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Topic: Would you be able to continue ?
RJR1's photo
Sat 08/09/08 07:10 PM

If there were no reasons other than his own lack of caring that kept a man from seeing his own child, I would not want to maintain a relationship with him.

I agree

EtherealEmbers's photo
Sat 08/09/08 07:11 PM
Edited by EtherealEmbers on Sat 08/09/08 07:12 PM

Sometimes, I think it's possible to find a match for me around here somewhere...then there are times that I realize that the women here seem to be just as judgmental and full of crap as they are in the real world.

not judgmental just opinionated

Sorry. In this case, without knowing any of the particulars, it's judgmental.

Aren't you being judgmental by saying that? I think so. Although I think the answer is dependent on the reasons, everyone's entitled to their own opinion... no one said you had to like it... so can't we just be cordial to one another?

JustAGuy2112's photo
Sat 08/09/08 07:14 PM
This is a prticularly sore subject for me. I apologize to anyone I have offended.

I think I should prolly just take my ass to bed.

later all.

EtherealEmbers's photo
Sat 08/09/08 07:15 PM
That sucks about your kid. Good luck with that. flowerforyou

stardust50's photo
Sat 08/09/08 07:19 PM

NO, because that child deserves to have both parents in their life.

Can't always happen that way I know my daughters father did not want her or me she was there I was willing to let him see her he chose not too then he passed away two years ago. He did not need to come see me but to come see his daughter it was not like I asked him for a dime he chose not to be apart of my most wonderful,amazing little girls life.

sparkleplenty424's photo
Sat 08/09/08 07:36 PM
Edited by sparkleplenty424 on Sat 08/09/08 07:37 PM

What if the reason the guy doesn't see his child is due to something beyond his control, even though he would give anything at all to be able to see the child?
the question was doesn't see and doesn't care about - some people are unable to see their children through no fault of their own - but most of them are heartbroken about it.

If he didn't care that he couldn't see them, he would not be the guy for me.

faithfullguy31's photo
Sat 08/09/08 08:05 PM
I have two boy that are 5 hours from me. I would like them to come stay with me for school vacation and alternating holidays and the ex wants me to only have them for 3 seperate weeks during summer vacation.

I get calls from my youngest telling me he wants me to come and pick him up.. It rips my heart out because I am unable to make the trip and sence the seperation she has made no attempt to bring them to me. I have had to get them and bring them back every time I want to see them.

Every ones situation is different.

sparkleplenty424's photo
Sun 08/10/08 07:42 AM

I have two boy that are 5 hours from me. I would like them to come stay with me for school vacation and alternating holidays and the ex wants me to only have them for 3 seperate weeks during summer vacation.

I get calls from my youngest telling me he wants me to come and pick him up.. It rips my heart out because I am unable to make the trip and sence the seperation she has made no attempt to bring them to me. I have had to get them and bring them back every time I want to see them.

Every ones situation is different.
the question specified that the person doesn't care..if you can't see your kids through no fault of your own and it hurts you, then you care. You don't fall into that category.

faithfullguy31's photo
Sun 08/10/08 10:57 AM

I have two boy that are 5 hours from me. I would like them to come stay with me for school vacation and alternating holidays and the ex wants me to only have them for 3 seperate weeks during summer vacation.

I get calls from my youngest telling me he wants me to come and pick him up.. It rips my heart out because I am unable to make the trip and sence the seperation she has made no attempt to bring them to me. I have had to get them and bring them back every time I want to see them.

Every ones situation is different.
the question specified that the person doesn't care..if you can't see your kids through no fault of your own and it hurts you, then you care. You don't fall into that category.

Ahh yes.. But I dated a girl once who took it as I didn't care about them or wanted any thing to do with them. Some people just don't want to believe what you say or think your looking for sympathy in some form or another. Now if he said it directly I would have to say the choice is yours. But if it came from some one else I would recomend asking the person directly about the situation and make a determination based off that and not other peoples opinions or comments.

alexiateigra's photo
Sun 08/10/08 12:54 PM

:smile: If you started dating someone and found out they had a child they never saw or cared about, would you be able to continue the relationship?:smile:

Nope, it just a little too selfish to me.

JaymeStephens84a0lc's photo
Sun 08/10/08 01:00 PM
No. My dad did that crap to me and it is still painful to me. I could not date a man who was a deadbeat father. I would actually prefer a man not have kids yet for the simple fact I don't want the mama drama that can come with it. Is it selfish of me that I want whomever it is and myself to have our own "fresh" family? Not that I'd turn down a single father as long as all drama was worked out, I'd just prefer to have his only children is all.

Jim519's photo
Sun 08/10/08 01:03 PM
Not at all...I would probably Tazer their azz on the way out

LadyOfMagic's photo
Sun 08/10/08 01:04 PM

:smile: If you started dating someone and found out they had a child they never saw or cared about, would you be able to continue the relationship?:smile:

Nope!..If they do it to someone else's kid who is to say that I won't end up in the same situation with them?huh

Jim519's photo
Sun 08/10/08 01:04 PM

I have a baby and the mother will not let me see it. she was not sure who the dad was because she cheated on me. but now she is getting married to this other guy and she wants the kid to think he is the father

Let? I dont get it huh

You need to fight it

Jim519's photo
Sun 08/10/08 01:07 PM

I have two boy that are 5 hours from me. I would like them to come stay with me for school vacation and alternating holidays and the ex wants me to only have them for 3 seperate weeks during summer vacation.

