Topic: Homosexuals In The Armed Forces?
Fanta46's photo
Sat 02/14/09 07:43 PM
Edited by Fanta46 on Sat 02/14/09 07:44 PM

when you wake up and a man is sitting on your rack and touching you he gets beaten

that is not propaganda

Gays in the Infantry dont last long either.

It's one thing to keep men away from women for months at a time when all they see are other men. As soon as they are afforded the opportunity all that is on their mind is to get laid, and it becomes their main objective.
But with a gay man it isnt the same. His choice of sexual partners is already present. He may start out with the idea of secrecy in mind, but after three or four weeks the temptations become too much and his idea of camaraderie changes with it. He begins to look at other men with a sexual look and gets braver as his lust builds.
Soon his secret is found out and he is beaten severely.

Remember we are talking about young men with an average age of 19 and an extremely active sexual appetite driven by enraged hormones. The circumstances these men find themselves in can be closely related to prison. Very physical and yet very limited in freedoms!

SanguivoreLuu's photo
Sat 02/14/09 08:56 PM
You seem to understand it a bit much. I am guessing your inspiration comes from personal experience?

no photo
Sun 02/15/09 04:02 AM

who cares in todays modern world what anybodies sexuality is..i dont think dont ask dont tell is nescessarily the best policy...i think ask and tell might be the better solution...then allow for seperate housing...

First I think don't ask don't tell is naive and childish. Since when are men such pussies that they can't handle such a simple thing like a sexual preference. In many cases the real problem for some straight men is that some one might think they are gay if they don't exagerate their manhood around the gay issue.

As for seperate housing, come on, are we saying men in general can't control their sexuality? How the hell can they fight the enemy if they can't handle bunking next to a gay guy for pete sakes. I would seem to say that gay men have more courage than the average straight guy, if the gay guy can join the army knowing there are guys there that are insecure about their manhood.

MahanMahan's photo
Sun 02/15/09 04:04 AM

no photo
Sun 02/15/09 04:07 AM

That is bull****

every gay man I knew of in the Navy was discharged (and some beaten) for fondling men while they slept.

Every man you KNEW? That statement just proves to me that your are full of it. Maybe one in a number of gays might do something that stupid but not all. Just as some straight men might rape a female soldier but not all would so something like that, so your absolutly full of it.

MahanMahan's photo
Sun 02/15/09 04:10 AM

no photo
Sun 02/15/09 04:33 AM

Hey Gay men aren't always girly. And Lesbian women aren't always butch, though it's good for the army!

This is very true..

I have posted this before but what does it say about men and women if we insult manhood and womanhood.

What is wrong with being a woman that would make men so insecure about emulating one? And what is so wrong with being a man that a woman might fear to emulate them? There are gays that exaggerate one side or the other but then so do straight men and woman. Some men or overly macho and it's obvious and some women overly feminine. Is that really a call to violence?

Men can learn a thing or two from the feminine side of them and women can learn from the masculine side of them. When we are so damned afraid of the masculine and feminine we can hardly claim courage.

So some gay shows an interest in another soldier and you beat him up? Wow that so impressive... He acts like a girl, so lets be 'men' and beat the s$it our of 'her'/he.

I am gay, if a man makes a pass at me, I maybe flattered but I don't immediately want to insult him or have him beat up, so what's with straight guys that make them feel manly about beating up a gay guy? The only people that would be impressed by that would be other guys that are insecure about their manhood.

MahanMahan's photo
Sun 02/15/09 04:36 AM
Edited by MahanMahan on Sun 02/15/09 04:41 AM

papersmile's photo
Sun 02/15/09 04:41 AM
Edited by papersmile on Sun 02/15/09 04:44 AM

That is bull****

every gay man I knew of in the Navy was discharged (and some beaten) for fondling men while they slept.

Every man you KNEW? That statement just proves to me that your are full of it. Maybe one in a number of gays might do something that stupid but not all. Just as some straight men might rape a female soldier but not all would so something like that, so your absolutly full of it.

He didn't say every man he knew. he said every gay man that he knew. he may not have known if someone was gay or not.

And he is the last person I'd ever say was full of it.

So some gay shows an interest in another soldier and you beat him up? Wow that so impressive... He acts like a girl, so lets be 'men' and beat the s$it our of 'her'/he.

I don't profess to know anything about the armed forces, so I can't comment on that.

However, if anyone, gay or straight, made a physical assault on my body (we're not talking a pass here) you're damned straight I'd attempt to beat the living crap out of them.

MahanMahan's photo
Sun 02/15/09 04:43 AM
...and the plot thickens!

How many gay men DOES he know in the military?!!!

no photo
Sun 02/15/09 04:59 AM

That is bull****

every gay man I knew of in the Navy was discharged (and some beaten) for fondling men while they slept.

Every man you KNEW? That statement just proves to me that your are full of it. Maybe one in a number of gays might do something that stupid but not all. Just as some straight men might rape a female soldier but not all would so something like that, so your absolutly full of it.

He didn't say every man he knew. he said every gay man that he knew. he may not have known if someone was gay or not.

And he is the last person I'd ever say was full of it.

