Topic: If I'm a Good Person, Why Do I Need a Saviour? | |
.....I'm a Good Person, Why Do I Need a Savior?........ Does this mean you’re good as compared to an axe murderer, or that you don’t take paper clips or pens from your place of employment, or that you’ve never held onto angry feelings towards another, or broken the speed limit? The definition of "good" is a relevant term apart from the Bible where God’s absolute standards are defined. Therein is the dilemma. In order for us to see our standard as lacking we must be willing to consider there is a higher standard, a perfect standard, God’s standard. With this consideration in mind, the Bible says that no one is righteous, no one is truly wise, and no one is a good person. God initially gave man ten simple laws (Ten Commandments) to follow, but man back then couldn’t follow them, and we’re no different. You see, when Jesus taught, he elaborated on those commandments by saying, the law is broken even when it’s still in thought form. For example Jesus said, "You have heard that it was said, 'Do not commit adultery.' But I tell you that anyone who looks at a woman lustfully has already committed adultery with her in his heart" (Matthew 5:27-28). This principle applies to each of the commandments. No one can ever be made right with God by doing good, keeping the law, or by following any other religious rules. It’s just not good enough. The law simply shows us how sinful we are. But God has shown us a way to be made right with him without keeping the requirements of the law, as was promised in the writings of Moses and the prophets long ago. We are made right with God by placing our faith in Jesus Christ. And this is true for everyone who believes, no matter who we are (Romans 3). Jesus Christ was the only one "good enough" to sacrifice his life for our sins. When we accept by faith that he did that for us, he becomes our Savior. We are then "good enough" to stand in the presence of God—forever. Do You Want a Relationship with God? If you want this kind of relationship with God, pray this prayer right now: Lord Jesus Christ, I believe that you took the pain of the cross to give me new life. I ask you to come into my life and to give me your peace and joy. I confess that I am a sinner -- that I have gone my own way and have done wrong. Please forgive me for my sins. I receive you now as my Lord and Savior. Please fill me with your Holy Spirit. Help me to follow you and to serve you all my life. Thank you, Lord Jesus. Amen. If you prayed that prayer, you are now a child of God. The things of your old life have passed away and He has made all things new. Author: Sharon Houk |
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Fri 07/25/08 10:26 PM
author must not have read all text she puts herself under by professing and preaching, as it clearly says no women is to preach does it not........hum
of course there is never any response from any post that canont be denied, lol......... all only HALF of what was misinterpretation that lead to ****ing misery....... nothing ever said but LISTEN to ones own heart, and admit anything it tell oneself, and do whatever it tells onself..... all this is CARNAL mind just as it attempts to accuse of.... there is not one scripture that does not contradict another, JUST AS IT WAS SUPPOSED TO BE........ if each "bad" or condeming and the scripture has a good one to counterbalance, then does not that make ALL A MOOT POINT, and this was JUST THE POINT, to decieve heady high minded pharisees and saducees that LOOKED for what they WANTED to HEAR MOST ABOUT THEMSELVES, LOL....... why did it say the truth contained within would be hidden from the WISE AND PRUDENT......... carry on with your prudence, and self wisdom and interpretation, as it shall only serve to make oneself last to partake of the party........peace later |
Brainwashing at it's finest. It isn't okay to think about anything that goes against the morals of society even though thinking has no separate effect on the world around you
![]() What religious folks need to realize is that human beings to NOT need to live in fear in order to lead safe and productive lives. It is perfectly possible to never commit adultery or theft even if you think about it all the time. It's called self-restraint and ethics. Believing in God doesn't give you that, it only gives you fear. Sure, fear keeps people in line, but is it really right? Why let God control you when you can just as easily control yourself? |
Considering all the mutually exclusive admonishments in that book, it is logically impossible to be a "good" person if you hold yourself too that standard.
