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Topic: this holy spirit, you say i need?
davidben1's photo
Sun 07/20/08 01:38 PM
Edited by davidben1 on Sun 07/20/08 02:03 PM
awh rupunzel......you do not see that each KNOW you by all your OWN words......

the heart is easy to see by words spoken, for those that reside without a "holy spirit".......did you not hear the holy spirit would be a comforter.......to comfort one in their own misery of self guilt, and make them stay where there is thought saftey and none can touch...............what comfort did your jesus EVER have, as it was written not even a bed, or no UNREST from admitting all..........

whom do you serve, as it is certainally not ON this man called jesus, and ON the words he spoke........he did none of what you do, and say none of what you say.......this spirit is not recognized in you.......

you seek comfort indeed, from the accountablitity of your own words, and from all your own actions.....each man you took from, and tried to turn into something for yourself, and you used your webs of self desire to ensnare each one, and cared not about what was in his heart, or what truth he tried to follow..........you blame them, and call them even liars and cheaters, and all along you plucked each for YOURSELF, and purposed to gain from each what you MOST wanted for yourself, and then turn and run when all that was attempted to be given that you asked for did not make you happy........

you are equally as quilty, since you preach and profess to know the truth........the same laws then within the text you preach shall judge you, as equally guilty........does this make any sense, as it is what ALL your text you believe in say.......

there is no mistaking the hearts motives, spirit, and actions that come with such words from you, and that produce such words from the mouth.......does it matter how i know, but this you make it about, to shield it be the true, all along careful not to lie, and indeed why your "holy spirit" will allow you to be trapped with your own words when you profess self salvation........

how long can one run, until the foul words spoken that oneself be "not guilty" come back to accuse oneself........how does one that is christian, or selfless, care whether they be guilty or not, as it is NO LONGER ABOUT THEM........

you are surprised and offended because you do not hear your own words that accuse all others by your words of not having SOUND MINDS...........

if there is understanding of any words quoted, then these produce new words, but words that still encompass all the truth that was taken in.................

indeed have guessed correct, no holy spirit here.....indeed this has been left behind, all the MORE each day, and the self wrath that come to those that SERVE IT none wish for.........

it is only left behind by those that do not SEEK COMFORT, not having or looking for themselves, but MOST wish to love others for the burden in the heart that seek others to be FREE, and so with fear step thru the doubt that say do not question, because it is seen these things as "percieved" have NEVER made PEACE, and these seek to find understanding, and then find wisdom, and care not about adulation and affirmation from others..........

tribo's photo
Sun 07/20/08 02:35 PM
The heart can never be know by words, one can only be known by thier actions. If i say to someone a hundred times a day " i love you", but all of my actions or many of them towards that one i tell such things are "unloving", which will they believe?

that is why the C god is not believeable. don't tell me you love me then say i'm going to hell if i don't believe or follow or accept you.Instead give me proof you love me, show me your actions now, not from some far off place in the past.show me, anybody, now.

but no, i have to have faith your god loves me, well i tried that with your god and my X wife who professed in the beginning the same thing, neither was true.

words are meaningless unless backed up with actions that prove their truth to others.

Eljay's photo
Sun 07/20/08 03:04 PM

I sort of stopped trying after I read the part that was attempting to define god.

I actually find it somewhat amusing to hear people making such attempts. The fact is that any defintion of a god, can't be god inspired unless the god can be proven.

The fact is that humans created language as a way to communicate about this physical world we are part of. All language is merely a way to create a symbolic representation of what the messenger wants to communicate to the receiver, verbally.

The messenger has encoded the language using definitions they believe are correct and easily understood by the receiver. The receiver takes the message in as symbols and then defines the symbols according to their own understanding.

The game of telephone comes to mind.

So getting back to the definition of god - first one has to believe in a god, which makes very little sense to begin with, considering that the attributes of god can only be the creation of man, as there has never been any proof whatever that a god exists, or that such a being would have the attributes that only man has defined.

Therefore, I'm amused when I see arguments regarding the definition of and attributions assigned to any god.

Obviously, this makes the Holy Spirit an individual spriritual proposition, unlikely to be similiar to anyone elses belief of experience and thus can only provide each with their own personal understanding as they 'symbolically' define it for themselves.


