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Topic: Dating sites
eileena9's photo
Sun 09/14/08 09:27 PM
We met on JustSayHi a year and a half ago.....met in person the first time a year ago....I spent a vacation in Idaho with him in November and he came to NY in March and proposed.:heart:

Dating sites do work if you are willing to put yourself out there and talk to people. I think you just said you never emailed anyone on this site, so how do you know that none of the lovely ladies on here would answer you??

TheShadow's photo
Sun 09/14/08 09:29 PM

All the peopl that are on this thread, ansawer me this. How long have you been on this datting site and how many of you actually went out on a date with in the last 6 months????? I wonder how many will be honestohwell

It's easy to tell somone what they are doing or should do, but in reality do you take your own advice? and actually apply it to your own life? Were hear to have a good time and down the line make friends. Anything we say should only be a suggesten and if your not doing the foot work yourself. Why suggest anything at all. It's just funny how so many can so call tell it how it is, but don't live there life in the so call real world as they portray it to be on here.

Im new to this site but i did meet my girlfriend of a year and a half on a similar one. There are other people posting here that i know to have had a lot of success as well. So many of us are in a very good position to be offering advice.

There is nothing wrong in offering. As to how many are actually with somone compare to how many are on this site, Thats very few. Why is that?

I know there is nothing wrong with offering, he did ask for a start!

I dont know the ratio of success stories to members(and neither do you), but i do know of a lot of people that have met their life partners on such sites, or have had great dates, or great romances. From the selection of people that i know personally, id say the chances of somebody finding AT LEAST some kind of success is actually higher than your pessimistic outlook seems to be.

It might be higher then how i'm looking at it. But after being on here and some other sites for two years. Not many are really real with themselves. When it comes to the younger generation, the chances of finding that are slime compare to the older generation and that is because there still growing up and learning about life. I been on a couple dats and was in a relationship for 4 months even though i new her off this site for at lest 9 months. I don't cunsider talking to somone on the net as a actual relationship. Some do and my hats are off to them. This might work for some, but not everyone is going to find what there looking for and that is just a fact of life. So take it as if it happens, it happens. if it don't, it don't.

TheShadow's photo
Sun 09/14/08 09:32 PM

All the peopl that are on this thread, ansawer me this. How long have you been on this datting site and how many of you actually went out on a date with in the last 6 months????? I wonder how many will be honestohwell

It's easy to tell somone what they are doing or should do, but in reality do you take your own advice? and actually apply it to your own life? Were hear to have a good time and down the line make friends. Anything we say should only be a suggesten and if your not doing the foot work yourself. Why suggest anything at all. It's just funny how so many can so call tell it how it is, but don't live there life in the so call real world as they portray it to be on here.

Im new to this site but i did meet my girlfriend of a year and a half on a similar one. There are other people posting here that i know to have had a lot of success as well. So many of us are in a very good position to be offering advice.

i also met my boyfriend on the same site as dan, a couple of years ago.

it's not even that i think because i was successful, that i'm able to offer advice. however, i can say that i was not actively looking for a loving, lasting relationship, yet here i am smack dab in the middle of one.

i was not looking for perfection yet, somehow, i found it. yes, i may be one of the lucky ones, but it wasn't for any sort of special skill i had. i'm certain some of it was based on how i looked - i'm sure he wouldn't date someone whom he found ugly. but i doubt that the way i looked was enough all by itself for me to grab the attention of the most handsome, intelligent, interesting, sexy man that i've ever known. i'm sure it was based just as much on mutual respect, commonality, and rapport as it was on a physical attraction.

i'm sure it was based just as much on mutual respect, commonality, and rapport as it was on a physical attraction.

^^^That alone is hard to find. Just the word respect. Not alot have that are even know how to give it....

no photo
Sun 09/14/08 09:35 PM
I really don't understand the point of this thread. Your profile says just giving this internet thing a try. But to me, you've already made up your mind. I've been here almost a year and have yet to meet someone from this site for a date. I have had a lot of fun, "met" some interesting people, and gained some insights about myself, learned about how to start dating again after being married for 17 yrs. I've been on 4-5 dates in the last 6 months. I've chatted with a few women from my state, only 4 that were really "local" ie with in a hundred miles.
I am happy with Mingle, I have fun here.
If its no fun for you, by all means deactivate.

If you keep doing the same thing you will keep getting the same results. Do something different. And I don't mean online, I mean in real life.

Hajimemashite's photo
Sun 09/14/08 09:49 PM

Unfortunately for you, it would appear that your posts in this thread have pretty much killed any chances you may have had with any of the lovely ladies that post here.

Best bet for you would be to go ahead and stop posting now while you are behind, and just cross your fingers and click away at the Mutual Match. At least that way, they won't see your personality..until later.

Thanks for you honset answer but it was never my intentions to use this site to meet anyone. I quit trying that years ago as I quickly discovered these dating sites was only for the super good looking and the wealthy.

I just wanted to pose a question about dating sites and view other peoples experinces. However it seemed everyone want to jump on the band wagon of harrassing the OP. I gues that's the popular thing these days ignore the questions and concerns and attack the poster.

I really don't believe one can actually see ones personality in text as it omits so many of the finer details that come in face to face conversation. What might be seen as serious in text might actually in truth be lighthearted fun in the reality. The addition of icons doesn't bridge the gap.

I found it quiet funny to read somene post who doesn't know me speak about how I lack people skills. Evidently they are not away that i often have to speak before large crowds, negotiate details amoung oppsing sides and handle large events as an event coordinator... If I lacked people skills and had anger management problems I could hardly be called upon to do such stressful task.

Really, I'm not the least bit concerned if I ever get any messages or even a date on this site. I'd rather be alone than some push over rag doll. If you allow yourself to be disrespected how is any woman ever going to have respect for you.
There are two sides to a man his business side
and the side he takes home. Unfortunate for you you take
Home a business side sure it easy to deal with people at work I did that a long time to when i ran a produce warehouse now dealing with people in this manner is a easy thing to do .Now here the catch In easy words for you to understand
It is you you do lack people skills your not on a job site .
When you are on a dating site you should just be yourself
And treat people the same way they treat you with respect
and manners even if they are not your type as you put it Like they are a piece of meat .Get this they have feelings and don't deserve to be treated that away and yes you can be nice and not a push over in life. You my think you are trying

To expand our minds and teach us something thing
Or show us your way of thinking outside of the box
But to treat people the way you did on here is something
I don't want to learn You start threads like this
Just to do this thing like you are trying to show us all something we missed but when you cut the throats
of the people and hurt them you act like it nothing to you

No empathy .No respect. no teaching skill.s
And a lot of Anger is all i see . just so you can be
Entertained and think highly of yourself But this is just my OP

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