Topic: what do you think about the nwe bill about drilling?
TJN's photo
Thu 09/18/08 04:51 AM
Edited by TJN on Thu 09/18/08 04:51 AM
now come on lets use a little common sense here both sides the bill puposes that we can drill 50 to 100 miles off shore knowing the oil is within 50 miles of shore. now there are points in it about alternative fuels also. why not let them drill where the oil is and keep the alternative fuel plan init? this bill will get shot down and we are no closer to doing anything about the energy crises.

Drivinmenutz's photo
Thu 09/18/08 05:19 AM
Edited by Drivinmenutz on Thu 09/18/08 05:21 AM
I am all about being more self sufficient when it comes to any resource. I agree about the alternative sources of energy though. We need more of a choice. However, getting more oil will not lower the cost. Oil companies will merely slow production down to keep costs normal. Another thing to keep in mind (i know i am sounding like a broken record) is that the price of oil has not gone up in years. This price increase has only gone up at our pumps because the value of the american dollar went down so drastically. If you look at the cost of oil in american dollars over the last decade or so it's gone up %350, with euros it's gone up %200 in comparison. But, if you look at the cost of oil in gold it has stayed virtually the same for a long time now. (Like a decade or more.) Kinda makes you angry that congress passed a bill in the 70's where the dollar no longer had to be backed up by gold or silver huh?

no photo
Thu 09/18/08 05:46 AM
The bill will not matter. Even if they allowed drilling within the 50 mile range.

Environmental lawyers have filed suits on every lease to stop drilling.

All this crap about "drill baby drill" is a ruse.

In February 2008, the government issued 487 oil leases for drilling in Alaska's Chukchi Sea. Environmental groups resorted to the National Environmental Policy Act and the Endangered Species Act to ensnarl all 487 leases in court challenges.

AdventureBegins's photo
Thu 09/18/08 09:38 AM
All this talk about drilling...

You all do realize that it will ammount to nothing...

Nothing from nothing leaves nothing.

Oil is a FINITE resource.

It is not just the US that will be feeling the crunch but the entire world.

Oil is not the future it is the past.

Time to find something else and quickly so that WE control that future energy source.

Looking for more oil is short-sighted and will ensure our survival the same way Dinosaurs ensured their survival.

wouldee's photo
Thu 09/18/08 10:12 AM

The bill will not matter. Even if they allowed drilling within the 50 mile range.

Environmental lawyers have filed suits on every lease to stop drilling.

All this crap about "drill baby drill" is a ruse.

In February 2008, the government issued 487 oil leases for drilling in Alaska's Chukchi Sea. Environmental groups resorted to the National Environmental Policy Act and the Endangered Species Act to ensnarl all 487 leases in court challenges.

it is time to repeal these Acts and start over, isn't it?

time to throw the bums out and get things done.

This is emblematic of American Laws tthat trap common sense.

This nation is too overprotective and litigious in it's embrace of the rule of law.

Laws have to be changed to stop lawsuits, but some things are a matter of National Security and we need a Chief Executive, like Bush, that will take the bull by the horns and throttle on to get things done.

It's simple.

Nationalize all future oil fields, on the Alaskan model, and use the proceeds from oil to babalnce the books.

We cannot continue giving the cash away to foreign control and relying on printing more money against the Federal Reserves balance on account.

The proceeds from oil alone would cover everything the Fed has been printing money for in the last two weeks.

At 3 am this morning, the Fedeeral resrve released another 110 billion into internaTIONAL MARKETS.


McCain/Palin 2008

flowerforyou :heart: bigsmile

warmachine's photo
Thu 09/18/08 12:44 PM

The bill will not matter. Even if they allowed drilling within the 50 mile range.

Environmental lawyers have filed suits on every lease to stop drilling.

All this crap about "drill baby drill" is a ruse.

In February 2008, the government issued 487 oil leases for drilling in Alaska's Chukchi Sea. Environmental groups resorted to the National Environmental Policy Act and the Endangered Species Act to ensnarl all 487 leases in court challenges.

it is time to repeal these Acts and start over, isn't it?

time to throw the bums out and get things done.

This is emblematic of American Laws tthat trap common sense.

This nation is too overprotective and litigious in it's embrace of the rule of law.

