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sushi's photo
Tue 03/06/07 01:15 PM
After several very nice e-mails, I was supposed to call this man who
lived close by. I did call, thinking it as a cell #. No, it was a
Mississippi area code. I've been had once again and I'm so tired of it!

FlyersSteph1212's photo
Tue 03/06/07 01:18 PM
Why would you hate me? You don't even know me!

verbatimeb's photo
Tue 03/06/07 01:22 PM
Oh, sushi, I am so sorry to hear that. I have not experienced that kind
of nonsense, yet. But, I am sure I will at some point.

You know what? I ALWAYS ask them to CALL ME. I do not dial phone
numbers anywhere as a rule from dating sites. Never have.

I think it is a good policy and one I have kept too. If a guy wants to
talk to me, meet me and/or date me he has to bite the bullit and pick up
the dang phone himself.

I have a whole list of rules (that I adhere to) and this one is at the

There are plenty of jerks out there playing games. I hope you reported
the gangster/prankster as that is sad and ABUSIVE behavior.

Hope things look up soon...

So sorry.



CATBW56's photo
Tue 03/06/07 01:23 PM
I'm sorry sushi, but don't hate everybody for one man's stupidity.

lma's photo
Tue 03/06/07 01:24 PM
Oh Sushi! I'm so sorry! Boys are dumb! Keep your chin up, good things
are going to come!

FlyersSteph1212's photo
Tue 03/06/07 01:24 PM
Agreed. Just cause one man is an ass doesn't mean they all
are...problem is finding the one that's not....

any suggestions? lol

buttons's photo
Tue 03/06/07 01:25 PM
maybe his cell phone was bought in missisippi? my friend lives in idaho
kept his cell phone from washington so although in idaho still had area
code of washington

jeanc200358's photo
Tue 03/06/07 01:25 PM
Now, this guy may very well be a liar, scammer, cad, whatever, but, in
all fairness, the guy could have a cell phone with a different area
code. Also, with Vonage service, for instance, you can choose an area
code of your choice, which people do for various reasons. Did you call
him and ask him to explain why his phone has a different area code from
your own?

Also, why do you hate everybody? If I hated everybody based on the ****
that men have done to me, I'd ...well, I'd hate everybody! And that's a
lot of people to be wasting my negative emotions on, that's for sure.

no photo
Tue 03/06/07 01:26 PM
Nahh you don't hate everyone just guys who are assheads grumble

lazyj321's photo
Tue 03/06/07 01:27 PM
i agree. first establish ground rules.. no address, phone #'s.. the guys
that created this site gave good advice on alot of things that should
not be done.. play it safe..

CATBW56's photo
Tue 03/06/07 01:27 PM
that's a possibility as buttons said. I kept my Ohio cell number for
quite awhile before I changed it an IL. number. But I always let them
know in advance that it was a long distants number for them to call me.

JaggedQ's photo
Tue 03/06/07 01:27 PM
thats a bright and opened minded intellect "buttons" kudos to

sushi's photo
Tue 03/06/07 01:28 PM
Thanks everyone. I'm kinda the type that is in favor of boy meets girl;
girl likes him; everyone meets everyone's parents, and if he stands her
up at the altar,Dad shoots the groom.

CATBW56's photo
Tue 03/06/07 01:30 PM
LMAO....Dad shoots the groom. By golly, at least you've still your sense
of humor about this. HUGS to ya girl!

whispertoascream's photo
Tue 03/06/07 01:31 PM
I am so sorry Sushi Things will get better. I am sure of it. (((hug))))

But Verb I have to disagree with you on the number thing. I will NEVER
give somebody my number until I got to know first. And that does mean
talking as well as typing. Did you know that a person can trace your
number very easily and find your address. There a rea TON of web sites
that will do that. All you have to do is type in the number and up pops
up your whole name and address. will even tell you if it is a land line
or a mobile. This works for the most part. So not I am sorry. I get the
guys number first.

romee's photo
Tue 03/06/07 01:52 PM
everything will be ok sushi, please don't hate everyone ok there are
lots of good people out there.

FedMan's photo
Tue 03/06/07 01:58 PM
but wouldn't a cell phone listed in your area still have the same area
code? should have only excuses maybe he was a trucker and got a cell
phone on the road somewhere or had lived there prviously otherwise he
should have the same area code as anyother phone number that is close to

spay's photo
Tue 03/06/07 02:03 PM

ATXAngel's photo
Tue 03/06/07 02:27 PM
Dont hate the spay...

And i still have an Austin Area Code and live in San Francisco

Cybear's photo
Tue 03/06/07 02:34 PM
What a Drama Queen!:tongue: lmao.You're too funny.I luv ya Sushi."I Hate
Everybody"=laugh Maybe he was intimidated by your hamsters or even
jealous of them perhaps(wink)(((bear~hug)))I sorry hon.that didn't
work.Why that lousy~2~timing~lying piece of work.Do you want me to give
him a little bear scratch to the upper chest region.Sort of like a
hamster trying to gain traction of his chest perhaps(lmao)But seriously could be a number of things when it pertains to cell#'s.But the
outcome of course is determined upon your interest level anyhow.If
not,the right one will come along eventually I promise.You deserve alot
better than that anyhow,don't sweat it the right one's out
there.Godspeed!Your Bearific Friend Always,Cybear
:tongue: flowerforyou :heart: smooched blushing embarassed

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