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Topic: what would you do
Zapchaser's photo
Mon 09/15/08 09:21 PM

This is my personal opinion and personal experience. Please do not take this in any other way but my opinion.
Step away..there are to many fish in the sea. You are a pretty girl and getting involved with someone who now has a record is a bad move.

First of all it is a DWI, we all make mistakes. Not like he is a mass murderer. sheesh!!!!

I know alot of great people who have f*cked up... you're right it's a DWI not attempted murder.

I say give it a week it's only monday. If he was in there all weekend he probably slept on sunday and worked today.

Yup, it's just a DWI. noway It's not like he got behind the wheel of a 2,000lb missile and went weaving down the road toward innocent people and was driving so erratically that a cop just felt the need to pull him over and discuss the recently released business plan for Dunkin Donuts. I am sure the cop was wrong. The best that could have happened was for him to pass out at the wheel and kiss a telephone pole. The worst..... well, it's not attempted murder, right? Just STUPID F*CKING IGNORANCE! God I can't stand drunks! My suggestion is to RUN!!! How many DUI's has he had in the past? The law should be changed to say that a DUI gets you a minimum of 30 days in the crowbar motel getting a striped tan and one year's loss of driving privileges.grumble

maybe if you are actually driving...many states have the law that states you can be charged with a DUI just for sleeping in your vehicle, car in park, engine off, just the radio on...that is a crock of s**t....
the question is of the circumstances around the situation...

I am sure you are so perfect that you never do things that others can't stand?

What does perfection have to do with not taking someone's life in your hands due to your own stupidity? How many innocent people die on the highway each year because someone was driving drunk? Can you REALLY find it in yourself to excuse that? The law is the law because there are morons who don't think. Driving drunk is as bright as closing your eyes each time you come to a railroad crossing. It is nature's way of weeding out the stupid but unfortunately innocent people are taken out as well. Next time you stand in front of the judge for a DUI you can tell him, well, at least I didn't kill anybody. I am sure he will be lenient.huh

There is no excuse for DRIVING drunk...I was asleep in my car, sleeping it off, because I believe it is stupid as well, to drivw drunk....
I thought I was doing the right thing, then they took me to jail...I am pending grand jury trial, now, based on the technicality that I was NOT driving, and the the charge is false and misleading, to say the least of the technicalities....I have done nothing illegal in almost 3 years, trying my hardest to keep my life out here on the streets, holding a job, I own my truck, and I have pastors who will vouch for me, as well as several other well reputed individules around the Nashville area...
I don't mean to sound smartass...but it is one of the few things that offends me, when small minded people see the fact that not ALL "criminals" are beyond saving, or when people imply that I am a bad person just because I made stupid choices when I was 18...
it offends me that people are telling this lady misleading information....
all that should be said is to watch his actions.....GRANTED...many "criminals"will never change...but DO NOT cast that seed of doubt into the paths of the ones who are wanting and doing change..

I can appreciate your plight. I can also appreciate the fact that drunks (speaking in general) don't care about anything but drinking. They will take anyone down with them and the OP is a pretty young lady that has a full life ahead of her and (again, speaking in generality) does not need to start out life catering to someone with an alcohol issue. That is all I am saying. Drunks will find any excuse to stay drunk. There are those that are in recovery and most of them will tell you that they are one breath away from taking a drink. I have been around alcoholics my entire life and I do not (rarely) drink because I see what it has done to them. Congratulations for staying out of trouble. :wink: You are setting a GREAT example for those around you. My hat is off to you.

Zapchaser's photo
Mon 09/15/08 09:24 PM

This is my personal opinion and personal experience. Please do not take this in any other way but my opinion.
Step away..there are to many fish in the sea. You are a pretty girl and getting involved with someone who now has a record is a bad move.

First of all it is a DWI, we all make mistakes. Not like he is a mass murderer. sheesh!!!!

I know alot of great people who have f*cked up... you're right it's a DWI not attempted murder.

I say give it a week it's only monday. If he was in there all weekend he probably slept on sunday and worked today.

