Topic: sex in church??
daniel48706's photo
Mon 03/26/07 08:56 PM
hey suede, i agree that the prophets were inspired by god, our father,
however... Look at any bible you wish to ans look at the copyright and
the publishers mark. You will find it was not written by god.
God-Inspired yes! but interpreted and written down by man.

Redykeulous's photo
Mon 03/26/07 10:27 PM
Grieving - BRAVO!

Why do churches make you register or sign anything at all?

How exactly does a church determine if an annulment is in order?

Can anyone give me chapter and verse in the bible that talks about
annulment? JeanC????

Do you think God would be upset that you left an extremely abusive
situation to save life and limb and in so doing do you think God would
be angry if you fell in love and wanted to marry someone else or do your
previous marriage vows prohibit this?

And what about early Biblical times and even some cultures still today
where families arrange the marriage, and the partneres have no say.
anybody - Jean???

GhostWhisperer's photo
Mon 03/26/07 11:47 PM
"Unmarried sex is wrong"?? I am so glad that my life is not dictated by
that ancient philosophy.

Gryphyn's photo
Tue 03/27/07 06:36 AM
Sex in Church? I would have to say there are plenty of places to learn
about sex. However most people don't bother finding these places, and
don't feel it is right to discuss sex with a stranger. I am not sure
about teaching sex in church yet it is one more way to get the proper
information out to those who search for it, and it implies sex is not as
bad as some would think.

Registering to have sex? Sex is the joining of two people to share the
intimate parts of the body, Marriage is the intimate sharing of Mind,
Body, Spirit, and a lifelong commitment. No paper of any kind will
confirm a marriage, only those willing to commit to a lifelong Honest
relationship are able to be Married. JMHO

I am Divorced for only one reason, my first Marriage was a lie. It was
based on a lie, and continued as one for far to long. How does God see
it? I guess I will find out when the time comes. Until then I am not
going to worry about it.



no photo
Tue 04/10/07 08:56 AM
i hear that.

no photo
Tue 04/10/07 08:59 AM
someone in here said that unmarried sex is wrong, but A sex is
everywhere an B didn't god say he would forgive your sins???

kariZman's photo
Wed 04/11/07 09:15 AM
im agnostic been a long time since i stepped inside a church.if you
could tell me the name of the church 4fun06 were they have sex without
marraige i want to start going .im guessing if they have sex in this
church they would have beds instead of pews.i reckon i would fit in
somewhere im extremly dissolute and am mad about sex.

jeanc200358's photo
Wed 04/11/07 10:15 AM
What place do "sex tapes" have in church is what I wonder.

no photo
Sat 04/14/07 06:41 PM
Here is a bit from me about this no sex before marrage. But i think
that if ur intentions to wards this person is genuwine then u can enjoy
each other with out a serimoney. the first godly people did
not.jesusparentsdid not. In fact non of of them got married. They
committed them self to each other and stayed togather in love.
Bottom line no ring was needed then, but because people r changing
partners so offten these days the church has inputted these rules and
the religious has accepted this.
I myself am committed to this rule for the past two years,, after
having my heart broken after my religious girl steped out on me.

adj4u's photo
Sat 04/14/07 08:04 PM
free yourself from the bonds of relgion

and wrap yourself in the blanket of spirituality

organised religion rapes the words that are printed in their
books and twists them to say what they want you to think

who is to say constantine put the right books in the bible
that the organised religions use

how many of the book inspired by God but written by man
are not in the bible

those that led the early church did many things to gain control of the

so live your life for you and remember do unto others as
you would have them do unto you

and avoid the pull of evil because in your own mind you know
what is right

marriage is what you make it not what xyz tells you it is

just a thought

but hey what do i know

songbirrd's photo
Sat 04/14/07 08:24 PM
That's sicksick WTF Are They Thinking?!

daniel48706's photo
Sat 04/14/07 08:40 PM
question: are they teaching it in sermon, or are they teaching sex
education in sunday school? Personally if htey are teaching sex ed
(even with an emphasis on abstinance) then they should continue on.
read what I put in the thread about sex ed in schools to see my full
belief in this.

kariZman's photo
Mon 04/16/07 04:40 PM
watts the point learning about something if you abstain from watt you
have learnt????

Duffy's photo
Wed 04/18/07 04:46 PM
i did some research, and churches are not preaching sex, they are
yelping abstinence.....ya know what that sex before
marriage, or if ya r doing it, stop and get married. if ya don't want to
get married, then go do it, and don't tell anyone about it. keep yur
mouth shut, and the priest, minister, or rabbit won't find out about it.
fornicate all u want, but do it behind closed doors, not in the church
foyer where they can see u. then, don't forget yur rubber booties in
case of accidents.
:tongue: :tongue: :tongue: :tongue: :tongue: :tongue:

no photo
Thu 04/19/07 09:43 PM
i know of some horny chicks that i have been with that attend
church!... lol

pussywillow's photo
Thu 04/19/07 09:52 PM
unmarried sex is not wrong..its against your religion.....huge

pussywillow's photo
Thu 04/19/07 09:53 PM
2 dolls count?:tongue:

pussywillow's photo
Thu 04/19/07 09:54 PM
really sry bout that lastpost ..wasnt in right areanoway

no photo
Thu 04/19/07 10:06 PM

davinci1952's photo
Fri 04/20/07 04:51 PM
they are MAKING sex tapes!!! wow...dominos nabiscos.....cookies... mind is full of sex /church jokes...better stop
