagan's wing.

LBJ stole it with distracting voters with the Gulf of Tonkin mess.

It is a dead end for Biden. He knows that.

He has a better chance ofbeing written as a great American by finishing his work in Congress.

That is his soft landing.:wink:

kerbear73's photo
Tue 09/23/08 03:53 PM

when was the last time that a VP ever made it to President on merit by being elected in recent memory?

Bush Sr. as I recall is about it. out from under Reagan's wing.

LBJ stole it with distracting voters with the Gulf of Tonkin mess.

It is a dead end for Biden. He knows that.

He has a better chance ofbeing written as a great American by finishing his work in Congress.

That is his soft landing.:wink:

Dems should just change their names to Titanic political party, Reading some of their desparate acts is kind of funny

t22learner's photo
Tue 09/23/08 04:12 PM
McCain's mudslinging and stonewalling the press is pathetic.

kerbear73's photo
Tue 09/23/08 05:35 PM

McCain's mudslinging and stonewalling the press is pathetic.

Mudslinging? I see more mudslinging from The Obamadrama camp

no photo
Tue 09/23/08 05:36 PM

adj4u's photo
Wed 09/24/08 11:03 AM
we definitively need election add reform and part of that reform should be fact listing only (with info on where to find the fact mentioned

like if they voted a certain way it should be

so and so voted yea on hb 123 to raise your taxes i did not

then the info to find the bill and the roll call vote should be given

not they did this or they support that