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Topic: Executions
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Fri 07/25/08 08:42 PM

Im a firm believer in right is right and wrong is wrong Ive done stuff I should have been killed for

The risk of death didnt stop my action at the time hey fun is fun But i do believe that if i was to be killed for it Then i deserved it

Hmmm...well, let me gather 11 other folks to JUDGE the fate of your sin(s). And because you thought your sin was "fun"...how about we paint a BULLSEYE on your chest with colored Sharpies...and I'll GIGGLE while I play target practice between your nipples with my ladies S&W .357...hollow-point bullets, of course. laugh

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Fri 07/25/08 09:27 PM
All for capital punishment. Some lame threads are good candidates for such.

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Sat 07/26/08 02:51 PM

It looks like, after not doing any executions, Texas, did two, by lethal injection, so most other states are following.

Do you believe in Capital Punnishment?

If so, what should be the method of execution?

1. Electric Chair.

2. Gas Chamber

3. Lethal Injection.

Also the prisoner is given a last meal ( he or she chooses what they want) and how do you feel about that?

if i had the choice of killing the bastard who did something to me i would choose the lethal injection because its the most humane way, even though he did that to me and i dispise him as long as he was going to die then i would pick the most humane way, because thats just me. as long has he was dead i dont care if he went the best possible way.

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Sat 07/26/08 02:55 PM
Edited by debbie1980 on Sat 07/26/08 02:55 PM
im sure they use the lethal injection for euthansia,so come to think of it, why let that bastard die peacefully, hang the ****er or shoot him

merlin2525's photo
Sat 07/26/08 03:00 PM
The problem is that there are too many PC people in the world.

Guillotine or hanging at sun up. No last meal.
lethal injection is far too lenient.

Maybe the electric chair. on a small voltage. simmering for an hour or two.

Have a nice dayhappy

no photo
Sat 07/26/08 03:04 PM

The problem is that there are too many PC people in the world.

Guillotine or hanging at sun up. No last meal.
lethal injection is far too lenient.

Maybe the electric chair. on a small voltage. simmering for an hour or two.

Have a nice dayhappy

i agree flowerforyou

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Sat 07/26/08 03:35 PM

Government ... can’t be trusted to control its own bureaucrats or collect taxes equitably or fill a pothole, much less decide which of its citizens to kill.

HELEN PREJEAN, Dead Man Walking

Amathyst2's photo
Sat 07/26/08 03:56 PM
This is a very controversial subject that has both pros and cons. I really feel no remorse for someone like Jeffrey Dahmer or Charles Manson. These people are not of this world. Just pure evil. The punishment should fit the crime. Lethal injection is definitely the way to go. I do not know about you, but I want people like this to die as quickly as possible so they will no longer be a treat to our society.

However, what would you do if you were faced with this decision about a family member or close friend?

We have several on death row that are innocent. They are incapable of proving their innocence because of the lack of evidence, facts, and witnesses. They were just at the wrong place at the wrong time.

Our judicial system is so flawed. Justice isn't always served appropriately due to the lack of hard evidence. I vote for improving our system to reduce the amount of innocent people in our prisons and to reduce the amount of criminals that go free because of what we call "reasonable doubt." Until then, it will be next to impossible for me to give a definitive answer either way.

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