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Topic: What's the worst thing you've done?
BigGlenn's photo
Sat 03/10/07 02:01 PM
I don't mean worst as in evil. what have you done that you felt terrible
about after?

whispertoascream's photo
Sat 03/10/07 02:04 PM
Turning the wrong burner on on my stove. My son touched and SCREAM. I
was in tears. I think I was crying harder then he was.

BillRoot's photo
Sat 03/10/07 02:07 PM
I was realy drunk at the time!devil laugh laugh explode

BigGlenn's photo
Sat 03/10/07 02:09 PM
This isn't the worst , but most recent...
My son's been having trouble in school. So, trying to stress my point, I
asked him, "What do you want to be when you grow up?" He said, " A Zoo
keeper." And I told him, " Well you're not going to be."
I saw his heart break in front of me. I was trying to stress the
importance of school, but I guess I handled it wrong. I explained why I
said it but 3 day later, I still see those eyes filling with tears.

Sat 03/10/07 02:13 PM

BillRoot's photo
Sat 03/10/07 02:32 PM
That's a bummer BG, but it reminds us all we have always got more to
learn.Have to be careful how we say things to kids.Just keep being his
pal and he will love and respect you.
Think my worst was when I was 22.Was 6 of us at a friends on the porch
drinking.Not loud or bothering anyone.A lady walked by and ragged on for
drinking on the porch.Thought we should be in the house.No one said
anything.Then she started again.I got tired of it and said its not your
business.She kept on.Then I shouted STFU and keep going.She did it while
crying.I felt like a real heel.Never did anything like that again.Never
will forget it ether.

AutumnLee21's photo
Sat 03/10/07 02:49 PM
The worst thing I've ever done was, one night I was heating up my baby's
bottle, and after i took the bottle out of the pot i tested it on my
wrist and it felt good to me.. Well I forgot to shake it and it was a
bit to hot on the bottom. (Not scalding hot but to warm for her liking)
and she took a big gulp of it and started screaming. it broke my heart I
ran to the fridge and got a cold bottle and she polished it off. I felt
like such a bad mom at that moment who does that? I was still crying
like 3 hours latter when my mom came home lol... she told me a few
stories that when she messed up when i was young and it made me feel
better. The best thing she said to me was mystery didnt get hurt so just
member next time to shake the bottle and people make mistakes just learn
from them is all. I still feel like a dumb ass!!!

TxsGal3333's photo
Sat 03/10/07 02:54 PM
Humm most recent for me was telling my son he could not move back home
about killed me but hey at 24 time to fly on your own. Shssssssssssssh
should have let him move back had to help and give him money anyway

But Glen when it comes to matters of the heart and our children it is
tough. I know where your coming from but look at all the options also
his trouble could be more than just doing the work. Could be eyesight or
even ADHD my son had problems in school he was ADHD it was tough but we
made it all the way to graduation no help from his dad and boys do need
there dads really bad. I'm sure your doing a great job just stick with
it. I had to learn to think before I said something to mine on a problem
like did I do this same thing growning up what did my parents do? Did it
work? And what did I think then should have been done? Believe it or not
that really helped me alot with mine while growing up. Good luck you
will do just great just let them know you are always there for them in
the end.bigsmile

BillRoot's photo
Sat 03/10/07 02:57 PM
easy to happen ,honest mistake Autumn

whispertoascream's photo
Sat 03/10/07 02:58 PM
Ok this thread is kinda depressing.grumble

BigGlenn's photo
Sat 03/10/07 03:00 PM
Thanks Txs. He doesn't have adhd or anything. He's just gone through a
bit of a rebelious stint. He had just gotten a great report about
improvement and did something stupid and I was pissed.
I told him I don't want him to have to do what I do for a living!!!

no photo
Sat 03/10/07 03:00 PM
when my daughter was one and a half i was running late and put her in
her carseat but didnt fasten her in. I got in and drove off to work, on
the way i looked in the rear view and saw her really movin around and
realized it she wasent fastened in. I immediately pulled over hooked her
in and sat there crying for 20 mins

tallandtttanned's photo
Sat 03/10/07 03:02 PM
got married to a bit11

Kevology's photo
Sat 03/10/07 03:02 PM
I'd have to say mine was back in Jr. High, my friend and I put a squid
brain our other friend's sandwich. We thought it might be funny. We
watched him eat it while we were laughing. After we told him, he was
beyond furious. With good reason no doubt.
Karma payed us a visit the next day and we both recieved 12 days of
I felt terrible. Poor guy. I still get bummed when I think about it.
I should be bummed for doing that to someone who I friend.
Sorry, man.ohwell

oldsage's photo
Sat 03/10/07 03:03 PM
Teaching our young necc. lessons is never a bad thing. We all instruct
with the info we have at that moment. No deliberate foul intended.
Hopefully we can straighten up a mistake, when we realize we made one.
As long as the intent is pure, no foul.

I have done wrong, regret it & am now paying it back.
Thank God for education that changed me.

LAMom's photo
Sat 03/10/07 03:04 PM
Gosh!!! This is hard,,, I have made so many mistakes and have felt bad
after words,,,,

My 18 year old son told me that his girlfriend is Pregnant, The first
words out of my mouth were,,, Damn Jermey what about all your plans for
your future,,, WoW ! the Look on his face,, tears fell from his eyes and
mine,,, I then reasurred him that
no matter what I love him and will always stand by him,, I felt like an
Azzz,,, In my heart I still cry,,, For having a baby at such a young age
is hard,,, Yet I am so proud
of him for standing my his girlfriends side and being the man I know he
is,,, By the Way,, Baby is due July 8th,,,,, Both Mom & Dad are working
and my Son is attending College part time,,, So the future is bright,,,
Grandbaby #2 is on its way...

no photo
Sat 03/10/07 03:05 PM
GOT MARRIED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Thndrghost's photo
Sat 03/10/07 03:24 PM
Pulling the plug on my late husband's life support. It was the
hardest/worse thing I've ever had to do.

TxsGal3333's photo
Sat 03/10/07 03:25 PM
Maybe not Glen but see all they see right now is they are proud of dad
so they don't see that what you do what ever it is they don't see it as
bad just dad. Sometimes we want them to be so good we push too hard
just pull back and think first on a childs level and you will do great
with them just watch and think before you speak for with a child our
words do hurt worse for many years to come seen my ex do it with my son
glad I pulled back when I did and thought before I scolded them for
today we have a very close relantionship it was well worth biting my
tongue at time and ohhh is it hard for me to do that as much as I talk
lmao laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh

TxsGal3333's photo
Sat 03/10/07 03:26 PM

Gawd would hate to have to make that choice.

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