Laws have to be changed to stop lawsuits, but some things are a matter of National Security and we need a Chief Executive, like Bush, that will take the bull by the horns and throttle on to get things done.

It's simple.

Nationalize all future oil fields, on the Alaskan model, and use the proceeds from oil to babalnce the books.

We cannot continue giving the cash away to foreign control and relying on printing more money against the Federal Reserves balance on account.

The proceeds from oil alone would cover everything the Fed has been printing money for in the last two weeks.

At 3 am this morning, the Fedeeral resrve released another 110 billion into internaTIONAL MARKETS.


McCain/Palin 2008

flowerforyou :heart: bigsmile

Not horribly far from the Hoover dam is a big ole, mostly empty desert. You want to create a new job market? Blanket that S.O.B. with solar panels, from Hoover all the way to San Diego if you have to.

That creates a job field that will never die and cannot be outsourced. Same thing works for wind, what would the difference be in energy costs, if all the skyscrapers had their own wind harvesters on the tops of them?

How about the mountains that we have, whats stopping us from harvesting the winds there? Once again, you'd create a job market that can't be outsourced.

Drilling just makes the oil companies that get the contracts rich, Nationalizing it would be okay, but if we go the renewable route, we can pay off our freaking Ginormous debt to china and others, with that oil and then the rest is gravy.

Another option. Legalize it... you know what I mean too. If you utilize hemp, you can produce three times more effective ethanol than what you can from corn and guess what, you wouldn't be burning food anymore. All of a sudden corn subsidies would be a thing of the past and the family farm could save themselves by planting a little wacky weed!

Should I keep going, or what?

wouldee's photo
Thu 09/18/08 12:55 PM
we will do it all.

prosperity and abundance will return.

if it is in the heart, it is already manifest.

The US Contruction industry is the best in the world.

We are the domestic US Soldier!

PUT US TO WORK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

we got this.

drinker bigsmile

wouldee's photo
Thu 09/18/08 12:57 PM
Besides, McCain knows this better than the rest.


TJN's photo
Thu 09/18/08 01:48 PM

The bill will not matter. Even if they allowed drilling within the 50 mile range.

Environmental lawyers have filed suits on every lease to stop drilling.

All this crap about "drill baby drill" is a ruse.

In February 2008, the government issued 487 oil leases for drilling in Alaska's Chukchi Sea. Environmental groups resorted to the National Environmental Policy Act and the Endangered Species Act to ensnarl all 487 leases in court challenges.

if they would let them drill where the oil is instead of giving them leases on land where there is no oil maybe we would have more of our own oil. but no lets just play more games and do nothing so nothing gets accomplished oh wait congress is allready diong that. what happened to democracy? I thought it was majority rules guess it doesnt matter anymore! you only can make things happen if you are a few and make the world think you are being discriminated against forget everyone else who will end up paying for it in the long run

120557's photo
Thu 09/18/08 01:55 PM
Forget about drilling! Did the price at the pumps go down when oil drop to under $100 a barrel? NO!!!!!!
It won't either. The oil companies, state & federal govertment won't allow that to happen because that would mean a large loss in there income. Think about it. It won't change regardless who is elected. So on that note, have a happy day one and all.happy

Quikstepper's photo
Thu 09/18/08 02:06 PM
Edited by Quikstepper on Thu 09/18/08 02:07 PM
This bill won't do anything but throw good money into bad...since we already know there is no oil there to be had.

Hypocrites! when I think of how much of a boon it would be to our economy to really push for alternative resources...but no! Big money has too much to say at our expense.

I believe in SARAH PALIN! She's one of us...and so is OBAMA for that matter. Who gets elected next isn't so important. I'd love to see congress totally flip...that would send a message to anyone who sits in the oval office next that we are sick to death of politics as usual.

Next time stop voting for lawyers & rich people... I want to see teachers & firefighters run...the stay at home mom too. AVERAGE Americans that know what it's like to have to budget & run a family.


My 2 cents...

wouldee's photo
Thu 09/18/08 02:11 PM

Forget about drilling! Did the price at the pumps go down when oil drop to under $100 a barrel? NO!!!!!!
It won't either. The oil companies, state & federal govertment won't allow that to happen because that would mean a large loss in there income. Think about it. It won't change regardless who is elected. So on that note, have a happy day one and all.happy

America can make future leases for oil extraction a financial windfall for the nation.

