Topic: what would you do
MirrorMirror's photo
Mon 09/15/08 08:31 PM
Edited by MirrorMirror on Mon 09/15/08 08:31 PM

here's the thing....I met someone on here,and hit it off with him,had the first offline meeting and everything.I knew going in that he had a dwi and that he'd have to serve at least 3 days in jail.he was supposed to have gotten out saturday night,and I havent heard from him since he went in.I'm thinking that his sentence might have been extended,since he hasnt been online or anything since the night before he went in.I really like this guy,and his charges are from a year ago,made some changes since question is should I give this a chance,or should I just go on my way?
:banana: I just heard from my attorney baby!!:banana: He said that the judge is gonna let me out tomorrow. :banana: Im sorry I didnt know my sentence would be I cant wait to see you again.smitten

emerald521's photo
Mon 09/15/08 08:32 PM

i'd say give him a chance if that was his only offense.hell i have a record but i learned my lesson....and next time i'll try harder not to get caught

hehe j/k (or am i?)smokin

lol it could be worse couldnt itlaugh

I've already met the guy,met some of his family,and they all confirm what he's told me about his past,and I believe them and him.if he really wanted to lie to me then wouldnt he have kept the dwi a secret instead of telling me?

besides,no one is perfect,we all screw up,god knows I have,could've gone to jail myself,but I didnt,and if he tried to pull the wool over my eyes he lives in an area that I'd find out about it,not that I think he would

lovemeifyoucan26's photo
Mon 09/15/08 08:32 PM

This is my personal opinion and personal experience. Please do not take this in any other way but my opinion.
Step away..there are to many fish in the sea. You are a pretty girl and getting involved with someone who now has a record is a bad move.

I beg to differ...
it IS a bad idea if the person still does things to get into trouble, and has no end in sight to their stupidity...

But, there are some people who have done stupid things without thinking of the consequences, fully, before they did what they did, and they have to pay the price, for their actions...but by doing so, they realize that they don't want this crap in their lives anymore, so they pull their head out from where the sun doesn't shine...

Not that your experience is a lie, but that the experience, that you had was with someone who wasn't ready for a life change....
therefore leaving you with bad thoughts of all people with a record....some people who have would never know it unless they told you, because they are living their lives in a way that shows they want better things for themselves out tof life, then to be locked up anymore...

Zapchaser's photo
Mon 09/15/08 08:33 PM

i'd say give him a chance if that was his only offense.hell i have a record but i learned my lesson....and next time i'll try harder not to get caught

hehe j/k (or am i?)smokin

lol it could be worse couldnt itlaugh

I've already met the guy,met some of his family,and they all confirm what he's told me about his past,and I believe them and him.if he really wanted to lie to me then wouldnt he have kept the dwi a secret instead of telling me?

besides,no one is perfect,we all screw up,god knows I have,could've gone to jail myself,but I didnt,and if he tried to pull the wool over my eyes he lives in an area that I'd find out about it,not that I think he would

Starting a relationship with lowered expectations is always a good plan.laugh flowerforyou

lovemeifyoucan26's photo
Mon 09/15/08 08:40 PM

just because someone has a record doesnt necessarily mean they're a bad person,in his case he made a few stupid mistakes and he's actively trying to change.I've had family get thrown in jail because they took the fall for another family member,and they did the time then rebuilt their lives.that's just my experience though,I'm willing to give this guy the benefit of the doubt once I find out for sure what's going on,and only then

Thank you for exerting common sense....some people fail to see their own imperfections in light of others who they feel are doing things to overshadow their own are 100% long as he does show the true desire to keep away from the things that get him locked up...

