Topic: Wake up Guys
soul's photo
Mon 09/18/06 11:12 PM
You know I get really tired of guys that send messages that start out
with YOUR HOT! Then they immediatly jump into questions about sex! Wake
up guys this is not a turn on and it is not impressive. If you are in
these types of sites to meet people to potentially have a relationship
with there is nothing that will make a girl (at least this girl) run in
the opposite direction and hit you with a block. Come on guys try using
the head that is on your shoulders and think for a second! You may be
proud of your member or your stamina but that is definatly not the first
think a girl wants to know about. I don't see why it is so hard for alot
of guys on these sites to start out by trying to get to know someone
before the conversation jumps into sex.

no photo
Tue 09/19/06 11:32 PM

loveofangels's photo
Tue 09/19/06 11:40 PM
yes, i must agree with you!!!!

no photo
Tue 09/19/06 11:43 PM
i would never send a message with anything sexual in it until i got to
know them but what is wrong with just saying that you are attractive?

no photo
Tue 09/19/06 11:46 PM
any luck on here yet k. breeze??

no photo
Tue 09/19/06 11:49 PM
i've met a couple of good people on here but i'm really just looking for
friends right now, how bout you?

no photo
Tue 09/19/06 11:50 PM

Thu 09/21/06 07:23 AM
Too many people try to impress instead of being themslves and have a
lack of ability to carry a quility conversation for any length of time.
If sexual matter is all that can float to the surface then it's a quick
trip to nowhere. Not ALL men are created equal, thank goodness. Don't
give up on your search and be thankfull that those that show their true
colors are so shallow.

chismah's photo
Thu 09/21/06 08:15 AM
Yes I agree guys are the scourage of thee earth and that's all
us guys think about is trying to impress women...especially hot
women...I feel for these types of guys because they just have

They should work more on being themselves and more into loving their own
inner self then trying to get other peoples approval....

Also I do agree on the sex part because I am fed up with HOT women
always messaging me about "OhhHhHh your so cuteeeeee and soooo you have a girlfriend...I think your soooo HOT" blah blah
blah it really turns me off...sometimes I wish I'd have the face of real
life ugly frog or something just to keep em off of me *sobs*

The world is truly a sick place...but in all I know how you
-_- we almost know NOTHING about women I am afraid to say...insecurity
stinks yes this is true...but my fellow bretherin need to have more
self-esteem and just be themselves instead of just trying to impress in
getting a mate or something...

Anyhoooooo..I gotta cook right now PASTA for dinner YiPpEEEee...

Usadad's photo
Thu 09/21/06 09:08 AM
Unfortunately, you are going to get that type of comment online and
usually from someone that would be afraid to approach you in real life.
The anonymity of the internet create some brave souls. I would take it
as a compliment, and say "Thanks but no thanks." You can't control their
behavior so all you can do is take what good there is in the situation
and move on.
There are a lot of people that lack social and communication skills. One
of my pet peeves is getting a message like "how r u 2day"? Hey, I'm
worth ALL the letters. There is nothing that gives a person more
credibility than a well structured, capitalized, and punctuated
statement. I think the internet "slang" shows a bit of laziness and
maybe not really caring. A lol or an emoticon once in a while may be
okay, but it shouldn't be the meat of your conversation. It may be
appropriate in a text message on a phone, but not here. One of the most
important aspects of a relationship is communication, so are the
shortcuts really worth it?
(The last half was not really intended in response to your question, but
I went off on a tangent!)

andreww38's photo
Thu 09/21/06 06:02 PM
but you are hot!

can i help you into something more comfortable?

Andrew Wee

no photo
Thu 09/21/06 07:56 PM

If I find your pic attractive I may start out Hi cutie or such but you
will not catch me talking about sex in any of the beggining emails.
There are a few of us who still respect woman as people and not objects.