But doesn't this hold true for just abut anything?
Let's examine Evolution and the record of fossels. Why do we attribute "truth" to anything a scientist says when there is no proof to substanciate it? We cannot find a living breathing T-Rex - so what evidence is there it exists? Don't say "the fossel records" - for there is no evidence that these are not an accumulation of numerous bones at the hands of someone's imagination. (see "Lucy")

So why isn't there a major uproar against teaching Evolutionary science in the classrooms? This "fairytale" hoax with it's sciencebooks full of tales. Yet "we" allow our childrens futures to depend on swallowing this tripe. Is there a bigger out-rage than this!?

no photo
Sun 07/20/08 03:32 PM

judgmental bigotry, you accuse ?

who is judging here?

you don't know me well enough

to make any kind of judgement or accusation...

and nothing that i said

should even slightly give you that impression...

oh, James ,

your reply makes me sad & grieves me so

you are misinterpretting what I have said..

you missed the message entirely...

now that you confronted me...my opinion is

i feel that you just lash out & assume so much,

and constantly feel the need

to defend your position

and to lash out at anyone who differs with you...

it is not my intention to hurt you

or belittle you in any way ...

i did not accuse you of being Godless...

But i do see people trying to rationalize the

things of the Spirit with their mortal minds ...

The Spirit cannot be explained with our finiteness...

I stated my feelings clearly and in love...

I am entitled to speak my mind & heart

without an onslaught of verbal attack.

I don't know why you get so upset...

you totally misunderstand who i am

and what i have been saying all along...

Religion is a man made politics that tries to control people's mind , body ,finances ....etc .
To be really free from myth , say bye bye to religion and all other types of human controls .

this is your opinion, not engrained in stone

you are just randomly grabbing at straws

when you try to lump everyone who professes


into the same old mold and stagnant mindset huh

What you always say is only your personal opinion .
You have no proof , no evidence and no logic attached to it .
Do you honestly think you have any proof ?.

no photo
Sun 07/20/08 03:53 PM

What you always say is only your personal opinion .
You have no proof , no evidence and no logic attached to it .
Do you honestly think you have any proof ?.


You are the one making the claim that "Religion is a man made politics that tries to control people's mind, body, finances ....etc. To be really free from myth, say bye bye to religion and all other types of human controls."

The onus of proof lies with the person making the claim. Therefore, you must supply proof that "Religion is a man made politics that tries to control people's mind, body, finances ....etc. To be really free from myth, say bye bye to religion and all other types of human controls." or your statement is rightly considered a gratuitous assertion.

no photo
Sun 07/20/08 04:00 PM

What you always say is only your personal opinion .
You have no proof , no evidence and no logic attached to it .
Do you honestly think you have any proof ?.


You are the one making the claim that "Religion is a man made politics that tries to control people's mind, body, finances ....etc. To be really free from myth, say bye bye to religion and all other types of human controls."

The onus of proof lies with the person making the claim. Therefore, you must supply proof that "Religion is a man made politics that tries to control people's mind, body, finances ....etc. To be really free from myth, say bye bye to religion and all other types of human controls." or your statement is rightly considered a gratuitous assertion.

It is very obvious to anyone . Does the sun need a proof ?. We all see it . religion makes no sense at all . a contradiction after another ,a stupidity after another ........!. Do I need to say more ?. My friend just remember the primitive life that all religions represent .

feralcatlady's photo
Sun 07/20/08 05:48 PM
Edited by feralcatlady on Sun 07/20/08 06:06 PM

to understand the word, so that i can rightly divide what god is saying. Is this the same holy spirit that the catholics, protestants, evangelical, and other of your countless sects and fragmented body also have?

How is it then, if this spirit is leading you in all knowledge of gods words and perfect understanding, that you are not a unified body of one? Explain to me why there are so many separate parts of that which your called to as to be "ONE" body of Christ, and yet you are not? Why the division's? Or Am i being misinformed again and there are many different truths your spirit gives out to groups of believers and wants to keep the body dismembered?

Two reasons: Romans 14 and human nature.
I'll buy human nature, but not an outdated, unproven text written by men.

"The Holy Scripture are our letters from home." Augustine

"For the word of God is living and active. Sharper then any double edged sword, joints and marrow; it judges the thoughts and attitudes of the heart." Hebrews 4:12

no photo
Sun 07/20/08 06:11 PM

It is very obvious to anyone . Does the sun need a proof ?. We all see it. religion makes no sense at all . a contradiction after another ,a stupidity after another ........!. Do I need to say more ?. My friend just remember the primitive life that all religions represent .