lovemeifyoucan26's photo
Mon 09/15/08 08:42 PM

he can tell you anything he wants
so just be careful

actions speak louder than words

emerald521's photo
Mon 09/15/08 08:43 PM

here's the thing....I met someone on here,and hit it off with him,had the first offline meeting and everything.I knew going in that he had a dwi and that he'd have to serve at least 3 days in jail.he was supposed to have gotten out saturday night,and I havent heard from him since he went in.I'm thinking that his sentence might have been extended,since he hasnt been online or anything since the night before he went in.I really like this guy,and his charges are from a year ago,made some changes since question is should I give this a chance,or should I just go on my way?
:banana: I just heard from my attorney baby!!:banana: He said that the judge is gonna let me out tomorrow. :banana: Im sorry I didnt know my sentence would be I cant wait to see you again.smitten

:laughing: thanks for the laugh mirror I needed that

who says I'm lowering my expectations for giving someone a chance?at my age I could be a shallow b!tch about it and say screw you to the guy,but I was raised better than that.I dont judge people that try to do the right thing after they screw up.I could've gone to jail for reckless driving,but the cop who pulled me over saw the good in me and gave me a break,and I changed after that.I'm giving this guy that same chance,and if people want to condemn me for if,then go ahead and do it til you turn blue in the face,I'm a strong enough person to handle it

lovemeifyoucan26's photo
Mon 09/15/08 08:45 PM

i'd say give him a chance if that was his only offense.hell i have a record but i learned my lesson....and next time i'll try harder not to get caught

hehe j/k (or am i?)smokin

surprised OMG you have a record?
how dare you talk to women?
I'm just talkin' s**t, man.
I have one too, and have kept myself out of trouble for 3 years come Christmas morning, this year....

Zapchaser's photo
Mon 09/15/08 08:54 PM

here's the thing....I met someone on here,and hit it off with him,had the first offline meeting and everything.I knew going in that he had a dwi and that he'd have to serve at least 3 days in jail.he was supposed to have gotten out saturday night,and I havent heard from him since he went in.I'm thinking that his sentence might have been extended,since he hasnt been online or anything since the night before he went in.I really like this guy,and his charges are from a year ago,made some changes since question is should I give this a chance,or should I just go on my way?
:banana: I just heard from my attorney baby!!:banana: He said that the judge is gonna let me out tomorrow. :banana: Im sorry I didnt know my sentence would be I cant wait to see you again.smitten

:laughing: thanks for the laugh mirror I needed that

who says I'm lowering my expectations for giving someone a chance?at my age I could be a shallow b!tch about it and say screw you to the guy,but I was raised better than that.I dont judge people that try to do the right thing after they screw up.I could've gone to jail for reckless driving,but the cop who pulled me over saw the good in me and gave me a break,and I changed after that.I'm giving this guy that same chance,and if people want to condemn me for if,then go ahead and do it til you turn blue in the face,I'm a strong enough person to handle it

I was being facetious. laugh :wink: You know where your heart is.I am surrounded by cops in my family and my girlfriend's family and they all have seen the carnage created by people who DID kill innocent people and will have to live with what they did for the rest of their lives. Sadly, some of them will go on to kill again. It aint pretty. Driving drunk speaks to someone's lack of intelligence. Did they make a mistake? Yes. Should they be severly punished for driving drunk? Yes. And hopefully, yes hopefully, they won't do it again.

seahawks's photo
Mon 09/15/08 08:56 PM
ya really he just crashed, and killed a lil girl in the passenger seat no worries, he was just drunk.!!!!other then that he's a keeper.!!!

lovemeifyoucan26's photo
Mon 09/15/08 09:01 PM

This is my personal opinion and personal experience. Please do not take this in any other way but my opinion.
Step away..there are to many fish in the sea. You are a pretty girl and getting involved with someone who now has a record is a bad move.

First of all it is a DWI, we all make mistakes. Not like he is a mass murderer. sheesh!!!!

I know alot of great people who have f*cked up... you're right it's a DWI not attempted murder.

I say give it a week it's only monday. If he was in there all weekend he probably slept on sunday and worked today.

