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Topic: Satanic Art is catholic church exposed
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Thu 05/17/07 05:41 PM
walker.. there are prayers to saints in catholicism.. lol are you sure
you practiced it if you've never heard a prayer before?

heres an example from catholic.org

Almighty and eternal God,
who created us in Thy image and bade us to seek after all that is good,
true and beautiful,
especially in the divine person of Thy only-begotten Son,
our Lord Jesus Christ,
grant we beseech Thee that,
through the intercession of Saint Isidore,
bishop and doctor,
during our journeys through the internet we will direct our hands and
eyes only to that which is pleasing to Thee
and treat with charity and patience all those souls whom we encounter.
Through Christ our Lord.

and it is for the internet.. even better.. lol

AdventureBegins's photo
Thu 05/17/07 05:41 PM
I am not saying that those that follow the faith as a Catholic are
wrong. On the contrary they are the strength of the Church.

But I have seen.

There is a great evil within the few that control the church.

Beyond what the media reports.

It is this way with more than just the Catholic Church.

But my voice counts not for when I speak I am shouted down and rebuked
by those who see not nor do they want to see.

TheLonelyWalker's photo
Thu 05/17/07 05:43 PM
i was raised and educated with all those prayers, even more than what u
can imagine.
However, I have come to the conclusion that the only who grants
blessings is God.
Saints are there to give as examples on how to live a proper life.

TheLonelyWalker's photo
Thu 05/17/07 05:44 PM
Mr. AB:

your voice is always heard, my brother.

no photo
Thu 05/17/07 05:44 PM
From: http://www.catholic.org/clife/prayers/prayer.php?p=593
Dearest St. Anne,
it is you I wish to honour
in your statues and images.
They are the tangible representations
of the mysteries of divine love
that were accomplished in you.
The sight of your holding the infant Virgin Mary
brings to my mind a clearer understanding
of your role in Christ's Redemption of mankind.

Wow, I finally agree with AdventureBegins. That's idolatry.

TheLonelyWalker's photo
Thu 05/17/07 05:46 PM
I must agree with spider as well.

no photo
Thu 05/17/07 05:46 PM
lol it isn't idolatry they are honoring the saints.. honoring and
worshipping are two different things.. im sure.. well maybe not so
sure..b ut i would think people honor our president.. some honor their
mother and fathers.. is that idolatry??

no photo
Thu 05/17/07 05:50 PM
Speaking to the dead is necromancy. So Necromancer or Idolator, either
way it's non-Biblical.

no photo
Thu 05/17/07 05:53 PM
isn't jesus dead?

and if you say no... then how can any of us be dead.. technically in
christianity we never die we're reborn into the kingdom of God...

TheLonelyWalker's photo
Thu 05/17/07 05:55 PM
u r right lady
Jesus is not dead

no photo
Thu 05/17/07 06:02 PM

Jesus is God. Praying to any dead person, even someone who is saved,
does no good.

Matthew 8:22
But Jesus said unto him, Follow me; and let the dead bury their dead.

Hebrew 9:27
And as it is appointed unto men once to die, but after this the

But you are right, everyone who was saved is still alive.

Mark 12:27
He is not the God of the dead, but the God of the living: ye therefore
do greatly err.

no photo
Thu 05/17/07 06:04 PM
jesus is god you're correct but i was talking in form of holy trinity..
there would be no " son" if he just.. off and died i should have
phrased that better

Tricess's photo
Tue 05/22/07 10:31 PM
When u carry a picture of ur mother or ur children and look at it,
remembering the moment or the person, is the idea of a cruxifix. To
venerate or honour the form that started the faith is different than
worshiping the object. Catholics do not pray to the statue or the
cross. It is there as an image to use during meditation to pray to God.
The image is merely an image of rememberance.

AdventureBegins's photo
Tue 05/22/07 10:50 PM
Image to pray to god.

Image comes between man and God.

Image receives prayer.

Image is graven representation of a dead man. Christ did not die he was
greater then that image

Image is graven representation of a man.

Image is an idol.

no photo
Tue 05/22/07 10:55 PM
adventure that may be your interpretatin of it but the catholic faith
does not see it that way st. john of damascus one of the leading
father's of the church and defined what idolatry was believed in
venerating god through objects, another words like taking communion, in
taking it you do not venerate the bread, o rthe wine, you venerate the
god who made it, you venerate his creation.. you do not sit there and
worship the wine.

AdventureBegins's photo
Tue 05/22/07 11:10 PM
I understand.

I also understand Thou shalt not make of thyself any graven image.

I also understand that those in high places will bring idols into the
chruch and its doctrine. I do not wish to offend any one with this but
I see it.

Perhaps a priest can pray in front of such a thing and know that he is
praying to God in Heaven and direct his prayer that way but to a lay
person with but a simple want to pray it is a focus. It will recieve
the prayer because that is where it has been focused.

It is no different than the Hebrews worshipping the Golden Calf. A
graven image is an idol. God has said so. It is so.

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