Logical Fallacy: Argument From Omniscience

The only way you could know that the bolded statements above are true is if you are omniscient.

feralcatlady's photo
Sun 07/20/08 06:22 PM
Sometimes the whole religion threads just make me want to weep......

This for me is not really and issue.....you take "religion" churches and you put it on the same level as the "Holy Spirit" This is not so. Again I say to all for me....take religion out of it....For all that will change in good time anyway....When Christ comes he will and only "He" will be the ultimate authority and the ultimate church.

A relationship with Christ is a "personal" one....as I have said countless times.

And because of this personal relationship and only because of it....Is what leads me.

And to think that anyone would ever have perfect understanding and/or knowledge is just plain silly....

To all that believe that Christ died for our sins, and that you give "ALL" of your life to him is where there could be unity...

As churches are of man then that is where you may have the division. It has nothing to do with God and all to do with man. As also it is in the bible more so no then ever their are false religions, false teachers, because this is satan trying to get his last grasp of human kind.

Now for me.....I love all...whether you believe as I do or not...doesn't matter......there are different people as there are different truths for all people....No one is right or wrong and no one has the control except "God" himself.

I also believe very strongly for myself that the division comes when anyone take the original scripture and re-writes to fit their needs.....There is only "ONE" God and thus only "HIS' truth...anything else you would have to look at at decide for yourselves.

The only true thing that would alinate,dismember, hate, loath, mock, not believe, call God's word's lies, is satan.....whom is running amok....but in the end he will be banished for ever and ever and ever.

tribo's photo
Sun 07/20/08 06:35 PM
what offtopic whoa yawn ohwell

feralcatlady's photo
Sun 07/20/08 06:42 PM

what offtopic whoa yawn ohwell

excuse me answered original OP

tribo's photo
Sun 07/20/08 07:14 PM

to understand the word, so that I can rightly divide what god is saying. Is this the same holy spirit that the catholics, protestants, evangelical, and other of your countless sects and fragmented body also have?

Before adressing the second part, this statement needs a bit of clarification. Simply calling oneself a "Catholic" or "Baptist" or "name-the-denomination" is not qualification for having the holy spirit. It isn't a door prise one gets when they join a church. The Holy Spirit is given to one who repents of their sins, and recognises the finished work of Christ on the cross and has the faith that God raised Him from the death. This is independent of any denominational adherancy.

How is it then, if this spirit is leading you in all knowledge of gods words and perfect understanding, that you are not a unified body of one? Explain to me why there are so many separate parts of that which your called to as to be "ONE" body of Christ, and yet you are not? Why the division's? Or Am i being misinformed again and there are many different truths your spirit gives out to groups of believers and wants to keep the body dismembered?

The key word here is "leading". This suggests that those who are spirit filled are on a "journey" as it were, and are in various places on that journey and not necessarily at the same place of their understanding or maturity. The question "why the divisions" is a good one, and there really isn't a justifyable response. However, there is certainly an explainable one. It comes down to "man's accepting the interpretation of Man." Those who's faith is in their - priest, pastor, guru, mentor - whatever. These leaders may not be spirit filled themselves, but simply charismatic. Jim Jones, Charles Manson, Joseph Smith, Mary Baker Eddy, - are a few names that come to mind. These are leaders who's "understanding" of the truth's of the bible have been blindly accepted by their followers - without examining the scriptures for themselves. Therefore - the "fact" that they have the spirit themselves comes into question.
Therefore - you have divisions. That does not imply that there are those who may be spirit filled who sit in the pews of these denominations - just that the "church of believers who are filled with the spirit" does not define itself by denominational bounderies.

you name the most horrific of types, some which are not even christian, but I'm talking of ones who you all deem worthy of having the spirit Eljay, those on tbn, 700 club, Hal Lindsey, benny Hinn, etc, and "all" those who follow them. these teach differing truths and give false prophecy's.

davidben1's photo
Mon 07/21/08 07:42 AM

to understand the word, so that i can rightly divide what god is saying. Is this the same holy spirit that the catholics, protestants, evangelical, and other of your countless sects and fragmented body also have?

How is it then, if this spirit is leading you in all knowledge of gods words and perfect understanding, that you are not a unified body of one? Explain to me why there are so many separate parts of that which your called to as to be "ONE" body of Christ, and yet you are not? Why the division's? Or Am i being misinformed again and there are many different truths your spirit gives out to groups of believers and wants to keep the body dismembered?