Yup, it's just a DWI. noway It's not like he got behind the wheel of a 2,000lb missile and went weaving down the road toward innocent people and was driving so erratically that a cop just felt the need to pull him over and discuss the recently released business plan for Dunkin Donuts. I am sure the cop was wrong. The best that could have happened was for him to pass out at the wheel and kiss a telephone pole. The worst..... well, it's not attempted murder, right? Just STUPID F*CKING IGNORANCE! God I can't stand drunks! My suggestion is to RUN!!! How many DUI's has he had in the past? The law should be changed to say that a DUI gets you a minimum of 30 days in the crowbar motel getting a striped tan and one year's loss of driving privileges.grumble

maybe if you are actually driving...many states have the law that states you can be charged with a DUI just for sleeping in your vehicle, car in park, engine off, just the radio on...that is a crock of s**t....
the question is of the circumstances around the situation...

I am sure you are so perfect that you never do things that others can't stand?

What does perfection have to do with not taking someone's life in your hands due to your own stupidity? How many innocent people die on the highway each year because someone was driving drunk? Can you REALLY find it in yourself to excuse that? The law is the law because there are morons who don't think. Driving drunk is as bright as closing your eyes each time you come to a railroad crossing. It is nature's way of weeding out the stupid but unfortunately innocent people are taken out as well. Next time you stand in front of the judge for a DUI you can tell him, well, at least I didn't kill anybody. I am sure he will be lenient.huh
you know you can write this and talk how bad it is how civilians drive over the limit,but the pigs...opps the cops that do the arresting for dui's actually drive drunk too,they just get away with it most of the time because they just flash their badge,im talking about when they r off duty of course or you never know

And the truth shall set you free...this is why I have little respect for cops...or anyone else who thinks they are special just because of their posistion....
There are some good cops...far and few between

They are ALL good cops until you break the law. laugh Just think of the fun you would have if there weren't any laws eh?

seahawks's photo
Mon 09/15/08 09:25 PM

I'm not going to argue about this anymore,you're entitled to your opinion about things and I to mine.if you feel the need to insult me and the choices I make for my life,then by all means lower yourself to the standards of a teenager and do so.I know the story and circumstances of the situation better than anyone else,so all you're spouting is blind judgements,and I'm done defending myself to you two
hun i never intended to insult or demean you in any way. i was just saying there really is no excuse for bein behind a wheel impaired. yur just fortunate that yur future hubby wasnt sober enough to start that vehicle.!!!!

Zapchaser's photo
Mon 09/15/08 09:26 PM
Edited by Zapchaser on Mon 09/15/08 09:29 PM

I'm not going to argue about this anymore,you're entitled to your opinion about things and I to mine.if you feel the need to insult me and the choices I make for my life,then by all means lower yourself to the standards of a teenager and do so.I know the story and circumstances of the situation better than anyone else,so all you're spouting is blind judgements,and I'm done defending myself to you two

Soooooooo the reason for your initial question was? To get warm fuzzies from everyone? Nobody is asking you to defend yourself. Defend yourself against what? The law was broken and it is as simple as that. You don't have to like the law, you just have to obey it. Contact your legislators and beg them to change the law. The cop was just doing his job.

lovemeifyoucan26's photo
Mon 09/15/08 09:28 PM

This is my personal opinion and personal experience. Please do not take this in any other way but my opinion.
Step away..there are to many fish in the sea. You are a pretty girl and getting involved with someone who now has a record is a bad move.

First of all it is a DWI, we all make mistakes. Not like he is a mass murderer. sheesh!!!!

I know alot of great people who have f*cked up... you're right it's a DWI not attempted murder.

I say give it a week it's only monday. If he was in there all weekend he probably slept on sunday and worked today.

Yup, it's just a DWI. noway It's not like he got behind the wheel of a 2,000lb missile and went weaving down the road toward innocent people and was driving so erratically that a cop just felt the need to pull him over and discuss the recently released business plan for Dunkin Donuts. I am sure the cop was wrong. The best that could have happened was for him to pass out at the wheel and kiss a telephone pole. The worst..... well, it's not attempted murder, right? Just STUPID F*CKING IGNORANCE! God I can't stand drunks! My suggestion is to RUN!!! How many DUI's has he had in the past? The law should be changed to say that a DUI gets you a minimum of 30 days in the crowbar motel getting a striped tan and one year's loss of driving privileges.grumble

maybe if you are actually driving...many states have the law that states you can be charged with a DUI just for sleeping in your vehicle, car in park, engine off, just the radio on...that is a crock of s**t....
the question is of the circumstances around the situation...

