Topic: Trust
Giggles73's photo
Mon 03/12/07 06:06 PM
If there is one red flag...I'm outta there...

BigGlenn's photo
Mon 03/12/07 06:07 PM
Roxxxie Baby !!!
Yes I got my drink. gettin' another now. laugh This s**t is deep and
poor shadow didn't want to go here. LMAO

TxsGal3333's photo
Mon 03/12/07 06:12 PM
Hummm trust there is that famous word. WEll without it your never gonna
have a relantionship that will last. It's like someone blind folding you
and telling you to jump off the diving board do you trust them and jump.
Or say forget it and take off the blind fold and walk away not ever
knowing how good the water would feel cause you were to scared to trust
them. Well to me you should learn to trust others until they give you a
reason not too. Yeah it is not always that easy I know that but you have
to at least try. For trust can either make or break a relantionship.
Guess it depends how bad you really want one. If bad enough you wil
learn to give that trust. But not to the point of being stupid you must
watch for the red flags and really see them when they are there. Anywho
just my thoughts I have been wrong plenty of times before lolbigsmile

Roxxxie5's photo
Mon 03/12/07 06:14 PM
I think Big Glenn must be on his third drink by now......without trust u
dont have anything..and if someone doesnt trust me it makes me feel
bad...i hate i work hard at being trustworthy...i need a glass
of o.j. now......

TheShadow's photo
Mon 03/12/07 06:14 PM
No it all good Glenn This is how you get to see how people think and a
little of how they may be It is something I will pay attention to
Besids all that for me being honest with myself is how I see things for
what they really are wether it is good or bad It's just knowing how to
deal with it and understand it But for me not to try to trust would be

Thndrghost's photo
Mon 03/12/07 06:16 PM
Trust is something that has to be earned, yet without trust we have

no photo
Mon 03/12/07 06:19 PM
too trust or not too or die...dream or shut the world is a risk just grab it by the balls and live it cuz no ones
gonna do it for you..if you spend the rest of your lifetime not trusting
anyone then you spend it alone and in the darkness and trust me the
darkness and alone is a place no one wants to live in..its terrifying
and cold, very lonely and your soul rots bit by bit piece by piece and
you slowly fade away to nothingness you simply cease to exist

buttons's photo
Mon 03/12/07 06:20 PM
my point shadow u are one of the sweetest guys just by what u said that
is attractive to a woman moat all women.. now ya just gotta brave it all
and keep trying.. be more blunt, go for what u want maybe u will find
its not the right person but when it is u will know cause u will then
feel ready:smile: :wink:

buttons's photo
Mon 03/12/07 06:20 PM
*most all women

Roxxxie5's photo
Mon 03/12/07 06:21 PM
Hmmm...did u post this subject for any present reason Shadow?? Just

creationsfire's photo
Mon 03/12/07 06:22 PM
Trust is earned, but that doesn't mean someone should mistrust to be
able to earn trust in the first place. I think it is mutual and should
be treated with care.

TxsGal3333's photo
Mon 03/12/07 06:25 PM
Ya got that right g/f (CCP) If you can't trust others that is when life
SUCKS. For then no one will trust you why should they you don't. You get
out of life what you give if your not willing to give your all. You sure
can't expect others to give. If you give others what you would like for
them to give you guess what it sure makes life a lot more pleasant to
live in. Have you ever notice that if you really look at someone and
give them a smile they will freely give that smile back and how it makes
you feel when they do. Guess what trust and love and respect all feels
the same way. So Try It You Will Like It!!bigsmile

tonebar's photo
Mon 03/12/07 06:41 PM
nice to see people posting real pics !!!happy

Morena350's photo
Mon 03/12/07 06:46 PM
hello shadow darling!! trust is an issue that many of us have been
working on!! I guess I'll be working on this all my life
trust is a strong word!!:heart:

BigGlenn's photo
Mon 03/12/07 06:48 PM
Rox, do you think I'm a lush?

jeanc200358's photo
Mon 03/12/07 06:57 PM
If a person has an inability to trust (or difficulty in trusting),
particularly if they've been lied to and hurt time and time again, to
me, they're not the one who has *issues.*

I've said it before and I'll say it again: I don't have "trust issues;"
I have issues with people who cannot be trusted.

tonebar's photo
Mon 03/12/07 07:12 PM
i trust too much and it hurts alot of times!brokenheart

tonebar's photo
Mon 03/12/07 07:24 PM
i trust you'll be here when i get back? life calls

hey dog:smile:

no photo
Mon 03/12/07 07:28 PM
just treat every new person as exactly that and give them a chance. you
may end up getting hurt again but to me it's better than giving up and
acting like a victim.

no photo
Mon 03/12/07 07:43 PM
drinker smokin Hey Shadow, this topic HAS BEEN MY "LIFE" man
My ex messed me over for how long,,,I have no idea,,but we had a 16 year
marrage,,and then a girlfriend who done the same and we had 6 years
So when YOU have been lied to and used THIS much,,it is very hard to
TRULLY TRUST,,,I look at it this way,,,
TRUST has to be given BUT THEN, true trust of full mind,
MUST BE EARNED,,,by the one you are NOW trying to love and trust, IS
THIS GOOD,,,,NOT REALLY, but THIS is the ONLY way that I know to
convince my MIND and FEEL FREE to TRUST again!!!
TALKING ,,,about your passed issue's, and NOW present ones,,,
Let HER KNOW that YOU "WILL" have some very hard and WIERD issues about
life and her and about TRUSTING ANOTHER AGAIN??
That's my TRUE thoughts of HELP on your post here dude...
I hope it helps and I hope it sounds RIGHT as to my meaning and
how,,,lol:heart: smokin