If you hold the 10 commandments as the standard, then by doctrine a large majority of the christian denominations already fail by the time they get to #3 or #4 (depending on the tradition: This is the Sabbath day commandment...) Brushing the scheduling conflicts aside (I guess it's easier to get to the bank and the shops on Saturday for most christian folk), there are many who can't get by the blasphemy one - "OMG" when something shocking occurs, "G.D." when you are irritated by someone/something, or "God bless you" after a sneeze. Following the Catholic tradition of nomenclature 5-7 are more or less easy to keep, theft, murder, and infidelity are generally unacceptable in any society. 8 Gets really tricky - Isn't Church usually gossip central? Or are we going to consider that one a free pass since we are in the house of God when that happens? So legal false witness only? Yeah... I don't generally trust people with a rigid proscribed ethical code. Most representatives of it violate it at every turn. And what about that whole sacrifice thing? If Jesus died for your sins, then why are you worried about it? Can't accept grace? It's only by "the grace of God" that you are saved anyway. I'll refer to Full Metal Jacket on that one: "They're paying for it YOU eat it!" Of course, anyone that can state their own personal moral code clearly for anyone that asks and demonstrate their ability to adhere to it gets my respect as a "good" person no matter the name of their sky daddy. |
now we hearin some TRUE wisdom from LOGIC.......this logic shall be the FIRST to taste of the goodness of TRUTH.....peace
A human being in any situation can determine what is right or wrong based on reason and logic. It is wrong to take someone's bike because they paid for it and you didn't. It is wrong to kill someone for no reason because it doesn't make any sense, anyone has the right to survive unless they threaten someone else's right to survive. We don't need to think that if we steal a candy bar God will make us burn in hell. I don't even refrain from stealing because of fear of going to jail. I don't steal because I understand and respect the Capitalist system and pay for what I want. I don't steal because it isn't reasonable to steal anything from anyone.
Human beings have reached the level where we can think about whatever we want and not be persecuted for it. This means we have the freedom to understand things around us and behave in a sensible manner without having to be guilt tripped with man-on-a-cross stories for it. Any man who bases his actions on reason, reality, and respect is more righteous than a thousand fundamentalists in a megachurch, because he represents the will of the free human being, not of any god or spirit. |
it shall come as a shock when mankind realize that thoughts were NEVER self created.........
all that try to PURIFY THOUGHTS or class any as EVIL are the ONLY ONES THAT WILL HEAR MANY EVIL ONES, as these they think as evil, so resist, and anything a man resist in the mind, DEVOUR HIM....... all is to PASS THRU ONESELF, and does not COME FROM ONESELF... everything heard in the mind is wisdom, that the logic of a man answer back the OTHER HALF TO........ there is no thought in the mind that tell what to do, so how can any be evil, but rather the mind might say a "percieved" EVIL thing to then explain to the hearer when YES is heard back, HOW TO HAVE UNDERSTANDING OR WISDOM OF SUCH......... any that says any evil come forth from the mind does not yet know oneself or god, and to try to teach people NOT TO HAVE EVIL THOUGHTS MAKE FOR MORE OF THE SAME......... mankind has no idea what comes forth from the mind when all the books of life the mind are opened and the dragons come forth, but freedom shall be had when each book of each life is explained to each one..........peace |
I suggest you read any one of the 50 versions of the bible such as:
King James Version The New American Standard Version (NASV) The American Standard Version (ASV) The New International Version (NIV) The New World Translation (1950, The Jehovah's Witnesses Bible I am sure you can find other phrase that you like better and you would make you feel better. But if a power that could create the complexity of this universe you would think he could make a book be right, now wouldn't ya? then three is "Revelation 1:3 "Blessed is he that readeth, and they that hear the words of this prophecy(The Bible), and keep those things which are written therein: for the time is at hand." So you You have heard the word, 1 down, Keeps the words close to your hart or practice them, 2 down. And since "Time is at hand" is in the last book, a telling of end times, you don't have much time to worry about all this anyway Peace |
Edited by
Fri 07/25/08 11:15 PM
couldn't make out all of last post, but and "ending was at hand", but indeed, if each word within is true, and indeed is, but heard thru fear, then an ending is a beginning, and the beginning was genesis, but IN BETWEEN WAS A SEVENTH DAY OF REST, that was not written but in code, and all the STORIES HEARD were interpreeted by fearful minds, which did not use the text itself, but rather pictures in the mind created when words were read, and THESE ARE FALSE........