I am sure you are so perfect that you never do things that others can't stand?

What does perfection have to do with not taking someone's life in your hands due to your own stupidity? How many innocent people die on the highway each year because someone was driving drunk? Can you REALLY find it in yourself to excuse that? The law is the law because there are morons who don't think. Driving drunk is as bright as closing your eyes each time you come to a railroad crossing. It is nature's way of weeding out the stupid but unfortunately innocent people are taken out as well. Next time you stand in front of the judge for a DUI you can tell him, well, at least I didn't kill anybody. I am sure he will be lenient.huh

There is no excuse for DRIVING drunk...I was asleep in my car, sleeping it off, because I believe it is stupid as well, to drivw drunk....
I thought I was doing the right thing, then they took me to jail...I am pending grand jury trial, now, based on the technicality that I was NOT driving, and the the charge is false and misleading, to say the least of the technicalities....I have done nothing illegal in almost 3 years, trying my hardest to keep my life out here on the streets, holding a job, I own my truck, and I have pastors who will vouch for me, as well as several other well reputed individules around the Nashville area...
I don't mean to sound smartass...but it is one of the few things that offends me, when small minded people see the fact that not ALL "criminals" are beyond saving, or when people imply that I am a bad person just because I made stupid choices when I was 18...
it offends me that people are telling this lady misleading information....
all that should be said is to watch his actions.....GRANTED...many "criminals"will never change...but DO NOT cast that seed of doubt into the paths of the ones who are wanting and doing change..

I can appreciate your plight. I can also appreciate the fact that drunks (speaking in general) don't care about anything but drinking. They will take anyone down with them and the OP is a pretty young lady that has a full life ahead of her and (again, speaking in generality) does not need to start out life catering to someone with an alcohol issue. That is all I am saying. Drunks will find any excuse to stay drunk. There are those that are in recovery and most of them will tell you that they are one breath away from taking a drink. I have been around alcoholics my entire life and I do not (rarely) drink because I see what it has done to them. Congratulations for staying out of trouble. :wink: You are setting a GREAT example for those around you. My hat is off to you.

Its all a matter of if he wants to change...
I drank like a fish before the charge i got in june of last year....since then I have drank twice....neither time did I drink enough to even get a buzz, and I waited until I was where I was going to be, before I drank even the one beer..

change can happen if the person wants it

missy51970's photo
Mon 09/15/08 09:29 PM
I agree there is NEVER NEVER an excuse for driving drunk...NOT EVER...

HOWEVER....good people make bad choices....talk to him... hopefully he will be honest and tell you if this is a repeat or the first time.. Just remember there is NO EXCUSE..Im 37 friggen years old and NEVER had a DWI DUI or anything else..because i walk home drunk!!!!

emerald521's photo
Mon 09/15/08 09:30 PM

This is my personal opinion and personal experience. Please do not take this in any other way but my opinion.
Step away..there are to many fish in the sea. You are a pretty girl and getting involved with someone who now has a record is a bad move.

First of all it is a DWI, we all make mistakes. Not like he is a mass murderer. sheesh!!!!

I know alot of great people who have f*cked up... you're right it's a DWI not attempted murder.

I say give it a week it's only monday. If he was in there all weekend he probably slept on sunday and worked today.

Yup, it's just a DWI. noway It's not like he got behind the wheel of a 2,000lb missile and went weaving down the road toward innocent people and was driving so erratically that a cop just felt the need to pull him over and discuss the recently released business plan for Dunkin Donuts. I am sure the cop was wrong. The best that could have happened was for him to pass out at the wheel and kiss a telephone pole. The worst..... well, it's not attempted murder, right? Just STUPID F*CKING IGNORANCE! God I can't stand drunks! My suggestion is to RUN!!! How many DUI's has he had in the past? The law should be changed to say that a DUI gets you a minimum of 30 days in the crowbar motel getting a striped tan and one year's loss of driving privileges.grumble

maybe if you are actually driving...many states have the law that states you can be charged with a DUI just for sleeping in your vehicle, car in park, engine off, just the radio on...that is a crock of s**t....
the question is of the circumstances around the situation...