I get calls from my youngest telling me he wants me to come and pick him up.. It rips my heart out because I am unable to make the trip and sence the seperation she has made no attempt to bring them to me. I have had to get them and bring them back every time I want to see them.

Every ones situation is different.

I would recommend moving closer to themdrinker

LadyOfMagic's photo
Sun 08/10/08 01:09 PM

I have a baby and the mother will not let me see it. she was not sure who the dad was because she cheated on me. but now she is getting married to this other guy and she wants the kid to think he is the father

Let? I dont get it huh

You need to fight it

If YOU are the child's father you have every right to see it if you want to..take her to court..get a DNA thing done..She has no right to force you out of your child's life.

Jim519's photo
Sun 08/10/08 01:16 PM

I have a baby and the mother will not let me see it. she was not sure who the dad was because she cheated on me. but now she is getting married to this other guy and she wants the kid to think he is the father

Let? I dont get it huh

You need to fight it

If YOU are the child's father you have every right to see it if you want to..take her to court..get a DNA thing done..She has no right to force you out of your child's life.

Exactly! You just have to put up a fight! I did and now have I her more than her mother!

alexiateigra's photo
Sun 08/10/08 01:17 PM
Edited by alexiateigra on Sun 08/10/08 01:18 PM

No. My dad did that crap to me and it is still painful to me. I could not date a man who was a deadbeat father. I would actually prefer a man not have kids yet for the simple fact I don't want the mama drama that can come with it. Is it selfish of me that I want whomever it is and myself to have our own "fresh" family? Not that I'd turn down a single father as long as all drama was worked out, I'd just prefer to have his only children is all.

No, you are not being selfish. Dead beat parents are one thing. Choosing not to have children or a ready made family is another. Not everyone can handle being a parent or part of a ready made family. Recognizing that is being responisible.

If a person is going to have sex then they need to be prepare to deal with consequences. Ideally, if they are having sex, they should be using protection but, there isn't 100% guarantee that the protection will work.

If a child is a result sexual liaison, then they become the biological parents responsibility (unless the child is given up for adoption which is also responsible way of dealing with the situation as well). It is important to remember that the child is the innocent so, their needs come first (before the parents).

JaymeStephens84a0lc's photo
Sun 08/10/08 01:33 PM

No. My dad did that crap to me and it is still painful to me. I could not date a man who was a deadbeat father. I would actually prefer a man not have kids yet for the simple fact I don't want the mama drama that can come with it. Is it selfish of me that I want whomever it is and myself to have our own "fresh" family? Not that I'd turn down a single father as long as all drama was worked out, I'd just prefer to have his only children is all.

No, you are not being selfish. Dead beat parents are one thing. Choosing not to have children or a ready made family is another. Not everyone can handle being a parent or part of a ready made family. Recognizing that is being responisible.

If a person is going to have sex then they need to be prepare to deal with consequences. Ideally, if they are having sex, they should be using protection but, there isn't 100% guarantee that the protection will work.

If a child is a result sexual liaison, then they become the biological parents responsibility (unless the child is given up for adoption which is also responsible way of dealing with the situation as well). It is important to remember that the child is the innocent so, their needs come first (before the parents).

I don't want anyone to mistake what I said, I LOVE kids to no end. I also would gladly date a man with children. Like I said though, its really hard to do that without baby mama drama. I like to go into a relationship with everything in the past staying where it belongs. You can't keep a baby mama in the past. If they dont have kids its much easier for me to ignore the fact they've ever been with anyone else...lol. I like relationships to be blank slates, treat it as its a first for both. Guys tend to appreciate that...lol.

alexiateigra's photo
Sun 08/10/08 01:36 PM

No. My dad did that crap to me and it is still painful to me. I could not date a man who was a deadbeat father. I would actually prefer a man not have kids yet for the simple fact I don't want the mama drama that can come with it. Is it selfish of me that I want whomever it is and myself to have our own "fresh" family? Not that I'd turn down a single father as long as all drama was worked out, I'd just prefer to have his only children is all.

No, you are not being selfish. Dead beat parents are one thing. Choosing not to have children or a ready made family is another. Not everyone can handle being a parent or part of a ready made family. Recognizing that is being responisible.

If a person is going to have sex then they need to be prepare to deal with consequences. Ideally, if they are having sex, they should be using protection but, there isn't 100% guarantee that the protection will work.

If a child is a result sexual liaison, then they become the biological parents responsibility (unless the child is given up for adoption which is also responsible way of dealing with the situation as well). It is important to remember that the child is the innocent so, their needs come first (before the parents).

I don't want anyone to mistake what I said, I LOVE kids to no end. I also would gladly date a man with children. Like I said though, its really hard to do that without baby mama drama. I like to go into a relationship with everything in the past staying where it belongs. You can't keep a baby mama in the past. If they dont have kids its much easier for me to ignore the fact they've ever been with anyone else...lol. I like relationships to be blank slates, treat it as its a first for both. Guys tend to appreciate that...lol.

No, I get. I love children. Everyone tells me that I would make a great Mom but, it doesn't mean I want to have any children. I come from a single parent family so, in many ways, I feel like I have raised a family. This phase of my life is for me. flowerforyou flowerforyou flowerforyou

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