Topic: The Universal Life Church of Brutal Truth and Honesty
Abracadabra's photo
Sat 09/06/08 12:34 PM

Today's sermon is about vibration. In using the law of attraction to create your experience of reality, vibration is the key

It was a beautiful uplifting sermon. I enjoyed it very much, and I do believe. I am a believer on the level of logos. I feel that what you have stated in the sermon makes very much sense. However, on the level of pathos I am having difficulty finding faith.

You can feel whether you are allowing your full connections to Source Energy or not. The better you feel, the more you are allowing your connection to source, the worse you feel, the less you are allowing your connection.

Feeling good equals allowing the connection, feeling bad equals not allowing the connection. Feeling bad equals resisting the connection to your source.

Today, in particular, I woke up with much ambition and desire to improve my life and move forward toward achieving goals. I'm even envisioning positive outcomes, positive changes, and my thoughts are reaching out toward positive and realistic dreams. Dreams that seem to me to be entirely within the scope of pragmatic achievability. I'm even believing that any higher power that might exist is entirely supportive of my goals. After all, my goals are entirely positive, well-meaning, and they will bring much positive warmth and love for others as well as myself.

However, with all of these seemingly positive thoughts and a desire to accept and embrace any aid or communication offered by any higher power, or the universe itself, I still don't feel well today physically. I am experienced much fatigue and today in particular I have a very upset stomach that is causing me to be to nauseous. I also fee clammy and I'm definitely sweating even though it is rather cool outside today that the air seem to be dry not humid at all.

So what's wrong? Why is my desire to be open to connecting to the source today not resulting in a healthy connection? There are days when I do feel connected to the source. But today is definitely not one of them.

I also drew a tarot card today to see if I could get any insight into the situation. The card is the High Priestess. I confess that I don't yet know how to read these cards for all they are worth. But I have gleaned over several interpretations that have been published by several different popular and well-established tarot card readers and publishers, nothing they have printed about the High Priestess jumps out at me as being meaningful with respect to this card and my current situation. At least not at the moment. Clearly the day is not over yet and some meaning may unfold that will become significant in hindsight of the day. But for right now, I'm not making sense of it. Nor do I understand why I feel so bad, when I'm doing everything I can consciously do to embrace the source. The only thing I can imagine at this point is that I need to alter my subconscious in some way, but this is something that I'm afraid I have no mastery over yet.

no photo
Sat 09/06/08 12:59 PM
Edited by Jeanniebean on Sat 09/06/08 01:02 PM
So what's wrong? Why is my desire to be open to connecting to the source today not resulting in a healthy connection?

I extracted your questions above from your post.

Since you are not feeling well physically, this is evidence that you are not allowing your connection to source. You are also placing your attention on the fact that you are not feeling well, which perpetuates the condition.

You may be tempted to be "pragmatic" and protest, saying "But I am just being realistic and stating how it is! I am just being honest...blah blah blah.

But the fact is that the better you feel, the more you are allowing your connection to source, the worse you feel, the less you are allowing your connection.

Feeling good equals allowing the connection, feeling bad equals not allowing the connection. Feeling bad equals resisting the connection to your source.

I know, I sound like a broken record but here is what you want to do:

Do something that makes you feel better physically. Anything. Get a massage, take a hot bath, pamper yourself in some way. Put on some music that you like. WHATEVER no matter how small do something that makes you feel better for just a small amount of time.

Then, during that time, entertain positive visualization, and speak positive thoughts like "I am feeling so much better now" And during that time when you are feeling so much better, when you are feeling good, that is the time to ASK.

Asking is visualizing. That is the time to VISUALIZE and imagine yourself getting better and feeling better every day. That is the time to visualize yourself in good health.

(Or whatever you are trying to create.)

And be grateful for something. Gratitude changes everything and connects you to your source.

Do your visualizations when you are feeling good or doing something that causes you feel good or happy.

Why do you think sex magic is so successful? The visual picture is sent right at the point of ecstasy. That is the point where you are in touch with source energy.... when you are actually feeling good.

So do something, anything that will cause you to feel good, and think to yourself that you are feeling better and visualize feeling even better.

The card drawn for this answer was THE FOOL.

(I kid you not)

This is the energy of the person who can clearly envision anything in a positive manner, and can see all the possibilities and none of the pitfalls.

The advice is to envision your dreams WHILE YOU ARE FEELING GOOD because that is when you are connected to source energy.

So do something to feel good.


no photo
Sat 09/06/08 01:04 PM
Edited by Jeanniebean on Sat 09/06/08 01:07 PM
For Abra:

P.S. Your drawing of the High priestess... it means that you should listen to the High priestess.bigsmile

High priestess of Brutal Truth and Honesty. bigsmile tongue2 waving

Abracadabra's photo
Sat 09/06/08 01:24 PM
Dear High Priestess of Brutal Brainwashing.

