Fade2Black's photo
Sun 07/20/08 08:11 AM

Well I have an IQ of 69 & find it works both ways :tongue:

I have a degree in Window Washing & Toilet Training....

graduated Cumma Sutra Mantra....

been known to jump off High Chairs....And climb tall blondes....

so don't mess with me....embarassed

love Sexy IS as sexy DOES .. whatcha doin tonight big boy? love

oh ya and I highly doubt you are scrambling for brains .. any guy who can teach math to middle schoolers is my hero :banana:

beachbum069's photo
Sun 07/20/08 08:12 AM
I have no IQ.
I can double fist beers.
I can trip myself while chewing gum.
I can't lick my elbows.
I graduated.
I like breasts.

Fade2Black's photo
Sun 07/20/08 08:15 AM

I have no IQ.
I can double fist beers.
I can trip myself while chewing gum.
I can't lick my elbows.
I graduated.
I like breasts.

mmmmmm we like you too ... (the girls speaking on behalf of the woman supporting them) blushing

no photo
Sun 07/20/08 09:05 AM
Why do women feel that they have to write articles and rationalize this behavior? I may prefer redheads but don't feel the need to write on the subject.

Just curious.

MLG40's photo
Sun 07/20/08 09:20 AM

My last two relationships were with younger guys both lasted 2+ years. Both wanted to make the arrangement permanent. For misc. reasons they ended up not working out by my choice. But I think it is all about who you are comfortable with not thier age. Would I date a younger guy again? Sure thing if I had things in common with them and if they had more on thier minds than just getting laid....But having said that I have to add a disclaimer I won't date anyone any age that's just looking for sex.....

I agree Destiny. I get hit up all day long from younger guys just wanting sex. I'm not gonna be their "older woman experience"

But that's exactly why I started the DEMI/ASHTON thread .. for me it's all about what I have in common with guys. And men my age just don't cut it for me.

I still love to live on the edge, blast my music and race my car .. shut down a BMW last night LOL

I LOVE the younger mindset .. works for me :banana: Actually sex doesn't have a whole lot to do with my preferring younger :wink: .

And you don't think someone of my age still does that? I went out yesterday and got Marilyn Manson and Lil Wayne Cd's. I have a very decent system in my car, and I was playing my music loud, driving down the highway. I know when the proper time to turn it down is though. And on my way back, On a 4 lane hwy, Raced some younger people, it was a blast. I guess this makes me old then.

Fade2Black's photo
Sun 07/20/08 09:36 AM

Why do women feel that they have to write articles and rationalize this behavior? I may prefer redheads but don't feel the need to write on the subject.

Just curious.

oops uhhhh I didn't write it .. it's from Yahoo front page so I guess THEY feel the need to write it eh? rofl rofl

Fade2Black's photo
Sun 07/20/08 10:04 AM
And anyway .. why NOT write and publish it .. better than 1/2 the stupid subjects written about out there ..

Dating younger is a HUGE trend .. hence it gets media coverage :wink:

Peekinin's photo
Sun 07/20/08 01:29 PM
Edited by Peekinin on Sun 07/20/08 01:31 PM

Why do women feel that they have to write articles and rationalize this behavior? I may prefer redheads but don't feel the need to write on the subject.

Just curious.

Actually,,we woman don't write the articles or bring it up for topic of conversation

Dr Phil says there's a "double standard" when it comes to older woman/younger men. And in this case, its true woman are behind men in acceptance

Back in the day, a younger woman/older man relationship was looked at with distaste. The same questions asked

~what happens in 20 years when he's 60, and she is 40
~what if the kids don't like it

IMHO,,NOONE can guarantee 20 years of growth and development in a relationship,,no matter WHAT the ages

And how many of us have had our kids not like someone no matter WHAT the AGE or WHO it was?

I'm thinking,,I'll pick out my OWN life partner thank you very muchbigsmile

I'm with Sista Judy. I'm active and enjoy to do things most PEOPLE my age are not into. When I surf, often, I am the "oldest" surfer out there. Should I stop? Or should I live in the day, appreciate the gifts and hang out with PEOPLE I have the most in common with?

Just a question yanno?:wink:

Fade2Black's photo
Sun 07/20/08 01:32 PM
And that's the biggest thing .. who can guarantee ANY relationship.

So I say ..

"To live without risk is to risk not living!"


