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Topic: sex in church??
no photo
Fri 03/23/07 09:01 AM
i seen on CNN that some churches are showing sex tapes and saying its
opening its thoughts about sex without marraige... whats your thoughts??

FedMan's photo
Fri 03/23/07 09:20 AM
doesn't matter what they do, the churches cannot change God's law.
Unmarried sex is wrong and will be no matter what they do. People are
going to do it though, that's a fact.

no photo
Fri 03/23/07 09:41 AM
ha!!! doesnt surprize me one bit, especially the catholics, which im
catholic and no respect for the catholic church anymore..for what these
priests are doing..doesnt suprize sick..

TRS's photo
Fri 03/23/07 09:57 AM
Some of these so called churches just make the rules up as they go to
cater to their own lifestyles. I wouldn't call them churches, but
rather a gathering of sinners that pass the collection plate to further
finance their acts. There is only one church...the one Christ
established and you can bet He doesn't condone fornication no matter how
liberal this world gets.

no photo
Fri 03/23/07 10:01 AM
This is a very long topic. But in short. What is marriage? It has many
meanings."To stick together." Marry supply and demand; Marry two
companies ltd. etc. Two created humans of opposite gender going before
another created human called a religious leader or marriage officer, to
have him pronounce that he is giving them permission to have sex,(where
all expect offspring) and here is your sex licence. BUT THE MOST POPULAR
MEANING by far is the REGISTRATION. Well the Church really have to re-
think their version that if U did not register, 'U living in sin' Why?
Because NOBODY in the entire BIBLE was REGISTERED. Or rather, it was
not if U did not register, U are committing a sin. Solomon (Shelomo)or
David (Dawveed) might have signed a document to register Phoroah's
daughter, but if U find that evidence, show me where. The Creator never
instructed any created human to give another two humans permission to
have sex.
Te Bible says: " Thou shalt go in unto her and become her husband and
she become thy wife" Deutoronomy: 21:13 Go in unto.....and marry: Gen:
38:8; When U have sex with a prostitute U come one with her: 1 Cor:
6:16; U go in to your virgin.. U have not sinned ..let them ..1 Cor:
7:36; The translators translated relationships we now call 'comman-law,'
as Isaac 'married' Rebecca etc reading into the text somethings that
were not there....Wedding car, honeymoon in Hawwaii, document signing,
motorbike, and the man with the glue. The marriage officer! Al those
things were invented long after the bible was written in Bible times. As
a matter of fact, in 1692, in an area of the US called 'New England,'
created humans called priests were fist given the authority (licence to
marry)by the State to join 2 people together. Some Churches, or most,
would like the Creator to approve what they invented tradition, that is
u must sign their document otherwise it sex is sin, so they say: "God
says." When or if one registers, it should not be because some devotee
says; god said so, for He did not, but because U feel to register in
the custom. What God says is that the Priests should get involved when U
have problems. Numbers: 5 but when U go in unto her U are married. I
heard a Preacher woman say that she did not know she was married before
she was married. But she's afraid to come out plain. She will lose her
fat salary! Sexual acts that are wrong, u might ask, are found in
Leviticus: 18; Leviticus 20: Deut: 23: 17,18. No where are U going to
see that a man must not go to bed with a woan unless they register and a
Priest tells heim: "okay. You can go ahead now." That is preaching human
tradition as doctrine. Mark: 7:7

no photo
Fri 03/23/07 10:15 AM
By the way or in addittion, the State does not impose a penalty if U did
not register (6 months in jail etc) and if U registered and u did not
have sex, the court will declare that the 'MARRIAGE' DID NOT TAKE PLACE
and cancel it making a complete circle to come back and say The Almighty
was right. To become her husband, you must go in unto her. God did not
have to wait until some bright human long after Bible times will come up
and tell him, God, how to stick two people together when he alreaded
invented a hole in one and a plug in the other. Later.

no photo
Fri 03/23/07 10:18 AM
I dealt with the sex before marriage part. About the showing in where,
in church? For a mixed assembly? A sex movie?

Duffy's photo
Fri 03/23/07 10:27 AM
Well l/2 the population is doing it.

no photo
Fri 03/23/07 11:16 AM
The original Hebrew words translated 'marriage' in the Bible never means
"to register.' They have meanings like Onaw: To live together with sex
as a duty. Hawlal: To boast or celebrate. Bawal: To have dominion over
or be dominated by. to own. There are various words meaning things like:
To settle, to come family with through settling with a female relative,
To lift, to praise. They never meant to register or if U did not get
another created human like yourself to give U permission, and sign a
document, that it is a sin.

trae_23's photo
Fri 03/23/07 12:42 PM
bible still reads the same no matter what they try to do

no photo
Fri 03/23/07 12:58 PM
all i know is if they do it God will be vry vry mad, he say a flat no to
that, and that it is a big sin, shame on them for even thinking of it

no photo
Fri 03/23/07 01:03 PM
what some ppl think marrige is is a joke, dominate someone i dont think
so. sex ios not a job bucuse your married eiother, but the bible says it
is better to merry then burn in hell to, wake up people sin has a price
and a big one, just cuse you cant control yourself , dont mean god will
look the other way no matte how many ppl are doing it, besides why would
you want to run the chance of getting aids and dieing cuse you cant
cointrol your feelings. this is just flat where rubber meats the road.
heaven or hell you choose.

no photo
Fri 03/23/07 03:01 PM
noway noway noway What the hell?

Suede's photo
Fri 03/23/07 03:37 PM
It is not easy to live by what the Bible says so if you make up your own
rules then it is easier and more people will like that...but it don't
make it right

daniel48706's photo
Fri 03/23/07 04:24 PM
remember folks, one BIG thing..

As you say, Man is writing these laws and such and MAN is chooisng
wether to follow the bible (man meaning race).

GOD inspried it, but MAN wrote it.

Use it as a tool of guidance but do not put your last copper shilling on
it caus eit was written by man who is not perfect.

no photo
Fri 03/23/07 04:28 PM
hmmmmm-unless them preacher boys have hidden camera somewhere----

Suede's photo
Fri 03/23/07 04:51 PM
Daniel, you are right, God wrote and man penned but man did not write

Above all, you must understand that no prophecy of Scripture came about
by the prophet's own interpretation. For prophecy never had its origin
in the will of man, but men spoke from God as they were carried along by
the Holy Spirit.

no photo
Sun 03/25/07 08:13 AM
Grieving, I think you have a very good point about what marriage really
is... the "registery" part has been changed through time. I think Gods
main point is to form a lifelong partnership, not just bounce around
from person to person having casual sex, I think we ALL know deep down
inside thats wrong. If you pick your lifelong partner and stick with
them forever, whether your married in mans eyes or not doesn't
matter....I believe God sees you as married.

madline123's photo
Sun 03/25/07 08:23 AM
hey ı am muslım but thıs ıs not good idea sex ın churc.mosque and
chrches are sacred and holy.ı am sure you can fınd another place for to
do sex if you want.

Mon 03/26/07 08:51 PM

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