I am sure you are so perfect that you never do things that others can't stand?

What does perfection have to do with not taking someone's life in your hands due to your own stupidity? How many innocent people die on the highway each year because someone was driving drunk? Can you REALLY find it in yourself to excuse that? The law is the law because there are morons who don't think. Driving drunk is as bright as closing your eyes each time you come to a railroad crossing. It is nature's way of weeding out the stupid but unfortunately innocent people are taken out as well. Next time you stand in front of the judge for a DUI you can tell him, well, at least I didn't kill anybody. I am sure he will be lenient.huh

you dont even know the full story and here you are judging someone you dont even know.you're just going to keep on being closed minded despite what anyone says,so you arent even worth fighting with.

JSYK, Emerald, I am on your side here...

flowerforyou thank you I'm glad someone here isnt out to condemn my decisions.some people are so small minded that they cant be reasoned with,and they'll never meet me or the guy I've been talking about,so why waste energy fighting.Alcoholism runs in my family,and I drink,but only on special occasions and never to get drunk.leaving the keys in the ignition was stupid,granted,but this was over a year ago,and he doesnt drink like that anymore.if I have low standards because I'm willing to look past his mistakes and see the person inside that wants to change,then I have low standards,and I'm not going to change who I am because someone doesnt like it.whoa

MirrorMirror's photo
Mon 09/15/08 09:31 PM
flowerforyou Are you thinking about breaking him outta jail?flowerforyou

Zapchaser's photo
Mon 09/15/08 09:32 PM

This is my personal opinion and personal experience. Please do not take this in any other way but my opinion.
Step away..there are to many fish in the sea. You are a pretty girl and getting involved with someone who now has a record is a bad move.

First of all it is a DWI, we all make mistakes. Not like he is a mass murderer. sheesh!!!!

I know alot of great people who have f*cked up... you're right it's a DWI not attempted murder.

I say give it a week it's only monday. If he was in there all weekend he probably slept on sunday and worked today.

Yup, it's just a DWI. noway It's not like he got behind the wheel of a 2,000lb missile and went weaving down the road toward innocent people and was driving so erratically that a cop just felt the need to pull him over and discuss the recently released business plan for Dunkin Donuts. I am sure the cop was wrong. The best that could have happened was for him to pass out at the wheel and kiss a telephone pole. The worst..... well, it's not attempted murder, right? Just STUPID F*CKING IGNORANCE! God I can't stand drunks! My suggestion is to RUN!!! How many DUI's has he had in the past? The law should be changed to say that a DUI gets you a minimum of 30 days in the crowbar motel getting a striped tan and one year's loss of driving privileges.grumble

maybe if you are actually driving...many states have the law that states you can be charged with a DUI just for sleeping in your vehicle, car in park, engine off, just the radio on...that is a crock of s**t....
the question is of the circumstances around the situation...

I am sure you are so perfect that you never do things that others can't stand?

What does perfection have to do with not taking someone's life in your hands due to your own stupidity? How many innocent people die on the highway each year because someone was driving drunk? Can you REALLY find it in yourself to excuse that? The law is the law because there are morons who don't think. Driving drunk is as bright as closing your eyes each time you come to a railroad crossing. It is nature's way of weeding out the stupid but unfortunately innocent people are taken out as well. Next time you stand in front of the judge for a DUI you can tell him, well, at least I didn't kill anybody. I am sure he will be lenient.huh

There is no excuse for DRIVING drunk...I was asleep in my car, sleeping it off, because I believe it is stupid as well, to drivw drunk....
I thought I was doing the right thing, then they took me to jail...I am pending grand jury trial, now, based on the technicality that I was NOT driving, and the the charge is false and misleading, to say the least of the technicalities....I have done nothing illegal in almost 3 years, trying my hardest to keep my life out here on the streets, holding a job, I own my truck, and I have pastors who will vouch for me, as well as several other well reputed individules around the Nashville area...
I don't mean to sound smartass...but it is one of the few things that offends me, when small minded people see the fact that not ALL "criminals" are beyond saving, or when people imply that I am a bad person just because I made stupid choices when I was 18...
it offends me that people are telling this lady misleading information....
all that should be said is to watch his actions.....GRANTED...many "criminals"will never change...but DO NOT cast that seed of doubt into the paths of the ones who are wanting and doing change..