So some gay shows an interest in another soldier and you beat him up? Wow that so impressive... He acts like a girl, so lets be 'men' and beat the s$it our of 'her'/he.

I don't profess to know anything about the armed forces, so I can't comment on that.

However, if anyone, gay or straight, made a physical assault on my body (we're not talking a pass here) you're damned straight I'd attempt to beat the living crap out of them.

You appear to be aggitated and you aren't even being assaulted.

I know exactly what he meant, I know he mean gays. If some one is assaulting me of course I will defend myself from anyone straight or gay that violates my space. But I am not going to assume they mean me harm just because they exist and are there.

papersmile's photo
Sun 02/15/09 05:11 AM

You appear to be aggitated and you aren't even being assaulted.

Things aren't always as they seem eh?

I know exactly what he meant, I know he mean gays. If some one is assaulting me of course I will defend myself from anyone straight or gay that violates my space. But I am not going to assume they mean me harm just because they exist and are there.

It doesn't sound like you know exactly what it meant because we seem to have two different ideas as to the comment.

And I bet dollars to donuts that I know how he thinks, and what he means, a lot better than you do.

MahanMahan's photo
Sun 02/15/09 05:16 AM
Edited by MahanMahan on Sun 02/15/09 05:16 AM

You appear to be aggitated and you aren't even being assaulted.

Things aren't always as they seem eh?

I know exactly what he meant, I know he mean gays. If some one is assaulting me of course I will defend myself from anyone straight or gay that violates my space. But I am not going to assume they mean me harm just because they exist and are there.

It doesn't sound like you know exactly what it meant because we seem to have two different ideas as to the comment.

And I bet dollars to donuts that I know how he thinks, and what he means, a lot better than you do.

Keep your dollars and donuts... I smell a closet homo here!!!! It's always the ones that go out of their way to prove
they are hetero that are secretly gay, and can't come to terms with their own sexuality.

So they beat up on gays! Real mature and masculine of him. Bravo!!!

no photo
Sun 02/15/09 05:24 AM

You appear to be aggitated and you aren't even being assaulted.

Things aren't always as they seem eh?

I know exactly what he meant, I know he mean gays. If some one is assaulting me of course I will defend myself from anyone straight or gay that violates my space. But I am not going to assume they mean me harm just because they exist and are there.

It doesn't sound like you know exactly what it meant because we seem to have two different ideas as to the comment.

And I bet dollars to donuts that I know how he thinks, and what he means, a lot better than you do.

Oh, no argument there, I am 'quite sure' you know how he thinks. And no I do not have two different ideas as to the comment. But I am gay, so there for I am quite familiar with prejudice and assumptions made about gays.

MahanMahan's photo
Sun 02/15/09 05:26 AM
I detest over-testostroned homophobes. I have gay friends and am very protective of them.

I think gays and lesbians are FABULOUS!

MahanMahan's photo
Sun 02/15/09 05:48 AM

papersmile's photo
Sun 02/15/09 06:15 AM

Oh, no argument there, I am 'quite sure' you know how he thinks. And no I do not have two different ideas as to the comment. But I am gay, so there for I am quite familiar with prejudice and assumptions made about gays.

So because you are gay you take any comment that isn't wholeheartedly, outrightly, supportive, and assume that the person is being assumptive?

That seems rather short-sighted and assumptive in itself to me.

Moviemadness's photo
Sun 02/15/09 06:17 AM
If you're not IN the military, or weren't IN the military, you should listen to those that are or were. I am currently a memeber of the U.S Air Force. There are so many issues here that need to be addressed, and I plan on hitting them all. First, I'll give you my opinion. I don't care if they are open or not about it. If they sign the same piece of paper that I signed stating, in a more complicated and wordy way, that they are willing to do whatever is asked of them to protect this country even if it includes giving their lives up, then come on in and help the cause. We need it, I can asure you of that much.

HOWEVER, there are issues with this. I'll get back to this post after reading some of the prior ones again.

papersmile's photo
Sun 02/15/09 06:20 AM

I detest over-testostroned homophobes. I have gay friends and am very protective of them.

I think gays and lesbians are FABULOUS!

I also have gay friends and family and am very protective of them and, in fact, the entire gay and lesbian movement - those who know me and actually read my posts would be aware of this.

However, just because someone says something that I don't necessarily agree with, I don't automatically attempt to turn it around and label them homophobic and or a homosexual in denial.

Sounds rather juvenile to me.

MahanMahan's photo
Sun 02/15/09 06:24 AM
Edited by MahanMahan on Sun 02/15/09 06:24 AM

I detest over-testostroned homophobes. I have gay friends and am very protective of them.

I think gays and lesbians are FABULOUS!

I also have gay friends and family and am very protective of them and, in fact, the entire gay and lesbian movement - those who know me and actually read my posts would be aware of this.

However, just because someone says something that I don't necessarily agree with, I don't automatically attempt to turn it around and label them homophobic and or a homosexual in denial.

Sounds rather juvenile to me.

Fair enough! And that is why I brought this thread to my friend's attention, USAF MovieMadness! He won't be as
juvenile as me arguing his point!

Good luck!