Two reasons: Romans 14 and human nature.
I'll buy human nature, but not an outdated, unproven text written by men.

"The Holy Scripture are our letters from home." Augustine

"For the word of God is living and active. Sharper then any double edged sword, joints and marrow; it judges the thoughts and attitudes of the heart." Hebrews 4:12


if what you quote feralcat above be true, and if breath come from god, all know god, then will not these words of god, the sword of "living active" words be within all, judging the thoughts and intents of the heart......you see this as soemthing "god" hold, which show you do not consider it to be as real, as tribo, as abra, as jeaniebeanie, as creative soul, as wouldbe, as morningsong, as rapunzel, as smiles, as EACH human being, and not even YET as yourself.........YOU HOLD THIS SWORD........was it not spoken life and death be on the tongue of EACH.........

each have breath, so each come from god..........EACH then will judge the thoughts and intents of the heart.....their own, and of all others......this is simple cause and effect as JB says......and what tribo sees and is trying to BUST out of........and what abra see does not hold to all truth which is logic........ones telling others not to judge show they DO NOT WANT TO BE JUDGED, so showing they MOST WISH NOT TO BE HELD ACCOUNTABLE by the very god they claim to know, which show no forgivness is had, or there would NO LONGER BE ANY FEAR.........

it is making OTHERS afraid to judge, that keep the truth of "god" from being manifest............

god be nothing more than the truth of all each is, nothing more, nothing less......was it not spoken in the beginning which is where we are at again that god be the TRUTH, the LIFE, and the WAY.........was it not spoken there were MANY gods.....the mind see many mental pictures of what god be, but text say what it is.......THE TRUTH.......WHAT RIDE FORTH IN REVELATIONS.......THE LAST HORSE......THE TRUTH......we all have heard many ideas of what god is, and believed them at first........

if ANY fear not to judge, then WHOM has taken away fear, as it was spoken only perfect love can cast out fear, and yes, even FEAR of god MUST go away, for it is only the BEGINNING of all wisdom, and not the completion........it is ALL as prophecied would be and IS even now..........

you look for god to be a doading grandfather, and to speak all loving kind words, but indeed those cannot ever be gotten to until all the bad stuff never wished to be talked about is over, each and every bitterness or resentment spoken, WHICH BRING AGREEMENT, AND IF ANY TWO AGREE, THEY CAN SAY TO THE MOUNTAIN, BE CAST INTO THE SEA........

what is the mountain........the belief and burden of whether one be right, loving, good, honest, kind, wrong......this was specified also.......DOUBT ABOUT ONESELF...........and what is the SEA......the sea of forgetfullness.........text interpret itself, not the mind......so this WE cast into the sea if the TRUTH BE SEEN............

did it not say to go to each other if their be ought against another........how could this EVER happen if one did not judge.......

"it was as a trick to keep out of the gates until the appointed time, and make one have to GO THRU FEAR, THEREBY ELIMINATING ALL SELF AGENDA, WHICH FEAR CREATE, before ANY could enter, proving one no longer sought MOST to save their own skin, but rather now had LOVE FOR ALL, and themself last........

what was the flaming angel in front of the garden of eden.....FEAR......that gaurd with what.....A SWORD.....and the sword is as you have quoted above.......WORDS THAT JUDGE BY OTHERS........THAT IS ALL FOR WHOMEVER CAN BELIEVE.......for the true meaning of lions in this day is as spoken, not the tearing sunder of body parts by physical lions, and none is spared, but now it only be THE LION OF THE TRIBE OF JUDAH, WHICH COME TO JUDGE........

then this FREE the "spirit of god" of a "holy spirit" allowing judgment to flow FREELY IN ALL, AND THRU ALL, TO JUDGE OURSELVES, AND BRING OURSELVES TO PEACE........


did we think all this was just as naught that has happened since the beginning of this cycle of time...........was it not said god has "NO BEGINNING OR NO ENDING".........then this world was not an ending of creation or worlds, nor did creation EVER STOP........then we are STILL IN CREATION NOW........what day of creation is it.......ALL HAVE BEEN PREPARING THE PLANET OR CREATING A NEW ONE WHILE LVING ON IT, BY ALL OUR OWN ACTIONS.........even the green house gases are setting the stage for the horrific explosion......A GOOD THING.....

did we think we would excape the hell that will come in a renewing of fire of the planet without ALL HAVING TO GRADUATE TOGETHER, BY HELPING ONE ANOHTER, AND LAYING DOWN PRIDE, AS THE SERPENT THE MIND HAS WHEN CAST HERE AT BIRTH..........did it not say the serpent was the mind, and satan was called a serpent......it is not this big scary thing that any need saving from, except saved by hearing the WHOLE TRUTH..........

