Topic: Satanic Art is catholic church exposed
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Fri 05/11/07 01:16 PM

If it's not about being more holy, why is the pope the only living man
who is considered infallible? Why does the congragation confess their
sins to a priest, rather than directly to God? What purpose does the
priest play in confession?

trae_23's photo
Fri 05/11/07 01:22 PM
That is exactly my point. There is no need for a middle man in the
forgiveness process. Jesus died for us to have that open communication
with God. No need for a man and if there were then Jesus would have died
in vain

no photo
Fri 05/11/07 01:24 PM
Oh spider, there is nothing like a serpent, is there?
twisting and turning, arguing the hind leg off a donkey, just for
arguments sake.

lulu24's photo
Fri 05/11/07 01:26 PM
we view the priest as an intercessor...he aids us to let it all out, to
fully cleanse ourselves. the very act of speaking our sins out
loud...well, i can know they are wrong in my head all day long, but to
speak really takes the power out of them.

the pope is not any normal priest. he's revered because we believe that
God speaks directly to him.

your ordinary, every-day priest...lives a life of service, constantly.
he's not even allowed to HAVE a life...other than his dedication to the
church. takes a very special man to do such.

Trizar's photo
Fri 05/11/07 01:27 PM
I have a problem with the confession part.. I know why but I took that
stand, that I didnt need someone to be a medium between God and Myself.
So i just confess to God directly. I would say I am a spiritual
catholic... by the way i have met catholic women who do what i do..nancy
peloski sic?? Is a roman catholic.. She is also pro choice, and
thats not what the catholic church preaches.... How ever she will never
leave the catholic Church... I think the americam catholic church is
more liberal than any other catholic region.... As far as the Pope, I
will not touch that...

Trizar's photo
Fri 05/11/07 01:37 PM
Just to add to the questioning of the Pope

By the word "rock" the Saviour cannot have meant Himself, but only
Peter, as is so much more apparent in Aramaic in which the same word
(Kipha) is used for "Peter" and "rock". His statement then admits of but
one explanation, namely, that He wishes to make Peter the head of the
whole community of those who believed in Him as the true Messias; that
through this foundation (Peter) the Kingdom of Christ would be
unconquerable; that the spiritual guidance of the faithful was placed in
the hands of Peter, as the special representative of Christ. This
meaning becomes so much the clearer when we remember that the words
"bind" and "loose" are not metaphorical, but Jewish juridical terms. It
is also clear that the position of Peter among the other Apostles and in
the Christian community was the basis for the Kingdom of God on earth,
that is, the Church of Christ. Peter was personally installed as Head of
the Apostles by Christ Himself. This foundation created for the Church
by its Founder could not disappear with the person of Peter, but was
intended to continue and did continue (as actual history shows) in the
primacy of the Roman Church and its bishops.

no photo
Fri 05/11/07 01:40 PM
Or perhaps Jesus meant that Peter would lay the foundation for the
Church, not that there would be a long line of "infallible" Peters? The
Pope just recently apologized to Muslims to keep them from continuing
their Catholic killing spree, doesn't that prove that the Pope IS

Trizar's photo
Fri 05/11/07 01:48 PM
spiderlol, you know i want even attempt to argue with you...sort of like
your posts..... Isnt the Popes of of our time Men of Peace.... Thats how
I have always viewed them... now I dont want to write wrong info
here.... the pope was reading history facts and Somehow the Muslims were
insulted.. This wasnt his attention. Since Islam is the largest faith in
the world, wouldnt it make sense to a man of peace to apolagize? As he
wasnt meaning to insult anyone?

Trizar's photo
Fri 05/11/07 01:49 PM
wont even attempt hehe

no photo
Fri 05/11/07 01:51 PM

I don't want to argue with you either, but I would like to discuss the
issue. I won't reply to your last post until you let me know if you are
willing to discuss the issue or if you think we will end up arguing.

trae_23's photo
Fri 05/11/07 02:06 PM
The problem is that Jesus was perfect, not human which automatically
makes you a sinner (hince the reason why we are baptised) so we put our
trust in him because he was God come in the flesh and managed to remain
sinless which NO MAN has ever done. And the arguement that we speak our
sins out loud helps doesnt address the fact that you can do that but it
doenst take a man that is a sinner just like you to get them to God.

P.S God dosent speak directly to people anymore, he did that prior to
creating the Bible for his will to be done.

Trizar's photo
Fri 05/11/07 02:08 PM
I guess im wrapping it up... the host here lives in utah, and states he
is native american every one who knows about the Mormon church knows
that native americans are automatically mormons...The lost tribe of the
mormon faith..I just now read how they are so anti catholic.... my
posting anything is not going to change any ones minds. I am a non
practicing catholic... so I am out of line here defending my Church... I
will leave that to practing catholics.... Ill see ya on another forum
spider I am sure Peace

no photo
Fri 05/11/07 02:11 PM
Oh mighty trizar, I'm German, so what religion do I belong to?

Can you judge me by my origin?

Can you really?

Trizar's photo
Fri 05/11/07 02:19 PM
I( guess i dont know what you mean????? never said I could.... If you
mean what i said about the native americans in Utah... I lived there for
2 years.... And its common knowledge.... Why do I have to defend every
little word I say.. I know that and the host know that.... Peace

Trizar's photo
Fri 05/11/07 02:21 PM
Losing a Lost Tribe
Native Americans, DNA, and the Mormon Church
Paperback. 288 pages. / 1-56085-181-3/ $24.95

2 Nephi 1:9: "Wherefore, I, Lehi, have obtained a promise, that inasmuch
as those whom the Lord God shall bring out of the land of Jerusalem
shall keep his commandments, they shall prosper upon the face of this
land; and they shall be kept from all other nations, that they may
possess this land unto themselves. "
For the past 175 years, the Latter-day Saint Church has taught that
Native Americans and Polynesians are descended from ancient seafaring
Israelites. Recent DNA research confirms what anthropologists have been
saying for nearly as many years, that Native Americans are originally
from Siberia and Polynesians from Southeast Asia. In the current volume,
molecular biologist Simon Southerton explains the theology and the
science and how the former is being reshaped by the latter.

Trizar's photo
Fri 05/11/07 02:24 PM
and to answer your question....if you are Christiam and from germany
chances are you are eithe Lutheran or roman catholic.... the german that
lived where i am from were more catholic... the germans that settled in
n minnesota were lutheran..... that what i know.. I remember german
being spoken in my house and on the downtown benches... but they are
long gone

Trizar's photo
Fri 05/11/07 02:26 PM
and Invisable, I dont even come close to mighty.....Trizar does on a
video game lol Jack

AdventureBegins's photo
Fri 05/11/07 03:16 PM
In response to the Original Post.

does not Isahia warn of this very thing.

In response to priests devoting their life to the church...

Should they not be devoting their life to Christ? The church is an
edifice of man.

If it is true by your book that man was born to sin how then can you
expect any man to take up the robes and become instantly sinless.

Peter wrote the book. What better way to become master then to write
the history that makes it so.

lulu24's photo
Fri 05/11/07 03:27 PM
jesus WAS human...both fully human and fully divine.

mary is human...and she's also seen as sinless.

TheLonelyWalker's photo
Fri 05/11/07 08:32 PM
I find some of the posts in this thread absolutely deregotary. You
should state ur opinion, but not offend others who have other beliefs.
Therefore, I will refrain from arguing some of the non-senses I'm