I actually did what you've suggested before you even posted it. :tongue:

And I am feeling better now. bigsmile

I've also been reading some more detailed stories and descriptions of the High Priestess. Things are making much more sense in the bigger picture of more detailed information. I understand much better now how this card fits into my journey today.

The pieces of the puzzle do seem to fit together well after doing enough research. glasses

The card drawn for this answer was THE FOOL.

(I kid you not)

This is the energy of the person who can clearly envision anything in a positive manner, and can see all the possibilities and none of the pitfalls.

Yes, I understand the Fool card quite well. It is totally fitting that you drew it in response to this question. It is precisely where I want to be right now and I am trying my best to become like the Fool.

Currently the Fool card is my most favorite card of the deck. I would love to chose it as my sigificator card, and sometimes I actually do. But I know that I haven't fully connected with its energy yet.

I'm feeling better now and I'm learning much more about the tarot High Priestess.

I'm learning more about the High Priestest of Brutal Brainwashing too, but that's another story. :tongue:

For Abra:

P.S. Your drawing of the High priestess... it means that you should listen to the High priestess.

Yes, I understand now that this is precisely the message today. But I also understand that it's telling me that I need to listen to the High Priestess of the Universe, not the High Priestess of Brutal Brainwashing. laugh

But in short, you've given good answers here so I really can't complain. bigsmile

And your drawing of the Fool card in response to this question is indeed quite impressive. flowerforyou

Jess642's photo
Sat 09/06/08 01:47 PM
flowerforyou Why is it 'brutal'?

Who said it is brutal?

I find that term funny.... is it the kind, nice lie, the wishy washy pink fluffy stuff that most want to hear...

Excuse me while I got find a recepticle to vomit in...sick

The truth is just that...clear and defined and personal.

no photo
Sat 09/06/08 01:54 PM

flowerforyou Why is it 'brutal'?

Who said it is brutal?

I find that term funny.... is it the kind, nice lie, the wishy washy pink fluffy stuff that most want to hear...

Excuse me while I got find a recepticle to vomit in...sick

The truth is just that...clear and defined and personal.

Some people can't handle the truth. So to these people, its brutal.

I really do try to be as nice as possible, but never at the expense of truth and candor.


Jess642's photo
Sat 09/06/08 02:11 PM
I have a thing about NOT being less than my all... and that encompasses speaking my truth...irrespective of how that may instigate discomfort in another..

So bring on the brutality warrior woman... it rings my bell!!!:wink: laugh

Abracadabra's photo
Sat 09/06/08 02:17 PM
The truth is just that...clear and defined and personal.

I agree, it doesn't need to be brutal at all.

However, it can be brutal depending on whose truth it is.

But it does seem rather judgmental to imply that all truth is brutal.

I'm embarking on a journey of writing a book of introspection to nurture one's inner child.

I'm finding the book difficult to write because of the fact that many people in this world may not have an interest in nurturing their inner child.

The other thing that I may be totally naive about is that I am making the broad assumption that everyone's inner child is like mine (i.e. totally innocent and well-meaning).

But maybe this isn't universal truth. Maybe some people are actually born 'evil' if I may use that term. That is to say that at the very core of their being they truly do have demonic desires to hurt others.

This is something that I cannot know via experience. I can only know my own true self, and merely make assumptions about the true selves of others.

Most people believe that we are all born with choices of being 'good' (not wanting to harm others), or being 'bad' (wanting to harm others).

And that we all make those choices consciously.

As ironic as this may seem, I don't feel that I necessarily made a conscious choice to be a good person. I truly feel that I was innately born this way.

In fact, my entire family used to sit around and discuss this very issue. We were all religious people who had been taught that we must 'fight' temptations to choose to do the right things in life.

However, our entire family seemed to consist of all really nice people. No one in my family every showed any desire to do anything that would be considered purposefully 'wrong'. There was never any scandels or gossip about anyone in my family doing anything that could truly be considered bad. About the worst things we'd hear about is that someone got a speeding ticket or something of that nature, and even those events were rare.

So being Christians we'd naturally ask,... What is all this talk in the bible about a need to resist temptation? Why is it that our family doesn't appear to need to fight tempations? Why do other people run out and still, murder, rape, swindle, adulterate or whatever?

Our family doesn't even appear to have any remote desire to do any of things things.

This is a big issue. It's a huge issue.

Why should truth be brutal?

Well, for decent honest people who have no desire to harm anyone or get over on anyone maybe there is no brutality in their truths.

But for the people who are conniving, deceiving, cheating, stealing, and doing all manner of other terrible things,... maybe their truths are quite brutal for them to hear.

My next question would then be. Would those nasty people who knowingly and purposefully harm and cheat others even care?