I can appreciate your plight. I can also appreciate the fact that drunks (speaking in general) don't care about anything but drinking. They will take anyone down with them and the OP is a pretty young lady that has a full life ahead of her and (again, speaking in generality) does not need to start out life catering to someone with an alcohol issue. That is all I am saying. Drunks will find any excuse to stay drunk. There are those that are in recovery and most of them will tell you that they are one breath away from taking a drink. I have been around alcoholics my entire life and I do not (rarely) drink because I see what it has done to them. Congratulations for staying out of trouble. :wink: You are setting a GREAT example for those around you. My hat is off to you.

Its all a matter of if he wants to change...
I drank like a fish before the charge i got in june of last year....since then I have drank twice....neither time did I drink enough to even get a buzz, and I waited until I was where I was going to be, before I drank even the one beer..

change can happen if the person wants it

Yessir! You are correct! drinker My best friend hasn't had a drink in over 12 years. He goes to AA meetings twice a week. You ROCK man!:wink:

missy51970's photo
Mon 09/15/08 09:32 PM

I'm not going to argue about this anymore,you're entitled to your opinion about things and I to mine.if you feel the need to insult me and the choices I make for my life,then by all means lower yourself to the standards of a teenager and do so.I know the story and circumstances of the situation better than anyone else,so all you're spouting is blind judgements,and I'm done defending myself to you two

Soooooooo the reason for your initial question was? To get warm fuzzies from everyone? Nobody is asking you to defend yourself. Defend yourself against what? The law was broken and it is as simple as that. You don't have to like the law, you just have to obey it. Contact your legislators and beg them to change the law. The cop was just doing his job.

Shut up stupid

tread lightly and play nice

markecephus's photo
Mon 09/15/08 10:06 PM

I have removed some posts from this thread, Please discuss these topics in a civil manner.

Thank you,


lovemeifyoucan26's photo
Tue 09/16/08 12:32 AM

This is my personal opinion and personal experience. Please do not take this in any other way but my opinion.
Step away..there are to many fish in the sea. You are a pretty girl and getting involved with someone who now has a record is a bad move.

First of all it is a DWI, we all make mistakes. Not like he is a mass murderer. sheesh!!!!

I know alot of great people who have f*cked up... you're right it's a DWI not attempted murder.

I say give it a week it's only monday. If he was in there all weekend he probably slept on sunday and worked today.

Yup, it's just a DWI. noway It's not like he got behind the wheel of a 2,000lb missile and went weaving down the road toward innocent people and was driving so erratically that a cop just felt the need to pull him over and discuss the recently released business plan for Dunkin Donuts. I am sure the cop was wrong. The best that could have happened was for him to pass out at the wheel and kiss a telephone pole. The worst..... well, it's not attempted murder, right? Just STUPID F*CKING IGNORANCE! God I can't stand drunks! My suggestion is to RUN!!! How many DUI's has he had in the past? The law should be changed to say that a DUI gets you a minimum of 30 days in the crowbar motel getting a striped tan and one year's loss of driving privileges.grumble

maybe if you are actually driving...many states have the law that states you can be charged with a DUI just for sleeping in your vehicle, car in park, engine off, just the radio on...that is a crock of s**t....
the question is of the circumstances around the situation...

I am sure you are so perfect that you never do things that others can't stand?

