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Topic: If you were running for President....
krupa's photo
Thu 07/17/08 04:32 PM
What would be The major issues on your platform?

For me....

Dog sleds for everyone to combat fuel prices and empty out the pounds.

Free pornography for the needy.

Mandatory floggings for all politicians and lawyers once per year just to let them know that we ain't gonna put up with anymore BS.

All wars will be fought with Nerf weapons.

All Fridays will be a Federal Holiday.

Everyone will be required to dance once per day.

Legalize marijuanna and tax it heavily to help allevieate our growing national debt.

Legalize spanking a kid if the brat needs it.

Ban the cartoons that stink and Have a channel devoted entirely to the Bugs Bunny and Tweety show.

This is my platform.....I am an available write in candidate for the Presidency....VOTE KRUPA!

carnie's photo
Thu 07/17/08 04:34 PM
You got my vote.:thumbsup:

hdjackyl's photo
Thu 07/17/08 04:36 PM
Your platform has a flaw.

Doesn't matter if they legalize Marijuana or not. The Money would not go towards reducing that national debt..they would find something else useless to spend it on, so that is a non-issue. I vote for non-legalization!! :) Just my opinion

krupa's photo
Thu 07/17/08 04:44 PM
Your probably right on the smoke is the only commodity that gets cheaper. Best not to let the government touch it.

danielisawesome's photo
Thu 07/17/08 04:55 PM
Legalize all drugs... if you're dumb enough to do crack-cocaine, no-one but your friends and family have a right to stop you. Prison sentences don't cure addiction.

Promise greater benefits to all soldiers, especially the ones who have had their tours of duty extended in the Middle East.

Stay in Iraq and Afghanistan... but leave Western Europe. As for Japan, end the stupid "no military except for a defensive one." left over from a war that ended over 60 years ago. Japan and Western Europe can take care of themselves and have ultimately recovered economically and socially from the war. Besides, there are places in our world that need our soldiers more than the UK, Germany, etc. Strengthen our ties with Taiwan.

Tell Puerto Rico it has 2 choices. Join and become a state and pay taxes, or become an independent nation which will be our ally and not one of our imperial territories. As for American Samoa, Guam, and the Virgin Islands, I'll think about similar proposals.

Drill for oil off-shore and in Alaska, while at the same time give a huge tax break to the energy company that does the most to find new, cleaner and more economical uses of energy. Make this a yearly program.

Eliminate all capital gains and corporate taxes. Put an end to the estate tax, as well.

End the allowance of earmarks to bills, and eliminate spending on pork-barrel projects until the deficit is eliminated.

Legalize prostitution and gay marriage nationwide. Lower the drinking age to 18.

krupa's photo
Thu 07/17/08 07:42 PM
Not sure if I agree with Awesome on a few points...but, I definitely dig the legalize prostitution thing....(Sorry ladies, but, no man would ever willingly reduce his odds at getting Whoopie time!)

no photo
Thu 07/17/08 08:15 PM
if I was running for President, I wouldnt stop..Id just keep running and running in case someone caught me....

no photo
Thu 07/17/08 08:20 PM
Edited by symbelmyne on Thu 07/17/08 08:22 PM

Not sure if I agree with Awesome on a few points...but, I definitely dig the legalize prostitution thing....(Sorry ladies, but, no man would ever willingly reduce his odds at getting Whoopie time!)

legalizing prostitution would end the sex-slave trade of women and children, it would eliminate pimps that violate and abuse women and children, it would make the "oldest profession", safe and profitable for women (and men) for a change, it could be regulated to protect the health and welfare of everyone...a guy getting "whoopie" is the least of my interests in this...

fdp1177's photo
Thu 07/17/08 08:23 PM
I like Daniel's thinking for the most part.

My major platform issue #1:

* Reduction of the Federal Footprint. The government's job is to provide unified standards to facilitate trade between states, to provide common infrastructures, to maintain a common standing army for national defense, and provide a body through which diplomacy between foreign nations can be conducted.

We do not need the government taking extra money out our pockets for national welfare programs that will be inefficiently administered and poorly conceived. Private charities to a far better job of contributing to the welfare of the less fortunate.

The government does not need to tax us further to support new departments and programs to bolster up poor foreign policy decisions, or to bail out failing industries that are chronically mismanaged. Industry leaders earn enough to be held responsible for whole-scale failures on their own. Without bailout money these industries would not have endured and we would not be panicked that our choice to invest in poorly managed business finally bit us back.

The job of the government is certainly NOT to save the rest of the world. It has proven itself incapable of saving even its own people when it interferes. Until it has proven that it can do a small job like maintain a strong national infrastructure and solid national defense, it does not need to be crusading around the world righting wrongs, fighting other people's fights, or telling them how they should live.

krupa's photo
Thu 07/17/08 08:31 PM
Good God!

I entered this thread as a joke but....fdp has got My vote!

Chazster's photo
Thu 07/17/08 10:00 PM
I dont know... I dont want the government taking away my cartoons. I mean you may think they are crappy.. but what if I like them?