There is nothing stopping this country from nationalizing the domestic oil supply not already tapped and competing with foreign oil or even domestic drillers.

Let the American Oil Companies sell their oil to foreigners only. DUH!!!!!

and let the Nationalized Oil Industry of the future sell the oil to American refiners. DUH!!!!

the price at the pump in America is due to the high cost of oil with prices set by the free market. DUH!!!!!!

American Oil Companies can be taxed higher for selling their oil on foreign markets only and limitted to selling to foreign markets through legislation and signature by the President.


a win/win situation. DUH!!!!!!

and no more oil dollars will leave the country.

They will flood back in, or the price of oil will fall to levels making a profit impossible for domestic suppliers selling to foreign markets.

Why is this country so daft?

It's a no brainer.


120557's photo
Thu 09/18/08 02:15 PM

Forget about drilling! Did the price at the pumps go down when oil drop to under $100 a barrel? NO!!!!!!
It won't either. The oil companies, state & federal govertment won't allow that to happen because that would mean a large loss in there income. Think about it. It won't change regardless who is elected. So on that note, have a happy day one and all.happy

America can make future leases for oil extraction a financial windfall for the nation.

There is nothing stopping this country from nationalizing the domestic oil supply not already tapped and competing with foreign oil or even domestic drillers.

Let the American Oil Companies sell their oil to foreigners only. DUH!!!!!

and let the Nationalized Oil Industry of the future sell the oil to American refiners. DUH!!!!

the price at the pump in America is due to the high cost of oil with prices set by the free market. DUH!!!!!!

American Oil Companies can be taxed higher for selling their oil on foreign markets only and limitted to selling to foreign markets through legislation and signature by the President.


a win/win situation. DUH!!!!!!

and no more oil dollars will leave the country.

They will flood back in, or the price of oil will fall to levels making a profit impossible for domestic suppliers selling to foreign markets.

Why is this country so daft?

It's a no brainer.


Yea, and how much do you think the oil companies pay in taxes? NONE!

wouldee's photo
Thu 09/18/08 02:20 PM
what could this nation do with 500 billion in new revenues from a Nationalized Domestic Oil Industry?

It could pay off the national debt in 10 years.

Amortize the principle of a 9 trillion dollar foreign debt and Voila!!!!, the term of buying down the principle of ALL INDEBTEDNESS is a done deal, even if we keep the price of domestically produced oil at its present levels .

The interest is already being paid through existing revenue streams.

We may even be fortunae enough to rewrite the debt at more favorable rates because we are paying it down so fast.

Talk about a safe harbor of risk free debt!!!!!

no more debt, lower taxes!!!!!!

In just a ten short years we can fully fund SSI and handle the retiring baby boomers.

There is no surer way to accomplish defeating the threat to our own peace and prosperity.

somebody say.....



wouldee's photo
Thu 09/18/08 02:21 PM
Edited by wouldee on Thu 09/18/08 02:21 PM

Forget about drilling! Did the price at the pumps go down when oil drop to under $100 a barrel? NO!!!!!!
It won't either. The oil companies, state & federal govertment won't allow that to happen because that would mean a large loss in there income. Think about it. It won't change regardless who is elected. So on that note, have a happy day one and all.happy

America can make future leases for oil extraction a financial windfall for the nation.

There is nothing stopping this country from nationalizing the domestic oil supply not already tapped and competing with foreign oil or even domestic drillers.

Let the American Oil Companies sell their oil to foreigners only. DUH!!!!!

and let the Nationalized Oil Industry of the future sell the oil to American refiners. DUH!!!!

the price at the pump in America is due to the high cost of oil with prices set by the free market. DUH!!!!!!

American Oil Companies can be taxed higher for selling their oil on foreign markets only and limitted to selling to foreign markets through legislation and signature by the President.


a win/win situation. DUH!!!!!!

and no more oil dollars will leave the country.

They will flood back in, or the price of oil will fall to levels making a profit impossible for domestic suppliers selling to foreign markets.

Why is this country so daft?

It's a no brainer.


Yea, and how much do you think the oil companies pay in taxes? NONE!

then get on board and shout it out from the roof tops.

join me.
