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Topic: Hydrophobic, Aracnophobia..whats your fear?
Cinderella75's photo
Mon 07/28/08 09:25 PM
Whats your fear?

I am scared of Lightning.

crazysillygirl's photo
Mon 07/28/08 09:26 PM
i think im a hypochondriac....frown

johncarl's photo
Mon 07/28/08 09:27 PM
i dont have one

iamherefornow's photo
Mon 07/28/08 09:27 PM
Teenagers rofl

Voluptuous's photo
Mon 07/28/08 09:27 PM
WATERBUGS!!!ill scared ill

Nursekimmie09's photo
Mon 07/28/08 09:28 PM
Spiders sad

eileena9's photo
Mon 07/28/08 09:28 PM
That I won't get my life in order and get my transfer.frown

no photo
Mon 07/28/08 09:29 PM
BEES.....deathly allergic

missy51970's photo
Mon 07/28/08 09:30 PM

Whats your fear?

I am scared of Lightning.

You definately wouldnt wanna be here tonight.. the lightening is horrible...

Im terrified of spiders.. not just a normal girl thing either.. i mean freak out, flip out spaz of the year award over these things...

And Im very claustrophobic...

ReddBeans's photo
Mon 07/28/08 09:31 PM
Snakes, the only good snake is the dead one sittin on the brim of my cowboy hat.drinker

no photo
Mon 07/28/08 09:31 PM
mean posters who attack you with gay jokes. you know who you are!!!!!!scared scared rofl

Cinderella75's photo
Mon 07/28/08 09:32 PM

Whats your fear?

I am scared of Lightning.

You definately wouldnt wanna be here tonight.. the lightening is horrible...

Im terrified of spiders.. not just a normal girl thing either.. i mean freak out, flip out spaz of the year award over these things...

And Im very claustrophobic...

Yes i would be terrified!!

lionsbrew's photo
Mon 07/28/08 09:32 PM
im not realy afraid of anything but i am uneasy walking near trains and i find clowns to be really creepy.

FAK's photo
Mon 07/28/08 09:32 PM shiot....

livelife68's photo
Mon 07/28/08 09:33 PM

BEES.....deathly allergic

me too.

FearandLoathing's photo
Mon 07/28/08 09:33 PM
Needles somewhat...but really, nothing.

plk1966's photo
Mon 07/28/08 09:33 PM
I have a friend that is a fraid of cotton, you shouuld see when she has to opena bottle of aspirin.. she freaks out

writer_gurl's photo
Mon 07/28/08 09:33 PM
The darkscared

BlueskyJ's photo
Mon 07/28/08 09:33 PM
Heights....they freak me out...don't think I could ever be a rock climber....yet i would love to try parachuting....

JustAGuy2112's photo
Mon 07/28/08 09:35 PM
Flying. If I can't drive there...I don't need to GET there.

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