Topic: See The Bush Administration Commit Treason
01tim's photo
Sun 08/17/08 04:59 PM
i wonder which is worse. getting a blowjob. or getting 4134 american soilders killed. even throu i,m not good at math. my russian math says bush is worse.

kerbear73's photo
Sun 08/17/08 05:01 PM

i wonder which is worse. getting a blowjob. or getting 4134 american soilders killed. even throu i,m not good at math. my russian math says bush is worse.

I forgot, the russians have a lot of room to talk

120557's photo
Sun 08/17/08 05:03 PM

Oh jeeze I suppose if you like being lied to, wageing wars on lies and nukeing the rest of the world slaughtering innocents I suppose the republican party is for youlaugh

The war against Serbia was just as much a lie as the Iraq War, and that was perpetrated by Democrats.
i was in the reserves when that happaned and i was against it. I never joined up to fight a battle like that.
You would of never joined if you thought there was going to be a slight chace of war. Just like some other rats I know.

kerbear73's photo
Sun 08/17/08 05:32 PM

Oh jeeze I suppose if you like being lied to, wageing wars on lies and nukeing the rest of the world slaughtering innocents I suppose the republican party is for youlaugh

The war against Serbia was just as much a lie as the Iraq War, and that was perpetrated by Democrats.
i was in the reserves when that happaned and i was against it. I never joined up to fight a battle like that.
You would of never joined if you thought there was going to be a slight chace of war. Just like some other rats I know.

Don't waste you time, I am surprised that they have not protested the Revolutionary war yet

madisonman's photo
Sun 08/17/08 06:02 PM

Oh jeeze I suppose if you like being lied to, wageing wars on lies and nukeing the rest of the world slaughtering innocents I suppose the republican party is for youlaugh

The war against Serbia was just as much a lie as the Iraq War, and that was perpetrated by Democrats.
i was in the reserves when that happaned and i was against it. I never joined up to fight a battle like that.
You would of never joined if you thought there was going to be a slight chace of war. Just like some other rats I know.
Idont think anyone joines the military to fight a BS war. Defend america sure who wouldnt? Invade Iraq for lies, even the majoirty of the guys over there think its BS. but hey at least I joined up and saw it through unlike alot of chickenhawks

madisonman's photo
Sun 08/17/08 06:19 PM

Oh jeeze I suppose if you like being lied to, wageing wars on lies and nukeing the rest of the world slaughtering innocents I suppose the republican party is for youlaugh

The war against Serbia was just as much a lie as the Iraq War, and that was perpetrated by Democrats.
i was in the reserves when that happaned and i was against it. I never joined up to fight a battle like that.
You would of never joined if you thought there was going to be a slight chace of war. Just like some other rats I know.
Idont think anyone joines the military to fight a BS war. Defend america sure who wouldnt? Invade Iraq for lies, even the majoirty of the guys over there think its BS. but hey at least I joined up and saw it through unlike alot of chickenhawks
But realy when your country is so wrong, wrong at the core in what it is doing do you defend it still? Isuppose you do when an outside threat is involved even the nazis defended germany untill the bitter end but of course they were wrong

kerbear73's photo
Sun 08/17/08 06:53 PM

Oh jeeze I suppose if you like being lied to, wageing wars on lies and nukeing the rest of the world slaughtering innocents I suppose the republican party is for youlaugh

The war against Serbia was just as much a lie as the Iraq War, and that was perpetrated by Democrats.
i was in the reserves when that happaned and i was against it. I never joined up to fight a battle like that.
You would of never joined if you thought there was going to be a slight chace of war. Just like some other rats I know.
Idont think anyone joines the military to fight a BS war. Defend america sure who wouldnt? Invade Iraq for lies, even the majoirty of the guys over there think its BS. but hey at least I joined up and saw it through unlike alot of chickenhawks
But realy when your country is so wrong, wrong at the core in what it is doing do you defend it still? Isuppose you do when an outside threat is involved even the nazis defended germany untill the bitter end but of course they were wrong

Right or wrong, this is still my Home and I will defend with my life no matter what

madisonman's photo
Sun 08/17/08 07:11 PM

Oh jeeze I suppose if you like being lied to, wageing wars on lies and nukeing the rest of the world slaughtering innocents I suppose the republican party is for youlaugh

The war against Serbia was just as much a lie as the Iraq War, and that was perpetrated by Democrats.
i was in the reserves when that happaned and i was against it. I never joined up to fight a battle like that.
You would of never joined if you thought there was going to be a slight chace of war. Just like some other rats I know.
Idont think anyone joines the military to fight a BS war. Defend america sure who wouldnt? Invade Iraq for lies, even the majoirty of the guys over there think its BS. but hey at least I joined up and saw it through unlike alot of chickenhawks
But realy when your country is so wrong, wrong at the core in what it is doing do you defend it still? Isuppose you do when an outside threat is involved even the nazis defended germany untill the bitter end but of course they were wrong

Right or wrong, this is still my Home and I will defend with my life no matter what
what if you were born in iraq?