If they care, then why are they acting that way in the first place?

Abracadabra's photo
Sat 09/06/08 02:22 PM

Some people can't handle the truth. So to these people, its brutal.

I really do try to be as nice as possible, but never at the expense of truth and candor.


But what is truth?

You claim that if someone is feeling ill it's their own doing.

So someone who is suffering in an advanced stage of a disease is causing their own pain, according to your "truth".

But what if you're wrong!!!

What if their disease had nothing to do with their own choices. What if the atheists are right!

What if things really do just happen by chance and you're the one who is wrong?

Could you handle the brutality of that truth?

no photo
Sat 09/06/08 02:22 PM
Edited by Jeanniebean on Sat 09/06/08 02:23 PM
Abra, I count six questions in your above post. Did you post them for people to think about or would you like an answer to any of them via a one card draw?


no photo
Sat 09/06/08 02:24 PM

Some people can't handle the truth. So to these people, its brutal.

I really do try to be as nice as possible, but never at the expense of truth and candor.


But what is truth?

You claim that if someone is feeling ill it's their own doing.

So someone who is suffering in an advanced stage of a disease is causing their own pain, according to your "truth".

But what if you're wrong!!!

What if their disease had nothing to do with their own choices. What if the atheists are right!

What if things really do just happen by chance and you're the one who is wrong?

Could you handle the brutality of that truth?

If it is true, I can handle it. That is my mission.


Jess642's photo
Sat 09/06/08 02:30 PM
Edited by Jess642 on Sat 09/06/08 02:31 PM
James you've lost me....

Your references are great, however, my delivery is rarely intended to be brutal... a significant amount of times it is intended to be concise..

And yet, it is received often as being caustic and/or brutal.

I am more fascinated on the subject of perceptions... and how we perceive ourselves, and therefore others...

I cannot 'know' you... even if we shared the same space for the next 50 years, although I can delude myself into believing I know you... all I can really be sure of is that I perceive you, based on my reference points.

So, how is this relevant to what you are asking?

I feel that one's PERCEPTION, (and sometimes judgement) of another's truth can be seen as brutal, evil, harsh, caustic... and meant to harm...

or, it can be intended to speak with clarity one's personal truth with no intent to harm.

Please write your book, awaken the inner children of others, assuming that none will want it... is not a gift... there becomes an agenda attached to writing it otherwise..:heart:

Abracadabra's photo
Sat 09/06/08 02:30 PM

Abra, I count six questions in your above post. Did you post them for people to think about or would you like an answer to any of them via a one card draw?


I always appreciate your answers Jeannie. They are always good as food for thought. They do cause me to think about things from different perspectives than I normally might.

In fact, this is precisely the value I see in tarot!

It offers opportunities to consider ideas from perspectives that might not otherwise come to light.

So have it. bigsmile

no photo
Sat 09/06/08 02:31 PM
But what is truth?

Card drawn: The Dark Magician

The truth is Darkness, there is no light;
But don’t despair in dark of night.
You are the ONE to make it right;
Bring forth creation; embrace the sight.

The Love is ONE and Light is Life.
You are the ONE in peace or strife.
Bring forth the light, let your heart shine.
For all is love, and love divine.

Bring forth the light; it comes from thee.
The truth of darkness cannot be.
You are the ONE, there is no night.
You are the ONE, bring forth the Light.


To dream is life, and not -- to die;
Bring forth the light and live the lie!
For Light is Life, and Love, the breath,
Tis at this door choose life or death....


no photo
Sat 09/06/08 02:41 PM
What if things really do just happen by chance and you're the one who is wrong?

Card drawn: Knight of Pentacles


(Hypothetical questions I usually refuse to answer in court, but I will answer this one because I considered that possibility, although I still believe strongly that it is not the case.)

Then we take what fate has handed us, good or bad, and we become responsible for it the best way we can.... or not.bigsmile

Abracadabra's photo
Sat 09/06/08 02:56 PM

James you've lost me....

I'm doing a bit of introspection here myself, so much of what I post is self-directed mumbo jumbo. bigsmile

I am more fascinated on the subject of perceptions... and how we perceive ourselves, and therefore others...

I perceive you as an absolutely beautiful person who has indeed made solid contact with her inner child.

I think the only thing that is preventing you from fully submersing yourself in your inner child with completely unadulterated abandon is the pure and simple fact that you exist in a world of wolves who force you to maintain an alertness of danger that you'd much prefer did not exist.

I cannot 'know' you... even if we shared the same space for the next 50 years, although I can delude myself into believing I know you... all I can really be sure of is that I perceive you, based on my reference points.

I believe you could know me on a much deeper level that you might deem possible. There are many things in life that we simply cannot even imagine until we've actually experienced them.

