Topic: smoking
usernamefayou's photo
Wed 09/17/08 04:15 PM

What do asthmatic people do in heavy smog?they have to do lots of daughter takes 3 kinds for 7 years in the am and sometimes in the a child and to annyone it is a living h###. to see them almost stop breathing and gasp fore each breath it is not fun.they have meds for everthing but you should see the side affects.:cry:

Just wondering.

I would have guessed oxygen masks or something. I'm around so much fresh air all the time, I feel the need to light up. That does sound like a living hell. I should really quit.

Winx's photo
Wed 09/17/08 04:18 PM

do you know if you can smoke in a car in Michigan with a 7 year old child that has asthma .my x does and should i turn her in what do you think?

Ohhh, John. That is just terrible. My kid has asthma and no smoking is allowed around my child.

johncarl's photo
Thu 09/18/08 12:57 PM

do you know if you can smoke in a car in Michigan with a 7 year old child that has asthma .my x does and should i turn her in what do you think?

Ohhh, John. That is just terrible. My kid has asthma and no smoking is allowed around my child.

thank you hey she will hang herself yet

johncarl's photo
Thu 09/18/08 12:58 PM

What do asthmatic people do in heavy smog?they have to do lots of daughter takes 3 kinds for 7 years in the am and sometimes in the a child and to annyone it is a living h###. to see them almost stop breathing and gasp fore each breath it is not fun.they have meds for everthing but you should see the side affects.:cry:

Just wondering.

I would have guessed oxygen masks or something. I'm around so much fresh air all the time, I feel the need to light up. That does sound like a living hell. I should really quit.
we have the best air here to in my part of michigan but some pepole have to smoke in a car with a child or baby.

franshade's photo
Thu 09/18/08 12:59 PM
Contact and get information from your local enforcement offices.

johncarl's photo
Thu 09/18/08 01:01 PM

Ask your Lawyer due to the child having asthma it could fall under Endangerment to a Child.
i will have to check child protection.good tip i will call him

SharpShooter10's photo
Thu 09/18/08 01:04 PM
most people that smoke in their cars do roll down the windows you know.

having asthma i can understand not doing it

but the law in this state saying you can't smoke in a car cause kids are in there is just stupid.

Just what we need another stupid law. I guess next we cant eat a sandwich while we drive, or lets make it illegal to drink our coffee while we drive. what about those damn cell phones, is this not more dangerous

Winx's photo
Thu 09/18/08 02:38 PM

What do asthmatic people do in heavy smog?they have to do lots of daughter takes 3 kinds for 7 years in the am and sometimes in the a child and to annyone it is a living h###. to see them almost stop breathing and gasp fore each breath it is not fun.they have meds for everthing but you should see the side affects.:cry:

Just wondering.

I would have guessed oxygen masks or something. I'm around so much fresh air all the time, I feel the need to light up. That does sound like a living hell. I should really quit.
we have the best air here to in my part of michigan but some pepole have to smoke in a car with a child or baby.

I was in a store parking lot and saw a man walk across the parking lot with a child under 5 yrs. old. He wasn't smoking. After they got into the car, he lit up his cigarette and started smoking with the windows up.

I couldn't believe my eyes. :angry: That is abusive to a small child's lungs.

Winx's photo
Thu 09/18/08 02:39 PM

most people that smoke in their cars do roll down the windows you know.

having asthma i can understand not doing it

but the law in this state saying you can't smoke in a car cause kids are in there is just stupid.

Just what we need another stupid law. I guess next we cant eat a sandwich while we drive, or lets make it illegal to drink our coffee while we drive. what about those damn cell phones, is this not more dangerous

I see both sides of this. But...some people don't have the brains to not smoke with children in the car. The children must be protected.

bad_girl's photo
Thu 09/18/08 02:45 PM
I don't think a law has passed in Maryland about not smoking in your own home, but I think, unless there are children in the home, that is appalling. This is my home, I should be able to do (short of breaking laws) whatever I feel like doing when I feel like doing it. I don't smoke in my car when my mom or grandkids are with me, I agree about protecting the children, but if I am by myself, then I do what I want.

We are taxed extra $$ for cigarettes, yet alcohol isn't taxed higher and more people are killed by drunk drivers than by cigarette smokers.

Try passing a law about people on cell phones, they are more of a hazard than a person smoking a cigarette.

Oh let me leave before I get in trouble.grumble

BabyFaceLady's photo
Thu 09/18/08 03:02 PM

Try passing a law about people on cell phones, they are more of a hazard than a person smoking a cigarette.