WarElephant's photo
Sun 08/17/08 07:24 PM

i wonder which is worse. getting a blowjob. or getting 4134 american soilders killed. even throu i,m not good at math. my russian math says bush is worse.

Tough words from someone who's native country has been decimated economically, socially, and politically by their own leaders.

kerbear73's photo
Sun 08/17/08 07:24 PM

Oh jeeze I suppose if you like being lied to, wageing wars on lies and nukeing the rest of the world slaughtering innocents I suppose the republican party is for youlaugh

The war against Serbia was just as much a lie as the Iraq War, and that was perpetrated by Democrats.
i was in the reserves when that happaned and i was against it. I never joined up to fight a battle like that.
You would of never joined if you thought there was going to be a slight chace of war. Just like some other rats I know.
Idont think anyone joines the military to fight a BS war. Defend america sure who wouldnt? Invade Iraq for lies, even the majoirty of the guys over there think its BS. but hey at least I joined up and saw it through unlike alot of chickenhawks
But realy when your country is so wrong, wrong at the core in what it is doing do you defend it still? Isuppose you do when an outside threat is involved even the nazis defended germany untill the bitter end but of course they were wrong

Right or wrong, this is still my Home and I will defend with my life no matter what
what if you were born in iraq?

If that was my home and if didn't like the people that were invading, I would.

madisonman's photo
Sun 08/17/08 08:45 PM

i wonder which is worse. getting a blowjob. or getting 4134 american soilders killed. even throu i,m not good at math. my russian math says bush is worse.

Tough words from someone who's native country has been decimated economically, socially, and politically by their own leaders.
well there we agree war, america has been decimated economically, socially, and politically by their own leaders.

kerbear73's photo
Sun 08/17/08 08:55 PM

i wonder which is worse. getting a blowjob. or getting 4134 american soilders killed. even throu i,m not good at math. my russian math says bush is worse.

Tough words from someone who's native country has been decimated economically, socially, and politically by their own leaders.
well there we agree war, america has been decimated economically, socially, and politically by their own leaders.

He wasn't talking about the US, he was talking about russia

madisonman's photo
Sun 08/17/08 09:01 PM

i wonder which is worse. getting a blowjob. or getting 4134 american soilders killed. even throu i,m not good at math. my russian math says bush is worse.

Tough words from someone who's native country has been decimated economically, socially, and politically by their own leaders.
well there we agree war, america has been decimated economically, socially, and politically by their own leaders.

He wasn't talking about the US, he was talking about russia
realy? last I heard russia is doing verry well with these high oil prices.

kerbear73's photo
Sun 08/17/08 09:06 PM

i wonder which is worse. getting a blowjob. or getting 4134 american soilders killed. even throu i,m not good at math. my russian math says bush is worse.

Tough words from someone who's native country has been decimated economically, socially, and politically by their own leaders.
well there we agree war, america has been decimated economically, socially, and politically by their own leaders.

He wasn't talking about the US, he was talking about russia
realy? last I heard russia is doing verry well with these high oil prices.

Well Native Country Gave it away

Spaceman2008's photo
Sun 08/17/08 09:16 PM
Yup, Affirmative Action proves it.

madisonman's photo
Sun 08/17/08 09:38 PM

i wonder which is worse. getting a blowjob. or getting 4134 american soilders killed. even throu i,m not good at math. my russian math says bush is worse.

Tough words from someone who's native country has been decimated economically, socially, and politically by their own leaders.
well there we agree war, america has been decimated economically, socially, and politically by their own leaders.

He wasn't talking about the US, he was talking about russia
realy? last I heard russia is doing verry well with these high oil prices.

Well Native Country Gave it away
what confused me was his 30 year old description, it seemed a perfect match for present day america

kerbear73's photo
Sun 08/17/08 10:04 PM

i wonder which is worse. getting a blowjob. or getting 4134 american soilders killed. even throu i,m not good at math. my russian math says bush is worse.

Tough words from someone who's native country has been decimated economically, socially, and politically by their own leaders.
well there we agree war, america has been decimated economically, socially, and politically by their own leaders.

He wasn't talking about the US, he was talking about russia
realy? last I heard russia is doing verry well with these high oil prices.

Well Native Country Gave it away
what confused me was his 30 year old description, it seemed a perfect match for present day america

Still talking about russia

Spaceman2008's photo
Sun 08/17/08 10:19 PM
Affirmative Action proves that Russia wants to Perv the US's profile.

kerbear73's photo
Sun 08/17/08 10:32 PM

Affirmative Action proves that Russia wants to Perv the US's profile.

laugh :tongue:

Lynann's photo
Sun 08/17/08 10:37 PM
If you aren't alarmed by the actions of this administration you arem't paying ****ing attention.

Shrub swore to support and defend the Constitution of the United States and has at several turns acted against it, the rule of law, international treaties, the will of Congress, and the rulings of the SCOTUS.

Now, you Bush lovers may say that it's fine because you support his policies but what you short sighted asses don't see is that allowing this President to get away with this sort of thing makes more likely another President taking these and other liberties with the law, believing they are above it as he does. Maybe the next President that does won't be to your will be interesting to hear you cry then.

WTF is the matter with people???