What does perfection have to do with not taking someone's life in your hands due to your own stupidity? How many innocent people die on the highway each year because someone was driving drunk? Can you REALLY find it in yourself to excuse that? The law is the law because there are morons who don't think. Driving drunk is as bright as closing your eyes each time you come to a railroad crossing. It is nature's way of weeding out the stupid but unfortunately innocent people are taken out as well. Next time you stand in front of the judge for a DUI you can tell him, well, at least I didn't kill anybody. I am sure he will be lenient.huh
you know you can write this and talk how bad it is how civilians drive over the limit,but the pigs...opps the cops that do the arresting for dui's actually drive drunk too,they just get away with it most of the time because they just flash their badge,im talking about when they r off duty of course or you never know

And the truth shall set you free...this is why I have little respect for cops...or anyone else who thinks they are special just because of their posistion....
There are some good cops...far and few between

They are ALL good cops until you break the law. laugh Just think of the fun you would have if there weren't any laws eh?

I was refering to the cops who have the, "I'm a cop. that makes me a bad ass, cause I have a gun, and I'm all that.." type of attitude...

lovemeifyoucan26's photo
Tue 09/16/08 12:39 AM

This is my personal opinion and personal experience. Please do not take this in any other way but my opinion.
Step away..there are to many fish in the sea. You are a pretty girl and getting involved with someone who now has a record is a bad move.

First of all it is a DWI, we all make mistakes. Not like he is a mass murderer. sheesh!!!!

I know alot of great people who have f*cked up... you're right it's a DWI not attempted murder.

I say give it a week it's only monday. If he was in there all weekend he probably slept on sunday and worked today.

Yup, it's just a DWI. noway It's not like he got behind the wheel of a 2,000lb missile and went weaving down the road toward innocent people and was driving so erratically that a cop just felt the need to pull him over and discuss the recently released business plan for Dunkin Donuts. I am sure the cop was wrong. The best that could have happened was for him to pass out at the wheel and kiss a telephone pole. The worst..... well, it's not attempted murder, right? Just STUPID F*CKING IGNORANCE! God I can't stand drunks! My suggestion is to RUN!!! How many DUI's has he had in the past? The law should be changed to say that a DUI gets you a minimum of 30 days in the crowbar motel getting a striped tan and one year's loss of driving privileges.grumble

maybe if you are actually driving...many states have the law that states you can be charged with a DUI just for sleeping in your vehicle, car in park, engine off, just the radio on...that is a crock of s**t....
the question is of the circumstances around the situation...

I am sure you are so perfect that you never do things that others can't stand?

What does perfection have to do with not taking someone's life in your hands due to your own stupidity? How many innocent people die on the highway each year because someone was driving drunk? Can you REALLY find it in yourself to excuse that? The law is the law because there are morons who don't think. Driving drunk is as bright as closing your eyes each time you come to a railroad crossing. It is nature's way of weeding out the stupid but unfortunately innocent people are taken out as well. Next time you stand in front of the judge for a DUI you can tell him, well, at least I didn't kill anybody. I am sure he will be lenient.huh

There is no excuse for DRIVING drunk...I was asleep in my car, sleeping it off, because I believe it is stupid as well, to drivw drunk....
I thought I was doing the right thing, then they took me to jail...I am pending grand jury trial, now, based on the technicality that I was NOT driving, and the the charge is false and misleading, to say the least of the technicalities....I have done nothing illegal in almost 3 years, trying my hardest to keep my life out here on the streets, holding a job, I own my truck, and I have pastors who will vouch for me, as well as several other well reputed individules around the Nashville area...
I don't mean to sound smartass...but it is one of the few things that offends me, when small minded people see the fact that not ALL "criminals" are beyond saving, or when people imply that I am a bad person just because I made stupid choices when I was 18...
it offends me that people are telling this lady misleading information....
all that should be said is to watch his actions.....GRANTED...many "criminals"will never change...but DO NOT cast that seed of doubt into the paths of the ones who are wanting and doing change..

I can appreciate your plight. I can also appreciate the fact that drunks (speaking in general) don't care about anything but drinking. They will take anyone down with them and the OP is a pretty young lady that has a full life ahead of her and (again, speaking in generality) does not need to start out life catering to someone with an alcohol issue. That is all I am saying. Drunks will find any excuse to stay drunk. There are those that are in recovery and most of them will tell you that they are one breath away from taking a drink. I have been around alcoholics my entire life and I do not (rarely) drink because I see what it has done to them. Congratulations for staying out of trouble. :wink: You are setting a GREAT example for those around you. My hat is off to you.