Yup, it's just a DWI. noway It's not like he got behind the wheel of a 2,000lb missile and went weaving down the road toward innocent people and was driving so erratically that a cop just felt the need to pull him over and discuss the recently released business plan for Dunkin Donuts. I am sure the cop was wrong. The best that could have happened was for him to pass out at the wheel and kiss a telephone pole. The worst..... well, it's not attempted murder, right? Just STUPID F*CKING IGNORANCE! God I can't stand drunks! My suggestion is to RUN!!! How many DUI's has he had in the past? The law should be changed to say that a DUI gets you a minimum of 30 days in the crowbar motel getting a striped tan and one year's loss of driving privileges.grumble

maybe if you are actually driving...many states have the law that states you can be charged with a DUI just for sleeping in your vehicle, car in park, engine off, just the radio on...that is a crock of s**t....
the question is of the circumstances around the situation...

I am sure you are so perfect that you never do things that others can't stand?

What does perfection have to do with not taking someone's life in your hands due to your own stupidity? How many innocent people die on the highway each year because someone was driving drunk? Can you REALLY find it in yourself to excuse that? The law is the law because there are morons who don't think. Driving drunk is as bright as closing your eyes each time you come to a railroad crossing. It is nature's way of weeding out the stupid but unfortunately innocent people are taken out as well. Next time you stand in front of the judge for a DUI you can tell him, well, at least I didn't kill anybody. I am sure he will be lenient.huh

Zapchaser's photo
Mon 09/15/08 09:04 PM

This is my personal opinion and personal experience. Please do not take this in any other way but my opinion.
Step away..there are to many fish in the sea. You are a pretty girl and getting involved with someone who now has a record is a bad move.

First of all it is a DWI, we all make mistakes. Not like he is a mass murderer. sheesh!!!!

I know alot of great people who have f*cked up... you're right it's a DWI not attempted murder.

I say give it a week it's only monday. If he was in there all weekend he probably slept on sunday and worked today.

Yup, it's just a DWI. noway It's not like he got behind the wheel of a 2,000lb missile and went weaving down the road toward innocent people and was driving so erratically that a cop just felt the need to pull him over and discuss the recently released business plan for Dunkin Donuts. I am sure the cop was wrong. The best that could have happened was for him to pass out at the wheel and kiss a telephone pole. The worst..... well, it's not attempted murder, right? Just STUPID F*CKING IGNORANCE! God I can't stand drunks! My suggestion is to RUN!!! How many DUI's has he had in the past? The law should be changed to say that a DUI gets you a minimum of 30 days in the crowbar motel getting a striped tan and one year's loss of driving privileges.grumble

maybe if you are actually driving...many states have the law that states you can be charged with a DUI just for sleeping in your vehicle, car in park, engine off, just the radio on...that is a crock of s**t....
the question is of the circumstances around the situation...

I am sure you are so perfect that you never do things that others can't stand?

What does perfection have to do with not taking someone's life in your hands due to your own stupidity? How many innocent people die on the highway each year because someone was driving drunk? Can you REALLY find it in yourself to excuse that? The law is the law because there are morons who don't think. Driving drunk is as bright as closing your eyes each time you come to a railroad crossing. It is nature's way of weeding out the stupid but unfortunately innocent people are taken out as well. Next time you stand in front of the judge for a DUI you can tell him, well, at least I didn't kill anybody. I am sure he will be lenient.huh
you know you can write this and talk how bad it is how civilians drive over the limit,but the pigs...opps the cops that do the arresting for dui's actually drive drunk too,they just get away with it most of the time because they just flash their badge

Are you implying that we should look the other way when someone drives drunk? Throw the law out because all of the "pigs" (God that was moronic)drive drunk? They are doing what they are paid to do- keep the losers that want to kill innocent people off the road. Why don't we all try this one on? Obey the law. You won't get arrested for breaking the law.It's so simple it's stupid. I find that the people who b!tch about getting popped for a DUI are generally repeat offenders. Why would someone want to date a loser that
A. Can't handle alcohol
B. Doesn't care if he/she endangers someone else with their lack of intelligence

seahawks's photo
Mon 09/15/08 09:07 PM

ya really he just crashed, and killed a lil girl in the passenger seat no worries, he was just drunk.!!!!other then that he's a keeper.!!!

you have no idea what really happened,so cut the sarcasm.he didnt kill anyone,didnt even go anywhere,he was in his car and here in texas they can get you for dwi if you're just sitting in your car with the keys in the ignition.before you go running your mouth and stirring up drama,try finding out the full story.
ive seen a lotta what ifs hunnie.!!! the carnage that is caused by drinkin n drivin says it all.!!!

