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Topic: A Billion Dollars
Rapunzel's photo
Thu 07/31/08 09:26 AM
Edited by Rapunzel on Thu 07/31/08 09:36 AM

I was talking to a gentleman the other day that talked about how we've changed. Things that weren't even expenses 30 years ago are mainstream expenses now.

You didn't have to pay to watch TV in 1975
You didn't have to pay an internet bill in 1975
Most people still sent letters, postage was under a dime.
Name brands for kids was "tough skins" (man you couldn't destroy those things)
Getting cuts meant Mom would kiss it and make it feel better, not a trip to the doctor.
People bought what they could afford, not buy extravegant things on credit.

Can a Mom (or Dad) be stay at home now? You bet. But what I'm saying, and obviously the point I haven't been able to make, is as a society we are so competetive with each other (Bob got a boat, now I have to get one, or Johnson got a new car, I need a fancier one), that we have forgotten the things that are important. We will spend past our income just so we can have an appearance of being "well off." No one is willing to live a simple life anymore. Children have very little imagination because the are stuck in front of an "idiot box" so they have a baby sitter. Go outside and play, forget it, they've already got a PS3, a WII and an Xbox to got with the computer in their room, and they don't have time because parents buy them cell-phones so they can text their friends.

How many of us had permission to even call friends when we were kids? Our own phones, weren't invented, but I guarentee my Mom would have said "when you can pay the bill." We would be thrown outside to play because "I don't need that TV running up the electric bill." This is why we need a stay at home parent, maybe our children wouldn't be so fat.

Yes, you are right in so many ways Jamie...smokin
And as i read what you are saying, drinker

since i am out of the loop these days,
i am not a huge part of the rat race anymore,
i mostly just watch it go by ...flowerforyou

and i think of my own Oldest Daughter drinker
and her Husband smokin
and their children...:heart:
They both have very
high profile professional careers...drinker
And they have three children
ages 14, 10 and almost 5, ...:heart: :heart: :heart:
i have to say that i think
they are doing very very well, drinker
compared to many other families
where both the parents work..smokin

they have their video games
and all the things that kids like these days ,
but they are also very active
in their gymnastics, skateboarding
and other good activities...drinker

My Grandson is an aspiring architect and he doesn't have a cell phone yet..and interacts
with his friends with all of their sports.

They basically eat only the best of foods,
which are mostly homemade
& not from a can or box...
organic fruits & vegetables ,

and all the children are thin,
but not skinny,
and very very healthy ...flowerforyou

they have a well rounded life ,drinker
but are not so extravagant in their lifestyle...

they are trying to make it
in a neighborhood
where the new houses
go for a million dollars and up,

and there's is one of the last houses
on the block that has not been leveled
and built over into a huge mansion
on their lush acre plus size lot .

they pray and read good books
with the children every night,
while they are not stuffy...
they go to church pretty often
and i go with them too sometimes...

and truthfully
they really deserve a halo
and a medal i think

for being able to make it so well,
and raise the children flowerforyou
to be so well balanced and happy :heart:
with so many demands on their lives ohwell
in so many ways ...drinker

my other two kids :heart: :heart:
my son and daughter twins who are 32 drinker flowerforyou
don't have any children yet....:wink:

this is a pretty rare example though, flowerforyou
of healthy balance in a family's life...drinker

many people are having a terrible time :cry:
and families are suffering in so many ways sad

Chazster's photo
Thu 07/31/08 11:23 AM

Nothing wrong with the companies, it's just the free market system. It's like bailing out GM (which is being considered), totally unnecessary for government intervention.

I bet the last company around that made horse drawn buggies was a good one, but it went the way of the dodo. Nobodies fault, their product was just useless. I'm sure they didn't get bailed out.

Airlines, banks, these things fail because they can't compete in the free market system. There are still others around, so why must we bail out every one that fails? No one's going to bail out my little store when it goes broke, so why bail out a big one? For the investors? Losing money is also part of investing. If you can't afford it, don't invest it.

I can understand banks to the point where they have to at least have the money to give back to the people that had money stored in the bank. We cant just have citizens not have money because their bank collapsed.

Kevrides's photo
Thu 07/31/08 11:37 AM
More government programs and departments means more taxes. Government programs= more taxes. Government programs never go away.
Vote Conservative.

RoamingOrator's photo
Thu 07/31/08 12:05 PM
I don't think voting conservative works anymore. We've gotten away from the parameters of the Constitution enough that we no longer operate as a Republic (which we are chartered as). The purpose of the Republic was to limit Federal government power and leave the (Nation) States to operate the general (day to day) government.

We've switched to wear we now have the Federal government determining the way programs, which should be maintained and operated by the State at the States discretion, are operated. A classic example, ask a school board member in your area how the "no child left behind law" is effecting how your children are learning.

I can understand the necessity for some broad Federal laws. The States should have laws very similar, especially with our internal open border policy, but the operation should be maintained by the most local of government. Wouldn't you say the city council in your town knows better about what is a problem in your area than the Fed?

The founders knew that a Republic had to be governed from the bottom up, not from the top down.

Besides, I don't know if there are any real conservatives to begin with. The Republican party is labeled our "conservative choice." But look how spending has skyrocketed since the Republican Congress of 2002. New programs? How about whole new departments and cabinet posts. Homeland Security Department wasn't necessary, we had one of those, it was called the Department of Defense. I mean aren't both those terms basically the same thing?

We've gotten lost. We started believing our own press and bought into the dream...

Rapunzel's photo
Thu 07/31/08 01:28 PM

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