Topic: Riding around with windows down
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Sat 03/24/07 12:28 PM
Hi everyone,,,,I am a newbie as I see it written...ha. It is a beautiful
day today,,,,just wish I had someone to enjoy it with. i went out riding
with my windows down, don't mind if my hair blows, (I had on a visor,)
that helps.....I lovvee the summertime, it makes me feel like I am going
to make it..I don't care for winter at all...I am missing my two dogs I
had,,they lived for 16 yrs....Molly and Mandy,,they were sisters. I had
to put one to sleep in June of last year, and the other one in August.
We would go riding in my truck and they loved it.....Mandy would sit in
my lap,,,and look out the window, Molly would lay in the passenger seat,
she didn't care where we were going, ha...she just wanted to ride....I
am having a hard time not having them around....silly huh? I can't bring
myself to get anymore,,,don't want to go thru that again.
Anyway, since I am new I better not over write my welcome...
Take care,,,,,,

Lady_Absintheur's photo
Sat 03/24/07 12:31 PM

prussia's photo
Sat 03/24/07 12:55 PM
That's so sad that we losing our wee friends:^( But life goes on, no
matter what. Right?

I've been riding my Jeep with windows down for two weeks, already. It is
very unusualy warm weather here in Antlantic Canada. Which is not bad,
at all :^)

Welcome and Good luck :^)

Barbiesbigsister's photo
Sat 03/24/07 01:13 PM
Waving to you from the Smokey Mountains of Tennessee!!! I miss my dogs
as they all passed from old age. I still remember riding around with
them with the windows down. BIG SIGH!! I sure miss those ol bulldogs!!!!

kntrygal1964's photo
Sat 03/24/07 01:43 PM
flowerforyou welcome and there isnt anything better than the love of
your pet and their love for you, i just got back from taking my dog to
the park and she was riding in the back of the truck, she even got into
the doggie pool for the first time.

no photo
Sun 03/25/07 02:14 AM
hi,,thanks all of u,,,,memories r goes on....Have a grat

no photo
Sun 03/25/07 01:24 PM
welcome flowerforyou

Thndrghost's photo
Sun 03/25/07 01:29 PM
Welcome to JSH......Been riding with the T-tops off the firebird today
:smile: :smile: a real nice 78 degrees in Kansas today!

Barbiesbigsister's photo
Sun 03/25/07 02:14 PM
Lawdy!!! its 89 sweltering deeegrees in hillbillyhell right
now!!!noway noway grumble grumble grumble