Zapchaser's photo
Mon 09/15/08 09:08 PM
Edited by Zapchaser on Mon 09/15/08 09:12 PM

ya really he just crashed, and killed a lil girl in the passenger seat no worries, he was just drunk.!!!!other then that he's a keeper.!!!

you have no idea what really happened,so cut the sarcasm.he didnt kill anyone,didnt even go anywhere,he was in his car and here in texas they can get you for dwi if you're just sitting in your car with the keys in the ignition.before you go running your mouth and stirring up drama,try finding out the full story.

That's too bad. He should have called a cab or a friend and stayed out from behind the wheel of his momentarily parked vehicle with the keys in the ignition. There is no argument to be made. He broke the law.Call your dad and ask him to pick up your new boyfriend who is about to get out of jail. :wink: bigsmile

seahawks's photo
Mon 09/15/08 09:10 PM
date m im so sorry i said anything.!!! lol

lovemeifyoucan26's photo
Mon 09/15/08 09:11 PM

This is my personal opinion and personal experience. Please do not take this in any other way but my opinion.
Step away..there are to many fish in the sea. You are a pretty girl and getting involved with someone who now has a record is a bad move.

First of all it is a DWI, we all make mistakes. Not like he is a mass murderer. sheesh!!!!

I know alot of great people who have f*cked up... you're right it's a DWI not attempted murder.

I say give it a week it's only monday. If he was in there all weekend he probably slept on sunday and worked today.

Yup, it's just a DWI. noway It's not like he got behind the wheel of a 2,000lb missile and went weaving down the road toward innocent people and was driving so erratically that a cop just felt the need to pull him over and discuss the recently released business plan for Dunkin Donuts. I am sure the cop was wrong. The best that could have happened was for him to pass out at the wheel and kiss a telephone pole. The worst..... well, it's not attempted murder, right? Just STUPID F*CKING IGNORANCE! God I can't stand drunks! My suggestion is to RUN!!! How many DUI's has he had in the past? The law should be changed to say that a DUI gets you a minimum of 30 days in the crowbar motel getting a striped tan and one year's loss of driving privileges.grumble

maybe if you are actually driving...many states have the law that states you can be charged with a DUI just for sleeping in your vehicle, car in park, engine off, just the radio on...that is a crock of s**t....
the question is of the circumstances around the situation...

I am sure you are so perfect that you never do things that others can't stand?

What does perfection have to do with not taking someone's life in your hands due to your own stupidity? How many innocent people die on the highway each year because someone was driving drunk? Can you REALLY find it in yourself to excuse that? The law is the law because there are morons who don't think. Driving drunk is as bright as closing your eyes each time you come to a railroad crossing. It is nature's way of weeding out the stupid but unfortunately innocent people are taken out as well. Next time you stand in front of the judge for a DUI you can tell him, well, at least I didn't kill anybody. I am sure he will be lenient.huh

There is no excuse for DRIVING drunk...I was asleep in my car, sleeping it off, because I believe it is stupid as well, to drivw drunk....
I thought I was doing the right thing, then they took me to jail...I am pending grand jury trial, now, based on the technicality that I was NOT driving, and the the charge is false and misleading, to say the least of the technicalities....I have done nothing illegal in almost 3 years, trying my hardest to keep my life out here on the streets, holding a job, I own my truck, and I have pastors who will vouch for me, as well as several other well reputed individules around the Nashville area...
I don't mean to sound smartass...but it is one of the few things that offends me, when small minded people see the fact that not ALL "criminals" are beyond saving, or when people imply that I am a bad person just because I made stupid choices when I was 18...
it offends me that people are telling this lady misleading information....
all that should be said is to watch his actions.....GRANTED...many "criminals"will never change...but DO NOT cast that seed of doubt into the paths of the ones who are wanting and doing change..