IT IS THE ONLY WAY AND THING THAT GETS ALL OFF THIS PLANET BEFORE IT HAPPENS, but indeed not one shall persish, as the condeming ones that see not "equality of mind" even WISH for others.........is it not apparent that this "spirit" be the thing that HINDER.........

to be afraid of hearing others words of judgement weed out all those trying to get in the "gates" by their own IDEAS of goodness, and that want to push others out to get in themself........is this not kindergarten antics by grown up in a real world that now time has brought a need to SEE MORE.........it was said to SPEAK IT ALL......this bring then peace, and an end to self saving agenda and fear, which make for ALL WARS when fully birthed......

WE stop all wars, with the knowledge and wisdom of god....

to not see god in ALL others that judge you, is to see nothing more than what is MOST wished to be seen and felt, which prove it is something one already knows, so they are still and stagnet, as sharp words of a sword make all move even against their will at first, but indeed for THE GOOD OF ALL TOGETHER.......

it is to see god in EVERTHING and in EVERY WORD from EVERYBODY that lead to wisdom, as to not see this lead to an impossiblitity of self judging the heart, which is the only thing that excape hell, or a NEW BEGINNING........ones that judge themselves by believing the words of all others, pass the true test of DID YOU LOVE YOUR ENEMIES, AS IF YOU DID YOU HEARD THEIR WORDS AS WISDOM.......DID YOU LOVE YOUR NEIGHBOR AS YOURSELF, AS IF YOU DO, YOU WILL BELIEVE THEIR WORDS AS MUCH AS YOUR VERY OWN........

to not do this keep one away from a picture so big it encompass the purpose of EVERY human being on this planet, and not just this one, but also in other worlds spoken of in text, AND ALL THE BLISS THAT IS TO COME, EVEN NOW PLAINLY IN SIGHT.....

WHAT CAN BE SEEN OF GOD unless the first basic rules of god are found out to be true........that in gods sight "all men are created equal"......so if you got gods eyes, you will HEAR them as equal.......this cannot happen before judging is allowed, as this free the HEART TO LOVE.........THIS be what unlocks the door that is being knocked on by EACH one to another, and PERFECT LOVE is then manifested here on this earth now, and just in the nick of time, just as god was described to ALWAYS make happen, lol.........not later in some distant place.....

what wisdom does it take to see who is good and who is bad, but the true test of wisdom is HOW what look as bad is GOOD, and indeed was created JUST THIS WAY ON PURPOSE.......not just words memorized or rehearsed AS COMMANDMENTS..........

any that commit a "BAD" act one has not done themself, SPARES YOU, IF one is GRATEFUL and SEE they were spared, for since having seen others acts, and PAIN from such, it has made you see the opposite of good, and KEPT YOU from having to commit the same......if not seen, then many bad acts one will have to perform as even against their own will, as the temptor the mind then blind, to make fall into a pit that FEEL as equal.............

this is happening at all times with each individual, and with all individuals, and no wisdom can ever be found until it is seen WHY to love all, not just hearing the commandment and trying to do so.......

one HAS to know MORE than this to accomplish such a feat, as if the human defintion of love was accurate, then jesus himself failed.......that is impossible, and indeed impossible that any here will fail, not even one when all is over, as GOD be big enough to TEACH ALL what true love is, or he is not god, and he himself has failed.........

there are answers to ALL questions the mind has as one that read anything that is not just as each already think, but they can never be had if what is heard is always sought to be disproven...........rather, if one seek to prove all, just as a good scientist, or investigator does, the MORE truth or lies is easliy seen.......you approach all as a cynic, and if anything heard be different than already known, it is thrown immediatley in the trash........please

try to prove it and you will find each word written here explicibly true, and that no untruth be contained within........but this be for you to do as you see fit, as there is never wanting of more until there is need of more......if there is wanting of more, then the need for more is ravenous...........peace

tribo's photo
Mon 07/21/08 10:24 AM
thnx DB

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