Dragoness's photo
Thu 07/17/08 11:00 PM

Legalize all drugs... if you're dumb enough to do crack-cocaine, no-one but your friends and family have a right to stop you. Prison sentences don't cure addiction.

Promise greater benefits to all soldiers, especially the ones who have had their tours of duty extended in the Middle East.

Stay in Iraq and Afghanistan... but leave Western Europe. As for Japan, end the stupid "no military except for a defensive one." left over from a war that ended over 60 years ago. Japan and Western Europe can take care of themselves and have ultimately recovered economically and socially from the war. Besides, there are places in our world that need our soldiers more than the UK, Germany, etc. Strengthen our ties with Taiwan.

Tell Puerto Rico it has 2 choices. Join and become a state and pay taxes, or become an independent nation which will be our ally and not one of our imperial territories. As for American Samoa, Guam, and the Virgin Islands, I'll think about similar proposals.

Drill for oil off-shore and in Alaska, while at the same time give a huge tax break to the energy company that does the most to find new, cleaner and more economical uses of energy. Make this a yearly program.

Eliminate all capital gains and corporate taxes. Put an end to the estate tax, as well.

End the allowance of earmarks to bills, and eliminate spending on pork-barrel projects until the deficit is eliminated.

Legalize prostitution and gay marriage nationwide. Lower the drinking age to 18.

I agree with most all except the Afghanistan and Iraq stuff. We need to get the hell out of there and let them settle things how they are going to. Either that or make them a state also and bring them on in to the whole mess we got going on here.

Dragoness's photo
Thu 07/17/08 11:01 PM

I like Daniel's thinking for the most part.

My major platform issue #1:

* Reduction of the Federal Footprint. The government's job is to provide unified standards to facilitate trade between states, to provide common infrastructures, to maintain a common standing army for national defense, and provide a body through which diplomacy between foreign nations can be conducted.

We do not need the government taking extra money out our pockets for national welfare programs that will be inefficiently administered and poorly conceived. Private charities to a far better job of contributing to the welfare of the less fortunate.

The government does not need to tax us further to support new departments and programs to bolster up poor foreign policy decisions, or to bail out failing industries that are chronically mismanaged. Industry leaders earn enough to be held responsible for whole-scale failures on their own. Without bailout money these industries would not have endured and we would not be panicked that our choice to invest in poorly managed business finally bit us back.

The job of the government is certainly NOT to save the rest of the world. It has proven itself incapable of saving even its own people when it interferes. Until it has proven that it can do a small job like maintain a strong national infrastructure and solid national defense, it does not need to be crusading around the world righting wrongs, fighting other people's fights, or telling them how they should live.

I agree except for the part of privatizing welfare, we already went through that and it did not work. Charities run out of money too fast to help everyone. It doesn't work.

damnitscloudy's photo
Fri 07/18/08 07:51 AM
It wars were faught with Nerf weapons, i would sign up and join the army! I was freaking awesome with my bow and arrow back in the day laugh

And what about free porn for everyone!?

krupa's photo
Fri 07/18/08 07:49 PM
Cool!...A fellow dork experienced with tactical Nerfs....(it is a highly specialized field)

If you do mercenary work...Gotta a couple of "Side jobs" for you...

McCain...head shot 5 points

Obama....a sublte miss to tag his old lady 5

Hillary booty shots ....5 points

Anyone with a political opinion..5 points for a mouth shot.

Hey! This could work...we could actually stage the planet's first NERF coup

Chazster's photo
Sat 07/19/08 08:12 AM
If nothing else, we could conquer Canada with nerf weapons. :tongue:

damnitscloudy's photo
Sat 07/19/08 08:14 AM

If nothing else, we could conquer Canada with nerf weapons. :tongue:

But Canada has Moose, or mooses, or mossi, or whatever they are. I don't think nerf weapons could stop them. If we can get past them than we are home free drinker

Chazster's photo
Sat 07/19/08 08:43 AM

If nothing else, we could conquer Canada with nerf weapons. :tongue:

But Canada has Moose, or mooses, or mossi, or whatever they are. I don't think nerf weapons could stop them. If we can get past them than we are home free drinker

Sounds like nerf needs to invest in anti moose foam weaponry.

AdventureBegins's photo
Sat 07/19/08 10:54 AM

Not sure if I agree with Awesome on a few points...but, I definitely dig the legalize prostitution thing....(Sorry ladies, but, no man would ever willingly reduce his odds at getting Whoopie time!)

Wow... You believe in slavery?

Prostitution is the buying of human flesh. Call it by a fancy name or not it is


no photo
Sat 07/19/08 01:08 PM
I will follow peace, justice , fairness , equality, and concentrate on education , health ,and follow common sense without being a parrot for interest groups and sick advisers . I will work hard to improve the economy and help rebuild the nation based on facts and reality and not based on fiction and lies .
Anyone for Vice President post ?.laugh laugh .

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