RKISIT's photo
Mon 09/15/08 09:11 PM

This is my personal opinion and personal experience. Please do not take this in any other way but my opinion.
Step away..there are to many fish in the sea. You are a pretty girl and getting involved with someone who now has a record is a bad move.

First of all it is a DWI, we all make mistakes. Not like he is a mass murderer. sheesh!!!!
look im just saying cops,most of them do the same thing,drive drunk,i know believe me,they get paid to "keep drunks off the streets" but yet they do the same thing,and we as tax payers pay their salary.

I know alot of great people who have f*cked up... you're right it's a DWI not attempted murder.

I say give it a week it's only monday. If he was in there all weekend he probably slept on sunday and worked today.

Yup, it's just a DWI. noway It's not like he got behind the wheel of a 2,000lb missile and went weaving down the road toward innocent people and was driving so erratically that a cop just felt the need to pull him over and discuss the recently released business plan for Dunkin Donuts. I am sure the cop was wrong. The best that could have happened was for him to pass out at the wheel and kiss a telephone pole. The worst..... well, it's not attempted murder, right? Just STUPID F*CKING IGNORANCE! God I can't stand drunks! My suggestion is to RUN!!! How many DUI's has he had in the past? The law should be changed to say that a DUI gets you a minimum of 30 days in the crowbar motel getting a striped tan and one year's loss of driving privileges.grumble

maybe if you are actually driving...many states have the law that states you can be charged with a DUI just for sleeping in your vehicle, car in park, engine off, just the radio on...that is a crock of s**t....
the question is of the circumstances around the situation...

I am sure you are so perfect that you never do things that others can't stand?

What does perfection have to do with not taking someone's life in your hands due to your own stupidity? How many innocent people die on the highway each year because someone was driving drunk? Can you REALLY find it in yourself to excuse that? The law is the law because there are morons who don't think. Driving drunk is as bright as closing your eyes each time you come to a railroad crossing. It is nature's way of weeding out the stupid but unfortunately innocent people are taken out as well. Next time you stand in front of the judge for a DUI you can tell him, well, at least I didn't kill anybody. I am sure he will be lenient.huh
you know you can write this and talk how bad it is how civilians drive over the limit,but the pigs...opps the cops that do the arresting for dui's actually drive drunk too,they just get away with it most of the time because they just flash their badge

Are you implying that we should look the other way when someone drives drunk? Throw the law out because all of the "pigs" (God that was moronic)drive drunk? They are doing what they are paid to do- keep the losers that want to kill innocent people off the road. Why don't we all try this one on? Obey the law. You won't get arrested for breaking the law.It's so simple it's stupid. I find that the people who b!tch about getting popped for a DUI are generally repeat offenders. Why would someone want to date a loser that
A. Can't handle alcohol
B. Doesn't care if he/she endangers someone else with their lack of intelligence

lovemeifyoucan26's photo
Mon 09/15/08 09:15 PM

This is my personal opinion and personal experience. Please do not take this in any other way but my opinion.
Step away..there are to many fish in the sea. You are a pretty girl and getting involved with someone who now has a record is a bad move.

First of all it is a DWI, we all make mistakes. Not like he is a mass murderer. sheesh!!!!

I know alot of great people who have f*cked up... you're right it's a DWI not attempted murder.

I say give it a week it's only monday. If he was in there all weekend he probably slept on sunday and worked today.