Surely the kingdom of Heaven is within you...
A notion found in a number of religions, under different names (satva, nirvana) sadly brushed over in Christianity as a mere footnote and pleasant sentiment. ... It takes away from the headcount and doesn't fill up collection plates I guess. Jesus died for me so I could get chocolate eggs and candy in March, and was born, apparently so my parents could lie to me and tell me a jolly fat man came down my home's chimney in December and bring me Nintendo and GI Joes. Or he could have been a really cool guy with a love-and-let-live philosophy that has been co opted by the power hungry purveyors of superstition and fear. |
couldn't make out all of last post, but and "ending was at hand", but indeed, if each word within is true, and indeed is, but heard thru fear, then an ending is a beginning, and the beginning was genesis, but IN BETWEEN WAS A SEVENTH DAY OF REST, that was not written but in code, and all the STORIES HEARD were interpreeted by fearful minds, which did not use the text itself, but rather pictures in the mind created when words were read, and THESE ARE FALSE........ there is NO ****ING DOOM EXCEPT TO THOSE THAT BELIEVE THERE IS, AS THESE WILL NOT ACCEPT THE JESUS SENT, BECAUSE HE WILL BE PERCIEVED AS AN ARROGANT ASSHOLE TO RELIGIOUS PEOPLE WHO DEFINED WHAT LOVE WAS, AND JUDGED ALL ACTIONS OTHER THEN THEIR OWN AS BAD.......peace Whats not to "make out" If you read it with the humorous heart, instead of a angry judgmental mind, you would have got it, caps and all, come on dude... and in your way so that you get it, again PEACE |
dude......there was not one ounce of what you say in my being when i wrote what i did, swear it.......
i was happy about what was going to happen...... what the hell you talking about..... i did not hear good or bad in what you said, just didn't know the 1 down.....3 down...... you now what you meant, so it seems easy to understand, but go back 5 min utes from now and read, you'll see what i mean....... peace out got the wrong guy |
dude......there was not one ounce of what you say in my being when i wrote what i did, swear it....... i was happy about what was going to happen...... what the hell you talking about..... i did not hear good or bad in what you said, just didn't know the 1 down.....3 down...... you now what you meant, so it seems easy to understand, but go back 5 min utes from now and read, you'll see what i mean....... peace out got the wrong guy Then please accept my apologizes.......... |
no need is life, and none of the good stuff is what happens first, but what happens problem, no worries at all.......
only a real man says what u did.....peace man |
Edited by
Sat 07/26/08 03:49 AM
Thank you MS... People will miss out due to their own life experience & how it discolors who God really is & what God is really saying...
This reminds me that we are at odds with God if we are not in agreement with what His word says. To get into agreement we must ask Him to bring us into agreement with Him. Jesus is the way to that agreement in that... Rom 8:11 But if the Spirit of Him who raised Jesus from the dead dwells in you, He who raised Christ from the dead will also give life to your mortal bodies through His Spirit who dwells in you. I suggest that if people want the full account of our fallen nature & God's ability to "RAISE US," they should read Romans Ch. 8. It's certainly not just about our fallen's about what God does for us how we can attain to kingdom living on earth. |
Thank you MS... People will miss out due to their own life experience & how it discolors who God really is & what God is really saying... This reminds me that we are at odds with God if we are not in agreement with what His word says. To get into agreement we must ask Him to bring us into agreement with Him. Jesus is the way to that agreement in that... Rom 8:11 But if the Spirit of Him who raised Jesus from the dead dwells in you, He who raised Christ from the dead will also give life to your mortal bodies through His Spirit who dwells in you. I suggest that if people want the full account of our fallen nature & God's ability to "RAISE US," they should read Romans Ch. 8. It's certainly not just about our fallen's about what God does for us how we can attain to kingdom living on earth. quikstepper....... perhaps you could please help answer some honest questions that plague me in believing you, or feralcat, or morningsong..... why do you preach scriptures when your text command "no women should handle the word of god"? "no women shall handle the word of god" "no women shall teach but rather learn in silence" "no women shall cut her hair as it is her glory" "no women shall wear a garmet pertaining to a man" all of these are even in the new testemant, the jesus part..... perhaps there are some other scriptures i am not aware of that make these not apply........ it seems all these are in your text, and you try to make others obey and follow this text, but indeed it seems you do not follow yourself..... how can one claim to be a believer of the bible and represent it and not keep the commandments? what be the meaning of "any that seek to save their life shall lose it, and any that lay it down shall gain it" all i have heard is gotta have faith, that all are supposed to see they are bad, and seek to be saved, but then it says not to seek to save pulling confusion! how can one "seek to be redeemed" and this not be seeking to save oneself? how can one seek to be "pure", and this not be seeking to save onself? how can one seek to have the spirit of god if one is not to seek for oneself? how can one seek to "please god" and this not displease god, when it was said "no man can please god" how can one claim a crown of life, and not be self-seeking? how can one claim a reward of any sort and not be seeking? seek, seek, seek, seek, seek, seek, seek.......seems to be seeking for oneself...........confusion, confusion,, help, help! if one believe on jesus, then are they not to do as he did, and deny everything good offered to themself, just as he did? did not jesus turn down a crown of ruling offered to him? was it not indeed satan that came and tempted him? how did jesus seek to avoid hell? when did jesus call himself a believer? when did jesus call himself a christain? when did jesus ever disagree with any except claimed believers? when did jesus seek to excape persecution? when did jesus NOT say "do as i do" to have life? there are 20 honest sincere questions asked here that answers are sought for, by one desperate for more ANSWERS..... these be the very reasons i denounced all you believe in.........what have i done......have i been blinded am i a lost soul.......... seems to me i am doing all god commanded, and i did it because i wanted to, then i seen later it was exactley what text actually said........was i tricked? does it not say "what one has done unto the least of these they have done as unto me? am i not even a least? can you find gods mercy in your heart to help me and answer these questions that greatly trouble my heart, as what is one to believe, if even ones that call themself christians do not have any answers........ perhaps just answering would help guide........can you help? by the way, if you pronounce "people will miss out", and make one afraid for their soul, then should you not be decent enough to answer their pleas of assistance......what love is there? one confused man.......peace |
Edited by
Sat 07/26/08 06:59 AM
Any questions you have you would not believe from myself or here's my suggestion.....
Read God's word & ask Him to reveal the answers to you. Sorry pal but I'm not the giver of peace...God is. It's just one of those things...if I have an issue with something I bring it to God. I did have a big issue about something in God's word..& I got my answer, to my surprize. If your real intent is to cast aspersions or arguements, then your are barking up the wrong tree. |
Any questions you have you would not believe from myself or here's my suggestion..... Read God's word & ask Him to reveal the answers to you. Sorry pal but I'm not the giver of peace...God is. so let me understand this correctly........ you claim to represent jesus, and speak truth from god, and be a fisher of men, preaching the gospel, sharing the love, helping the needy and poor of understanding, lending a hand to all in love, and calling all as the spririt and bride say come, and are not willing that any should perish, and believe in all faith, and virtue, and knowledge, and temperence, and patience, and godliness, and brotherly kindness, and turning the other cheek to all, and loving your enemies, and you tell me to "go find my own answers pal" are you not to be an ambassador of love and truth........ ........this seems to make you a complete fraud.......... |
Edited by
Sat 07/26/08 07:15 AM
No...I knew from your other posts that you just want to argue. I think you come up with the same thing over & over & just don't like what people are saying to you.
My answer is just...ask God. Humans can only point the way from their own experiences WITH GOD. Get it? You have to ask God yourself.. He alone will reveal the truth for those who have ears to hear & eyes to see what His Spirit is saying. Those who don't want an answer will continue to "debate" & argue with those who share their faith. So much for intellect....LOL |