Its all a matter of if he wants to change...
I drank like a fish before the charge i got in june of last year....since then I have drank twice....neither time did I drink enough to even get a buzz, and I waited until I was where I was going to be, before I drank even the one beer..

change can happen if the person wants it

Yessir! You are correct! drinker My best friend hasn't had a drink in over 12 years. He goes to AA meetings twice a week. You ROCK man!:wink:

Actually, the reason I essentially quit drinking is because my car was impounded and could not be retrieved..It was a really nice car...for a po' boy...It was a '91 5th ave, 3.3 V6 vortec, and it ran like a dream,,,I decided that alcohol was not worth what I had just lost...and I had the sense to comprehend that If I did continue, I would be likely to lose a hell of alot more..

lovemeifyoucan26's photo
Tue 09/16/08 12:39 AM

This is my personal opinion and personal experience. Please do not take this in any other way but my opinion.
Step away..there are to many fish in the sea. You are a pretty girl and getting involved with someone who now has a record is a bad move.

First of all it is a DWI, we all make mistakes. Not like he is a mass murderer. sheesh!!!!

I know alot of great people who have f*cked up... you're right it's a DWI not attempted murder.

I say give it a week it's only monday. If he was in there all weekend he probably slept on sunday and worked today.

Yup, it's just a DWI. noway It's not like he got behind the wheel of a 2,000lb missile and went weaving down the road toward innocent people and was driving so erratically that a cop just felt the need to pull him over and discuss the recently released business plan for Dunkin Donuts. I am sure the cop was wrong. The best that could have happened was for him to pass out at the wheel and kiss a telephone pole. The worst..... well, it's not attempted murder, right? Just STUPID F*CKING IGNORANCE! God I can't stand drunks! My suggestion is to RUN!!! How many DUI's has he had in the past? The law should be changed to say that a DUI gets you a minimum of 30 days in the crowbar motel getting a striped tan and one year's loss of driving privileges.grumble

maybe if you are actually driving...many states have the law that states you can be charged with a DUI just for sleeping in your vehicle, car in park, engine off, just the radio on...that is a crock of s**t....
the question is of the circumstances around the situation...

I am sure you are so perfect that you never do things that others can't stand?

What does perfection have to do with not taking someone's life in your hands due to your own stupidity? How many innocent people die on the highway each year because someone was driving drunk? Can you REALLY find it in yourself to excuse that? The law is the law because there are morons who don't think. Driving drunk is as bright as closing your eyes each time you come to a railroad crossing. It is nature's way of weeding out the stupid but unfortunately innocent people are taken out as well. Next time you stand in front of the judge for a DUI you can tell him, well, at least I didn't kill anybody. I am sure he will be lenient.huh

you dont even know the full story and here you are judging someone you dont even know.you're just going to keep on being closed minded despite what anyone says,so you arent even worth fighting with.

JSYK, Emerald, I am on your side here...

flowerforyou thank you I'm glad someone here isnt out to condemn my decisions.some people are so small minded that they cant be reasoned with,and they'll never meet me or the guy I've been talking about,so why waste energy fighting.Alcoholism runs in my family,and I drink,but only on special occasions and never to get drunk.leaving the keys in the ignition was stupid,granted,but this was over a year ago,and he doesnt drink like that anymore.if I have low standards because I'm willing to look past his mistakes and see the person inside that wants to change,then I have low standards,and I'm not going to change who I am because someone doesnt like it.whoa


lovemeifyoucan26's photo
Tue 09/16/08 12:41 AM

I'm not going to argue about this anymore,you're entitled to your opinion about things and I to mine.if you feel the need to insult me and the choices I make for my life,then by all means lower yourself to the standards of a teenager and do so.I know the story and circumstances of the situation better than anyone else,so all you're spouting is blind judgements,and I'm done defending myself to you two

Soooooooo the reason for your initial question was? To get warm fuzzies from everyone? Nobody is asking you to defend yourself. Defend yourself against what? The law was broken and it is as simple as that. You don't have to like the law, you just have to obey it. Contact your legislators and beg them to change the law. The cop was just doing his job.

Shut up stupid

tread lightly and play nice

just being a smart a**....( me I mean), he seems like a decent enough bloke

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