Yup, it's just a DWI. noway It's not like he got behind the wheel of a 2,000lb missile and went weaving down the road toward innocent people and was driving so erratically that a cop just felt the need to pull him over and discuss the recently released business plan for Dunkin Donuts. I am sure the cop was wrong. The best that could have happened was for him to pass out at the wheel and kiss a telephone pole. The worst..... well, it's not attempted murder, right? Just STUPID F*CKING IGNORANCE! God I can't stand drunks! My suggestion is to RUN!!! How many DUI's has he had in the past? The law should be changed to say that a DUI gets you a minimum of 30 days in the crowbar motel getting a striped tan and one year's loss of driving privileges.grumble

maybe if you are actually driving...many states have the law that states you can be charged with a DUI just for sleeping in your vehicle, car in park, engine off, just the radio on...that is a crock of s**t....
the question is of the circumstances around the situation...

I am sure you are so perfect that you never do things that others can't stand?

What does perfection have to do with not taking someone's life in your hands due to your own stupidity? How many innocent people die on the highway each year because someone was driving drunk? Can you REALLY find it in yourself to excuse that? The law is the law because there are morons who don't think. Driving drunk is as bright as closing your eyes each time you come to a railroad crossing. It is nature's way of weeding out the stupid but unfortunately innocent people are taken out as well. Next time you stand in front of the judge for a DUI you can tell him, well, at least I didn't kill anybody. I am sure he will be lenient.huh
you know you can write this and talk how bad it is how civilians drive over the limit,but the pigs...opps the cops that do the arresting for dui's actually drive drunk too,they just get away with it most of the time because they just flash their badge,im talking about when they r off duty of course or you never know

And the truth shall set you free...this is why I have little respect for cops...or anyone else who thinks they are special just because of their posistion....
There are some good cops...far and few between

lovemeifyoucan26's photo
Mon 09/15/08 09:20 PM

This is my personal opinion and personal experience. Please do not take this in any other way but my opinion.
Step away..there are to many fish in the sea. You are a pretty girl and getting involved with someone who now has a record is a bad move.

First of all it is a DWI, we all make mistakes. Not like he is a mass murderer. sheesh!!!!

I know alot of great people who have f*cked up... you're right it's a DWI not attempted murder.

I say give it a week it's only monday. If he was in there all weekend he probably slept on sunday and worked today.

Yup, it's just a DWI. noway It's not like he got behind the wheel of a 2,000lb missile and went weaving down the road toward innocent people and was driving so erratically that a cop just felt the need to pull him over and discuss the recently released business plan for Dunkin Donuts. I am sure the cop was wrong. The best that could have happened was for him to pass out at the wheel and kiss a telephone pole. The worst..... well, it's not attempted murder, right? Just STUPID F*CKING IGNORANCE! God I can't stand drunks! My suggestion is to RUN!!! How many DUI's has he had in the past? The law should be changed to say that a DUI gets you a minimum of 30 days in the crowbar motel getting a striped tan and one year's loss of driving privileges.grumble

maybe if you are actually driving...many states have the law that states you can be charged with a DUI just for sleeping in your vehicle, car in park, engine off, just the radio on...that is a crock of s**t....
the question is of the circumstances around the situation...

I am sure you are so perfect that you never do things that others can't stand?

What does perfection have to do with not taking someone's life in your hands due to your own stupidity? How many innocent people die on the highway each year because someone was driving drunk? Can you REALLY find it in yourself to excuse that? The law is the law because there are morons who don't think. Driving drunk is as bright as closing your eyes each time you come to a railroad crossing. It is nature's way of weeding out the stupid but unfortunately innocent people are taken out as well. Next time you stand in front of the judge for a DUI you can tell him, well, at least I didn't kill anybody. I am sure he will be lenient.huh

you dont even know the full story and here you are judging someone you dont even're just going to keep on being closed minded despite what anyone says,so you arent even worth fighting with.

JSYK, Emerald, I am on your side here...

emerald521's photo
Mon 09/15/08 09:21 PM
I'm not going to argue about this anymore,you're entitled to your opinion about things and I to mine.if you feel the need to insult me and the choices I make for my life,then by all means lower yourself to the standards of a teenager and do so.I know the story and circumstances of the situation better than anyone else,so all you're spouting is blind judgements,and I'm done defending myself to you two