Topic: We Lost a Good One... | |
The way to out them is to use Report Abuse. Do NOT post their name in
the forums. The other, of course, great way to handle situations like this is just to block the user. They won't be able to contact you again. And blocking the user is another way to let us know that a user is potentially a problem on the site. We are also planning on adding a feature where you will be able to block people who've been blocked by other users. So basically, you'll be able to automatically block people who've behaved poorly to other people. We're still fine-tuning the feature - we want to make sure innocent people who either accidentally get blocked or get blocked for other reasons besides being rude don't get caught in the filter. And we want to make sure it can't be abused. But hopefully, it will provide a big incentive for people to be polite, because getting blocked too many times will mean you won't be able to talk to most users on the site. Do NOT post the name of the user in the forums though. That's absolutely a rule violation that can result in a temporary or permanent suspension of posting privileges. |
Well who ever it was I'm sorry to hear that anyone of the regulars would
do anything to anyone here sad to hear. Yeah she can't post there names on the forums but could warn through e-mails if she wants too that is. I hope who every it is and for what every reason they stop and leave her alone. ![]() |
Mike -- That's exactly why I haven't identified him. But I thought it
would be a good idea to let people know about this situation. If, as I suspect, this is not the first time he's done this, maybe there's a pattern here that needs to be exposed. Maybe this person is responsible for some of the good ones who left previously, I don't know. |
Dang, nothing exciting like that has ever happened to me! I guess some
people know better, either that or they'll get bored fast trying to whip me into a frenzy. |
What has gone here brings pain to my heart,,, Ms Fine is one of my
dearest friends here and off the site, The thought of someone who we all know or have crossed paths with to do such a thing is heartbreaking and very disturbing, I hope in time we all come to know who this person is and this stupidity will stop, stalking and bashing and just down right nastyness is not tollerated and should not be tollerated, We are all real people with real feelings and emotions,,, Respect is the Key here,, |
just got to's a computer! theres life beyond the box..theres a
whole world out there..and we get so caught up in a virtual world..Caught up in who said what and they did this to me and blah know when I get off the computer and go out or go to my friends,take a walk,do my art work..I completley forget about jsh. Its just for entertainment purposes. peace out |
I agree Krow...It's for entertainment purposes. I hope she'll cool off
and come back as well. |
okay so is fp the one who's maidenform bra glowed in the dark? what is
she all upset about......this is only the written word. what can anyone possibly do to you that you don't want done? and so, with that i am going to make like a train, and scoot like a dog with worms. |
LMAO @ duffy..YES fine is the one with the glow in the dark maidenform
(i read your post). I never talked to her,I only know her thru posts but she seems awesome.I for one had a bad experience awhile back,I left, got my head on and here I am!! Back bigger and better then ever!!! All it takes some times is a good breather!! Hope she comes back.. ![]() |
It may only be words, but verbal ABUSE can be harder to handle & worse than a beating for some. Never thought of myself as abusive, when problems came up I learned different. Gwen had been abused in her past & those are scars you carry the rest of your life. Maybe that is where fine is at, I judge no one. I will state my opinion; Any & all forms of ABUSE are done by rude/crude/uneducated people. No matter what their education level/speaking or writing abilities/net worth/# of friends/how well they hide it. ABUSE is just CRUEL. Hope whoever is doing this will GET HELP. They need it. |
This site is addicting I am sure she will be back just needs time to
settle. I was away from this site for a few weeks maybe a month or more lately. While I did not deactivate, I came back and it seems the site is still suffering from the same kinds of things it was when I left. People come and people deactivate they typically come back after time though. |
okay well so this is my 2 cents, and it comes from a person that was
stalked. For 10 years and not on the internet. it was the work of an x husband, and it terrorized, victimized and scared the living holy ship out of that woman. bottom line, was the husband wanted her back, and in the meantime, while she was at the hospital, the husband came in and stole her pictures, collectibles, and memorabilia.well, so she left, mind, body, and soul. then, she came back, and so well the husband better get out of dodge cause she is after him. reason for all this......control. |
I know that logical people ( hopefully like us ) use JSH for
entertainment and friendship, But in this day and age, You have to be careful. I've only been here a shrt while ,but I've made friends that I hope to know for a long time. It's unacceptable that good fun loving people are driven away for abusive behavior. DON'T be afraid to report scumbags ladies. You'll be doing everyone a favor. |
Will someone who knows her personally please contact Fineporcelain and
let her know that she now has some control over favorites list? She was commenting on this issue shortly before she canceled her account - maybe it played a significant role in her cancellation, and maybe she'll come back right away if she knows she has this control now. |
I was a victim to an online stalker just like my bigsisverbatim. Thats
just wrong. Want me to track that one down and BIATCH SLAP HIM into cyberspace?! :) |
word up to the biatch slap
well if u want justice for your friends, you all have to speak up, and
go after who did it. it was not me, and so i cannot do anything. |
another friend of ours deactivated the other day for awhile because of
the same crap |