Oh let me leave before I get in trouble.grumble

Here is Washington State, it is a law now that people are not allowed to use a cell phone while driving unless they have a hands free device.

no photo
Thu 09/18/08 03:09 PM

What do asthmatic people do in heavy smog?they have to do lots of daughter takes 3 kinds for 7 years in the am and sometimes in the a child and to annyone it is a living h###. to see them almost stop breathing and gasp fore each breath it is not fun.they have meds for everthing but you should see the side affects.:cry:

Just wondering.

it is living hell, i have inhalers and uniphyllin and i have to do nebulisers most days, its annoying to say the least, and gasping for air and going blue is very distressing.

johncarl's photo
Thu 09/18/08 07:49 PM

What do asthmatic people do in heavy smog?they have to do lots of daughter takes 3 kinds for 7 years in the am and sometimes in the a child and to annyone it is a living h###. to see them almost stop breathing and gasp fore each breath it is not fun.they have meds for everthing but you should see the side affects.:cry:

Just wondering.

it is living hell, i have inhalers and uniphyllin and i have to do nebulisers most days, its annoying to say the least, and gasping for air and going blue is very distressing.
thank you why would some say it is a bad law the child has no choice.we are to have freedom of choice and ware is the child's choice.the stuff pepole do to their children is just a sin.yea it is not for me to judge.but how can we do this to them.any one can have a child but it takes a real person to raise them.i guess that some pepole should go to a hospital ware their are children with asthma or some other thing like cancer spend some time their not just one hour get to know them if you have a heart you will know ware i come from.flowerforyou

johncarl's photo
Thu 09/18/08 07:52 PM

Try passing a law about people on cell phones, they are more of a hazard than a person smoking a cigarette.

Oh let me leave before I get in trouble.grumble

Here is Washington State, it is a law now that people are not allowed to use a cell phone while driving unless they have a hands free device.

la has that too hay most pepole cant chew gum and walklaugh

johncarl's photo
Thu 09/18/08 07:57 PM

most people that smoke in their cars do roll down the windows you know.

having asthma i can understand not doing it

but the law in this state saying you can't smoke in a car cause kids are in there is just stupid.

Just what we need another stupid law. I guess next we cant eat a sandwich while we drive, or lets make it illegal to drink our coffee while we drive. what about those damn cell phones, is this not more dangerous
so some pepole smoke crack,hash,wet daddys,slam heroin,do speed,acid,coke,you name it and i guess what you say is it is ok if you dont get caught or your child is not high when you get pulled over. laugh

PacificStar48's photo
Thu 09/18/08 08:03 PM
Smoking with a kid with asthma is just stupid. It makes the kid sick and costs a fortune in medical expenses not to even mention the moral issues of tortureing the kid. Ought to put the parent in an mask and let them struggle to breath for an equal amount of time. I am so glad I don't have to be a kid in todays world. For all the good stuff they still get treated like yesterdays toys. It makes me believe in forced birth control. If they are going to abuse one kid they sure as heck will abuse the next. The only justice is these kids do usually end up picking their parent's nurseing home. That does seem kind of fair sometimes.

emerald521's photo
Thu 09/18/08 08:36 PM

What do asthmatic people do in heavy smog?

Just wondering.

depends on the person.I've had it for 16 years and if they start advertising the ozone level being at orange or higher,I cant even go outside.

I'm 20 now and still require a ton of meds to keep my asthma under control,my lung function is severely compromised,and part of that comes from growing up with parents who smoked.

As for the OP,get in touch with a lawyer or your child's doctor,see what your options in texas the laws are nowhere near as strict as they are in other states,but if you're having to take your daughter to the hospital all the time because of your ex's smoking,something needs to be done.Good luck and keep us posted

Winx's photo
Thu 09/18/08 08:39 PM

What do asthmatic people do in heavy smog?

Just wondering.

depends on the person.I've had it for 16 years and if they start advertising the ozone level being at orange or higher,I cant even go outside.

I'm 20 now and still require a ton of meds to keep my asthma under control,my lung function is severely compromised,and part of that comes from growing up with parents who smoked.

As for the OP,get in touch with a lawyer or your child's doctor,see what your options in texas the laws are nowhere near as strict as they are in other states,but if you're having to take your daughter to the hospital all the time because of your ex's smoking,something needs to be done.Good luck and keep us posted

That is good advise. When the child goes to the hospital, everything will be documented.

emerald521's photo
Thu 09/18/08 08:47 PM

What do asthmatic people do in heavy smog?

Just wondering.

depends on the person.I've had it for 16 years and if they start advertising the ozone level being at orange or higher,I cant even go outside.

I'm 20 now and still require a ton of meds to keep my asthma under control,my lung function is severely compromised,and part of that comes from growing up with parents who smoked.

As for the OP,get in touch with a lawyer or your child's doctor,see what your options in texas the laws are nowhere near as strict as they are in other states,but if you're having to take your daughter to the hospital all the time because of your ex's smoking,something needs to be done.Good luck and keep us posted

That is good advise. When the child goes to the hospital, everything will be documented.

if need be,you can get copies of her medical records from the hospital to use as evidence in court.That's something your ex cant dispute,and if possible having a asthma/allergy specialist examine your daughter and getting a statement from him/her would help too.The Asthma and Allergy Foundation also might be able to help,go to and look under advocacy,see what you can find

Blaze1978's photo
Thu 09/18/08 09:41 PM
I have yet to encounter a smoker who will not light up impulsively around non-smokers.mad

I highly doubt such a lifeform exists.