So, how is this relevant to what you are asking?

I feel that one's PERCEPTION, (and sometimes judgement) of another's truth can be seen as brutal, evil, harsh, caustic... and meant to harm...

or, it can be intended to speak with clarity one's personal truth with no intent to harm.

I agree. However, I would also be quick to point out that often times truth is not even the motivation behind things at all. :wink:

Please write your book, awaken the inner children of others, assuming that none will want it... is not a gift... there becomes an agenda attached to writing it otherwise..:heart:

This is extremely meaningful to me.

You're right, I need to focus solely on my 'audience' and not worry about trying to speak to readers I'm not interested in speaking to. laugh

I actually had a great professor once in a creative write class.

Everyday without exception he would quite literally dance into the classroom singing, "Audience and Purpose, Audience and Purpose".

He did this every single day, and when he got to the podium he would simply say, "If that's all you get from this class you will be well on your way to becoming a great writer!"

I need to get into that frame of mind and just write the book for the people it is intended for, and simply remove any thoughts from my mind of anyone who might not be considered to be my 'audience'.

That leads to defensive and argumentative writing. I could actually end up writing supid self-arguments with imaginary oppoentents who don't even exist!

All the while the people I had originally intended to write for are asking, "What the hell is this drivel all about?"

It's so true Jess. I must write to the people I am attempting to address and totally murder any images or thoughts of anyone in my mind who might represent opposition to the theme of the book. bigsmile

Jess642's photo
Sat 09/06/08 03:02 PM
Edited by Jess642 on Sat 09/06/08 03:07 PM
Hmmmmm.......James, methinks you struck a chord of truth... (well one of mine anyways..)

I wrote... "I cannot know you....'

and even as I hit send... something didn't sit well within me.

I can 'know' the parts of you, that are also parts of me, (hence the reference point comment)... that which I see in you is a reflection of me, and visa versa... I understand the mirroring, and I understand filtering, however, the core essence of you... the defining of You that you call you, may be vastly different from how I perceive you.

Abracadabra's photo
Sat 09/06/08 03:05 PM

But what is truth?

Card drawn: The Dark Magician

The truth is Darkness, there is no light;
But don’t despair in dark of night.
You are the ONE to make it right;
Bring forth creation; embrace the sight.

The Love is ONE and Light is Life.
You are the ONE in peace or strife.
Bring forth the light, let your heart shine.
For all is love, and love divine.

Bring forth the light; it comes from thee.
The truth of darkness cannot be.
You are the ONE, there is no night.
You are the ONE, bring forth the Light.


To dream is life, and not -- to die;
Bring forth the light and live the lie!
For Light is Life, and Love, the breath,
Tis at this door choose life or death....


I must confess Glory Jean, this is both a profound answer and a profound poem.

Did you write that poem? It sounds like something a famous poet would have written. bigsmile

Quite profound indeed. flowerforyou

no photo
Sat 09/06/08 03:16 PM
Edited by Jeanniebean on Sat 09/06/08 03:19 PM

I must confess Glory Jean, this is both a profound answer and a profound poem.

Did you write that poem? It sounds like something a famous poet would have written. bigsmile

Quite profound indeed. flowerforyou

When I drew the card for the answer to the question "What is truth?" I was quite shocked myself to see the Dark Magician turn up.

"What on earth could that mean for this question?" I thought.

In our deck, the dark magician represents an ominous presence, we don't like to see that card turn up ~~ and it does not turn up often. The dark magician is not found in any other tarot decks but ours.

Then I remembered this poem... "The truth is darkness...."

Yes I wrote it November 17, 2003. It is on my website at this address with some darkness and some pictures.

It was inspired by Prime source... bigsmile


Abracadabra's photo
Sat 09/06/08 03:18 PM

I can 'know' the parts of you, that are also parts of me, (hence the reference point comment)... that which I see in you is a reflection of me, and visa versa... I understand the mirroring, and I understand filtering, however, the core essence of you... the defining if you that you call you, may be vastly different from how I perceive you.

Yes, there is much truth to this. This is why I feel that you could know me quite deeply.

A very long time ago I recognized the me in you, or the you in me. I thought to myself, "There's a female me down under". laugh

Small world isn't it. :wink:

Of course, I'm sure we'd also have many unique differences as well, if only based on our seperate life's experiences, but I think what we share much in common on the level of the true self.

This is what I was trying elude to in my previous post where I suggested that everyone's inner child, may not be so innocent. There do seem to be people who are fundamentally different at the very core of their being. People you and I could never come to truly know because we can't even begin to understand or comprehend their motivations and innermost desires. This, of course, would be especially true if they had evil intent. We can't truly "know" them because we can't identify with who they are.

So yes, being able to indentify with the qualities and personality of another is a large part of being able to truly 'know' them.