"Today is the tomorrow you worried about yesterday, was it worth it?" :tongue:

Peekinin's photo
Sun 07/20/08 01:36 PM
That be true,,,

I don't want my headstone to say,

"She married a man 2 years older than her"

I want it to say

"She was an example of how to live"drinker :wink: happy

Fade2Black's photo
Sun 07/20/08 01:39 PM
exactly .. who gives a rat's ass if I date guys a generation younger - we connect. End of story eh?

and the reason people write about it is because there IS a stigma and it needs to end. pitchfork

feralcatlady's photo
Sun 07/20/08 01:43 PM
I think as far as dating it's just a personal preference......I tend to date younger, and married younger....but only for the fact that I say get em young and train em right.

laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh

bad_girl's photo
Sun 07/20/08 01:49 PM

I think as far as dating it's just a personal preference......I tend to date younger, and married younger....but only for the fact that I say get em young and train em right.

laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh

Good thoughts Debbie

anonymous326's photo
Sun 07/20/08 01:49 PM

I think as far as dating it's just a personal preference......I tend to date younger, and married younger....but only for the fact that I say get em young and train em right.

laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh

that's kinda sinister dontcha thinkdevil

lol i rather not be trained thank you very muchlaugh

Fade2Black's photo
Sun 07/20/08 01:51 PM

I think as far as dating it's just a personal preference......I tend to date younger, and married younger....but only for the fact that I say get em young and train em right.

laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh

that's kinda sinister dontcha thinkdevil

lol i rather not be trained thank you very muchlaugh

Meh ohwell .. I don't wanna train anyone .. I like the younger guys cuz to ME they are friggin sexy just the way they are ..........

pitchfork love pitchfork love pitchfork love

Peekinin's photo
Sun 07/20/08 01:57 PM
hey,,training is another word for "melding" IMHO:wink:

And it works BOTH waysflowerforyou

Becoming a "we" is the goal of most relationships,,and it ain't easy,,,

Why do you think there are so many that don't last?huh

Fade2Black's photo
Sun 07/20/08 02:03 PM
Yanno it's funny cuz I've learned some stuff from my boy toys too .. not really sexually but other interesting perspectives.

Keeps me young just exploring possibilities :banana:

tyfrench9's photo
Sun 07/20/08 02:21 PM
Why is it so wrong?

Well for everyone that already knows me. Knows that I prefer the company of an older women.I t has nothing to do with the sex, nor looking for a mother figure. Its all about comfort level. For all you people that think that we are looking for a quick lay or someone to teach us the ways. Don't understand what love is. I will not disagree that there are alot of guys that are looking for just that, but are you going to stereo type all of us? We don't pick who we are attracted to, but we do have a choice who we want to be with. Let me ask this to all the people that are against it. Are you against inter-racial dating too???? or maybe same sex relations?

I have dated numerous older women, and everyone has been amazing. Sex aside. I can share and communicate with them on so many levels that I can not do with girls my own age. Age is just a number. Maturity level defines your age. With me I grew up with people older, so yes I matured faster then usual. Do I regret it???? Never. I will not trade it in for anything. So yes I perfer to date older women.

Well you hear the older guys talk about their attraction to younger girls, but never hear their reason for that. So if you seem to be one of them in here. Why not share for us? I am curious to hear what you have to say about it.

Fade2Black's photo
Sun 07/20/08 02:23 PM

Why is it so wrong?

Well for everyone that already knows me. Knows that I prefer the company of an older women.I t has nothing to do with the sex, nor looking for a mother figure. Its all about comfort level. For all you people that think that we are looking for a quick lay or someone to teach us the ways. Don't understand what love is. I will not disagree that there are alot of guys that are looking for just that, but are you going to stereo type all of us? We don't pick who we are attracted to, but we do have a choice who we want to be with. Let me ask this to all the people that are against it. Are you against inter-racial dating too???? or maybe same sex relations?

I have dated numerous older women, and everyone has been amazing. Sex aside. I can share and communicate with them on so many levels that I can not do with girls my own age. Age is just a number. Maturity level defines your age. With me I grew up with people older, so yes I matured faster then usual. Do I regret it???? Never. I will not trade it in for anything. So yes I perfer to date older women.

Well you hear the older guys talk about their attraction to younger girls, but never hear their reason for that. So if you seem to be one of them in here. Why not share for us? I am curious to hear what you have to say about it.

thanks Ty .. you rock as always & explained it well. Communication. It's the bottom line. :wink:

fuzzi's photo
Sun 07/20/08 02:44 PM
I don't think age matters. As long as you love each other. And the sex is good :D